1. 学校教育 schooling
2. 家庭教育 upbringing (parenting)
3. 远程教育 tele-education
4. 素质教育quality-oriented education
5. 小(中、大)学教育 primary(secondary, tertiary) education
6. 男女同校 co-education(segregated education)
7. 获取知识 acquire knowledge
8. 传授知识 impart( inculcate) knowledge
9. 灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values
10. 教学方法 teaching method
11. 学习成绩 academic performance
12. 受过良好教育 well-educated
13. 学科 discipline
14. 专业知识 expertise
15. 死记硬背 learn things by rote
16. 创造力 creativity
17. 塑造性格 shape(mould) one’s character
18. 学生的反馈 students’ feedback(input)
19. 评价老师的教学 evaluate teachers’ performance
20. 理论知识 theoretical knowledge
现代科技和大众媒体(modernscience and mass media)
1. 理论知识 theoretical knowledge
2. 信息时代 information age(era)
3. 不断进步的技术 advancing technology
4. 跟上科学的发展 keep ahead of scientific advances
5. 获取最新的信息 acquire the latest messages
6. 做些厌倦和复杂的工作 do some tiring(drudgery)and complicated work
7. 大众媒体 mass media
8. 信息量大的 informative
9. 缺乏感情交流 be lack of emotional exchanges
10. 新闻报道 coverage
11. 了解国内外发生的一切 learn what is happening at home and abroad
12. 收视率 audience ratings
13. 有教育意义的 instructive
14. 接触不良信息 have access to (be exposed to )some negative information
15. 有误导性的 misleading(misrepresented, distorted)
16. 虚假广告 false (cheating) advertising
17. 掩盖真相 mask (cover up, gloss up, whitewash)the truth
18. 名人 celebrities
19. 丑闻 scandal
20. 侵犯隐私 violate(invade, infringe on, intrude on)one’s privacy
21. 道德准则 code of ethics(conduct)
雅思写作part2常见的十大话题三.全球化及影响(globalisation and its effect)
1. 经济全球化 economic globalisation
2. 文化同一性 cultural uniformity
3. 文化多元化 cultural diversity
4. 文化冲击 cultural shock
5. 主流文化 dominant culture
6. 促进文化的融合 promote cultural integration
7. 融入新的文化 merge into new culture
8. 融入国际贸易 participate in the world trade
9. 相互认同 mutual acceptance
10. 双赢局面 win-win situation
11. 接受不同的文化和价值观 embrace different cultures and values
12. 开拓全球市场 explore the global market
13. 扩大出口 expand export
14. 吸引外资 attract foreign capital
15. 面对面交流 face-to-face communication
16. 友好和好客 be friendly and hospitable
17. 变得西方化 become westernised
18. 加大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor
19. 对国内企业构成威胁 pose threats to domestic enterprises
20. 激怒当地人 irritate local people
雅思写作part2常见的十大话题四.文化与习俗` (culture and customs)
1. 跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication
2. 传统文化 traditional culture
3. 文化同化 cultural assimilation
4. 文化遗产 cultural heritage
5. 文化习俗的象征 symbol of cultural customs
6. 接受外来文化 embrace exotic culture
7. 缩短文化差距 bridge cultural gaps
8. 民族特性 national identity
9. 民族自豪感 a sense of national pride
10. 归属感 a sense of belonging
11. 相互交流文化 exchange mutual culture
12. 吸取精华,去其糟粕 absorb the essence and discard the dross
13. 旅游观光的风景区 tourist attraction
14.风土人情 local customs and practices
15. 促进当地经济的发展 boost the growth of local economy
16. 和平共处 coexist in harmony
aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的
aggression - noun 进攻,侵略
appointment noun 约会,指定
badge noun 徽章,证章
colleague noun 同事,同僚
head of department noun 部门经理
department- noun 部门,科,处
managing director noun 常务懂事
personnel noun 人员,职员
public relations noun 公共关系
sales office noun 营业部,销售部
sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的
small talk noun 闲聊
