
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



翻译练习 1.那个男孩很害怕,以为自己看见了一个幽灵,但实际上那只是墙上的一个阴影。(turn out)The boy was terrified that he had seen a phantom, but it turned out to be a shadow on the wall.2.有人看见那条无家可归的流浪狗在新建的小区里游荡。(wander)The homele dog was found wandering around the newly-built neighborhood.3.她在讲述自己在灾难中经受的苦难时留下了眼泪。(experience)Tears came to her eyes when she talked of the suffering she underwent/experienced in the disaster.4.他对她做出了一个勉强的道歉。(apology)He made a forced apology to her.5.一些村民声称他们在这个湖里看到过怪物。(claim)Some villagers claimed that they had witneed a monster in the lake.6.一伙武装分子承认绑架了三名美国游客。(admit)A group of armed men admitted the kidnap/kidnapping of the three American tourists.7.学生时代当我无法解答出一个数学难题时,我的表哥总是来帮我的忙。(rescue)When I had difficulty working out a tough mathematical problem during my schooldays, my cousin would come to my rescue.8.在某种程度上,精神上的痛苦比肉体上的痛苦更糟。(suffering)To some extent, spiritual suffering is worse than physical suffering.9.我们应该是自己适应不断变化的情况。(adapt)We should adapt ourselves to the changing situations 10.据说作者要把他的剧本改编成电视剧。(adapt)The author is said to adapt his play for television.11.当时我们正在商场里购物,一个持枪的陌生男子突然出现在我们面前。(when)We were shopping in the mall when a strange man with a gun came out before us.12.玛丽一看见那件外衣就喜欢上了。(fall in love)Mary fell in love with the coat when she saw it.13.数百名士兵和医护人员被派到地震灾区去营救那些受困的人。(rescue)Hundreds of soldiers and medical workers were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to rescue the victims.14.快脱下你的湿衣服,让我在炉火上为你烘干。(pull off)Pull off your wet clothes and let me dry them over the fire.15.我们必须在明天早上五点以前将这条新闻发布出去。(release)We have to release the news before 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.16.他的老师把这种行为视为上课不专心的表现(regard)His teacher treats/ considers/ thinks of / looks upon/ regards this behavior as lack of attention in cla 17.最令她家人讨厌的是老太太专爱打听别人的事(curious)

What upset her family most was that the old woman was curious about other people’s busine 18.众所周知,大闸蟹(crabs)不是每个人都合适吃的。(agree)As we all know, crabs don’t agree with everyone.19.那位教授一站上讲台,在场的观众便爆发出阵阵掌声。(No sooner,present)No sooner had the profeor stood on the platform than the audience present burst into applause.20.我宁可自己尝试适应新环境,也不愿意一直依赖父母。(prefer, attempt)

I prefer to attempt to/make an attempt to adapt myself to the new environment rather than always depend on my parents.21.由于他在志愿者工作中的杰出表现,他得到了金牌。(award v.)He was awarded a gold medal for his outstanding service to the volunteer work.22.尽管他被认为是个最有才华的职员之一,但他一点也不知道如何谋生.(gifted, have no idea)Although he was regarded as one of the most gifted employees, he had no idea how to make a living.23.有很多挑战要去面对,Jane感到肩上压力很大。(with复合结构)With a number of challenges to face, Jane felt much preure on her shoulder.24.即使你是个声名鹊起的小说家,你也不应该骄傲,否则会令读者失望。(reputation)Even though you are a novelist with a growing reputation, you shouldn’t be proud, or/otherwise you will let your readers down/disappoint your readers.25.接完电话,他既没关门也没关灯就匆匆忙忙离开了办公室。(with)

Having answered the phone, he left the office in a hurry with the door open and the light(s)on.26.经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意为山区的一些中小学捐赠电脑。(agree)After a heated discuion, we all agreed to donate computers for some primary and secondary schools in mountainous areas.27.据说他的幽默感为英语节开幕式平添了一份快乐。(ceremony)

It was said that his sense of humor had added to happine of the opening ceremony of English festival.28.绝大多数的医疗专家持有相同的看法,即防止该疾病传播最有效的方法是用肥皂和水洗手。(spread)

