Time: 55 minutes (including the reading of the directions). Now set your clock for 55 minutes.
Question 1-12
??? Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some
cases millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the
petals is called the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing
strip to attract the specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator.
???To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors, and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one, or at most a few, species of insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different times.
???Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way obstacle
courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards of rampant
crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At the same time
they have made themselves irresistible to collectors.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) Birds
(B) Insects
(C) Flowers
(D) Perfume
2 The orchid is unique because of
(A) the habitat in which it lives
(B) the structure of its blossom
Questions 1-11
??? With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than
an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is
named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green,
pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than
ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea
anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower
part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upper end of the sea
anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food.
Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea?
animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone s mouth. The food is?
digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles?
and?shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by
forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent
1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The varieties of ocean life
(B) The?characteristics of the sea anemone
(C) A comparison of land and sea anemones
(D) The defenses of coelenterates
2. The work “shape” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) length
(B) grace
(C) form
(D) nature
3. The author compares a sea anemone s tentacles to a flower s.
(A) stem
(B) petals
(C) leaves
(D) roots
4.It can be inferred from the passage that hydras
(A) were named after a flower
(B) are usually found in Australia
(C) prey on sea anemones
(D) are related t
Questions 1-11
??? With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than
an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is
named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green,
pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than
ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea
anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower
part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. The upper end of the sea
anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food.
Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea?
animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone s mouth. The food is?
digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles?
and?shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by
forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent
1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The varieties of ocean life
(B) The?characteristics of the sea anemone
(C) A comparison of land and sea anemones
(D) The defenses of coelenterates
2. The work “shape” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) length
(B) grace
(C) form
(D) nature
1. Because air is highly compressible, --- to define a clear upper boundary of the atmosphere.
(A) it is impossible
(B) impossible is
(C) so the impossibility
(D) is the impossibility
2. BASIC, the acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a high – level Instruction Code, is a high – level computer programming language ---.
(A) learning relatively simple
(B) related it simply to learning
(C) simple and relative to learn
(D) that is relatively simple to learn
3. --- Frances Perkins held the post of labor secretary for twelve years.
(A) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was
(B) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position
(C) Appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was the first woman who
(D) The first woman was appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position who
4. --- at the turn of the century, the Minnesota State Capitol building is made of white granite and marble.
(A) Erected
(B) Was erected
(C) To erect it
(D) Erecting it
5. A stream of volcanic lava flows differently, -- on the sort of ground it flows over.
(A) to depend
(B) depending
(C) that dependent
(D) when it depended
6. --- large amounts of vitamin E found in green leaves, such as lettuce, and in cereals, especially in wheat germ.
(A) The
(B) They have
(C) There are
(D) Because of
7. A popular belief --- radio and television have homogenized the language of the United States. (A) states that
(B) that is stated
(C) that states
(I) stating that
8. The astronomical unit is the average distance of the Earth from the Sun --- is the standard of distances in the Solar System.
(A) and
(B) also
(C) in addition
(D) because
1. Because air is highly compressible, --- to define a clear upper boundary of the atmosphere.
(A) it is impossible
(B) impossible is
(C) so the impossibility
(D) is the impossibility
2. BASIC, the acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, is a high C level Instruction Code, is a high C level computer programming language ---.
(A) learning relatively simple
(B) related it simply to learning
(C) simple and relative to learn
(D) that is relatively simple to learn
3. --- Frances Perkins held the post of labor secretary for twelve years.
(A) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was
(B) The first woman appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position
(C) Appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position was the first woman who
(D) The first woman was appointed by a United States President to a cabinet position who
4. --- at the turn of the century, the Minnesota State Capitol building is made of white granite and marble.
(A) Erected
(B) Was erected
(C) To erect it
(D) Erecting it
5. A stream of volcanic lava flows differently, -- on the sort of ground it flows over.
(A) to depend
(B) depending
(C) that dependent
(D) when it depended
6. --- large amounts of vitamin E found in green leaves, such as lettuce, and in cereals, especially in wheat germ.
(A) The
(B) They have
(C) There are
(D) Because of
7. A popular belief --- radio and television have homogenized the language of the United States. (A) states that
(B) that is stated
(C) that states
(I) stating that 8. The astronomical unit is the average distance of the Earth from the Sun --- is the standard of distances in the Solar System.
(A) and
(B) also (C) in addition (D) because
9. In 1952 Ernest Hemingway pub
1. Between 1870 and 1 890 the total population of tile United States---.
(A) that doubled
(B) doubled
(C) It doubled
(D) when doubled
2. Intended to display the work of twentieth-century artists, in 1929.
(A) the opening of the Museum of Modern Art
(B) so the Museum of Modern Art opened
(C) why tile Museum of Modern Art opened
(D) the Museum of Modern Art opened
3. The Earth has a tremendous amount of water, but--- in the ocean.
(A) almost all of it is
(B) it is almost all of
(C) is of it almost all
(D) all is of it almost
4. --- have sense organs in a canal known as the lateral line, which allows them to respond to changes in water pressure caused by nearby motion.
