理科段子:远程教育Hi, Lynn. I saw you at registration yesterday. I sailed right through, but you were standing in a long line.
Yeah. I waited an hour to sign up for a distance-learning course.
Distance learning? Never heard of it.
Well, it's new this semester. It's only open to psychology majors. But I bet it'll catch on else where. Yesterday, over a hundred students signed up.
Well, what is it?
It's an experimental course. I registered for child psychology. All I have got to do is watch a twelve-week series of televised lessons. The department shows them seven different times a day and in seven different locations.
Don't you ever have to meet with professor?
Yeah. After each part of the series I have to talk to her and the other students on the phone, you know, about our ideas. Then we'll meet on campus three times for reviews and exams.
It sounds pretty non-traditional to me. But I guess it makes sense, considering how many students have jobs. It must really help with their schedules, not to mention how it will cut down on traffic.
You know, last year my department did a survey and they found out that 80 percent of all psychology majors were employed. That's why they came up with the program.
Look, I'll be working three days a week next semester and it was either cut back on my classes or try this out.
The only thing is: doesn't it seem impersonal though? I mean, I miss having class discussions and hearing what other people think.
Well, I guess that's why phone contact's important. Any way, it's an experiment.
Maybe I'll end up hating it.
Maybe. But I'll be curious to see how it works up.
6. 6. 990848 文科段子:历史发展Last time, we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk today about the political management of the war on both sides: the north under Abraham Lincoln and the south under Jefferson Davis. An important task for both of these presidents was to justify for their citizens just why the war was necessary. In 1861, on July 4th, Lincoln gave his first major speech in which he presented the northern reasons for the war. It was, he said, to preserve democracy. Lincoln suggested that this war was a noble crusade that would determine the future of democracy through out the world. For him the issue was whether or not this government of the people, by the people could maintain its integrity, could it remain complete and survive its domestic foes. In other words, could a few discontented individuals and by that he meant those who led the southern rebellion, could they arbitrarily break up the government and put an end to free government on earth? The only way for the nation to survive was to crush the rebellion. At the time, he was hopeful that the war wouldn't last long and the slave owners would be put down forever, but he underestimated how difficult the war would be. It would be harder than any the Americans had thought before or since, largely because the north had to break the will of the southern people, not just by its army. But Lincoln rallied northerners to a deep commitment to the cause. They came to perceive the war as a kind of democratic crusade against southern society.
7. 7. 981042 文科段子:传媒变迁
Moving away from newspapers, let's now focus on magazines. Now the first magazine was a little periodical called the Review and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time, but in terms of its contents it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events but the Review focused on important domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the go
1. 000139 文科段子:艺术类音乐It may seem strange that we're discussing music from a Broadway production in this class, “The Lion King” especially, since it's based on a popular Hollywood movie. I mean music preformed for Broadway theater in the heart of New York city surely would seem to be in the western tradition of popular music and not have much in common with the music we have been studying in this course, such as gamelan music of Indonesia, or Zulu chants of South Africa, music that developed outside the western tradition of Europe and America. But in fact, musicians have a long-standing tradition of borrowing front one another's cultures. And this production's director intentionally included both western and non-western music. That way, some of the rhythms, instrument, and harmonies typical of non-western music contrast with and complement popular music more familiar to audiences in North America and Europe, music like rock, jazz or Broadway style show tunes. So I want to spend the rest of this class and most of the next one on the music from the show “The Lion King” as a way of summarizing some of the technical distinctions between typical western music and the non-western music that we've been studying. Now the African influence on the music is clear. The story takes place in Africa. So the director got a South African composer to write songs with a distinctly African sound. And the songs even include words from African languages. But we'll get back to the African influence later. First let's turn to the music that was written for the shadow puppet scenes in “The Lion King”, music based on the Indonesian music used in the shadow puppet theater of that region
2. 000143 理科段子:天文学
In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. Well over 2,000 years ago; the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. Direct observations of heavenly bodies were the basis of both these argu
enrollment 登记, 注册
opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式
commencement ceremony 毕业典礼
convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)
orientation meeting开学说明会
staff n.全体职员
freshman (大学)一年级学生
sophomore (大学)二年级学生
junior (大学)三年级学生
senior (大学)四年级学生
tuition, fee 费用
placement test 开学测试
excellent 出色的
below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:
university- president 大学,校长
chancellor 名誉校长
college 学院
school 学院
dean 院长
principal 中学校长
professor 教授
associate professor 副教授
assistant professor 助理教授
coordinator 班主任,协调人
counselor 辅导员
advisor 指导老师
instructor 讲师
tutor 个人辅导
supervisor 管理人
undergraduate 本科
graduate 研究生
建筑物 buildings:
administration building 行政大楼
main building 主楼
wing/annex 配楼
teaching building教学楼
dormitory n.宿舍
auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall
assembly n.集合,集会 hall
computer lab 计算实验室,机房
dining hall 食堂
major 主修 minor 副修
science 理科, arts 文科, engineering 工科
Mathematics 数学
physics 物理
chemistry 化学
biology 生物学
geography 地理学
electronics 电子学
computer science 计算机科学
astronomy 天文学
electronics engineering 电子工程学
botany 植物学
psychology 心理学
zoology 动物学
architecture 建筑学
oceanography 海洋学
ecology 生态学
medical science 医学
archaeology 考古学
history 历史学
linguistics 语言学
pedagogies 教育学,教学法
anthropology 人类学
economics 经济学
statistics 统计学
accounting 会计学
philosophy 哲学
required、 compulsory course 必修课
selective/optional course选修课
elective course 选修课
lecture 讲座
seminar 高级研讨性课
colloquium n.报告课
tutorial 个人辅导课程
workshop 专题课程
Introductory 入门级
elementary, fundamental 初级
Intermediate, secondary 中级
Advanced 高级
Prerequisite 先修课程
Attend class 上课
Miss class 缺课
Skip class逃课
Syllabus 教学大纲
Required textbook 要求的课本
Attendance 出勤
Grading system 打分体系
Class participation 课堂参与
semester/term 学期 quarter 小学期
course guideline 课程纲要
major 主修
minor 副修
exemption 免修
syllabus 教学大纲
Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)
Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数),
openings (可供注册的名额)
Take 选(课), drop 退(课)
Late registration晚注册
Deregistration 注销
professor 教授
lecturer = instructor 讲师
teaching assistant = TA 助教
research assistant = RA 助研
counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问
president 大学校长
teacher/faculty 教师
student's advisor 学生顾问
physicist 物理学家
mathematician 数学家
chemist 化学家
historian 历史学家
statistician 统计学家
mid-term exam 期中考
final exams = finals 期末考
cumulative final 总结性考试
take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)
open-book exam 开卷考试
subjective test 主观性测试
objective test 客观性测试
pop quiz 抽查式测验
blue book 答题本
assessment n估价
appraisal n.评价, 估价
make up for 补考,
resit, retake重考
grade (mark 、score) 分数
perfect grade 优异成绩
low grade 低分
high mark 高分
passing grade 及格分
failing grade 不及格分
full marks 满分
straight A's 全 A
be all A's and B's 全是 A和B
B plus B加
A minus A 减
pass the iexam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试
graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业
diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书
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