2015 年复旦大学翻译硕士英语笔译专业真题(回忆版)
这个我除了准备了作文,其他基本裸考,所以就真的当第一套卷子做完了,对具体的题目忘 了大多。
2、改错: 主题是关于“distance education”,具体内容大概是分析远程教育主要受众,还
3、阅读理解: 印象最深考虑一题“爱因斯坦,关于他在政治和宗教方面的,提到Zionist”; 还有一题是“得了重病的人的心态转变过程”;还有一题是和“英美”有关。
5、作文:命题作文《The Choice You Made Dictate the Life You Lead》400words。
1.汉译英=70 分【关键词:English Major,reader。】这是我在网上找到了原文,考了其中的这3 段。
原文是《The Ideal English Major》,By Mark Edmundson。(关于作者,哪位大研友愿意简
【The English major is, first of all, a reader.She's got a book pup-tented in front of her nose many hours a day;her Kindle glows softly late into the night.But there are readers and there are readers.There are people who read to anesthetize themselves — they read to induce a vivid, continuous, and risk-free daydream.They read for the same reason that people grab a gla of chardonnay—to put a light buzz on.The English major reads because, as rich as the one life he has may be, one life is not enough.He reads not to see the world through the eyes of other people but effectively to become other people.What is it like to be John Milton, Jane Austen, Chinua Achebe? What is it like to be them at their best, at the top of their games? English majors want the joy of seeing the world through the eyes of people who—let us admit it—are more sensitive, more articulate, shrewder, sharper, more alive than they themselves are.The experience of merging minds and hearts with Proust or James or Austen makes you see that there is more to the world than you had ever imagined.You see that life is bigger, sweeter, more tragic and intense—more alive with meaning than you had thought.Real reading is reincarnation.There is no other way to put it.It is being born again into a higher form of consciousne than we ourselves poe.When we walk the streets of Manhattan with Walt Whitman or contemplate our hopes for eternity with Emily Dickinson, we are reborn into more ample and generous minds.“Life piled on life / Were all too little,” says Tennyson's “Ulyes,” and he is right.Given the ragged magnificence of the world, who would wish to live only once? The English major lives many times through the astounding transportive magic of words and the welcoming power of his receptive imagination.The economics major? In all probability he lives but once.If the English major has enough energy and openne of heart, he lives not once but hundreds of times.Not all books are worth being reincarnated into, to be sure-but those that are win Keats's sweet phrase: “a joy forever.”】
2、英译汉=80 分。
总共是4 段,应该没记错。我在网上只找到了两段,摘录自复旦百年校庆很多颂词的一篇中 的两段。最后一段大概意思是“值此百年华诞,复旦大学与中国xxxx 合作出版了xxx 以纪 念...”__________。大概是这样。
【“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。作为中国第一所民族民间的私立大学,作为居于中国近代 工商业之都和对外交通前沿的综合性大学,复旦在其悠久的发展历程中,于科学知识的传授 与科学人才的培养、于中华民族之现代理性的开展与人文精神的养成,可谓筚路蓝缕,开启 山林;并且以其民主自由的学术风气,对中国东南的知识分子和都市文化的建构,产生了重 要的影响。
近百年来,复旦大学不仅以其爱国进步、民主科学的精神积极参与并有力推进了我们民 族的现代化事业,而且以其“博学而笃志,切问而近思”的治学态度铸造了取中用闳的学术 思想,陶冶了一代又一代怀抱超旷的才隽学人。】
三、汉语百科。(与去年重复率最高的一科)(1)百科知识=50 分,25 题。(我尽量回忆哦)1.Anglo-Saxon 2.赛珍珠
3.《天佑我王》 4.北美定居点 5.林肯
6.英国资产阶级革命 7.莎士比亚
8.《独立宣言》 9.诺曼底登陆 10.辛亥革命 11.GDP 12.利玛窦(据去年的回忆,13 年就有考利玛窦==)13.佛经翻译
14.UNESCO(这是“联合国教科文组织”英文简写。2014 年考”联合国安理会“)15.雾霾(2014 年考”温室效应“)
16.PM2.5【这个我有些不太确定,”雾霾“肯定有,这个我有点模糊,不记得是不是混乱了】 17.《伊索寓言》 18.单独二孩 19.工业革命 20.新能源车 21.埃博拉 22.哥伦布
23.活字印刷术(2014 年考“四大发明”)24.秦始皇陵兵马俑 25.MTI(2)应用文写作=40 分
以“韩素音青年翻译奖”组委会名义写一则通知,说明参数规则,要求简要逻辑。(好像是 这么要求的。)(3)作文
2014 年起,一些省市开始高考改革,包括”英语科目分数减少,语文科目增加分数,文理 不分科“等。请对此进行评论,字数800-1000。
2014年首都师范大学翻译硕士英语笔译专业真题英语基础1.Protestantism2.cultural anthropology3.Metaphysics4.cruise miiles5.anti-semitism1.可行性报告2.中庸之道 3.民族......
二外(我考的是法语)一、选择题 60*1’二、阅读理解 10*1’三、法译汉(段落) 1*10’四、汉译法(句子)5*4’法语考的还是蛮基础的,主要还是语法,词汇量不是很大基础英语一、词汇 20*1......
2013年山东大学翻译硕士真题回忆 一.翻译硕士英语。1. 单选20道,没考改错。语法的就两三个,考了倒装,虚拟语气。词汇考的很多,看专八单词确实很有用,复习的时候要注意近义词的辨......
2011年武大翻译硕士真题回忆选择题, 问答题, 英语, 一篇文章, 作文翻译硕士英语:(考纲上写的听力没有考)一:20分。单选40个二:10分。改错一篇文章10个错误(是一篇专八的真题,很久前......