superior noun 长者,上级
surname noun 姓
vice-chairman noun 副主席
vice - prefix 副的
chairman - noun主席
visitor noun 访问者,来宾
visit - 拜访,参观
whereabouts noun 下落,行踪
aperitif noun 开胃酒
apparently 显然地
behaviour noun 行为,举止
chew over noun 考虑,详细讨论
counterpart noun 对等的人或物
demonstration noun 示范,实证
demonstrate – verb 示范,证明
disaster noun 灾难
manners plural noun 礼貌
offence noun 犯罪,冒犯
syllable noun 音节
tricky adjective 狡猾的,机警的
accountant noun 会计,会计师
ambitious adjective 有雄心/野心勃勃的
application noun 应用程序,应用软件
challenge noun 挑战
deadline noun 最终期限
environment noun 环境,外界
finance noun 金融,财政学
generate verb 产生,发生
hands-on noun 有实际经验的人
hectic adjective 忙乱的,忙碌的
responsibility noun 责任,职责
body language noun 身体语言,手势语言
business card noun 名片
click verb 发出滴答声
co-worker noun 合作者,同事
concentrate verb集中
conference noun 会议, 协商会
delegate noun 代表
indigestion noun 消化不良
quiz noun 测验
reliable adjective 可靠的,可信赖的
sigh verb 叹息,叹气
sniff verb 用力吸气,闻到
yawn verb 打呵欠
border noun 边界,边
ballpark figure noun 约略的数字
fact noun 事实,真相
flu noun 流感
junior adjective 下级的,地位较低的
senior adjective 高级的,地位较高的
sketch noun 草图,梗概
UNIT 2 Letters, faxes and memos
attend to verb 处理,料理
e-mail noun 电子邮件
memo noun 备忘录
proportion noun 比例,部分
envelope noun 信封
cc carbon copy 副本抄送
catalogue UK catalog US noun 目录
concise adjective 简洁的
courteous adjective 有礼貌的
dot matrix printer noun 针式打印机
heading noun 标题
house style noun 印刷风格
letterhead noun 信笺抬头
logo noun (某个组织的)标识
pp (also per pro) (签字前)代表…
paragraph noun 段落
recycle verb 回收再利用
manual noun 手册,指南
additive noun 添加剂
aroma noun 香味
artificial adjective 人造的,假的
customer noun 顾客,消费者
extract verb 取出,榨出,摘录
irrelevant adjective 不相关/不切题的
order form noun 订购单
relevant adjective 有关的
sample noun 样品
wavy adjective 波状的,波动的
assemble verb 集合,装配
agent noun 代理人
benefit noun 利益,好处
come up to expectations 尽如人意
compile verb 编辑,汇编
contract noun 合同,契约
engineer noun 工程师,技师
feedback noun 反馈,反应
jeopardize verb 危害
long-standing adjective 长期的
puzzled adjective 迷惑不解的
submit verb 提交,递交
UNIT 3 On the phone
mobile phone noun 移动电话
phone booth noun 公共电话亭
telephonist noun 接线生,话务员
batch noun 一批
courier noun 导游,信使
prototype noun 原型
quote verb 报价
receipt noun 收到,收据
stick-on adjective涂有黏胶/可粘贴的
subcontract verb分包或转包
answering machine noun 留言机
contact noun 接触,联系
head office noun 总部
striped adjective有条纹的
subsidiary adjective 辅助/补充的
freight noun 货物,运费
dial verb 拨(电话)
dispatch verb 派遣,发送
image noun 图象,形象
quality control noun质量控制
shipment noun 装运,运输的货物
staff noun全体职员
trade fair noun 商品交易会
vegetarian noun 素食者
agent noun 代理商
confirm verb 确认
connect verb 连接
equipment noun 设备
extension noun 分机
laboratory noun 实验室
literature noun 公司宣传资料
put sb through phrasal v为某人接通电话
switchboard noun 接线总机
break down verb 出故障
non-smoking adjective 非吸烟的
proposal noun 提议,建议
stuffy adjective 通风不良/闷人的
translate verb 翻译
congress noun 代表大会/国会/议会
label noun 标签,签条
afflict verb 使痛苦,折磨
UNIT 4 Summaries, notes, reports
break noun 休息,暂停
frequent adjective 时常发生的/频繁的
improve verb 改善,改进
physiotherapist noun 理疗医师
card noun 卡片,名片
stand noun 摊位,看台
discount noun 折扣
procurement noun 采购,获得
record verb 记录
rely on phrasal verb 依赖,信任
sales representative noun 销售代表
summarize verb 概述,总结
canteen noun 食堂
complain verb 抱怨,控诉
concerning preposition 关于
display verb 陈列,展览
eyesight noun 视力