Most medical experts share the same opinion that the most effective way to prevent the spread of the disease is to wash their hands with soap and water.29.据说,上周末为了向那些退休教师表示敬意,举行了一次告别晚会。(be said to, honor)A farewell party is said to have been held last weekend in honor of those retired teachers.30.一听到那令人震惊的消息,我们决定立即向当地受难者提供力所能及的帮助。(offer)On hearing the shocking news, we immediately decided that we should offer aistance to the local victims.31.一般说来,这样的植物在中国南方比较常见。(such)Generally speaking, such plants can often been seen/ are common in South China.32.在寒冷地区随处可见的松树作为常青(evergreen)树而出名。(known)Pine trees are known as evergreen trees/ evergreens in cold areas.33.据说榕树是一种有趣的树,它的树枝会往下长出许多根来。(with)The banyan tree is said to be an interesting/ It is said that the banyan tree is an interesting tree with roots growing down from its branches.34.我们一致同意了在客厅种些常见的白色茉莉花的提议。(proposal)We all agree to the proposal to grow some common white jasmine in the living room.35.在秋天,这些叶子变成红色和橘黄色后飘落下来,将大地装点得色彩缤纷。(litter)In autumn/fall, these leaves change to red and orange before they litter the ground with color.36.荷花不仅仅是一种植物,它也是一种食物,所以很受中国人欢迎。(more than)The lotus is more than a plant and it is food as well so it is popular with/ among Chinese people.37.她今天胃痛,那就是她为何看起来脸色苍白的原因。(why)She has a stomachache and that is why she looks pale.38.校长走进会议室,后面跟着一群老师。(with„)

The principal/ headmaster entered the meeting room, with a group of teachers following him.= followed by a group of teachers.39.在参观那家国营工厂前,我根本不知道它为何能避免倒闭。(idea)Before I visited/ Before visiting that state-owned factory, I had absolutely no idea of why it was able to avoid closing down/ being closed down.40.老实说,我能跟他一样快地完成工作,但不能完成的那么完美。(as„as„)Frankly speaking/ To tell the truth, I can accomplish the work as fast as he/ him, but not so/as perfectly(as he/ him)

41.即使你从没参观过任何历史遗迹,你肯定听说过一些。(Even though)Even though you haven’t visited any historic remains, you must have heard(something)about them.42.尽管他有时候会很烦人,他的责任心和对教育事业的投入还是给我留下了深刻的印象。(impre)Even though he can be annoying, his sense of responsibility and his devotion to the cause of education have impreed me deeply.43.他刚一提到公园,我就想起马路对面占地面积达二十平方公里的公园。(Hardly, remind)Hardly had he mention the part when I thought of the park which covered twenty square kilometers.44.只要这家饭店能提供美味的有机食物给顾客,顾客们不会介意食物价格相对贵一点。(relatively)As/ So long as the restaurant provides delicious organic food to customers, they won’t care about the relatively high price of the food.45.说起我们的英语老师,她最无法容忍的就是在她专心致志地教课时有些学生情不自禁地打瞌睡。(Speaking)

Speaking of our English teacher, what she can’t tolerate most is that when she is absorbed in teaching, some of her students can’t help falling asleep.46.冬眠通常发生在冬季,这时,生物连续几个星期或几个月一动不动。(when)Hibernation usually occurs in winter, when a creature does not move for weeks or months continuously.47.与其它动物鲜明对比的是,冬眠时的熊看起来不像是死了,而是好像它们很困似的。(as though)In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy.48.他没有理解你的意思,所以他犯错误了。(point)He didn’t get your point, so he made a mistake.49.中国作为一个强国出现在人们眼中,这让国人感到欣慰。(emerge)China emerges as a powerful country in people’s eye, which relieves the Chinese.50.父母太担心了,不敢带他们的孩子出去度假。(frighten, too...to)The parents are too frightened to take their children for a vacation.51.在橄榄球比赛中,运动员必须戴头盔保护头部以免受伤。(protect)Players in a rugby match must wear helmets to protect their heads from injury/ being injured.52.无论你说什么做什么都不会改变他对你的看法。(view)Whatever you say and do will never change his view of you.53.据说蜘蛛的毒液能用来治疗大脑功能紊乱。(treat)It is said that a spider’s poison can be used to treat brain disorders.54.青蛙会捕食那些毁坏庄稼和携带疾病的害虫。(destroy)Frogs will eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.55.和小区内商店比起来,超市提供居民更多可供选择的物品。(compare)Compared with the small stores in the neighbourhood, supermarkets offer residents a wider choice of goods.56.医生没有想到这次手术会损害病人的心脏。(occur/ damage n.)It didn’t occur to the doctor that this operation would do damage to the patient’s heart.57.他告诉了我有关这台电脑的一切,但他没说这是他得到的奖品。(except)He told me everything about the computer except that he won it as a prize.58.科学家们惊奇地发现这两种稀有金属有某些共同的属性。(common)The scientists are surprised to find that the two rare kinds of metal have certain properties in common.59.在一整天的行程后,登上者来到了山顶,又兴奋,又疲惫不堪。(tire)After a whole day’s journey, the climbers came to the top of the mountain, excited and tired.60.因为在期末考试中不及格,他忍不住哭了。(分词做状语)Having failed in the final examination, he couldn’t help crying.61.你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize)You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done.62.美国政府由于缺乏资金而关门,因此所有的国家公园都不对公众开放。(lack)The US government is shut down for lack of funds, so none of the national parks are open to the public.63.公司因为他的粗心错误在金钱与名誉上遭受了巨大的损失。(suffer)The company suffered a huge lo in money and reputation due to / because of his carele mistake.64.看完约翰简历上列出的丰富的工作经历后, 这家公司的经理立即联系他来面试。(contact)After reading the rich work experiences listed in John’s resume, the manager of this company contacted him immediately for an interview.65.这么多年后, 我仍然为当年在她需要的时候没能给她帮助而感到内疚.(guilty)After so many years, I still feel guilty about not having given her the help she needed.66.汽车险些撞上一个正在过马路的小男孩。(narrowly)The car narrowly mied hitting a little boy who was croing the road.67.自从他离开这个机构后我们再也没有联系了,但幸运的是我仍可以毫不犹豫地在电视智力竞赛节目里认出他。(hesitation)

