1.1 学生的年龄特点决定写作存在困难。小学语文教师在进行写作教学的过程中,必须注重小学生的年龄特征。因为,在小学阶段,学生的年龄较小,学生在各方面都有所欠缺,所以这就给写作教学带来了一定的困难。较为成功的写作教学是小学生能够应用文字来顺畅合理地写出内心的想法,把自己在生活中的感悟和对生活学习的理解表达出来,并能够连词成句、连句成章。但是这些对这个年龄段的小学生来说十分苛刻,因为小学生在写作过程中缺少真情实感、缺少想象力和创造力、缺少自己的个性,写出的文章内容空洞,所以这就造成了小学生写作中的弊病,让小学生逐渐丧失了对语文写作的激情,使语文写作教学不能够顺利发展。
1.2 学生写作练习少。一些小学语文教师在日常教学的时候,受到传统教学思想的影响,只是依照课程标准来死板地教学生知识,迂腐沉闷地实施教学。重要的是在语文教学的时候对语文教材的讲解特别多,将大部分时间都用于此,而对语文写作教学所给予的时间就特别少,造成学生写作练习特别少。写作是一种综合能力,因此,小学语文教师必须培养学生的综合能力与素质,在日常教学过程中将写作教学融入进去,而不是让写作训练和课本教学相脱离,如果不是这样就会让小学生不重视写作,这就极易造成在考试时学生不经过思考就开始随意写作,或者是在无计可施的时候抄袭作文书,这对小学生写作能力的训练是极其不利的。
1.3 过度重视数量忽视质量。小学中的一些语文教师在日常教学中会给学生留特别多的写作作业,例如要求学生每天写一篇日记,一周交一篇周记,两周交一篇作文等,可是学生根本完不成,很多时候学生只是应付了事,不会对这些写作作业认真对待。小学语文教师对这些作业的检查也只是浮于表面走走过场,基本上不会认真去阅读学生的写作作业,大多数的时候只是在作业的结尾写一个阅字,这就让小学生感觉写作作业只是一种形式,无需多做努力,严重制约了小学生语文写作能力的提升。
1.4 学生写作兴趣低下。当前,小学语文教材实施了很大的改革,其中收录了很多优秀的文章。可是小学语文教师不会把这些优秀的文章和学生的写作联系起来,课文的学习对学生写作能力的提高基本上不起作用,难以将学生的写作能力在日常课文的讲解中进行提高。在写作能力无法提高的情况下,学生只会将写作当成是一种负担,不能够对其提起足够的兴趣和热情,教师也不能通过课本中名家名篇的一些美丽语言来提高学生写作的兴趣与热情,也不能对学生在写作方面进行启迪和借鉴。这就让小学生的写作能力提升十分缓慢。
2.1 选择适宜的内容。要根据不同学段学生的认知特点,引导他们选择程度适当的读物。如第一学段的低年级学生可选一些浅近的注音读物,“浅”就是浅显,学生能读懂。“近”就是贴近学生生活实际,学生便于运用生活经验帮助读懂。如:引导学生阅读童话、寓言、故事、民歌、童谣、古诗等。第二学段的中年级学生可以阅读一些文质兼美的叙事性文章、优秀诗文及趣味性强的少儿读物。第三学段的高年级学生除了阅读叙事性作品、优秀诗文外,还可适当地读一些文学作品、科技作品、简单的议论文和浅易的文言文。这样便于学生运用自己已有的知识和生活经验读懂作品,能读懂就有收获,有了收获就会有成功的乐趣,自然会产生强烈的阅读兴趣。
2.2 开展形式多样的读书活动。激发学生的阅读兴趣,可开展一些形式多样的读书活动,创设读书情境。课上可采用读一读、说一说、演一演、画一画、唱一唱、比一比等形式,启迪学生阅读兴趣;或采用现代化的教学手段,让学生欣赏美的画面,感受美的形象,激发学生的表现欲,使阅读成为赏心悦目的享受,成为学生自我表现的舞台。课下可开展读书演讲会、朗读擂台赛、故事会、辩论会、速读竞赛、读书笔记展览等,把个体的、小组的、班级的阅读活动有机地结合起来,让学生在丰富多彩的活动中提高阅读兴趣。
2.3 鼓励学生多积累。优秀的文章中一定有些地方是值得我们去学习,小学语文教师要在日常教学中多鼓励学生进行背诵和记忆,多摘录优美的句子和词语,注意对一些写作方法的掌握,在积累中提高学生的写作能力。教师可以让学生准备一个摘抄本,将日常学习中遇到的比较优美绝妙的排比句、比喻句等摘抄下来,也可以把文章中精彩绝伦的段落或者是生动的诗词摘录下来,因为摘抄本便于携带,可以随时将遇到的优美词句摘录下来,也可以随时打开摘抄本进行翻看和背诵。小学生只有积累到足够多的语文知识,掌握基本的文学理论以及优美的词句,学生的文学素养才能提高,才能在写作的时候感觉有东西可写,有思路可循,才能逐渐提升学生的写作兴趣和能力。
总之,在全国范围内实行课改的背景下,小学语文教师必须注重写作的教学方法,并且培养学生具备初步的写作能力。其中规定小学生在写作方面必须具有下面这些能力: 在给定的详细题目和限制字数与时间的情形下,小学生可以解读题目并依据自己亲身经历进行构思,可以在规定的时间内写出限定字数的具有自己真实感情的文章。然而,达到上面这一规定却十分困难,需要小学语文教师应用正确的写作教学方法进行指导。
Writing teaching is a very important task in the primary school Chinese teaching, Chinese teachers in the daily teaching must pay attention to the cultivation of student's writing ability, and continuously reform and improve their writing teaching methods.Under the background of new curriculum reform, the elementary school language teacher to innovation education teaching idea, pay attention to student's main body status, training students' basic literacy, reading ability, language ability of organization, gradually improve writing ability of students.1.The current status of primary school Chinese writing teaching 1.1 students' age characteristics decided to writing is difficult.Primary school Chinese teachers in the proce of writing teaching, must pay attention to the elementary student's age characteristic.Because in elementary school, the student age is small, the students are lacking in various aspects, so it brought certain difficulties for the writing teaching.More succeful teaching of writing is the students can apply to smooth inner thoughts reasonably, put himself in the feeling of life and the comprehension of the learning of life, and be able to conjunctions and, connected a sentence correctly.But these for primary school students in this age group is very strict, because students lack of true feelings in the proce of writing, the lack of imagination and creativity, the lack of one's own personality and write the content of empty, so it caused the problems in the elementary school