Nowadays some people have the anti-social behavior and are lack of respect to others. What are the reasons? What are the solutions?
Today there is a large increase in anti-social behavior, such as stealing, robbery and bullying, in almost every country. Also, irresponsibility and disrespect to others are common. The reason for the anti-social behavior are both complicated and varied.
One possible reason for people to show anti-social behavior is that they may be dissatisfied with certain policies made by the government, so they choose an extreme way to express their dissatisfaction. For example, a local government does not punish the businesses that cause pollution to the environment just because these companies pay a large sum of tax every year. As a result, some people intentionally hurt employees working for these companies as a warning. Another reason is that some people lack education in learning how to respect and how law works when they were young, so they fail to realize what harm their behavior would cause to others. I think this explains why they appear harmful to the society.
To address this problem, the government should listen to public opinions with an open mind, taking the benefit of all parties into consideration before making policy, and make every effort to meet people’s demand in fields like living environment, price index and working benefits. Public media should broadcast noncommercial advertisements to convey the importance of showing respect to others and obeying the law. Also, schools and parents ought to put emphasis on cultivating law-abiding consciousness and let youngsters know that only respecting others can obtain others’ respect.
In sum, any anti-social behavior is regarded as a threat to social order. Mostly , the ones that misbehave lack a good understanding in manners and law. So the government media and education institutions need to join hands to solve this problem.
An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative?
Some people wonder why career changes are becoming more prevalent and whether those more frequent changes are having a positive or a negative effect. Although one can certainly argue about the positive or negative effects, I believe that these changes can be positive, if the person making the career change is doing so for the right reasons.
Admittedly, companies come and go in our fast-paced world economy. So it is probably no longer realistic for a person to think that they will be able to start and finish working with the same company. Along the same lines, it should be noted that many companies and employers do not value loyalty as much as their counterparts from previous generations.
This trend can be positive if people change jobs for the following purposes. First, they make career changes in an attempt to find more satisfaction or fulfillment with their new career. Second, they made a mistake in the previous career they chose for themselves but it is no late to pursue a more suitable one. Lastly, some people make career changes in search of a more desirable lifestyle, more career advancement or a higher income.
If people choose a different career path so they can be happier or more fulfilled in their career. I support them to do so. Happy and fulfilled employees are more productive and their employers will be benefited. Everyone deserves the chance to have a better career development. If career change is the key to their future success, they should not hesitate to make the change.
Some people say that governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people maintain that their governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help prevent illness and disease.
It is obvious that environment pollution can create widespread illness. Studies have shown that poor air quality can create illness, including cancer, and those illnesses can reduce our quality of life and our lifespan. The same can be said for water pollution, as many disease and illnesses are a direct result of poor water quality. Unfortunately, in many countries the water and air quality is already poor due to years of abuse or negligence. Government efforts to ensure air and water quality can be quite expensive, as a lot of cleanup is required.
In regards to a lack of quality housing, that can result in similar health problems and concerns, as people who are homeless or living in the street are certainly more prone to disease and illness.
That being said, a government cannot spend all of its financial resources in curbing pollution or creating affordable housing. The government has other priorities and problems to consider, including transportation, education, employment and health care. If these priorities are ignored, other problems will arise. Bad roads or bad bridges may impact the economy. Uneducated and unemployed citizens are also sure to have a negative impact on the economy. If a society is unable to care for its sick population, the society will also suffer.
With this in mind, it seems that the government is best served in establishing a balance in determining which problems and areas to focus on. Although they may never be able to solve all of those problems at ones, maybe they can make enough progress so that someday those problems will be in the past.
Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence that other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people claim that the latest information is mostly from newspapers, but I would say television is a better way to get news and other information.
立场:不赞成 纸媒体不能及时把新闻信息第一时间传播出去
On behalf of newspapers, newspaper stories are generally more detailed and more in-depth than other media accounts of the same stories. A television or radio newscast has limited time in which to tell a news story. If the television news is only 30 minutes or 60 minutes in length, the television network can use only a limited amount of time for each story. Newspapers, on the other hand, often have more time and space to offer for a specific story. Also, newspaper stories are written instead of spoken like television or radio stories. If a person is reading a newspaper story and they are unclear about some of the facts in the story, they can go back and read the story again.
