大学英语(B)全国网考专项练习三 词汇与结构_大学英语b网考试题

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大学英语(B)全国网考专项练习三 词汇与结构由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“大学英语b网考试题”。


1.He served in the army for only _______ before he was sent back.A.one and a half year

B.one year and a half

C.a year and a half

D.a year and half 译文:他被送回去之前已经在军队服役了一年半。

讲解:正确答案为[B] one year and a half 一年半。通常我们还可以讲 one and a half years,注意这里的年(years)是复数,因为是1.5年。A.one and a half year不对,因为year没用复数。C.a year and a half 的意思是一年和一个半个,一个半个什么呢?而one year and a half 是英语习惯的说法。D.a year and half,half(半个)是个整体,应有不定冠词a,我们通常都讲 a half,两个半个叫做two halves。We can cut the apple into two halves, so that each of us can take one half.2.Mr.Smith warned his daughter _______ after drinking.A.never to drive

B.to never drive

C.never driving

D.never drive 译文:Smith 先生警告他的女儿酒后绝不要开车。

讲解:正确答案为[A]warn somebody(not/never)to do something直接宾语(不定式)作间接宾语像warn这样的动词还有want, wish, like, tell, advise, allow, teach, order,ask而make, help, let的间接宾语不定式就不带to, 如:He made us do our homework all day long.He let us do our homework all day long.比较:He asked us to do our homework all day long.但是,当make用在被动语态时,不定式要带to。We were made to do our homework all day long.We were allowed to do our homework all day long.(被动语态时不用let,改为allow)

3.Because of my poor English I'm afraid I can't make myself ______.A.understand B.to understand


D.understood 译文:我英语不好,我怕我不能(让别人)听得懂我在讲什么。讲解:正确答案 为[D]understood

make myself understood

使自己(被理解),所以用分词,表示被动的意思。这是个动词句型,类似的动词有:feel, find, hear, like, see, want, wish 和get 与have。例: I heard my name mentioned in his speech.I don't like my car driven by other people.特别要注意 have / get something done 的用法。它的意思是自己不做,而让别人去做。

如:I am going to the dentist to have my tooth pulled.我到牙医那里去拔牙。(让“别人”拔我牙 被拔出)I'll get some people to have my room whitewashed


4.It's really kind _______.A.of you to say so

B.for you to say soC.of you saying so

D.for you saying so 译文:你这样讲真是太客气了!

讲解:正确答案为[A]。kind of you to say so 你这样讲,真是太好心(kind)了。这是一种形容词句型。It / That is + 形容词 + of somebody + to do something.= Somebody is + 形容词 + to do something.You are nice to help me.= How + 形容词 + of somebody + to do something.It is nice of you to help me.How nice of you to help me!(感叹句)

这个句型的含义是:对(某人)(做某件事)的评价(用形容词)。我们看:to forget my wife’s birthday 这件事,用什么形容词来评价“我”呢,It is _______________ of me to forget my wife’s birthday.你在下面的词里挑一个形容词: good, kind, clever, foolish, crazy, stupid(蠢), foolish 和stupid都可以用。再试问一下,这个句子对不对: That's pretty of you to wear the flower.这句是不通的,逻辑不对。因为(带花)这个动作只能用“好,聪明”等对这个动作的一种评价,而pretty形容的是外表,不能评价某种动作,逻辑不通。

5.She could only see the _______ of the trees.A.outline



D.outlook 译文:她只能看到树的轮廓。讲解:正确答案为[A] outline 轮廓。edge 是边,不是中心或面。Outline指的是一个整体从远处看的轮廓,如:the outline of the mountain就是看到的山与天连接处的轮廓,而不是细节。Outline的另一个意思是梗概、大纲,如the outline of the report。

6.There are _______ benefits in the new system.A.concise



D.metal 译文:新设备可以(带来)真正的利益。

讲解:正确答案为[C] real benefit 真实的利益。A.concise 简明的;B.precise 恰恰;D.metal 金属的。

7.I can't tell the _______ difference between the twin sisters.A.slight



D.single 译文:我一点也说不出这对孪生姐妹的区别。

讲解:正确答案为[A] slight 细微的,或slightest(最微妙的)B.simple简单的、单纯的 C.slender 苗条的,D.single 单个的,不成双的,单身的

