科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit7.7.doc
标题 章节 第七单元
关键词 内容
高中英语第 1 册
Unit 7 Earthquakes
本单元学习有关地震是怎样形成的、地震的多发区在哪些地区、人类能否预测和遏止地震。现在让我们看一下 1976 年 7 月 28 日凌晨 3 点 42 分的中国河北省发生的 7.8 级的地震吧。
刹那间,惊雷激荡,狂风呼啸,地声嘶鸣,整个华北大地在震颤,百万人口的唐山市顷刻间化为一片废墟。24 万人被夺去生命,16 万人遭受重伤,其死亡人数是日本东京1923年9月1 日的8.2 级大地震的2.4倍。造成直接经济损失 100 亿元以上。这是400 多年来世界地震史上最惨痛的一页。
A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Asking About the things (问事)
1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句
1) Were you in the village at the time of the earthquake ? 地震时你在村子里吗 ?
2) What's the weather like ? 天气怎么样 ?(用于询问天气、人的外貌、人的品德、人的技能等)
3) What happened next ? 接着发生了什么 ?
4) What do you think of … ? = How do you like … ? = How do you find … ? 你觉得 …… 怎么样 ?(用于询问对人或事物的喜欢程度)
5) Are you afraid ? 你害怕吗 ?
6) How are things there ? 那里情况怎么样 ?
7) What is it about ? 这是关于什么的 ?
8) That's very strange / very interesting / very good / boring / very dull / very valuable / very cheap 。
9) It sounds like thunder and storm . 听起来像电闪雷鸣。
10) Sure I was . I'll never forget that . 当然是的。我终身难忘当时的一幕幕情景。
11) Do you remember to phone him ? 你记住给他打电话了吗 ?
12) You did remember giving him the message , didn't you ? 你记得已经把信儿带给他了,是吧 ?
13) You haven't forgotten , have you ? 你没有忘记,是吧 ?
14) I wonder if you remember my asking for the information . 不知道你是否记得我曾打听过这方面的情况。
15) Do you by any chance remember his telephone number ? 你是不是还记得他的电话号码 ?
16) I remember she wore a green hat that day .
17) As far as I remember , he was born in Canada . 就我所记得, 他生于加拿大。
18) I remember quite clearly / vividly the first day at university . 我还请清楚楚地记得上大学的第一天的情景。
19) I'll always remember the time I visited London . = I will never forget the time I visited London . 我永远忘不了在伦敦访问的时光。
20) That reminds me of the time I studied at Beijing University . 这使我想起我在北京大学学习的时光。
21) As I remember = If I remember it correctly , we sent the package on the 20th . 如果我没有记错的话,我们 20 日就把包裹发出了。
22) I shall always remember your help .
23) Sorry , I forgot to lock the door .
24) I'm afraid I forgot where I put the letter .
25) I can't remember anything about it . 这件时我一点也记不得了。
26) I seem / appear to have forgotten her address . 我似乎忘记了他的地址了。
27) It's funny but all I can remember about her is her fair hair . 奇怪,我只记得她的金色头发。
28) Will you be able to come to the party ? 你能来参加聚会吗 ?
29) Is it possible that he will drop in on us this afternoon ? 他会不会今天下午到我们这里来。
30) It looks as if it might rain later . 看上去好像一会要下雨。
2、 Model Dialogue 交际示范
A:Did you listen to the talk last night ?
B:Yes , I did .
A:What was it about ?
B:It was about how to learn English .
A:How did you find the talk ?
B:Very good . It's very useful for us and was the best talk I ever heard . I'll never forget it .
A:Oh . Tim ! What happened to you ?
B:It isn't anything serious .
A:It's serious enough for you to be in the hospital .
B:Just a little too much smoke . I'll be back home this evening .
A:How did this happen ?
B:I had to go into a house that was on fire . There was someone in it .
A:Did you get him out ?
B:Yes , I got her out . It was a girl .
A:But there was a lot of smoke .
B:Yes , a lot . I had some trouble breathing .
A:What happened next ?
B:They sent me here just for the doctors to take a look at me .
A:It sounds frightening (令人害怕的) . I hope you'll be all right soon .
B:Thank you .
