
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



Hand in hand to build a better future


Some people once asked this question to a philosopher, “How can a drop of water not dry up?” The philosopher replied: “Put it into the sea.” The dialogue gives us too much enlightenment.Why the turbulent waves have so large power? It is because that this power comes from a lot of water drop, and the water cannot prove itself unle it is in the sea.Now the value created in Oil Field is also built by the hard work from the millions of workers.翻开新中国的石油工业史,五十多年来,成千上万的石油工人为了共和国的石油工业奉献出了自己宝贵的青春年华,使我国从一个“贫油国”阔步进入世界主要产油国的行列。我们河南油田也涌现出了一批又一批铁人精神的传承者。Reviewing the history of oil industry, thousands of oil workers have dedicated their precious youth to the oil industry of the Republic.Because of their hard work, our country makes a great stride from an “Oil-Poor Country” into the main oil-producing country in the world.And in Henan Oilfield,a lot of the inheritors who with the spirit of iron man also come forward.1970年河南油田会战打响之初,到处是杂草丛生,荒无人烟,开拓者们住的是木板房,走的是土沟路,吃的是粗茶淡饭,条件十分艰苦,可为了多给祖国献石油,工人们用他们坚忍不拔的毅力和“宁可少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田”的铁人精神铸就了那个时代的石油企业精神。

At the beginning of the Henan Oilfield Battle in 1970s, the pioneers lived with a very hard life.The place was full of overgrown gra and deserted, the pioneers lived

in the barracks, took the dirt road and ate frugal meals.The nature conditions were so hard.But In order to exploit more oil for our motherland, the workers use their

perseverance and the belief of iron man that “ Must obtain the largest oil field in spite of le to live twenty years” which also build up the spirit of the oil companies.时光如驹,岁月如梭,眨眼间中国共产党成立已有90年之久,河南油田成立也有三十多年,在这短短几十年间,我河南油田发生了翻天覆地的变化,原来尘土飞扬的小路变成了洁净宽阔的马路,低矮昏暗的平房换成了高大明亮的楼房,拥有私家车早已不是梦想。从成立之初的一穷二白到今天已经成为豫西南大地上一个以油为主,多元发展的石油化工基地,并以它重要的地理位置,良好的社会效益和经济效益闻名。这不仅饱含着石油人的智慧与汗水,也记录着我们石油人自豪的成长历程。

How time flies, The Communist Party of China has already established for 90 years, and Henan Oilfield has also been built up for thirty years.Henan Oilfield also has undergone enormous changes in this a few decades.The original dusty roads have been widened and become clean, the low dark single-story houses are also displaced by the tall bright buildings.It is no longer only a dream to own a private car.And the whole oil field also has developed into a oil-dominated, diversified petrochemical industry base, and famous for its important geographical position, good social and economic effect.Such a development is not only full of the wisdom and sweat of the oil people, but also records the proud growth of our oil man.作为新一代采油人的我,深深的为生长在这个温暖的大家庭而感到幸运,也深知父辈们为了开创这片沃土所付出的艰辛和汗水,他们用爱岗敬业的主人翁精神,为国家贡献自己的一切力量。我们既要传承父辈们苦干实干精神,更要发扬勇于探索,敢于改革创新精神,促进油田可持续发展同时,与祖国共奋进,共创油田的美好明天。

As a new generation of oil worker, I feel so lucky to grow up in such warm family, and I also know the pain and sweat suffered by fathers who in order to create the fertile land.They dedicate what they have and contribute a lot to the country..We should inherit their hard work spirit but also develop the break-new-ground spirit to promote the sustainable development with the motherland and create a better future of

oil field.

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