8.He soon _______ his fortune.A.confused



D.consumed 译文:很快他就把他的财富花(消耗)光了。

讲解:正确答案为[D] consumed 消耗、消费、使用。A.confused 混淆 B.cost 花费 C.paid支付。

9.I felt soon _______ by your dirty words.A.concealed



D.reflected 译文:听到你的那番臭话,我一点劲头都没有了。

讲解:正确答案为[C] discouraged(使)泄气、阻止(某人去做什么)A.concealed

掩盖、遮住 B.preserved 维护、保持 D.reflected 反射、反映

10.She decided not to ______ her husband’s name when she got married.A.adjust



D.admit 译文:她决定结婚后不用她丈夫的名字。

讲解:正确答案为[B] adopt 承袭(名字),收养(孩子)A.adjust 调整 C.addre

向某人致函、向谁致辞。D.admit 承认、准许进入(大学等)

11.____, we decided to leave at once, as we didn't want to risk miing the bus.A.As it being pretty late

B.It being pretty late

C.It was being pretty late

D.Being pretty late 译文:(时间已晚),我们决定立即动身,因为我们不想错过这班公交车。


(1)带有逻辑上的主语;(2)逻辑主语的谓语部分不同于一般的动词,而使用分词(-ing 或-ed);(3)不要连词。比较 Because my mother is sick, I cannot attend the conference.My mother being sick, I cannot attend the conference.Because my arm was injured, I cannot attend the conference.My arm injured, I cannot attend the conference.题中原句的意思是: it is pretty late, „ 用来说明我们为什么要立即动身的理由,有三种办法表达这种意思:(1)用原因状语从句 Since it is pretty late, we decided to „(2)分两句讲: It is pretty late.We decided to „

(3)用独立主格: It(指时间)being pretty late, we decided to „ 误判1:pretty late误认为指的是we,所以选D.Being pretty late.解:late 如果指人,we are late,此处late的意思是(迟了/ 晚了= 过了应做事情的时间)。既然过了赶车的时间,还去赶车是讲不通的。还要去赶车,说明此处late是时间不早的意思,一般是指很晚(快到黑天)的意思。而讲时间要用主语it, it is late而不是we are late。

误判2:选C.It was being late, 解:It was being late是个完整的句子,它和后面的主句之间就形成相对平等的关系,或用句号结束这句话,但题目上给的是逗号。或用连词and把两句连起来,It was being late, and we decided to „但题目上没有and。所以是错的。

误判3:选A,As it being pretty late,如用as 应是As it was pretty late.而不是As it being。

12.____ was once regarded as impoible has now become a reality.A.What



D.As 译文:(曾被认为不可能的事)现在变成现实了。

讲解:正确答案为[A]名词从句--名词从句的引导词是“what”,语序有变化,不同于正常语序。“what”代替了句中某个“事或物”,而这个“事或物”(名词)则被省略。(we once regarded “something” as impoible)has now become a reality =(What we once regarded as impoible)(从句作主语)has now become reality。

误判 1: 选 B.That 解: that 所引导的从句应是完整的句子,语序正常,如:That everybody has paed the exam is known to all, 而what / who引导的从句等于替换句中的相关成分。如: what we know(我们所知的),what we are now studying(我们所学的),此处what 代替的是know,study的宾语,但没有明确讲是什么。(What you saw yesterday)cannot be found in other places.你昨天见到的(事 / 东西)在其他地方是见不到的。(what从句作主语)

Please don't tell other people about(what you saw yesterday).你不要告诉别人你昨天见到的(事 / 东西)好吗。(what从句作介词宾语)

误判 2:which 引导的是定语从句,as引导的是状语从句,均不可选。

13.Mr.Smith, together with his wife and children,____ going to the party this weekend.A.am



D.will 译文:Smith先生,(与他的妻子和孩子一起),本周末要去参加一个聚会。

讲解:正确答案为[B]主谓一致--所谓主谓一致是指谓语动词要与主语相一致。这句要求的是动词的单 / 复数要与主语匹配。如下面几种情况:

(1)用and 连词是复数: Mary and Larry are „

(2)用or, either „ or„, neither „ nor „时,随or / nor后面的词而定。这被称作就近原则。Neither he nor we are „

(3)出现together with 和as well as 的短语时,不要管它,要以主语而定。Xiao Li, together with his friends, is going to the movie.Lao Li, as well as all the other people, is going to ….14.Would you mind ____ the computer game in your room?

