
2020-02-25 其他范文 下载本文




Eng:Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Shen Zhen University Town main stadium.I’m the English announcer Colleen and now you are watching The 26th summer universiade for the football competition.Are you ready? Our first game today is between ______and ______.(韩语:韩国朋友们,你们好吗?심천에 오신것을 환영합니다!)(日语:日本のともだち,ようこそいらっしゃいます)



Shenzhen will host the 26th Summer Universiade in 2011, to become the youngest host city in the Games' history.The Universiade is the third international sports competition to be hosted by a Chinese city after the Beijing Olympic Games and the Asian Games in Guangzhou.There are 24 events included at this year's Universiade.The Shenzhen games are expected to attract 12,000 to 13,000 participants from more than 180 countries and regions.5.天气预报



Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Shen Zhen University Town Main Stadium.(晴天+炎热)With the fine weather today, the temperature outside the stadium is _____.Please stay hydrated and prevent sunstroke.(晴天+干燥)It is fine day today, with such a dry weather, Shen Zhen 2011 Universiade sincerely remind you of staying hydrated.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staffs.(多云)Today is cloudy.The temperature outside the stadium is ________.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staffs.(下雨)It’s raining today.The temperature outside the stadium is _________.Please seek shelter from the rain.If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact our staff.(阴天或晴天+寒冷)Today is cloudy/sunny, and the temperature outside the stadium is _______.The _______ wind is blowing.Shen Zhen 2011 Universiade sincerely remind you of keeping warm.(台风)Typhoon is impending.Please be alert to the potential for personal injury.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.7.观众服务信息


Our dear spectators, please remember to bring your ticket with you and take your seat according to the number on your ticket!Thanks for your cooperation!


And remember to take good care your personal belongings.If you need any help, please contact our staffs, thank you!


2011 Shen Zhen Summer Universiade wish to provide you a clean environment, so let’s keep our spectators seating areas clean from litter.Thanks for your cooperation!



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SZ university town main stadium.This stadium covers an area of 57,000㎡ and has four floors in total.The entrances are on different floors.On the first floor there are entrances respectively for athletes, officials and other staff.There are four well-equipped athletes’ locker rooms, four referees’ locker rooms and a lot of office rooms and 24 spectators’ seat areas.Most of the football competitions are held in the Shenzhen Stadium which meets FIFA standards.Stands are arranged around the football field on the second floor.The entrance for football players is in the west.The athletes can stay in the locker rooms.Each of the athletes’ locker rooms is equipped with changing area, bathroom and toilet, and has complete facilities.10.[会徽信息]


The logo consists of three U-shape ribbons as U is the first letter of Universiade.The three ribbons are to form a big 'S,' which shows that Shenzhen is the place to hold such a game.The logo as a whole looks like a flying dragon, which is the traditional symbol of China,Blue represents the ocean as Shenzhen is a coastal city.Red symbolizes China and its paion for sports.Green stands for vitality and the future.Universiade is a stage for the young people and Shenzhen is also a young city.Shenzhen has many characteristics of Universiade as both are young, paionate, energetic and vivacious.[吉祥物信息] 吉祥物“UU”是由深圳大运会会徽“欢乐的U”,演变而成的一张笑脸。它打破了以往大运会吉祥物造型写实风格的设计传统,与会徽“欢乐的U”具有了共同的气质与外貌,共同诠释着此次大运会的欢乐友好的精神。

The mascot UU, a smiling face transformed from the Universiade logo Happy U, has been chosen to be the mascot.UU is a cultural symbol of Shenzhen Universiade, and the image embodies the city’s spiritual characters, such as openne, tolerance, youth and fashion.12.欢迎词/30分钟倒数


Eng:Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Shen Zhen University Town main stadium.Now you are watching The 26th summer universiade for the football competition.Our first game today is between ______and ______.比赛30分钟预报

观众朋友们,比赛将在30分钟后正式开始,让我们共同期待运动员们的精彩表现!Ladies and gentlemen, the match will begin in 30 minutes.Let's look forward to the players’ wonderful performance.13.观众服务信息



Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Shen Zhen University Town Main Stadium.(晴天+炎热)With the fine weather today, the temperature outside the stadium is _____.Please stay hydrated and prevent sunstroke.(晴天+干燥)It is fine day today, with such a dry weather, Shen Zhen 2011 Universiade sincerely remind you of staying hydrated.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staffs.(多云)Today is cloudy.The temperature outside the stadium is ________.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staffs.(下雨)It’s raining today.The temperature outside the stadium is _________.Please seek shelter from the rain.If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact our staff.(阴天或晴天+寒冷)Today is cloudy/sunny, and the temperature outside the stadium is _______.The _______ wind is blowing.Shen Zhen 2011 Universiade sincerely remind you of keeping warm.(台风)Typhoon is impending.Please be alert to the potential for personal injury.If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.观众朋友们,请保管好您的私人物品,贵重物品请随身携带,小心丢失。如果您需要任何帮助,请联系您周围的观众服务人员。谢谢合作。

Ladies and gentlemen, remember to take good care your personal belongings.If you need any help, please contact our staffs, thank you!

