科技类 雅思范文_科技类雅思作文题目
科技类 雅思范文(合集17篇)由网友“王茸茸”投稿提供,以下是小编帮大家整理后的科技类 雅思范文,欢迎大家分享。
Task:The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking. do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?
Sample answer:
Since the first mobile phone was invented, this technology has already changed our lives. However, while it gains its popularity, a lot of criticism also follow. Personally, I believe that it should not be banned.
We cannot avoid the fact that the mobile phone brings much convenience to our lives. In the old times, if we want to contact with a friend in a distant place, we may write a letter, which will take more than half a month before he gets the letter. But with the help of the mobile phone, we can get the connection with our friends in less than 10 seconds. In addition, the mobile phone is able to achieve many features, such as shopping online, GPS, buying tickets and so on, which not only saves our time and spending, but also brings much more entertainment.
At the same time, mobile phone industry creates great quantity of business opportunities. In the past one decade, mobile phones are sold by hundreds, bu thousand, by million and provides unaccountable jobs in the modern world as well. For example, according to a survey, Samsung has made great contribution to Korean’s GDP. However, the mobile phone also has an effect on our physical and mental health. As we all know, if we insist to play digital games on our phones, we may suffer some eye diseases unless we realise its harmfulness. To make thins worse, nowadays many people would prefer to spend their time with some virtual friends rather than keep their families accompanied in reality.
In conclusion, I consider it has more benefits than drawbacks. If the mobile phone is used at a right place and right time, it still can be put into excellent usefulness.
(287 words)
Task:Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
Some educators have warned that the prevalence of mobile phones and the internet has a negative effect on adolescents’ academic ability. I agree with this view.
Firstly, the wide use of “Internet English” is regarded as the culprit of the declining writing skills. One obvious reason is that young adults may make some grammatical mistakes unconsciously because of the frequent use of improper abbreviations and punctuation on mobile devices, and this might pose a threat to their future career where a professional writing ability is required in most companies. Therefore, many linguists have expressed their concerns that the instant messaging and chatting on mobile phones might harm the ability of using formal written English.
Secondly, the poor reading proficiency can be put down to the frequent use of technologies as well. Compared to the older generation, young people today are cluttered with different gadgets, like iPad and iPhone. For instance, with easy access to wifi, they can surf the internet anywhere and anytime to follow the latest information of their idols in another country. However, most social network deliver fragment and useless information, which not only steals time way from solitary reading but also undermine the ability to think independently. In my opinion, this phenomenon should be reversed as soon as possible because reading has a profound effect on a nation’s future.
In conclusion, while these electronic devices make the communication much more convenient, I am in the camp that they might affect young people’s academic performance negatively.
(248 words)
It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample answer:
When it comes to the issue about how to judge the use of technologies on food, some people may argue that it contributes to a wider range of available food with better quality for human beings, but others believe that such advances may bring detriments to people’s health.
On one hand, thanks to the modern technologies, human beings are potent to enjoy a wider range of food than before. In the past, people could only enjoy some specific food in specific seasons, such as watermelon in summer. However, with the development of modern technologies, such as the green house, it is also available for individuals to enjoy watermelon in any season they like. Thus, the range of food has been exactly enlarged a lot due to the technological progress.
On the other hand, some potential risks may also exist with the utilization of technologies. It is acknowledged that scientists are eager to explore the mystery of transgene technologies and have adopted some technologies on food. However, the public may be fearful of such new product and even parade to resist transgene food since they cannot know whether some ingredients, after being altered by scientists, would do harm to their health. Considering the short history of transgene food, it is also understandable that human beings are reluctant to accept this new technology.
From my own perspective, it may be inevitable for human beings to adopt some scientific technologies to improve the range and quality of food, especially with the hybrid rice largely alleviating the famine worldwide. However, the possibility of negative consequences caused by it may not be ignored, either. Governments and scientists should be more responsible for their behavior and more scientific researches should be carried out to guarantee that the side effect of new food should be minimal. After all, what human beings intend through technologies on food is a better life, but not death.
(316 words)
People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology?
The advanced technology and cutting-edge breakthrough of science usher in an age when the obsession with logic and rationality elbow its way to the spotlight of public. However, art or the artists, the relatively sentimental part of human mind, still deserves a place for its irreplaceable importance.
It is apparent that the intrinsic characteristics of human being’s mind make artists an indispensable role of mankind. The essence of arts is its natural outflow of human emotion and their perception to the world from a subjective and self-oriented perspective, which can arouse a mental echo of the thirst for beauty and the probation of the primitive state of mind. Although we have lived in a world beaming with the hustle and bustle brought by technology, we still need musicians to compose the melodious tunes and painters to depict the magnificence of landscape. Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night will not pale compared with the stunning Hubble telescope.
The importance of art cannot be underestimated for the simple reason that its benefits will make a difference to human, albeit the dominance of technology. The pace of modern life has been inevitably accelerated due to the penetration of technological devices such as new media and machines, whose tyranny drains energy and paralyses our sense to the beauty of world. This circumstance is likely to be eased because art can present the aesthetic bliss and therefore reduce the fatigue and tiresome. It seems that the exhaustive soul can be nourished in the company of a light-hearted classic music and a piece of oil painting. We need the soothing comfort of art, as the advancement of our logic is always entwined with the call of our nature.