A.him playing

B.his playing

C.him to play

D.him play 译文:你在意(他)在你的房间里(玩电脑游戏)吗?讲解:正确答案为[B] Mind 后面的宾语带ing。类似的动词还有: enjoy, cannot help, avoid, give up, keep等。动词的宾语既能用ing形式,也可用不定式 to do的动词还有stop,remember, forget但意思不同。stop to do something停下来去干什么 stop doing something 停止干什么

remember doing something 记着干过了什么

remember to do something 要记住(以后)去干什么,别忘了 动词的-ing形式可带逻辑上的主语: 如his playing football, my opening the window,如:Would you mind my opening the window? I would suggest your not smoking here.它可以用否定形式,not knowing why, not smoking here.Would you mind not smoking here?

15.By next year he ______ in New York for five years.A.has worked B.has been working

C.works D.will have worked 译文:(到明年),他就(将)在纽约(住满了)五年了。

讲解:正确答案为[D] 以介词by 引导的时间,往往用完成时。by 2008, by the end of next year, by then, by the end of 1992等等。

将来完成时: 时间信号是by + 将来的时间, 主句中用将来完成时或完成进行时。By the time you finish your college studies I will have got married.By the year 2009 China will have hosted the Olympic Games.过去完成时: 时间信号是by + 过去时间,主句中用过去完成时或过去完成进行时。By the time when we got there, everything had been sold out.By the end of 1989 I had finished my studies in college.16.Henry is often seen ______ English aloud every morning in the claroom.A.read



D.to read 译文:Henry 常常(被人看到)每天早晨在教室里大声(朗读)英文。讲解:正确答案为[D] 感官动词see, watch, hear, feel,在主动语态状况下不定式作宾语补足语时没有to。例:We saw him take everything away from the house.。但在被动语态状况下,不定式 要带to。例:He was seen to take everything away from the house。问题中的句子可还原为(We)often see him read English aloud every morning in the claroom.误判:C.reading。感官动词后的不定式不带(to),同时也可带动词的-ing形式。如:I saw him take everything away from the house yesterday.(见到take的全过程)。

I saw him taking everything away from the house yesterday.(见到taking那一刹那)。

see somebody do something 与 see somebody doing something 意思上的区别是:一个是do 的全过程,一个是doing的那一瞬间。此句的动作时间是every morning,因此,不是一瞬间,所以不是reading,而是to read。

17.Without heat and sunlight, plants on the earth _______ well.A.would not grow

B.will not grow

C.had not grown

D.would not be grown 译文:(假设热和阳光都没有了)地球上的植物就(将不会生长了)。讲解:正确答案为[A]虚拟语气 without(假设没有„)。如果假设没有某人的帮助,这种假设条件是可能存在的。但是假设没有阳光和热,这种假设就是不真实的假设,应使用非真实条件句(虚拟语气)。虚拟语气的主句中的动词应带would。


18.Only recently _______ to deal with the environmental problems.A.something has done

B.has something done C.has something been done

D.something has been done 译文:(只有最近)有些事情(才被做了)对付环境问题。讲解:正确答案为[C]。倒装句:

(1)以only 和not only, but also 开头的句子。

Only in this way can we learn English well.(注意:can we learn是个倒装形式)。

Not only did they take the desks away, but they took the chairs away.(注意but后的正常语序)(2)以否定词no, not, never, hardly, seldom, 开头的句子。No where else can you fin such good quality furniture.Never before have I ever been so happy.19.The question _______ at the meeting tomorrow is very important.A.to discu

B.being discued

C.to be discued

D.will be discued 译文:在明天会议上(将被讨论的)问题非常重要。讲解:正确答案为[C] 不定式作定语修饰名词:

(1)所谓定语:修饰名词的词或短语叫定语。有的定语在名词的前面,叫前置修饰词,有:形容词,名词,动名词等。如:a happy man, a sleeping boy, a photo copy。但副词,介词短语,分词短语和不定式作定语修饰名词时在被修饰词的后面,叫后置修饰词。如:the car over there(在那儿的那辆车)the man living upstairs(楼上住的那位先生),the book on the second shelf in the bookcase(书橱中第二格的那本书)。

(2)不定式作定语,在被修饰词后面。一般在意义上有“将来”的意思。A book to read(要读的一本书),the question to be answered(要“被”回答的问题),the question to be discued(要“被”讨论的问题)。注意被动语态的使用。误判

B.being discued(正在讨论的问题)。A.to discu(应用被动语态)。

20.Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it _______ last night.A.must rain