On behalf of other forms of media, it is important to point out that printed newspapers are usually printed only once a day. Although some newspapers now have internet sites where they can disseminate news as fast as other forms of electronic media. Electronic media such as television, radio and internet news sources have the ability to deliver news much more quickly than newspapers. As a medium, television and radio offer unlimited video and audio accounts of news stones, but printed newspapers lack these forms of accounts.
Although newspapers have traditionally been a main source for information. Other electronic media, especially television, are now challenging newspapers in this role. Television can provide news immediately while it is happening. Besides, television can do so with video and audio presentations that are not available in newspaper.
In recent years, young people in many countries choose to live by themselves. What are the reasons and is it positive or negative for the development of the society?
Traditionally , young people often lived with other people. Now , more young people are choosing to live by themselves. Some people question whether this trend will have a negative or positive impact on the development of society.
Some people are choosing to live by themselves for convenience purposes. Maybe they have a lengthy commute back and forth to work and it is no longer reasonable to live such a distance away. They want to live close to where they work and a roommate or someone to live with is not an option. Some people choose to live alone because they dislike the inconveniences of cohabiting with someone who has different living habits. Other people choose to live alone simply because they are introverts and they do not enjoy social contact.
Although a person should certainly have the right to determine whether they live alone or not, it is important to note that human contact and social interaction remain important to a person’s development and well-being. Human beings are social creatures and studies have shown that we can all benefit from social interaction. Many of us think that we can enhance our lives with computer time, television time, or smartphone time, but face-to-face interaction can still be beneficial and enriching.
It remains to be seen if there will be any long-term effects from the current trend of people living alone, but there is a possibility that this trend may have a negative impact on people’s ability or interest in social interaction.
That引导(通常用it作形式主语):It’s imperative that the government should be effectively involved in the comprehensive management of both public and private schools.政府有必要有效地参与到公立和私立学校的管理中来。
What引导:What we emphasize is that formal examination is harmful to students' creativity.我们强调的是考试对学生的创造力有害。
The great contribution of public school is that poor students have easier access to receive education.公立学校的巨大贡献是使贫困学生有了更容易获得教育的途径。
C 宾语从句
What引导:They want to imitate what they see.他们想要模仿他们看到的东西。
That引导:Other people hold that eradication of ancient buildings is the natural process of urban development.其他人认为拆除古老建筑是城市发展的自然进程。
D 同位语从句
Prejudice against women violates the fundamental principle that all people are created on equal terms.对妇女的偏见违反了人生来都是平等的基本原则。
2. 形容词性从句——定语从句
Nowadays, more and more people agree that smoking is an unwholesome hobby, which is equivalent to committing suicide.现在越来越多的人同意吸烟是一个不健康的爱好,它等同于自杀。
3. 副词性从句——状语从句
Living far from home, one would suffer from loneliness and homesickness.离家生活,人们遭受孤独和思乡之苦。
Prompted by the great leap of science and technology, work today is more demanding than it used to be.受到科技进步的促使,现在的工作比过去要求更高。
The commodities and services advertised by super stars tend to enjoy higher sales than those not advertised.由明星代言的产品和服务比没有广告的销售量更高。
2. 介词短语做状语
With the limited budget, the government is unable to invest much money in art projects.预算很有限,政府不能投资很多钱在艺术项目上。
3. 有些时候,两个或多个谓语共用一个主语
Formal examinations put great stress on students, generate an unhealthy spirit of jealousy and competition, and even bring about psychological problems.考试给学生带来很大压力,产生不良的嫉妒和竞争感,甚至带来心理问题。
经常可做插入语的表达包括:therefore, however, in the long run, to some extent, as..., for example, etc.