We haven’t contacted each other since he left the organization but fortunately I could still recognize him in a quiz show on TV without hesitation.68.他打算搭乘下班列车前往心仪的地方,这也意味着他得在此处再呆一个晚上。(mean)He meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which meant staying here another night.69.我认为,后悔花时间说服他是没有意义的,你现在要做的就是找到足够证据证明他先前的意见只不过是无稽之谈。(regret)In my opinion, there is no point in regretting spending time persuading him;what you should do right now is to prove that his previous opinions were just ridiculous.70.说服他戒烟是浪费时间,因为他总是对别人的建议置若罔闻。(persuade)

It’s a waste of time persuading him to give up smoking, for he is always turning a deaf ear to others’ advice

71.他们的行为过于恶劣,小男孩只好坐到另一个座位上,但是还是无济于事。(good)Their behavior was so bad that it made him move to another seat, but that did no good.72.在“碰落花盆”事件中,尽管警察放了那个男孩,可是很可能大家还是认为这件事是他干的。(case)In the case of the flowerpot falling from the window, while the police let the boy go, everyone probably still thinks the boy did it.73.麦克正忙于让他的妻子冷静以便于做出正确的选择.(so that)Mike was busy making his wife calm down so that they could make the right choice.74.我已尽力改正这个错误,因此我问心无愧。(conscience)Having done my best to correct the error, I had a clear conscience.75.由于害怕失去工作,他没有向在场的警察说出真相。(frighten)As he was frightened of losing the job, he didn’t tell the truth to the police present.76.不能把聪明和好成绩等同起来。(identify)One can’t/ Don’t identify cleverne with good marks.77.战争中禁止使用核武器(nuclear weapons)。(ban)The use of nuclear weapons is banned in war.78.关于这起事故,我什么都不知道。(regarding)I know nothing regarding the accident.79.她处理此事的方式给我留下很深的印象。(handle)I was impreed by the way she handled the affair/ her handling the affair.80.Tom的功课在年级中属于中上水平。(average)Tom’s work at grade is above the average.81.一些教育专家认为,儿童广告看的越多,就变得越追求物质。(比较级)

Some educators believe that the more TV commercials children watch, the more materialistic they become.82.不应该仅仅因为自己在某些方面不如别人就感觉低人一等。(inferior)You shouldn’t feel inferior to others just because/ only because you are not as good as them in some aspects.83.广告有说服力,有时他们能够说服你去买一些你并不真正需要的东西。(persuade)Advertisements are so persuasive that sometimes they can persuade you into buying things/ something that you don’t really need.84.据估计,车祸受害者中有1/3的幸存者。(estimate, survive)It was estimated that one third of the victims survived the road/ car accident.85.该商店被禁令销售进口香烟。(ban)The shop was banned from selling imported cigarettes.86.没有什么比看见孩子有一天能在社会上自食其力更加令人高兴的了。(please)Nothing is more pleasing for parents to see their children stand on their own feet in society one day.87.他们向青少年解释如何量入为出。(balance v.)They explain to them how to balance their expenses against their income.88.一本书是否畅销取决于很多因素。(Whether„)Whether a book sells well depends on many factors.89.你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize)You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done.90.不要担心你上大学的费用,我们会鼎力相助的。(expense)Don’t worry about your expenses for university education, and we will make the greatest effort to help you.91.从窗台上掉下来的花盆是如此危险的东西,差点砸到路上的行人。(so„that)

The flowerpot falling down from the window was so dangerous an object that it narrowly mied paengers on the road.92.警察在他午休的地方让收银员坐下并盘问她。(seat, 状语从句)

