
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


the isolated of historical cost accounting and fair value accounting is of great benefit to the accounting, which can greatly reduce the calculation procedure, in order to improve the reliability and usefulne of financial statements.With the development of our society ,our thought is also gradually improve.In accounting can be found so as to put forward a new method to solve the shortcomings of inadequate accounting procedures.For the accountants, under the isolated design of historical cost accounting and fair value accounting, their daily accounting practice is greatly simplified.Accountants only need to list the fair value information at the balance sheet date.what’s more, the data in the solid line table has legal credibility, so the legal risks of accountants can be well controlled.Historical cost and fair value being kept strictly apart in financial statements lead to a result that the arbitrarine of the accounting proce will be reduced, and the auditors’ review proce will be greatly simplified.As an accounting person, we should try harder to learn new knowledge to improve their accounting practice ability, in order that speed up to increase his knowledge to work better.I hope in the near future.The accounting system of our country can get the optimization and upgrading of better to promote the sound development of China's economy


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