
2020-02-25 其他范文 下载本文


栏目组:英语沙龙主题:2012高考(college entrance examination of 2012)编辑时间:2012-4-20编辑人员:王首斌播音时间:播音人员:

开头语(Quotes):This is Wednesday, welcome to weekly English zone.I’m Tim.Glad to see you at this time.I’m Tim.It’s time to college entrance examination of 2012.So I will tell you something about some reminds of my college entrance examination.旋风英语

Get up on the wrong side of the bed,要是直译就是起床的地方不对头。这是个在美国通用的习惯用语,从二十世纪三十年代起一直沿用到今天。


这时就可以用get up on the wrong side of the bed来描述这种整天情绪不佳的状况。事实上你并没有真的从错的一边下床。

我们来听个例子。说话的先生平常性情温和,今天却一反往常。我们听听他正在为自己的失常跟同事们打招呼。请特别注意他话里的习惯用语get up on the wrong side of the bed:

例句:I'm sorry I'm in such a bad mood today我一整天都情绪不好。我们的孩子昨晚哭闹了一夜,而我又忘了上闹钟,所以今天早上早饭都来不及吃。只要晚上好好睡一觉,我就会回复正常的!这位先生有自知之明,特意为自己反常的态度向大家道了歉。其实要是你由于某种原因而没睡好觉的时候,不论你是从左边还是从右边下床,你的感觉都不会对头。

所以这里的习惯用语get up on the wrong side of the bed意思是“整天心烦意乱、情绪不佳,” 跟从哪边起床无关。

好了,今天的旋风英语就为大家介绍到这里,习惯用语get up on the wrong side of the bed意思是“整天心烦意乱、情绪不佳!”



我的高三感慨(regard of senior three)


In Senior three, how many days I squandered it so? Perhaps not long now!This feeling is not easy to find, and this silence is not easy to read, fast senior three!No longer as excited as well-behaved,learned in a daze, occasionally try to not do their homework heart will not fear, but have a calm;a strong calm.In Senior three, perhaps to meet me the avalanche of papers, endle exercise, but I was not afraid, because I do not want to give yourself in disarray, but did not give up, because I do not want to regret, so try to adjust their mentality to finally chose the face of which I am afraid of math

爱迪生告诉我们:where there is a will , there is a way.于是不再彷徨,不再迷茫。有了渴望,有了梦想,有了向往。携着光芒,放飞梦想,去寻找心中的光芒。


A long time ago, we know that the dream must need the heart to care.Today, walking in the senior three, the dream seeds already sprouting in the spring rain the moisture, the dream of wings in the spring breeze blowing ask, preparing to spread their wings



Line in the senior three, is no longer alone.Because there is hope.Like a spring night, the rain, summer night, the cicadas, the autumn where the frog is called the winter night the snow, always accompany me.Walk in the senior three, no longer afraid.Because there is hope.Whether it away from me so far, will lead to I leads to the front, the front that is full of my dream place!

回忆了自己的高三生活,才想起最重要的是心态,那现在我就说一下怎样来调整心态吧!高三三不要(Do not do it in senior three)

不要怕。不要把高三视为畏途,患得患失,不要总是担心自己不能顺利地走下去,或是担心自己明年的高考考不好怎么办。怕字当头,百事难做,容易做成的事也要做不成了。横下一条心往前闯,抖起你心底 “壮士一去兮不复还”的勇气。

Do not be afraid.Do not put the senior three as a dangerous road, do not always worried that he could not go smoothly, or worry about next year's

college entrance exam, how to do bad.Afraid of putting the word Pepsi difficult, things do not become easily made.Summon up the resolve forward, courage your heart a warrior to Come Nevermore “courage.不要烦。高三作业量大,压力繁重,休息时间少,这时候容易产生烦躁。跟朋友或亲近的师长倾诉,做做运动,暂时放下难题,换一个学科,做一点家务,听一小段舒缓的乐曲……这些方法都可以试一下。“烦躁”“烦恼”的频频来袭,其实正是我们心灵不够强大的表现,提醒自己:超越和成熟就在此刻此事,跳开一些看待眼前的小小烦恼,“必须跨过这道坎”,不是吗?试回忆,你还能清楚的记起上半年甚至上个月上周的“偌大”烦恼吗?时间能洗涤一切,而心灵强大的人能拨快时钟,更干净利索的把烦恼消化掉。

Do not bother.Senior three has heavy preure, the le rest time, this time is prone to irritability.Teachers to talk with a friend or close, taking exercise, to put aside the problem, for a subject, do a little housework, listen to the soothing music of a short...these methods you can try.”Irritability“ and ”trouble“ is frequently struck, in fact, what our mind is not strong enough performance to remind ourselves: beyond and mature on the matter at the moment, jump some little trouble to look at the immediate, ”must cro this bridge , is not it? Test memories, you can clearly remember the first half or last month, last week's “huge” trouble? Time can wash all powerful mind can dial a faster clock and more cleanly digest the troubles.不要悔。有的同学高一高二荒废时间过多,基础没有打牢。高三复习时常会感到漏洞百出,因此懊悔不迭。套用鲁迅先生的话来说——真的猛士,敢于直面充满缺陷的人生。记住,天桥底下跑江湖的踩钉板吞刀剑可能还有几回博一两个硬币,但天底下可没有人花钱买你的自我折磨,更没有人为你的自我折磨喝彩助威。

Do not regret.Some students and one sophomore waste too much time, did not lay a solid basis.The third year review often feel full of loopholes, so regret not cope.Apply the words of Mr.Lu Xun-true warriors, and the courage to face life is full of defects.Remember, under the flyover to wander about the step nail plate to swallow a sword may be several times to one or two coins, but under the sun can not spend money on your self-torture, the more you torture yourself cheering.结束语(ending)



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