(A) That tile fish
(B) Fish
(C) When fish
(D) If tile fish
5. Direct information on the chemical composition of the Moon became available in 1969 --- of the first Apollo mission to land on the Moon.
(A) with tile return
(B) returning
(C) when returned
(D) and the return
6. --- completely harmless to the environment is very difficult and usually economically unsound.
(A) Cleaning products that
(B) Cleaning products are
(C) Cleaning products are made
(D) Making a cleaning product
7. One of Ulysses S. Grant's first acts as President of the United States was to name tile Seneca chief Donehogawa --- of Indian Affairs.
(A) as was Commissioner
(B) Commissioner
(C) was Commissioner
(D) him Commissioner
8. One of the most ancient arts,--- in different parts of the world.
(A) for weaving to develop independently
(B) the independent development of weaving
(C) weaving, to develop independently
(D) weaving developed independently
9. --- classified as a carnivore, the North American grizzly bear cats berries and even grass.
(A) Just as
(B) Because of
(C) Although
(D) Either
10. Not only --- muc
1. --- a major role in future planetary exploration.
(A)Robots will surely play
(B)Robots, which will surely play
(C)Because robots will surely be playing
(D)Surely robots, which will be playing
2. Unlike the owl, bats cannot see very well, but they do have---.
(A)it hears very well
(B)very good to hear
(C)tearing very well
(D)very good hearing
3.Comparatively few clues in the United Slates have competing newspapers today, a major change from 1900 --- more than two newspapers.
(A)because then most large cities having
(B)when did most large cities have
(C)then most large cities that had
(D)when most large cities had
4.Witch hazel extract, --- distilled from the bark and twigs of the witch hazel shrub, has been utilized in medicine.
(A) is
(B) when to be
(C)which is
(D)has been
5. --- touching in O. Henry's stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity.
(A) Most is
(B) It mostly is
(C) Is it most
(D) What is most
6. The face of the Moon is changed by collisions with meteoroids, --- new craters to appear.
(A) cause
(B) causing
(C) caused
(D) have cause
7. Social scientists believe that --- from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors of human beings.
(A) the very slow development of language
(B) language developed very slowly
(C) language which,, was very slow to develop
(D) language, very slowly developing
8. --- substances include various forms of silica, pumice, and emery.
(A) Natural abrasives occur
(B) Abrasion occurs in natural
(C) Naturally occurring abrasive
(D) A natural occurrence of abrasion
9. --- in the upper part of their long1 thin legs all9w deer to run swiftly and jump far.
(A) Muscles are powerful
(B) There are powerful muscles
(C) The powerful muscles that
(D) Powerful muscles
Some people like to hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer(表明自己的观点:赞同A)because I think A has more advantages.
There are numerous reasons why(表明自己的观点:赞同A), and I would in here explaining a few of the most important ones. First and foremost, the main reason is that(赞同A的原因之一). It can be given a concrete example:(举例说明原因之一).
Another reason why I advocate the attitude of A is that(赞同A的原因之二).Take the case of thing that(举例说明原因之二)
Last but not the least, one very strong argument in favor of A is that(举例说明赞同A 的原因之三). This demonstrates the undeniable fact that(表明A的优势)
Of courses, choosing B also has advantages to extent. For instance,(列出B的1-2个优势)
But if all factors are contemplated, it is no difficult to conclude that the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that(总结观点, 呼应文章开头).
No doubt, I choose A in no hesitation, because there are too many benefits about A that outnumber its disadvantages and I feel no inclination not to choose it. But B, on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages. But any argument remains groundless unless we manage to present plenty of evidence to support it.
The most important benefit of A is that(A 能带来和第一个好外). A case in point is that(举例说明A的第一个好处). To achieve the same effect, B will(B 带来的坏外, 比如:浪费很多东西,如时间,金钱等).
Another benefit of A, which B can hardly achieve, is that (A的第二个好处). Let us take an example to illustrate this point: (举例说明第二个好处).
Although B also has its seemingly profound advantages, it can only be achieved conditionally because(B的局限性, 即这种局限性是很难改进的).