Students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent, the economic burdens of their parents.做兼职的学生在某种程度上能减轻他们父母的经济负担。
最高点: reach the peak/top/highest point
Increase to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)
最低点: reach the bottom/lowest point
drop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的动词都可以替换掉drop)
占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of …
占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of…
1. 第一个颜色:用来划出所有图表题里都能用来描述数据/数据变化的单词/短语
2. 第二个颜色:用来划出特定图表题(e.g. 折线图,饼状图)里能用来描述数据/数据变化的单词/短语
3. 第三个颜色:用来划出所有用于连接的单词/短语
考试之前,我一篇完整的大作文都没有写过,实在写不出来,每次写一半就会扔掉,而小作文我也仅完整写过一篇。真正复习作文,我大概只用了5天不到的时间, 3天看范文,1天总结出自己的一套写法,1天背诵。就因为自己没写过,加之紧张,考试时我小作文用了28分钟,大作文相当吃紧。好在周围考生和我速度也差不多,没有让我心里很慌张;也幸好我自己加快了速度,否则会和周围考生一样大作文只写出100字左右。
2.大作文一定要就不同的问法准备一套自己的套路。个人认为准备2+1和question&suggestion式2套足以,因为2+1稍作修改就是对称式嘛,我拿到题目时打算写2+1,后来发现时间不够,写成了对称式,只要能自圆其说,一样7分。自己的套路,不是让你去搬人家的模板,而是在阅读 10-20篇范文的基础上,写出适合自己水平的,大词不多但又格外地道的开头、结尾、连接句。
雅思写作7分攻略 这3点是关键
而所说的深度,雅思官方评分标准中对该水平的描述为 “use less common lexical items”。记住,“大白菜”词汇只能拿到“大白菜”分数。试着用sub-standard替换poor-quality,source替换reason,typically替换usually。分数一定会较一般词汇作文高一些。
另外,词汇的灵活运用也是深度的一种体现。比如表达“科技给我们带来好处”,既可以说Technology brings us benefits. 也可以说Technology benefits us.还可以说We benefit from technology. 又可以说Technology is beneficial to us. 而We are the beneficiaries of technology.也是一种表达。 benefit这个词的灵活运用充分体现了对词汇的理解和运用能力。
句型的转变思路是指句型的变化以及对地道句型表达的模仿和借鉴。比如在探讨现代家庭关系疏远话题的文章中,一种表达是So it is not surprising that they do not feel close to their families.另一种表达是Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated from their families. 毋庸置疑,后一种表达更能吸引考官的眼球。这种句型上的变化从何而来,并非主观臆想,而是通过大量阅读和模仿原版英文材料的写作手法而来。
以上就是雅思写作7分攻略 这3点是关键的全部内容,7分雅思写作对比与6分雅思写作,会更多地注重行文的丰富性,包括用词,句型,以及叙述上的。所以,写作目标为7分的同学,可以先攻克写作6分的基础目标,将文章写得有条理,结构清晰,然后在此基础上增加丰富性。
1月5曰雅思A类大作文高分范文 心理因素和身体因素哪一个对于体育的成功更重要
201月5日的雅思大作文话题有关社会文化,题目是心理因素和身体因素,哪一个对于体育的成功更重要?In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh its disadvantages?本期范文来自雅思哥。
The relative importance of physique level and mental status is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to determine the possibility of achieving success in sports. personally, I that believe both of these two factors are of great importance for any athletes.
Obviously, modern sports system is based on the foundation that all the participants should have basic capability, that people without related skills can never face the challenges. So from our own sports experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a good physical condition is necessary for succeeding in sports. After all, no one would expect an overweighed individual to win a Marathon, unless he or she is against his fallows.
However, to admit the importance of having a good body does not naturally mean a good mental status is not as important. Actually, we can see many not-so-successful athletes are with impeccable fitness and strength—it is the ability of communication, cooperation, and facing difficulties that separates those extraordinaries from the public. In other words, the greatest athletes are supported by the entire team, which never only comes from a perfect body.
I personally think that physical conditions do value considerably in pursuing success in the sport fields. Such factors can give people advantages in play: to run faster, to jump higher, sometimes even to go against physical laws. But, as many other things, physical conditions and mental status are not mutually exclusive. The value of the greatest athletes who can bring victory in critical situations shines when he or she is able to inspire, to stimulate, and to encourage the whole team, as history has shown repetitively.