B. 单元重点新词透视
1. quake v. & n. 震动;颤抖,发抖。( earthquake 地震 )
At the sight of blood , she stood there , quaking with fear . 一看到血,她就站在那里,吓得浑身发抖。
The man is quaking with cold . 那个人冻得直发抖。
There was a big earthquake in the Northwest of China yesterday . 昨天中国的西北地区发生了地震。
测试要点:quake with 因……而发抖。这里的with 有时也用 for 代替。
The little girl quaked with fear at the thought of the accident. 小女孩一想到那次事故的事就怕得发抖。
2. shake (shook , shaken) vt. & vi. 摇动,震动,抖动
Shake the bottle before taking the medicine every time . 每次服用这种药之前都要先摇动一下瓶子。
shake one's head over / at sth 对……摇头
Nothing can shake our determination . 什么也动摇不了我们的决心。
(1) 注意该词的过去式和过去分词的表达。
The earthquake shook the building . 地震使楼震动。
He shook leaves from the tree . 他把叶子从树上摇了下来。
To be shaken before taking . (药瓶标签用语) 服前摇匀。
(2) 常用于被动语态中。They were much shaken at / with / by the news . 听到那条消息,他们大为震惊。
shake hands with each other = shake each other's hands = shake each other by the hand 相互握手
Chairman Jiang shook hands with that famous scientist .
(3) 辨析:shake , quake , tremble
shake 表示短促而迅速地上下往来摇动之意。
quake 常含猛烈摇动之意。
tremble 尤指身体因恐惧或汗冷,轻微快速不由自主地颤抖。
His father , who is 90 , says in a trembling voice . 他九十高龄的父亲用颤抖的声音说着。
His felt the ground shaking .
His hands shook constantly .
His voice trembled with excitement .
3. while n. (只用单数) 一会儿;一段时间
after a while 过了一会儿。a short / little while ago = just now 刚才
(1) 当该词与介词 for 搭配时,for 常可以省略不用。
rest for a while 休息一会儿。
Just wait for a while and then I will help you . 等一下,我会来帮助你的。
(2) 作连词引导状语从句,“当……的时候;和……同时”。
Somebody broke in while I were out . (注意本句中的 were 不能用 went 。因为 while 后的动词应是延续性的)
Strike while the iron is hot . (谚语) 趁热打铁。
While I was reading , I fell asleep . 我一面读书,一面就睡着了。
My son kept silent while I was doing some sewing . 我做针线活时,我儿子就在一边默不作声。
(3) 作连词引导让步状语从句。“= though , although 虽然;尽管”。
While she is a top student , , she has some shortcomings . 尽管是个优秀学生,她也有缺点。
While I understand what you say , I can't agree with you . 虽然我理解你的话,但是我不能同意你。
(4) 作连词引导条件状语从句 = as / so long as , “只要”。
There will be life while there is water and air . 只要有水和空气,就会有生命。
While there is life there is hope . 只要有生命就有希望。
(5) 作连词表达对比 = but ,“而;然而”。
He is a worker while I am a doctor .
Their country has plenty of oil , while yours has none . 他们的国家有丰富石油,然而你们的国家连一点也没有。
Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was dressed in blue .
(6) 固定词组:all the while 始终;一直。at whiles 间或;有时。between whiles 时常。once in a while 偶尔。间或。for a while 暂时;一会儿。be worth (sb's) while + doing / to do 值得(某人)花费时间或精力。
It is worth while seeing the film a second time . = It is worth while to see the film a second time . 再看一次这部电影也值得。
4. sound vi. vt. n. 发出声音;听起来;声音
The “s”in “island”is not sounded . “island”这个词里的“s”不发音。
The bell sounded at 7 o'clock for breakfast . 七点钟时,早饭铃响了。
His voice sounds as if he had a cold . 他的声音听起来好像他感冒了似的。
(1) 该词作系动词用后面跟形容词,不要跟副词。
The price sounds reasonable . 那价格听起来很合理。
That explanation sounds all right . 那种解释听起来是对的。
How sweet the music sounds ! 这音乐听起来真悦耳 !