1. A microscope can reveal vastly ______detail than is visible to the naked eye.
(A) than
(B) than more
(C) more than
(D) more
2. Narcissus bulbs ______ at least three inches apart and covered with about four inches of well drained soil.
(A) should be planted
(B) to plant
(C) must planting
(D) should plant
3. Industrialization has been responsible for ______ most radical of the environmental changes caused by humans.
(A) a (B) the
(C) some of which
(D) which are the
4. In many areas the slope and topography of the land ______ excess rainfall to run off into a natural outlet.
(A) neither permit
(B) without permitting
(C) nor permitting
(D) do not permit
5. Color and light, taken together, ______ the aesthetic impact of the interior of a building.
(A) very powerfully influence
(B) very influence powerfully
(C) powerfully very influence
(D) influence powerfully very
6. ______ that Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring was one of the chief sources of inspiration for the development of nontoxic pesticides.
(A) There is likely
(B) Likely to be
(C) It is likely
(D) Likely
7. Total color blindness, ______, is the result of a defect in the retina.
(A) a rare condition that
(B) a rare condition
(C) that a rare condition
(D) is a rare condition
8. ______ no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was invented only once and then diffused to the rest of the world.
(A) Even
(B) But
(C) Although
(D) So
9. Wherever there is plenty of rain during the growing season, life is ______ in various forms.
(A) abundant (
B) the abundance
(C) an abundant
(D) it abundant
Structure and Written Expression
Time: 25 minutes (including the reading of the directions) Now set your clock for 25 minutes.
1 Amber comes____from the resins of pine trees that grew in Northern Europe millions of years ago. (A) chiefly (B) and chiefly (C) it is chiefly (D) since it is chiefly
2 An adult human must take eight steps to go ____as a giraffe does in one stride.
(A) as far (B) the farther (C) how far (D) farther
3 When the focus of a pair of binoculars is adjusted, ____into view.
(A) bringing distant objects (B) distant objects can be brought (C) and bring distant objects
(D) to bring distant objects
4 From the Iroquois tradition of behind-the-scenes political participation by women, Alice Jemison acquired a self-confidence that ____in her later crusades.
(A) her served well (B) served well her (C) served her well (D) her well served
5 Because of its importance in modern living, ____in all parts of the world.
(A) algebra is studied in schools and colleges (B) studying algebra in schools and colleges
(C) and the study of algebra in school and colleges (D) in schools and colleges are algebra studies
6 ____in the diet is especially important for vegetarians.
(A) Enough protein is obtained (B) Obtaining enough protein (C) They obtain enough protein
(D) By obtaining enough protein
7 The early work of Edith Wharton ____the relationship between the individual and the community.
(A) focuses attention on (B) focusing the attention on (C) the attention focused on
(D) is the attention and locus
8 Archaeologists know ____35,000 years ago, but it is still unclear for precisely what purpose.
(A) drawing being practiced (B) when the practice of drawing (C) that drawing was practiced
(D) practicing of drawing
9 Coral reefs owe their brilliant colors to algae ____in symbiosis with coral polyps.
(A) that live (B) do they live (C) why they live (D) live
10 The specialized nature of anthropological research makes ____that various to determine their
similarities and differences.
(A) imperative is (B) it imperative (C) it is imperative (D) it is an imperative
11 Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, ____it allows extraordinarily free
(A) that (B) during (C) which (D) and
12 The common cold, normally ____illness, can seriously threaten the health of postoperative
(A) can be minor (B) as minor (C) minor an (D) a minor
13 Commercial expansion from city to suburb has affected the way people in the United States___.
(A) living and working (B) they live and work (C) live and work (D) to live and to work
14 Only recently ___possible to separate the components of fragrant substances and to determine
their chemical composition.
(A) it becomes (B) having become (C) has it become (D) which becomes
15 Charles Lindbergh told reporters ___never been deterred from attempting to cross the Atlantic
alone even though others had failed.
(A) that he had (B) that he had it (C) had it (D) his having
Written Expression
16. Sculptor Duane Hanson is noted for his many life-sized and realistic figure.
17. A liquid does not have reach its boiling point to evaporate completely.
18. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 brought more than 40,000 prospectors there
by two years.
19. Some psychologists believe what even when a person suffers from amnesia, some memory
remains in the unconscious .
20. The Aeneid was the greatest achievement in the golden age of Latin literature, and it does
continued to influence poets through the centuries.
21. The Appalachian Range of North America is made up of a broken chain of ridges, plateaus,
and moutainous.
22. Bacteria are either plants nor animals, but are single-called organisms that reproduce most
TOEFL试题参考1. Because air is highly compressible, --- to define a clear upper boundary of the atmosphere.(A) it is impossible(B) impossible is(C) so the impos......
TOEFL全真试题1. A microscope can reveal vastly ______detail than is visible to the naked eye.(A) than(B) than more(C) more than(D) more2. Narcissus bulbs ______......
TOEFL全真试题Reading ComprehensionTime: 55 minutes (including the reading of the directions).Now set your clock for 55 minutes.Question 1-12Orchids are unique i......