handle verb 处理,操作
investigate verb 调查,研究
bug noun 小虫,臭虫, 病
old-fashioned adjective 老式的/过时的
procedure noun 程序,手续
raise verb 提出
recommend verb 推荐,介绍
regular adjective 定期的/规则的/经常的
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) noun (肢体的)重复性劳损
replace verb 取代,替换
request noun 请求,要求
screen noun 屏,银幕
symptom noun 症状
union noun 联盟,协会
ventilate verb 使通风
aim verb 打算,瞄准
body noun 主要部分,主体
clarify verb 澄清,阐明
special adjective 特别的/专门的
cover verb 代替
department noun 部门/科/系
personnel noun 人事部
edit verb 编辑,校订
efficient adjective 有效率的/能干的
examine verb 检查,调查
extended adjective 延长的
grave adjective 严重的
item noun 项目,条款
overtime noun 超时,加班
request noun 请求,要求
result noun 结果,成效
review verb 回顾,复查
rough adjective 粗略的/大致的
select verb 选择,挑选
separate adjective 分开的/独立的
sheet noun 薄片,被单
undertake verb 承担/答应做某事
waste noun 废物,浪费
workforce noun 劳动力/职员总数
bill noun 帐单
bonus noun 奖金,红利
dash noun 破折号
deduct verb 扣除
increase verb 增加,增大
instead adverb 代替
invoice noun 发票,发货单
lot noun 许多
postpone verb 推迟,延迟
punctuation mark noun 标点符号
reduce verb 减少
afterthought noun 事后产生的想法/追悔
apostrophe noun 撇号
avoid verb 避免
brackets noun 括弧
carry out phrasal verb 执行/完成/实现
colon noun 冒号
comma noun 逗号
cost noun 成本
quotes noun 引号
doubt noun 怀疑,疑问
exclamation mark noun 感叹号
factory noun 工厂
full stop noun 句号
hyphen noun 连字符
inverted commas noun 引号
oblique noun 斜线符号
parenthesis noun 圆括号
period = full stop noun 句号
primary adjective 第一位的/主要的
productivity noun 生产力
question mark noun 问号
quotation marks noun 引号
salary noun 薪水
semicolon noun 分号
slash noun 斜线
stroke noun 一笔,笔画
amount noun 数量
branch noun 分支,分部
emerge verb 显现,暴露
focus noun 中心,焦点
note [something] down phrasal verb 记录,记下
order noun 次序,顺序
sequence noun次序,顺序
brainstorm verb 集体讨论/群策群力
session noun 一段时间
set noun 经常往来、意气相头的一些人
spot verb 认出,发现
topic noun 话题,主题
underestimate verb 低估,看轻
UNIT 5 Working together
join verb 参加,加入
pension scheme noun 养老金计划或方案
trade union (US labor union) noun 工会
aerospace adjective/noun 航空航天空间,航空航天技术(的)
beverage noun 饮料
chart noun 图表
electronics noun 电子学
sector noun 部门/经济领域
supply verb 供给,提供
tertiary adjective 第三的
board noun 懂事会,理事会
array noun 排列,编队
asset noun资产/有价值的技能、人
branch office noun 分店,支店
civil engineering noun 土木工程
cornerstone noun 奠基石,基础
corporation noun 公司,企业
decade noun 十年
fiscal year noun 财政年度/会计年度
fledgling firm noun新公司/无经验的公司
found verb 建立,创办
innovative adjective 创新的/革新的
link noun 连接(物)
location noun 位置,场所
maintain verb 维持,保养
milestone noun 里程碑,转折点
numerous adjective 许多的,无数的
railroad = railway noun 铁路
spearhead verb 领先/充当先锋
turn of the century 世纪之交
versatile adjective 万能的/多才多艺的
zest noun 强烈的兴趣、热情
abandon verb 放弃,遗弃
abolish verb 废止,废除
assembly line noun 装配线
in bulk 大批
component noun 组成部分/零部件
confine verb 限制
consign verb 托运,委托
oblivion noun 遗忘
debt noun 债务
dishwasher noun 洗碗机
encourage verb 鼓励,怂恿
expenses plural noun 费用,开支
filing cabinet noun 文件柜
-fold suffix (附于数字后)表示“倍”
rewarding adjective 有益的,报答的
share noun 份额
site noun 地点,场所
manual adjective 手工的/体力的
accounts plural noun 帐目
install verb 安装
dealings plural noun 关系,往来
collapse verb 倒塌,病倒
concentric adjective 同中心的
counsellor noun 顾问
get rid of phrasal verb 摆脱,除去
corporation noun 大公司
parking lot noun 停车场
pyramid structure noun 金字塔结构
scrutiny noun 详细审查