He sounded frightened . 从他说话的声音可以听出他吓坏了。
It didn't sound like a child of eight talking . 那听起来不像是个十八岁孩子在讲话。
You sounded as if you were on their side .听起来你似乎站在他们那一边。
It sounds like the singing of birds . 听起来像小鸟欢唱。
(2) sound 作形容词是“健康的;健全的;完好的”。
They are children of sound mind and body . 他们是身体健康的孩子。
He fell into a sound sleep . = He was sound asleep . 他熟睡了。
(3) 辨析作名词“声音”的:sound , noise , voice
sound 表示能听见的任何声音,她不强调音响的强弱、是否悦耳、是否清晰、有无意义。因此它不含任何褒贬色彩。
We heard strange sounds in the distance .
Sounds carry well in this hall .
the sounds of breaking plates
noise 通常是指大而令人不快的“噪音”,嘈杂声,喧嚣声等。
The noise of traffic kept him awake all the night . 车马行人的喧嚣声搅得他通宵不能入睡。
There is so much noise in this restaurant that I can hardly hear you talking .
Please don't make so much noise ! 请勿大声喧哗 !
voice 专指人的声音,如说话、唱歌、笑时发出的声音,偶尔也指禽、虫鸣承德声音。
We heard the sound of voices .
I recognized his voice on the phone . 在电话上我辨别出了他声音。
Out from the forest came the voice of the cuckoo . 从树林里传来了杜鹃的叫声。
5. point n. 点。vt. vi. 弄尖;指向;把……对准;文章的要点;分数
Your had better point your pencil with this knife .你最好用这把刀子把你的铅笔削一下。
My teacher always points out and corrects my mistakes whenever I hand in my composition . 每次交的作文,老师总是给我指出错处并加以改正。
We won by five points . 我们以 5 分之差取胜。(即我们赢了 5 分)
This is the point of the article . 这就是本文的要点。
Read 4.7 as “four point seven”. 读4. 7为“四点七”。
In this examination he got 87 points . 此次考试他得了 87 分。
(1) 固定搭配:point out 指出。point to 指向。point at 对准……。
The building points to the east . = The building faces to the east . 这座大楼面朝东。
She pointed her gun at a deer .
(2) There is no point + doing 干……没有用或者意义。
There is no point / good / use quarrelling with them about the rules . 给他们争吵规章制度是没有用的。
6. movement n. 运动;活动
He lay there without any movement . 他躺在那里一动也不动。
(1) 作不可数名词是“运动,活动,动静,移动”,侧重其行动过程,尤其是地点、位置、姿势的变化。
Scientists are studying the movement of planets . 科学家在研究行星的运动。
(2) 作可数名词是“动作,举止”。
His movements are getting slower and slower . 他的行动越来越迟缓了。
The police are paying much attention to his recent movements . 警察正密切关注他近来的行踪。
7. line n . 绳,索,线,生产线,电线,边线,行列。
They have opened a new bus line . 他们开设了一条新汽车线。
There is a line of chairs in front of the classroom . 教室的前面有一排椅子。
固定搭配:be line with 符合;和……一致;排列
His actions were not line with his beliefs . 他的行动和他的信仰不一致。
The road leading to our village is lined with trees . 通向我们村庄的路两旁长着树。
in line 一排,一行,成一直线,整齐。
Boys and girls , please stand in (a) line as quickly as possible . 同学们,请尽快站成一行。
line up 排队,排成一行
We lined up to buy tickets . 我们排队买票。
Please wait in a straight line to get on the train .
every other line 每隔一行。
My son , you should write every other line .
drop sb a few lines 写短信
C. 单元重点词组扫瞄
1. fall off 跌落,掉下
Look ! The girl fell off her bike . 瞧 ! 那女孩从自行车上掉了下来。
The house shook and a few pictures fell off the wall . 房子在晃动,墙上有几幅画震落了下来。
The bridge there is too narrow . People may fall off .
测试要点:能基本应用 fall off (从……落下), fall over(向前跌去), fall down (倒塌), fall out(跌出
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科目 英语年级 高一文件 high1 unit7.doc标题 Book One章节 第七单元关键词 内容一、掌握本单元出现的单词和词组:shake, forever, plate, while, movement, earthquake, ga......