观众朋友们,请您持票入场,对号入座,并记得将您的门票妥善保管。谢谢合作!And remember to bring your ticket with you and take your seat according to the number on your ticket!Thanks for your cooperation!

15.强队介绍/赛事回顾 17.球员名单和裁判介绍


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the University Town Main Stadium to watch the 2011 Shen Zhen universiade for the football competition.The following competition is ________’s football between________ and _________._________, 首发队员为:____________ For _________,__________

替补队员是__________________ The substitutions are____________


The coach is ________________,from ____________._________ ,首发队员为:_________ For _______,替补队员是________________ The substitutions are_____________


The coach is ____________,from_________.担任本场比赛主裁判员的是来自____的_________(先生),两位助理裁判分别是来自___的________(先生)和____和来自____的__________(先生)。担任本场比赛第四官员的是来自___的_________(先生).The referee for this game is Mr./Mrs._______________, from_____________.And the aistant referees are Mr./Mrs.____________ ,from ______________and Mr./ Mrs.______________________, from______________.The fourth official is Mr.____________,from______________.18 入场


Ladies and gentlemen, ____________,_______________and the referees.19奏会歌

女士们,先生们,请起立,奏国际大学生体育联合会会歌。Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the anthem of FISU.请就坐。Please sit down.比赛流程播报


女士们,先生们,为_____队进球的是____号_______。目前比分为___:___ Ladies and gentlemen, ___________________,and the present score is _____to _______, ______is in the lead.换人


Substitution for __________, player No._______ replaced by player No.___________.补时

____补时____分钟。_________mins for added time.25中场休息

女士们,先生们,上半场的比赛结束,比分暂时为___ : ___。下半场比赛将在15分钟后开始。

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the first half, and the present score is _____ to _______, _____is in the lead.And the second half will come back in 15 mins.[下半场3分钟倒计时]

女士们,先生们,下半场比赛将在3分钟后开始,让我们共同期待运动员们的精彩表现!Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, our competition will be back in 3 mins, are you ready?


女士们,先生们,今天的比赛已经全部结束了,最终比分为__:__.让我们为______的胜利欢呼,同时也把我们热烈的掌声送给________。感谢两支队伍为我们送上的精彩比赛。Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the competition today, and the final score is ______ to _______._________won the game!Congratulations!And let’s expre our gratitude to the wonderful performance of __________ and _________.Thank you.(平局)


Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the competition today, and the final score is ______ to _______.And let’s expre our gratitude to the wonderful performance of __________ and _________.Thank you.28结束语

女士们,先生们,各位观众朋友们,今天的比赛到此结束,衷心感谢您到场观看,也让我们一起感谢所有为大运会成功举办而付出辛勤汗水的工作人员以及志愿者们,感谢运动员们为我们带来的精彩比赛和令人激动的时刻。希望今天的比赛为您留下了美好的回忆!Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the end of today’s game.Thank you for joining us to celebrate the efforts and contributions of everyone in making the Games a succe.Let’s expre our gratitude to the officials, staffs and volunteers.Thank you.29赛事预告


Ladies and gentlemen, the competitions today have come to an end.And there will be _______competitions to be held in the Main Stadium tomorrow between ___________ and _____________.30[退场/离场] 观众朋友们,请注意携带好您的随身物品,不要拥挤,请配合工作人员有秩序退场。谢谢!

Ladies and gentlemen please keep your personal belongings with you at all times.Please follow the direction of our staff.Thank you



Ladies and Gentlemen, two periods of 15 minutes each of extra time will be played.If scores are level at the end of these two periods, kicks from the penalty mark shall be taken.(平局)赛事预报


Ladies and gentlemen, the competitions today have come to an end.And there will be _______competitions to be held in the Main Stadium tomorrow between ___________ and _____________.紧急情况

女士们先生们, 下面是安全通告。如果大学城中心体育场要求紧急疏散, 请您不要惊慌, 并立即寻找离自己最近的出口离开, 紧急出口标志在场馆内部的显眼处都会看见。黄线和疏散协助员也将会引导您离开场馆。如果在紧急疏散时您需要任何特殊的协助, 请您现在就向我们的安保人员联系。

在没有通告安全之前, 请您在场外的等候区稍事休息。我们的相关指挥机构会尽快确保场馆内的安全以便大家重新进入大学城中心体育场。请您始终听从现场警察和紧急疏散协助员的指引, 因为这些信息不仅与您自身的安全息息相关, 而且更涉及到您身边的人。最后, 祝您在场馆度过愉快的时光。

Ladies and gentlemen, in the interests of spectator safety;please pay attention to the following announcement.Should evacuation of this venue, SZ University Town Main Stadium be required, please do not panic.All persons must immediately proceed to the nearest sector exit.To aist in the evacuation proce, emergency exit signs are positioned around the stadium.Yellow lines and emergency evacuation staff will also guide you out of the stadium.Should you require special aistance in the instance that an evacuation may occur, please identify yourselves to our security staff now.Spectators should aemble in the waiting areas outside the stadium and wait here until the relevant authorities have informed you that it is safe to re-enter the venue.Please follow the directions of the police and evacuation team at all times.This meage is in the best interests of not only your safety but those around you.Enjoy the game!






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