staff turnover noun 员工流动率
subject someone to something phrasal verb 使某人经历或遭受某事物
detector noun 探测器
disguise noun 伪装
distributor noun 经销商
eavesdrop verb 偷听
device noun 装置,发明物
exhibit verb 展出,陈列
forthcoming adjective 即将来临的
hands-on experience noun 实际经验
licence UK license US noun 许可证
interfere verb 干涉,干预
mains plural noun UK (供应一建筑物或地方的)水源,煤气源,电源
warranty noun (商品)保证书,保证
monitor noun 监控器
part adjective 部分的,局部的
portable adjective 轻便的/便携式的
recharge verb 再充电
rep = sales representative noun 销售代表
scrambler noun 扰频器
showroom noun (商品样品)陈列室
specify verb 确切说明/明确规定/祥述
volt noun 伏特
workstation noun 工作站
anchor noun 锚
container noun 集装箱
handbook noun 手册
idealize verb 理想化
passage noun 航程,旅行,旅费
pro forma (invoice) noun 形式发票
scenario noun 可能出现的情况
stainless steel noun 不锈钢
truck noun 卡车,敞棚货车
unload verb 卸货/(从相机中)取出胶卷
warehouse noun 仓库,大商店
UNIT 6 International trade
available adjective 可获得的,/可探访的
career noun 事业,生涯,职业
confidential adjective 机密的,秘密的
detail noun 细节,详情
domestic adjective 国内的
exchange verb 交换,兑换
hostile adjective 敌对的
impatience noun 急躁
polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的
abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外
announce verb 宣布,通告
battery noun 电池
acquaintance noun 熟人
disabled adjective 伤残的
economy noun 经济实惠/节约措施
line noun (产品的)类型,种别
order book noun 订货簿
outperform verb 做得比…好/胜过
plant noun 设备,工厂
output noun 产量,输出量
quotation noun 报价(单)
range noun 种类
rationalize verb 合理化
redundant adjective 多余的
shape noun 外型,体型
share noun 股份
shipping noun 运送
short-range adjective 短期的/短程的
suppliers plural noun 供应商
specifications plural noun 规格
stock noun 库存
substantial adjective 大量的/可观的
vehicle noun 交通工具
briefcase noun 公文包
bug noun 窃听器
1、 当合外力为零且作用于同一点时,即物体不受力时,物体处于静止或匀速直线运动,其运动速度大小、运动方向不发生改变。
1、offer sb an incentive to do 激励某人做某事
.Sure, a higher salary can offer more talented people an incentive to take teaching as a profession. 当然,高薪能激励更多人才选择做老师。
2、 one of a kind 独一无二
.e confident when you apply for a job; you have to believe you are one of a kind and you can make a contribution. 应聘时一定要自信,你要相信你是独一无二的,一定会为他们做出贡献。
3、there’s no sense in doing 没意义/没道理做某事
.ince the test is over, there’s no sense in regretting about wrong answers. 都考完了,就别再悔憾答错的题了。
4、miss out on sth 错失...失去…
.mployees should be brought into the decision-making process, otherwise the company will miss out on new thoughts and novel ideas.下属应该参与决策的过程,否则公司就会错失很多新颖的想法。
5、all walks of life 各行各业
.nnovation is a quality required in all walks of life.各行各业都需要创新。
6、be a huge factor in determining ... 对…起着决定性作用= be a decisive/determining factor
.o pursue a hobby outside work, disposable time and money can be a decisive factor. 为了在工作外追求一个爱好,有钱和时间起着决定性作用。
7、in full swing 活跃,全力进行中
.his year the parties are in full swing.今年的聚会如火如荼的进行着。
举一反三你也可以说campaign/learning/social activity is in full swing.
8、at the cost of … 以…为代价
.e shouldn’t enjoy an economic boom at the cost of environment. 我们不能为了经济发展而牺牲环境。
9、fall short of 缺乏
.istance education falls short of proper guidance and supervision.远程教学缺乏足够的指导和监督。
10、on the verge of 濒临于,接近于
.efore you know it, your productivity is waning, you feel tired more easily and you are on the verge of breakdown. 在你意识到之前,效率在骤降,你容易感到劳累并且濒临崩溃的边缘。
11、do more harm than good 弊大于利 v.