B.was raining

C.must have rained

D.may rain 译文:因为这条路很湿又滑,(昨天晚上肯定)下雨了。讲解:正确答案为[C] 推测句 must be / must be doing / must have done 表示的是一种推测性的句子。

must be 一定是,must be doing 一定在做什么 must have done 一定做过什么。

Who’s there? It must be Tom.谁在那儿?一定是汤姆。Who’s singing next door? Tom must be singing there.谁在隔壁唱歌?一定是汤姆在唱歌。

The road is wet.It must have rained yesterday evening.地很湿。昨天晚上一定下雨了。

注意 must have done 指的是推测过去时间发生的事。时间状语是过去的时间。

21.The mother didn't know ___ to blame for the broken gla as it happened while she was out.A.who



D.what 译文:母亲不知道该(责备谁)在她出去的时候把玻璃杯打碎了。讲解:正确答案为[A]不定式作宾语前面加疑问代词 what, where, when, who, how等。I don't know how to do it.I don't know where to find my book.I don't know when to start the work.I don't know who / whom to see today for this matter.22.I believe that every crime, ______ the circumstance, should be severely punished.A.in spite of

B.because of

C.instead of

D.on account of 译文:我相信,(不管是什么情况)每个案件都应得到重判。讲解:正确答案为[A]in spite of 尽管/不管

in spite of the circumstance不管是什么情况。

23.The workers are busy _______ models for the exhibition.A.to make

B.with making

C.being making

D.making 译文:工人们正(忙于制造)展览会上的模型。讲解:正确答案为[D].to be busy doing something 忙着做什么

They are busy preparing for the exam.(busy +-ing)to be busy with something 忙着什么事情

They are busy with their studies.(busy with + 名词)

24.Yesterday Mr.Smith gave a vivid _______ of his recent visit to China.A.dialogue



D.account 译文:昨天,Smith先生作了一段访问中国的生动的(陈述)。讲解:正确答案为[D]

give an account of something 描述„„

25.The definition leaves _______ for disagreement.A.a small room

B.much room

C.great deal room

D.not so big a room 译文:这个定义给不同的看法留下了(很大的空间)。讲解:正确答案为[B]

room for something


room for improvement 改进的余地。

26.By the time you arrive this evening, _______ for two hours.A.I will study

B.I will have been studied

C.I had studied

D.I will have been studying 译文:(到你今晚来的时候)我就(将一直学了)两个小时了。讲解:正确答案为[D] 将来完成(进行)时

27.I would have joined him in a picnic, but I __________ his company.A.will not like

B.don't like

C.had not liked

D.might not like 译文:我完全能去参加他的野餐,(但是我没有),我不喜欢他的那伙朋友。

讲解:正确答案为[B] 注意--这不是if(如果),而是but(但是)。would + have done 表示本可以做而未做的意思。I would have joined you if I had time.如果我有时间,我就会跟你们一起去了。这句话要求选but后的句子。But 是讲他为什么没去的原因。原因当然是“我不喜欢他那伙人”。company 一伙人、伙伴。

28.Let's finish our homework in a few seconds;it's time we _______.A.played football

B.will play football

C.play football

D.are playing football 译文:赶快完成作业,(是)踢足球(的时候了)。讲解:正确答案为[A] It is(high)time somebody did something.谁该干什么了 It's time we went.该走了。

It is about time we stopped out work.我们该停下手头的工作了。

29._______ at Harvard, he began again to write his eay.A.Busy was as he

B.Busy as was he

C.Busy as he was

D.As was he busy 译文:(尽管 / 虽然 他很忙),他再次开始写他的文章。讲解:正确答案为[C] 让步状语从句 “虽然”(形容词 / 副词 + as + 主语 + 谓语)Tall as he is, he cannot reach the ceiling.虽然他很高,他也够不着房顶。Slowly as he walked, he arrived on time.他虽然走得很慢,他还是准时到达。

30.Pierre often makes himself _______ by gesturing with his hands.A.to understand B.understanding C.to be understood D.understood 译文:Pierre采用手势(使)自己的意思(被别人懂)。讲解:正确答案为[D] make somebody / something done 使某人/某事得以“被”做。Make myself understood 让别人能懂得我的意思。Make the matter known to all.让这件事人人都知道。

31.The bridge was named _____ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A.after


