
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


True Law and True Love

Film appreciation for Philadelphia “Tell me I am not to blame, I won’t be ashamed of love.”

Listening to the theme music Philadelphia by Neil, I’m typing down what I have felt and learned from Philadelphia.The movie simply tells that a perfect and promising lawyer named Andrew Beckett was fired after he had been noticed that he had AIDS by his bo, who he used to adore, and then he decided to sue his bo.With the help of Joe, another promising lawyer, he finally won the case.It needed great courage when Andrew decided to sue his bo when he had to show his personal life as a gay to the public.At that time, homosexuals are still discriminated by most of the people, who thought they held the orthodox morality.Homosexuals had to conceal their real identities and be under great preure, which I take as the reason why they are outstanding in their particular career.But what gave him courage was that he believes law and he loves law, of which he mentioned during the court-------“What I love most about the law? Is that every now and again, not often, but occasionally, you get to be a part of justice being done.That really is quite a thrill when that happens”.He asked a lawyer Joe for help but was refused because of Joe’s fear of homosexuals and AIDS.At the library, Andrew cited the Arline Decision and finally changed Joe’s mind.Joe, so to speak, took the case not only because of his compaion, but more likely because of the true law.“Subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as handicap under law, not only because of the physical limitations it imposes, but also because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precedes the actual physical one.” It is exactly what the Arline Decision has said that made Joe believe he could help him with the case, just as what Joe has answered when his colleagues made fun of him by asking whether he is becoming a faggot------“These people made me sick, but the law’s been broken.You remember the law, don’t you? ”.As we all know, American claims to respect for every persons’ equal rights.Law claims that every man born equal.So everyone get a right to fight for his rights.A plot leaves me an impreion: One old man asked Joe whether he could see a case against the government, Joe accepted without any hesitation.I am not joking that if the case is in China, most people would regard the compensation as a luxury.What is true law? it should bring complete justice to people.Pathetically, I don’t see that in my homeland.People with AIDS and homosexuals are what we called the social vulnerable group.Although it ends with Andrew’s death and a succeful case, but the society still can’t fully accepted them.But at least, this movie brought questions and thoughts to the society.How on earth should we treat them?

In this movie, Andrew undoubtedly becomes the typical represent of the two social vulnerable groups.But actually it is a gay iue, just as Joe claims on the court------”Let’s talk what this case is really all about, the general public’s hatred, our loathing, our fear of homosexuals and how that climate of hatred and fear translated into firing of this particular homosexual, my client, Andrew Beckett.”

For me, of course I’ve never met a gay, because they wouldn’t tell anyone.Some people also call it boys’ love.To love, I think I have something to share.Love between lovers, in my eyes, is the most selfish emotion in the world.If one only care for another and mi another, we could say he’s fallen in love, no matter the “another” is male or female.When Miguel came to hospital hurriedly, regardle of his leons, and asked about his illne continuously, I can feel love.When Miguel threw his law books and begged Andrew for giving him more time to spend together, I can feel love.When Miguel hugged Andrew and danced on the floor, I can feel love.When Miguel kied Andrew’s fingers with tears rolling down his face when Andrew says “I’m ready”, I can see love in their eyes.Everyone gets chances to pursue their love.Actually, I feel disgusting when some man acted like a girl, but I won’t feel disgusting if he owns true love.I hate those who regard love as an acce to fulfill their body desires.For me, they are as disgusting as gays that all they want to do is to get into others’ pants like the movie mentioned.The opera plot is hard for me to understand, but from what Andrew said, I figure out what it means.The opera’s singer described when French Revolution the mob set fire to her house and her mother died because of saving her, but she still held hopes due to her mother’s love.She sang:” I bring sorrow to those who love was during this sorrow that love came to me……A voice filled with harmony…it said live still…I am life…Heaven is in your eyes……it’s everything around you, it’s the blood and the mud…I am divine…I am oblivion…I am the god that comes down from the heavens to the earth and makes of the earth a heaven…I am love…I am love.”

What I feel is that only when you and your relatives get hurt can you feel love surrounding you.” I am love”, this sentence touched me most.Everyone is born with other’s care, especially parents.So when Joe get back home and hug his daughter and wife, I may give a call to my parents.Born to be a gay may be torture, I gue.Because he would get other’s misunderstanding, firstly from parents.In this movie, Andrew has a Prerequisite that he got his family’s support.And I reckon it would be neceary, they are ones who care you most in the world after all.I don’t think people would all accept you, but at least you have to get your parents understanding, maybe it’s hard but they would always love you whatever you choose to be.Parents and your lover all deliver love to you.What can be true love?

True love is selfish, those who experienced love would know that, I gue, especially when they get jealousy.True love is care, and they might hurt you when you make a mistake, but you know that’s love.True love is not to blame just like the song Philadelphia sings, so we should not blame one who owns true love whatever he loves.


Law and Love “Tell me I am not to blame, I won’t be ashamed of love.”This is part of the theme music Philadelphia by Neil.This famous song has left me a ques......


To be honest, I’ve never watched Philadelphia before.I thought it was a boring movie when I was young.After these leons I am interested in this movie.Philadelp......

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