Notice of Song Ming Yan International Ski Resort 为了您和他人的安全,请游客必须遵守以下安全规定: For your own and other people’s safety, please observe the following safety requirements: 1.身高1.2米以下的儿童,需在大人陪同下方可滑雪。
1.Children under 1.2 meters must be supervised by adults to ski.2.孕妇,高血压,心脏病,骨折人员禁止滑雪、滑冰等危险性娱乐项目。
2.Pregnant women and patients with hypertension, heart disease or fractures are prohibitedto ski, skate ortake part in other dangerous entertainments.3.请在乘坐缆车,雪橇,雪地摩托、坦克时,严格遵守相关规章制度,听从工作人员安排。3.Please strictly abide by relevant rules and regulations, and follow the staff’s instruction when you take the cable car, sled, snowmobile and tanks.4.在滑雪、滑冰、或者进行其他娱乐项目时,不幸受伤或者发生突发情况时,请勿惊慌,保持冷静,等候工作人员的帮助。
4.Whileskiing, skating, or taking part inother entertainment activities, please do not panic, stay calm and wait for help of the staff in case of injury or emergency.5.严禁破坏雪地冰面及附属设施。
5.Do not damagethe snow, ice and any ancillary facilities.6.严禁宠物和车辆进入娱乐区。
6.No pets orvehicles are allowedin the entertainment area.严禁跨越护栏,请爱护游乐区的环境卫生,请勿乱扔垃圾。
7.Do not cro the fence, keep the play area clean, and do not litter.请客人注意自身素质修养,在办理滑雪卡领取雪具以及归还雪具时听从工作人员安排按顺序排队,严禁在游乐区内打架闹事,如发生纠纷交由公安机关处理。
8.Guests should well behave andfollow the staff’s instruction and orderly queue while getting/returning ski equipment;fighting is prohibited in the playarea,and any disputes arising will be reported to the public security organ.滑雪须知
Notice for Skiing 1.滑雪者租赁雪具时,选择与自己身高同等的雪板,固定器强度适中或中下为宜,认真检查雪具是否完整无缺,如有缺件或损坏,要及时与有关工作人员提出更换。
1.Please choose skis of your own size with moderatefixture strength while renting ski equipment;carefully check the equipment andin case of any damagesor miing parts, contact the staff immediately for replacement.2.滑雪者着装要轻便、保暖、鲜艳;备好手套、雪帽(护脑帽)、防护镜;能见度低、突陡坡、急转弯处要精心慢滑。2.Skiers are suggested to wear in lightweight, warm andbright color clothes;weargloves, snow cap and goggles;slow down at places with low visibility, sudden steep or sharp turn.3.滑雪者在运动前,要充分做好准备活动,拉长各关节、韧带、肌肉以免外伤。运动时,首先要注意适应性练习,逐渐向难度或高难度过渡。
3.Before skiing, skiers should warm up by stretching the joints, ligaments and muscles to avoid injury.During skiing, do adaptive exercise first before doing anydifficultexercises 4.凡有心脏病、高血压、恐高症等疾病的患者不能参加高山滑雪运动。切记自己一定要量力,请接受这一忠告!
4.People with heart disease, hypertension,acrophobia and other similar diseases are prohibited to take part in skiing.Please remember this advice and never do anything beyond your capability.5.滑雪者在运动中,要控制好自己思想情绪、精神要集中、动作要准确,不能冒进,要量力而行,循序渐进,并请选择适合自己水平的雪道滑行。
5.While skiing, please control youremotion, be concentrated and accuratein action, and do not aggreive to do anything.Alwayschoose yourown level of skiruns.6.滑雪者不能停留在雪道上休息,在滑行中不准在雪道上横冲直撞,不准追逐前者,要有节奏、有规律的滑行。
6.Never stay on the ski run for a rest, do not rush out or chase each other;always ski regularly with arhythm.7.滑雪者在滑行和转弯时不准碰撞前者,如后者将前者撞倒或撞伤由后者承担责任。7.While skiing and making a turn,do not collide with the skier in front of you, otherwise you will be responsible for his/her injury due to such collision.8.各级别的滑雪者,要使您的滑雪技术提高更快,可以请专业滑雪教练进行教授和指导。8.You can ask a profeional ski coach to teach and guide you to improve your ski technology faster.9.滑雪者在滑行中,如雪具出现异常,应及时停下来,找场地工作人员检查、调整、修复。9.While skiing, in case of failure of the ski equipment, stop immediately and ask for nearby staff to inspect and repair the equipment 10.滑雪者在乘坐缆车、索道时,必须按雪场规定的制度和工作人员的提示进行乘坐,否则发生意外后果自负。
10.While riding cable car and cableway, you must follow the policy of the resort and the instructions of the staff, otherwise you willbe responsible for anyunexpected consequences.11.滑雪者租赁的雪具丢失、损坏,视情节予以赔偿。不着滑雪板的游客禁止在雪道上逗留或带领孩子玩耍,以免被滑雪者撞伤。11.Youhaveto pay for the lost or damaged ski equipment, depending on actual conditions.Tourists without the skis are prohibited tostayon the ski run or to have their kids play on it, to avoid being injured by other skiers.注:本规定最终解释权归甘肃法台山户外健身基地管理有限责任公司Owned by(松鸣岩国际滑雪场所有)
Note: The final right of interpretation of the provisions belongs toGansu Fataishan Outdoor Fitne Base Management Co., Ltd(Song Ming Yan International Ski Resort)甘肃法台山户外健身基地管理有限责任公司
Gansu Fataishan Outdoor Fitne Base Management Co., Ltd 2015年12月6日 Dec.6, 2015