C.because of

D.before 译文:这座桥是以一位为人民的事业而献身英雄的名字而(命名)的。讲解:正确答案为[A]。name after somebody 以谁的名字命名。

32.There was a large crowd in the square _____ against the war.A.protecting



D.promoting 译文:在广场有一大群人,(抗议)这场战争。讲解:正确答案为[B]。protest against something 抗议

33.We have ______ to the government for a home improvement loan.A.arranged



D.appointed 译文:我们已经向政府(提出申请),要求房屋修缮贷款。讲解:正确答案为[C]。

apply to somebody for something 向谁申请什么。

34.Tom ______ the shopkeeper with overcharging him for the articles he had bought.A.accused



D.criticized 译文:Tom(指责)商店老板对他买的物品多收了钱。讲解:正确答案为[B]。

charge sb.with sth./ accuse sb.of sth./ blame sb.for sth.由于几个此都有指责的意思,选择时,主要看后面的介词是什么而决定是哪个动词。35.The idea sounds very good but will it work in _______? A.practice



D.company 译文:这主意听起来不错,但(实践)中能否奏效呢? 讲解:正确答案为[A]。

in practice 实践中; in advance 事先

36.He got a job so that he could be independent ______ his parents.A.on



D.from 译文:他找了个工作,这样他就可以(不依赖 / 独立于)父母了。讲解:正确答案为[C]。independent of sb.自食其力不依赖于什么人

37.We had to wait a long time to get our paports, _______? A.won't we

B.don't we

C.didn't we

D.shouldn't you 译文:我们(不得不)等了好长时间最后得到了护照,是不是? 讲解:正确答案为[C]。反意疑问句的附加疑问部分。

38.Do you feel like _______ today?

A.having something eaten

B.having something to eat C.to have something eaten

D.to have something to eat 译文:你(想不想)吃点什么? 讲解:正确答案为[B]。

feel like something 想要什么 I don't feel like a drink.feel like doing something 想要干什么 Do you feel like having something to eat?

39.It's vital that enough money _____ collected to get the project started.A.is


C.must be

D.can be 译文:足够的钱(被)积攒到以便启动这个项目是(非常重要的)。讲解:正确答案为[B]。It is „(vital)that

这句中的that从句中的动词用动词原形。所谓原形是说:动词没有人称和时态的变化,如:be / go等等。像vital的形容词还有:neceary, eential, important, advisable。It is important that he come on time.It is advisable that all the goods be examined after arrival.40.We consider ______ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.A.that it neceary

B.it neceary that

C.neceary that

D.neceary of it that 译文:我们认为(这)是非常(必要的),即:每次使用前仪器都要(被)调整一下。


consider it + 形容词 + that / think it + 形容词 + that

41.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her examination.A.to prepare B.to be prepared


D.being prepared 讲解:正确答案为[C]。busy 的搭配是 be busy(in)doing something。

42.The computer doesn't work well, so something ______ wrong.A.can have gone

B.should have gone

C.must have gone

D.ought to have gone 讲解:正确答案为[C]。情态动词 must与 have done结构的搭配表示有把握的猜测。

43.Although Mary is satisfied with her succe, she wonders ______ will happen to her private life.A.how



D.that 讲解:正确答案为[C]。

wonder引导的宾语从句, 其中 what与从句中内容相符。

44.The concert usually takes place at the People's Square, with the audience _____ on the ground.A.seating


C.be seating

D.to seat 讲解:正确答案为[B]。with+名词 + done 结构在句中做状语。To be seated = 坐着。45.If the whole program _____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A.was not planned

B.were not planned

C.would not be planned

D.had not been planned 讲解:正确答案为[D]。由if引导的条件状语从句中的虚拟语气。其中主句是would have done结构,从句中应该是 had done结构。

46.Isn't it about time you _____ to do morning exercises?



C.should begin

D.have begun 讲解:正确答案为[A]。虚拟语气 It is(about)time something did(过去时)(该干什么了)。

47.I am very grateful to you for what you've given me and _____ you have done for me.A.which


C.all what

D.all that 讲解:正确答案为[D]。all后面的定语认句的引导词只能是that。

48.It was not until she had arrived home _____ remembered her appointment with the doctor.A.when she

B.that she

C.and she

D.she 讲解:正确答案为[B]。强调句 it is/was „ that „

49.Determined to _____ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.A.carry on

B.account for

C.bring up

D.get through 讲解:正确答案为[A]。carry on意为“坚持下去、继续下去”;account for表示原因;bring up意 “教育、抚养”;get through “通过”。50.He _____ to arrange a loan through a finance company.A.tried



D.endeavored 译文:他设法通过一家金融公司安排一项贷款。讲解:正确答案为[C]。manage to do “设法做某事”。


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