students writing, let the students gradually lost the paion for the Chinese writing, make the Chinese writing teaching will not be able to develop smoothly.1.2 students writing exercises.Some primary school Chinese teachers in daily teaching, influenced by traditional teaching ideas, just according to the curriculum standard to teach students knowledge,www.daodoc.com rigid pedantic dull to the implementation of the teaching.Is important to the interpretation of language teaching material in Chinese language teaching much more special, the most of the time for this, and for Chinese writing teaching for special little time, leads the student writing practice is very few.Writing is a kind of comprehensive ability, therefore, the primary school Chinese teachers must develop students' comprehensive ability and quality, will fit in writing teaching in daily teaching proce, rather than writing training textbooks and teaching from, if not this will let students do not take the writing, it is easy to cause students in exams without thinking began writing at random, or a copy documents, when can the students writing ability training is extremely unfavorable.1.3 exceively number ignore quality.Some of the primary school Chinese teacher will give students leave much more special in the daily teaching of writing aignments, asked the students to write a diary every day, for example, a week to pay a weekly diary, hand in a composition of two weeks, but finish at all students, many students just to deal with, not for these writing aignments seriously.Primary school Chinese teachers of these aignments to examine only superficial going through the motions, basically not carefully to read the student writing aignments, most of the time just at the end of the aignment to write a word, reading this let pupils feel writing aignments is just a form, do not need to do more efforts, seriously restricted the ability of the primary school students Chinese writing.1.4 low student interest in writing.At present, a lot of reforms in the elementary school language teaching material includes a lot of excellent articles.But primary school Chinese teachers don't put these good articles linked with the students' writing, the study of the text to improve the students writing ability basically doesn't work, makes it difficult to the students' writing ability in daily to improve the interpretation of the text.In writing ability can't improve the situation, students will only writing as a burden, not to mention enough interest and enthusiasm, to the teacher and not by the famous masterpiece of some beautiful language textbooks to improve students' writing interest and enthusiasm, nor to enlightenment and reference for the student in writing.This makes elementary student's writing ability promotion is very slow.2.Research on primary school Chinese writing teaching methods If you want to improve the elementary student's writing ability, not happen overnight, but need through long-term guidance and practice, through the strengthening of all aspects of quality.Below, I according to the above mentioned the current situation of primary school Chinese writing teaching gives some targeted writing teaching methods.2.1 select appropriate content.According to the students not period of students' cognitive characteristics, degree of guides them to choose the appropriate books.Such as in the first period of junior students can choose some qianjin of phonetic readings, “light” is obvious, the student can read.