高中英语作文素材 守株待兔 Lying by the Tree to wait for_高中英语作文素材2
高中英语作文素材 守株待兔 Lying by the Tree to wait for由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“高中英语作文素材2”。
守株待兔(Lying by the Tree to wait for)
Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields every day.One day, while he was ploughing the fields, he heard a bumping sound.He saw a rabbit lying by the trunk.He picked it up and found that it was a fat rabbit.He thought to himself,"Since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all daylong?'!He threw his hoe away and lay by the tree every day, dreaming for more rabbits to come.When he finally realized his foolishne and returned to his fields, he found that all his crops were dead.The story tells us that we should not wait for unexpected gains by trusting chance and luck.Or, we should not hope to get rewards without hard work.
The Importance of Enough Sleep 来源:2016年期中考试话题:生活创建者:山东省淄博第五中学徐晓东有范文 要求:随着人们越来越认识到睡眠的重要性,3月21日被定为世界睡眠日。请你......
高中英语作文:守株待兔-Lying by the Tree to wait for
高中英语作文:守株待兔-Lying by the Tree to wait for在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那......
NeverForeverI have no dream because I dreamed last night.—AuthorEverybody has a dream.They hope that enemy become friends.So we hope the Japanese become our fr......
SpringiscomingonWinter has gone , and spring is coming on .Watching the ice melting ,I know the whole earth is being rejuvenated from the winter.A variety of fl......
高中英语 Toconsumeistoloveourcoun作文素材
To consumeis tol ove our coun Recently, the iue whether to consume is to love our country has been brought into our focus.Some people suppose that to consume ca......