The policeman seated the checkout aistant and questioned her where he took a rest at noon.93.让他父母失望的是他并没有音乐天赋。(let down)

What let his parents down was that he had no gift/talent for music.His not having a gift for music let his parents down.94.他和我们一起接待了这些贵宾,还主动提出带他们参观上海。(offer)He together with us received the distinguished guests and offered to show them around Shanghai.95.老人死后,留给他的儿子一大笔的财产,包括一栋价值500万的房子。(worth)

After the old man died, he left a large fortune to his son, including a house worth 5 million dollars.96.诺贝尔奖是颁给那些帮助推进社会进步的人士的。(award)Nobel prizes are awarded to those who help society move forward.97.我国每年举办仪式来表彰那些致力于医学研究的杰出的科学家。(honour)

An annual-awarded ceremony is held to honour those distinguished scientists devoted to medical research.98.他忙于搞科研,无法腾出时间照顾家人。(So„)So busy is he with his scientific research that he couldn’t/can’t set aside time to take care of his family.99.如果我们把英语学习看成是了解文化的一种方式,而不是一门考试学科,我们也许就会体会到其中的学习乐趣。(regard)

If we regard English learning as a means/way of understanding/ knowing / being aware of a culture but not a course / subject to be tested, we may experience the fun in learning it.100.微风吹拂着她的头发,那小女孩注视着彩蝶在花海中飞舞。(With„)

With the breeze blowing through her hair, the little girl watched the colorful butterflies dancing in the sea of flowers.101.有些学生并不喜欢学校食堂提供的饭菜。(serve)

Some students don’t like the food served in the school’s canteen.102.谈到旅游,我们暑假想去台湾游览。(speak of)Speaking of travelling, we like to make a trip to Taiwan.103.她常常生病的原因是因为她不怎么运动。(reason)The reason why she often gets ill is that she seldom exercises.104.虽然蜘蛛看上去有点吓人,但是蜘蛛是很有用的一种生物。(while)While the spider looks frightening, it is a very useful creature.105.我们调查的结果和他们的相似。(similar)The result of our research is similar to theirs.106.每家公司都在尽力降低成本,以求在经济危机中幸存下来。(survive)Every company is trying its best to reduce the costs to survive the economic crisis.107.与初中的学科形成鲜明的对比,高中的学科更难。(contrast)

In sharp contrast to the subjects in junior high school, the subjects in senior high school are more difficult.108.选举结果出乎意料,这令大多数人颇为失望。(which)The outcome/result of the election was out of expectation, which made most people feel disappointed.109.说服他戒烟是浪费时间,因为他总是对别人的建议置若罔闻。(persuade)

It’s a waste of time persuading him to give up smoking, for he is always turning a deaf ear to others’ advice

110.感受到春的气息了,是时候用鲜花和绿色植物来装点一下办公室了。(decorate)Spring is in the air and it is time to decorate the office with flowers and green plants.111.他原打算自学所有的课程,但是他发现困难实在太多了。(mean)

He had meant to learn all the courses on his own, but he found there were too many difficulties.112.我发现要说服父母让我参加暑期夏令营是一件困难的事。(persuade)I found that it was hard to persuade my parents to let me attend the summer camp.113.他忙于照顾生病的妹妹以至于错过了面试的机会。(mi)

He was so busy taking care of his sister that he mied the chance of being interviewed.114.一到上海,他就打电话给我,让我带他去迪斯尼游玩。(On doing)On arriving in Shanghai, he called me, asking me to bring him to Disneyland.115.政府要采取措施,尽快扑灭森林大火,阻止其蔓延。(take action)The government should take action to put out the forest fire as soon as poible and stop it from spreading.116.有些西方国家鼓励多用电,用的越多,价格就越便宜。(the more„the more„)

In some western countries people are encouraged to use more electricity.The more you use, the lower the price will be.117.尽管缺少信心,但是她还是参加了此次演出,并获得了成功。(lack)

Although lacking confidence, she took part in the performance and achieved succe.118.正是这一年的学习经历使我们相信无论过程多么艰难,我们的努力终将会得到回报。(persuade, pay off)

It was the learning experiences during the year that persuaded us that however hard the proce was, our efforts would eventually pay off.119.新近开发的智能手表功能如此强大,估计明年一经上市,必将热销。(estimate)The recently-developed smart watch is so powerful in function that it is estimated to sell well, once it comes out/appear on the market/come into the market next year.120.听说他昨天闹情绪,没来上班,估计是他没有加薪。(absent)I’ve heard that he was in low spirits/in a bad mood and absent from work, and it was estimated that he failed to get a rise in salary./have his salary raised.




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