In conclusion, I agree that good shape of body is the foundation of succeeding in sports, but to secure that victory, mental strength is required.
年1月5曰雅思写作大作文 社会文化类
2019年1月5日的雅思大作文题目为:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.本期范文来自网络,本题讨论你对体育成功的看法,是心理素质更重要还是身体素质更重要。
Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
While some might argue that physical fitness is essential in achieving the greatest success in sports, I believe that a positive mental attitude is the key.
Professional athletes devote hours to conditioning, honing skills and per fecting techniques for their particular sports. It is true that physical training can take an athlete far, but developing a positive mental attitude can give athletes an edge that helps them excel
Almost all serious athletes acknowledge that mental skill training plays a more important role in their overall preparation and delivery of a great per formance. Top athletes and sports people refer to positive mental visualisa tion to help them achieve success. They picture themselves lifting a trophy or finishing a race in front of everyone else and use that mental imagery to spur them on when times get tough. They believe that they can control the way of their performance when they control their thinking/When negative thoughts are allwed to creep in, then self-confidence is eroded and mis takes occur. Tennis players are a terrific example of the power of positive thinking/For them positive body language can intimidate an opponent into feeling negative and making unforced errors. Even when a player is match point down if they are mentally strong and still believe they can win the match, it often happens. Positive thoughts can be empowering while nega tive thoughts can be limiting and debilitating to performance.
Great results in sports come from a combination of real physical training and sound mental training, but a wining mindset usually distinguish those greatest athletes and teams from others. That is because a positive mental attitude can certainly get athletes through the pain barrier as well as moti vate them to stay on course for success.
调查问卷式图表一般都是针对一个抽样群体(a sample)做问卷调查(questionnaire)或访问(interview),涉及的调查问题一般是关于对某种事物的喜好程度、重要性认识或对某类事件发生原因的个人意见。被进行问卷调查或访问的群体的回答被认为代表了社会全体人群对这些问题的看法和意见。
The chart below shows the results of a survey, which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people, asking if they traveled abroad…
Visits abroad by UK residents by purpose of visit (1994~98)
该图表中的数据形式是“人数”,但必须注意这个人数的计数基础是抽样的100,000人,而不是全体人群。举15246这个数据为例,严格说来, “15246 people traveled for holiday in 1994.”这样的句子是错误的,因为15246不能代表全体人群的数据。
survey / interview / questionnaire
result of / response to a survey / questionnaire
the people interviewed, 或respondent
answer – 15246 people out of the sample answered that holiday was their main purpose of traveling.
say, feel, mention, think, consider
rate: Drinks and meals are rated number one (the most important consideration) by 26% of the younger women.
choose: Entertainment is chosen by 14% of the younger people as the most important consideration when taking the flight.
cite: Two other factors, driving when tired and driving too close to the vehicle in front, were cited by 44% and 36% of respondents respectively.
approval / disapproval rating:
The disapproval rating for mobile phones is higher among females than among males.
The “.. reply
The “no” reply makes up just under 30% in answer to this question.
This map demonstrates the present situation and the planned layout of an office building.
Overall, functions of this building are more concentrated as projected and idle land is more fully used with amateur areas being reduced.
The most noticeable changes are expected to occur to the grass areas on both sides of the building, one of which will be turned into an outdoor seating area while the other is developed into a meeting room with WCs (used to be in reception) and a coffee machine.
As for the main part of this architecture, four offices are in a row from the left to the right and the reception entrance is in the very right. According the future arrangement, position of the entrance will be in the middle with one office by each side. Further alternations are in the back of this building that the kitchen and canteen are eliminated to make room for two offices. Only the stock room is likely to stay the same.
雅思写作佳句赏析1The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past.赏析:定语从句,表语从句和......
很多人在准备雅思考试的初期都会问几乎相同的问题:“需要多大的词汇量?”“应该背哪本词汇表?”就这些问题,北语雅思的看法如下:雅思是个能力考试(a proficiency test),与人们所熟悉......
