艺术与幽默Art and Humor

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艺术与幽默Art and Humor

millions of people struggle out of bed each morning, fumble into some clothes, and make their way to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper.they need something cheerful to remind them that the rest of the day will be less difficult than getting up. this need may be the reason that many of them turn their half-opened eyes to the comics section of the newspaper as they sip their first cups of coffee of the day.

cartoons reflect the times and the troubles and worries of people. they give people an opportunity to laugh at themselves and at familiar situations. for example, a cartoon might say that the government of a country is responsible for the bad economy and also show the government leaders as a group of ridiculous people. being able to use the leaders as scapegoats and to laugh at the leaders somehow makes people feel better about their situation.

cartoons also make people laugh at their own personal worries. young people who are not always sure of how to act can smile at their awkwardness. old people whose grown children pay little attention to them can chuckle at their neglect and loneliness. students who have studied too little before an examination can laugh at their anxiety. everyone's problems are made bigger-than-life in the comics. perhaps the problems seem funny because there is humor in something that is real being made unreal.

a cartoon combines art and humor. when it is skillfully done, a simple line drawing and a few words can make people laugh. their troubles seem less important, and they enjoy life more fully.




幽默艺术源于生活 汇报者:刘新宇尊敬的杨老师,亲爱的兄弟姐妹们:大家晚上好!我是来自信息学院自动化一班的刘新宇。很荣幸有这样的机会和大家一起探讨交流。首先,感谢学校领导和......






在人际交往中,幽默的作用是不可低估的。同样,将幽默运用于平时的课堂教学之中,也能让学生在会心的微笑中提高教学的艺术效果和水平,发挥幽默带来的独特的功效。 美国一位心理学......

《艺术与幽默Art and Humor.docx》
艺术与幽默Art and Humor