“Almost” is close to the actual student life, easy to use life experience help students read.Such as: guide students to read fairy tales, fables, stories, folk songs and nursery rhymes, poetry, etc.In the second period of the students at the intermediate can read some narrative articles, good and beauty of language poetry and interesting children's books.In the third period of senior student besides reading narrative works, good poems, but also read some works of literature, science and technology appropriately, simple and easy writings in claical style to develop argumentative eays.Such facilitating students use their existing knowledge and life experience to read, to be able to read there is harvest, the harvest will have the pleasure of succe, will naturally have a strong interest in reading.2.2 carry out various forms of reading activities.Arousing students' interest in reading, but some forms of reading activities, reading situation.Cla can be used to read, say, in a play, draw a picture, sing a sing, compare, such as form, inspire students' reading interest;Or use modern teaching means, let the student to appreciate beauty, feel the beautiful image, stimulate students' desire, make reading enjoyment and pleasing to the eye, become the student stage of self-expreion.Cla can be to develop the lecture of reading, reading contest, stories, debate, speed reading competition, reading notes and exhibition, etc., the individual, group, cla's and grade's reading activities organically, to let the students improve their reading interest in rich and colorful activities.2.3 encourage students to accumulate more.Excellent article must have some places are worth us to learn, much in the daily teaching elementary school language teacher encourage students to recite and memory, and extract more beautiful sentences and words, pay attention to the master for some writing methods, improve the students' writing ability in the accumulation.Teacher allows students to prepare a quotations, will be encountered in the daily learning the more beautiful the splendid alliteration, metaphor sentences copied down, can also be wonderful paragraphs in the article or the vivid poems from down, because extract this easy to carry, can be encountered in beautiful words from down, also can open at any time to read and recite quotations.Pupils only accumulate enough knowledge of the language, master the basic theory of literature and beautiful words, the students' literacy to improve, to at the time of writing something to write, feeling have a way of thinking, to gradually improve the students' writing interest and ability.In a word, the nationwide implementation of curriculum reform under the background of, primary school Chinese teachers must pay attention to the teaching method of writing, and cultivate the students with writing ability.Of primary school students in writing must have the following abilities:www.daodoc.com www.daodoc.com in a given subject and limited number of words in detail and time, primary school students can read the title on the basis of their experience and ideas, can write word limit within the prescribed period of time with her true feelings.However, it is really difficult to achieve the above regulations and need elementary school language teacher guidance to correct writing teaching method.Primary school Chinese writing teaching present situation and the countermeasures
初中英语写作教学的现状及对策探究摘 要:写作是初中英语教学的重要组成部分,但目前广大中学生的英语写作水平却不容乐观。对此,本文分析了初中英语写作教学现状,并对其原因加以......
初中思想政治课教学现状及对策探究摘 要:在初中的思想政治教学过程中,教学体系一直在改变,这为初中思想政治的教育方式提供了很多教学方法。其中,合作分析学习法是当代最适用的......
