
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文







1.Seeing the clear water disappeared into the sand, the man _______

A.was lost in thoughtB.lost in thought

C.was losing in thoughtD.lost in the thought(A)

2.The clear water disappeared into the sand, just like water_____, which is called a lifetime

A.die outB.die awayC.die ofD.die off(B)


The sage thought for a long time, silently scooped up the water and asked,“What is the1____of the water?” the sage poured the water into the gla 2_____he could answer.The man took a tumble, “I know, water is like a gla’s shape.” The sage said nothing and poured the water into the 3____.” The sage shook his head, gently carried the vase in 4_____ hands and poured the water into the pot filled with sand.The clear water 5_______into the sand.1.A.styleB.designC.shapeD.form(C)

2.A.as ifB sinceC.afterD.before(D)

3.A.vaseB bottleC.potD.bowl(A)

4.Aeither.B bothC.neitherD.all(B)



1.What does the underlined word “came to see light” mean in Para 8?

A.The man saw the sunlight of the day

B.The man enjoyed seeing light of drops ofwater.C.The man didn’tthink highly of what the sage said

D.The man realized the meaning of what the sage said.(D)

2.From the last sentence of the text, we learn that Life is something that_______________

A.we must make every effort to adapt to the environments

B.we should try to change the environments to realize our own value

C.We should have more tenacity and bend and turn when neceary

D.all of the above.(D)


There was a man who came down in the world and couldn’t achieve his ambition.So he was recommended to a sage.The sage thought for a long time, silently scooped up the water and asked, “What is the shape of the water?” the sage poured the water into the gla before he could answer.The man took a tumble, “I know, water is like a gla’s shape.” The sage said nothing and poured the water into the vase.” The sage shook his head, gently carried the vase in both hands and poured the water into the pot filled with sand.The clear water disappeared into the sand.The man was lost in thought.The sage bent down to grasp a handful of sand and sighed, “Look, the water died away like this;this is a lifetime!”

The man said happily, “ I know, you tell me the society is like various containers everywhere, so man should be like water.When you are in a certain container, you will become its shape and easily die in a regular container, just like the water, disappearing rapidly and suddenly;and nothing can change!” With the words, the man stared at the sage’s eyes, for he was eager to be affirmed.“Yes,” then the sage added, “No!” the sage went out of the house while the man followed.Under the eaves, the sage bent over, touched the flagstone steps for a while and stopped.The man reached out his hand to where the sage had just touched and saw a concave, but he didn’t know what secret the cavity on the flat stone step hid.The sage said, “In rainy days, the rain water would fall from the eaves, so the concave is the result the water falls.”

The man “ I understand people may be put into the regular containers, but they should be like the little drop of water, holing the hard flagstones, until changing the containers.”

The sage said, “Right, this concave will turn into a hole!”

Life is like water, so we must not only make every effort to adapt to the environments, but also we should try to change the environments to realize our own value.We should have more tenacity and bend and turn when neceary because it is too hard, it will easily break.Only those who are not only stiff but also have more flexibility and resilience can overcome more difficulties and setbacks.




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