.or someone who lacks self control and discipline, Internet may actually do more harm than good.对于没有自制力和自控力的人而言,互联网或许会弊大于利。
12、in exchange for …以…作为交换
.rofessional athletes deserve the high salary they receive because it’s just the compensation in exchange for putting thire body through so much. 专业运动员值得高薪,因为这是他们身体经受磨练的补偿。
13、burn out 精疲力竭 v.
.oung people juggling school and work can easily burn out.年轻人如果兼顾学习和工作很容易精疲力竭。
14、build up 聚积,逐渐增强 v.
.ou should learn to release stress and build up confidence when preparing for finals. 在为期末准备时,你需要减轻压力并且建立自信。
15、be stuck in 被困于... v.
.f you dwell on how things may go wrong, then you’d be stuck in such negativity and end up with nothing done by the end of the day. 如果你老想着事情会变得怎么不好,那么你很可能被困于消极的情绪并且这一天最终什么都做不成。
16、be stressed out 压力大的 adj.
.aturally, body weight exercises can be good for you. But working out too intensely will stress you out/ will make you stressed out. 当然,自重训练对你很好。但是如果锻炼得过于剧烈,也会使你压力大。
17、show promise in… 在...方面显示出很有前途
.he scholarship is offered to those who show great promise in their respective fields.奖学金是提供给那些在自己的领域方面显示出很有前途的人。
18、draw on 吸取,借鉴,利用
.n every discipline, creativity also draws on skill, knowledge and control. 在每个学科中,创新同样要利用技术、知识和管理力。
19、be caught up in 卷入,陷入,沉浸在
.s long as you are alive and on earth, you are caught up in a global revolution. 当你活在地球上,你就被卷入了全球革命。
20、put a strain on… 对…形成/施加压力
.echnological innovation and population growth are putting a vast strain on the Earth’s natural resources. 科技创新和人口增长对地球生态资源施加了巨大压力。
21、keep track of 记录,记下/ lose track of 忘记,记不清
.s you grow older, you may lose track of time and of things that happened in the past. But a photo album can do the trick and help you keep track. 当你老去,你会忘记以前度过的美好时光和发生过的事,但是相册可以做到帮你记录。
22、build a habit 形成一种习惯
.en expressions a day; you build a learning habit that can get you a long way. 每天重复十遍,你会形成好的学习习惯并受益终生。
23、take one’s mind off sth. 放松一下,不去想…
.he act of learning takes our mind off our problems. 用学习的行动可以让我们不去想那些烦恼。
24、rise above 克服
.uccessful men have the capacity to rise above challenges and obstacles in life. 成功人士有克服挑战和困难的能力。(capacity-ability; people-men)
25、conform to 遵守,符合
.veryone has to conform to the company’s dressing code rules about what you can wear.每个人都必须遵守公司的着装规定。
26、be conducive to 有利于,有助于
.xercising regularly can be conducive to a balanced life. 规律运动有利于健康平衡的生活。
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?
Sample answer:
The high demand of consumer goods has led to the depletion of natural resources as well as environmental degradation. How to reverse this situation should be paid more attention and both the government and individuals should take responsibility for this.
The past decades have witnessed the expansion of human population, which results in the ever-growing requirement for various products such as food, clothing. Not only does this cause the decrease of natural resources, but also contributes to environmental deterioration. An example of this is that people cut down more trees for disposable chopsticks and furniture, leading to deforestation in many areas. This further causes some problems like soil, erosion, droughts and change in temperature.
Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. Otherwise, they would not live a throw-away life and cause some avoidable waste or pollution. A large number of people have not yet realized the importance of recycling, nor are they conscious of the households appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment.
To cope with this problem, governments should firstly try to raise public's awareness for environmental protection and recycling. Besides, they should also invest heavily in some renewable energy resources such as nuclear, solar or wind energy. Meanwhile, ordinary people should make an effort to consume less and recycle more and classify rubbish in order to reduce the damage of waste.
To sum up, the increase of world population and insufficient environmental consciousness are associated with the issue stated. And to combat with it, every member in the society should take actions.
