
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Chinese: birthday to eat eggs.Peel shell representative strip away the past, reborn, mark the start of a shell of rebirth.Longevity noodles line: face clamp don't break into the bowl, the longer the higher of the longer on behalf of the owner's life.British people like to eat

birthday cake, many children

before eating cake are the children up, this marks the prelude to grow taller.Medieval europeans believe that the day of birthday is most likely to be invaded by evil soul, so in the birthday that day, relatives and friends will gather in nearby blees them, and send the cake to bring good luck to expel demons.Birthday cake, originally is only the king deserve to spread to today, whether adults or children, can in the birthday, buy a beautiful cake, enjoy all give bleing.Brazilian food is the birthday of candy.Icelanders with Candied fruit ate the birthday of the Patty.A套餐 蔬菜色拉/Vegetable salad

炭烤牛菲利配蒜味土豆泥/Charcoal grilled beef tenderloin with garlic potato 意大利杂菜汤/Minestrone soup 西点/Deert

夏日水果杯/Fresh fruit 咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea

B套餐 咖喱花菜腰果色拉/Cauliflower & cashew nuts salad curry flavour

当日奶汤/Daily cream soup

香煎鱼排配甜椒沙司/Pan-fried fish fillet with capsicums sauce 西点/Deert

水果盆/Fresh fruit

咖啡或茶/Coffee or tea


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