27、devote to sth 致力于,奉献=commit oneself to sth=be dedicated to
.n a test-oriented education system,teachers tend to devote more time to preparing students for scoring high in tests. 在应试教育体系中,老师们倾向于投入更多的时间在学生的高分上。
28、a state of mind 心态
.nstead of being in a stressful task-switching state of mind,you should let everything else go and just focus on this one task in the moment. 与其处于一种有压力的工作切换状态中,你应该排除杂念,眼下只专注于一个任务。
29、steer away from 避开
.enerations of young people have been steered away from the arts with benign advice about poor job prospects. 年轻一代听取了关于艺术行业不乐观的职业前景的善意建议而避开了它。
.ou should try to steer away from trouble.你应该试着避开麻烦。
30、be wary of 警惕
.n a rapidly changing environment employers constantly fear that their best talent will be poached by other companies. They are wary of investing in developing their own talent since they fear it will primarily benefit their competitors. 在一个频繁变动的环境中,雇主常常担心他们最好的点子被其他公司剽窃。他们投资开发自己的点子的时候总是很警觉,因为他们害怕这个点子会使他们的对手受益。
Some people think news have no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 完全不同意嘛!首先,报纸怎么可能和日常生活无关?事实正好倒过来,报纸的新闻反映出的就是我们每天生活的点滴改变。举例,城市的都市日报讲的全是和老百姓衣食住行相关的话题,比如说哪里修路,哪家超市搞促销等等,这让老百姓能合理地安排自己的出行计划。
2. 第二,通过观看那些电视上的新闻更新,如天气预报,以及关于流行病和地震的警报,人们能及时地做出反应来避免灾害。
3. 第三,这些媒体能提供很多日常生活知识。举例,做饭,卫生知识,健康保健,法律条文等等,这能给老百姓的生活提供实际指导。
4. 第四,看报纸是一种娱乐。举例,阅读那些报纸上的小故事,或是思考字谜题,都能让读者获得一种精神上的放松和开心。
Nowadays, there is an argument that reading mass media is a waste of time, because they have nothing to do with daily life. In my view, this assertion is ridiculous, because it fails to find out practical values of mass media in our lives. My reasons will be explored as below.
Firstly, the assertion of “no connection between news and people’s lives” is problematic, because it is opposite to the truth. Today, the majority of newspapers and TV channels are regional media, and all they reflect and respond are closely related to day-to-day life among people. They typical example is a kind of newspaper named City daily, which features focusing on every detail of a certain urban area, such as the implementation of new social rules, the rebuilding of transportation infrastructures, the discount time of malls, the schedule of exhibitions in museums and theatres, and even the price fluctuation of local food market. By reading the news happening around, urbanites can gain useful suggestions and instructions for making proper decisions about their outdoor travelling, shopping, and leisure activities every day. Moreover, forecasts and social-crime reports from these media play a key role as a reminder, which keeps audiences from the uncertainty and dangers. What is more, common knowledge and tips of life presented in newspaper, from cooking to gardening, from children caring to money planning, teach readers with practical experience and skills, which helps to keep their lives in good trim.
Another problem of this assertion is that it underestimates the contributions these media make to the mental health of the public. Generally speaking, in an age full of fierce competition and stress, reading newspaper is an ideal way by which the audience can relax their minds, no matter whether the contents in newspaper are useful or not. For example, by taking a glance at the words on newspaper that has no practicality at all, such as stories of historic events and people, tidbits about movie and sports stars, as well as introductions of academic knowledge about science and arts, readers can lift themselves up from the pressure, worries and anxiety. Therefore, mass media well serves a positive purpose of entertainment which improves emotional stability and well-being of the public.
Overall, I believe this assertion of denying the importance of mass media makes no sense. The truth is, newspaper and TV programs have been proven greatly meaningful and valuable in the public’s convenience, safety and entertainment.
多年来,本人能够不断地增强安全防范意识 ,值班守库期间能够严格按照 “三防一保 ”的要求,认真落实各项防范措施,熟记防盗防抢防暴预案,熟练掌握、使用好各种防范器械,做好“三门”反锁检查工作。经常检查电路、电话是否正常,防范器械性能是否处于良好状态,当出现异常情况,能当场处理的当场处理,不能处理的能主动上上级汇报等等,能够时刻保持清醒的头脑,增强安全防范意识,并确保值班守库二十四小时不失控,保护信用社的财产安全。
我的好兄弟作词:高进编曲:高进演唱:小沈阳 高进 在你辉煌得时刻让我为你唱首歌我的好兄弟心里的苦你对我说前方大路一起走哪怕是河也一起过苦点累点又能算什么在你需要我的时候......
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雅思写作高频词汇分类汇总一. 科技类1.advanced science 尖端科学 2.scientific invention 科学发明3.exert a far-reaching impact on… 对…产生一种深远的影响 4.double-e......