(281 words)
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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别
母题1:People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole? (050226, 070331)
第一文库网大家必写的话题之一。母题2:Many employees may work at home with the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers, not the employers. Do you agree or disagree? (050716, 091212)
1: Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (080110)
母题2:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? (060114)
作为一个中学生我虽不能搞什么大的发明创造,但是面对神奇的科学领域,我依然心存美好的遐想。我也想在这暑假学习一些科学知识,这是多么有趣味啊!所以我看了一本 《学生探索百科全书》。 “思维是地球上最美丽的花朵”,而探索精神是其中最灿烂的一枝。千百年来,人类用孜孜不倦的求索精神,不断扩展着对神气大自然,对奇妙的科学以及对人类自身的认识。在永不停顿的对未知领域的探究中,人类建构起了多姿多彩的迷人世界。
首先我在第一章的自然探索中,我了解了来自宇宙深处的信息、漫长的生命之旅在第二章的科学探索中,我了解了无处不在的黄金分割、四色之迷、寻找“幽灵粒子”、我们能不能穿越时空……,这些知识又是我了解到了科学,学会了科学的方法,科学的理论,科学的发展,科学的分析这些重要的东西,并且在日常生活中遇到的一些奇闻异事我也可以通过科学说法来解答他,这些知识都丰富了我的生活经验,让我不断的健康成长。在第三章的历史探索中,我了解到了丝绸之路、奥林匹克运动会的起源、埃及艳后、金字塔工程……历史使人明智,因为了解历史,可以学习前人的正确做法,并且改到自己的错误作风,这样可以使人们在成功的路上少一些坎坷,为自己铸造一条平平的道路 书是知识的源泉,能教给我们许多知识。一本好书,不但可以激发学习的欲望,而且还可以开拓眼界,它就像一位无形的老师,帮助我们笔直地走在人生道路上。我们应该懂得知识的可贵,少玩一次游戏,少看一次电视,经常读有关这方面的书,头脑中产生的疑问才会越来越少,兴趣也就越来越高。同时还可以获得更多的知识,更多的学问,更多的人生道理!
此外,我还清楚的认识到科学精神是人类一切创造发明的源泉,是做人做事、处人处事的根本。有了科学精神,遇事都要问个为什么,决不轻信盲从;有了科学精神,凡事都会讲究真确,决不随波逐流。为了便于记亿,我们可以把科学精神归纳为八个字:“求真、务实、无畏、创新” 。求真就是勇于探索、追求真理;务实就是崇尚事实、实事求是;无畏就是不畏权威、不避艰险;创新就是继往开来、推陈出新。这四个词组是互为因果的:求真――科学精神的核心,务实――科学精神的基础,无畏――科学精神的前提,创新――科学精神的目的。 科学精神是人类赖以生存和发展的一种精神。
People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole?
1.1 使用互联网成本大大降低
1.2 网络设备普及率大大增加(手机,智能家居,智能手表等)
1.3 各行各业都鼓励使用互联网完成交易
2.1 信息被银行,保险,信用卡等收集
2.2 国家个人征信系统也逐步完善
3.1 被允许的企业和商家是可以调用个人信用记录作为判断标准
3.2 商家和企业本身也是网络上产生信息的节点
4.1 个人身份验证可以通过照片上传至网络来完成
4.2 网络摄像头也取代面对面核实
4.3 更多有照片和摄像功能的设备连接互联网后,就成为实时的验证身份的工具
最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a plant in your country
You should say
- what the plant is
- where it is grown
- why you like or dislike it
- and explain why it is important to your country.
I would like to describe about Fat Choy which is a plant grown in the deserts in the northern part of China. You may link up Fat Choy with the famous Chinese Greetings “Kung Hei Fat Choy” when you heard about it at the first time. Yes, they are pronounce in the same way in Chinese. It is black in color and looks like vermicelli when it is soaked with water.
Fat Choy is used in some Chinese Recipes and the dishes are quite popular during Chinese New Year. People like to have some dishes which relates to rich and wealth at the beginning of a year. Thanks to its name pronouncing similar to Kung Hei Fat Choi, Fat Choi is always in great demand. Interesting enough, nutritionists examine Fat Choy and confirm that it has no nutrition value at all, although they are loved by the Chinese people.
I personally like the plant. But I don't like to have it in my dishes. Fat Choy is important to northern part of China, not because of its name relating to wealth, but its unique function in the wild to anchor the sand in desert. Over harvesting of Fay Choy has already brought a disaster consequence of worsening the desertification of northern part of China.
To make things worst, Fat Choy is a plant in the wild and planting it artificially is difficult. It could only be grown in the dessert with some other specific environmental factors. Fat Choy is now in extinction. I personally like this plant very much because of its strong characteristic, uniqueness and usefulness. And I would like to take any chance to advocate protection of Fay Choy within and outside China. It is already good to greet your friend with “Kung Hei Fat Choy” during Chinese New Year and you can leave Fay Choy in the dessert.
最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a piece of clothing you like wearing
You should say
- what the item of clothing is
- where and when you bought it
- when you wear it
- and explain why you like wearing it.
I’m not really that into clothes. I do try and look fairly smart but I’m not that bothered by my personal appearance and the clothes I’m wearing. But I will tell about my favourite article of clothing – my leather jacket. That is by some distance my favourite piece of clothing.
It’s a fairly normal or regular leather jacket. The one unusual feature I suppose is that it has white stripes down the sleeves. It’s also quite well-worn by now because I’ve had it some time and I tend to wear throughout the winter months. In fact it’s got quite a few little tears where it’s caught on sharp objects. I still love it though and I don’t mind at all that it looks rather second-hand.
I bought it at least 5 years ago now. It came from one of those big department stores and not a specialist leather shop. My old coat was very shabby and I was told by my girlfriend that I definitely needed to buy another one – I think she was embarrassed to be seen with me.
So I went out by myself. I think it must have been sometime in January when the New Year sales were on. My girlfriend wanted to come with me and help me choose something smart but I said I would do it by myself. We shop in very different ways. She always wants to try everything on and can spend hours buying nothing. My approach is quite different. If I see something that I like and it fits I buy it. She might be two hours in a shop while I normally only take 15 minutes.
Anyway I saw this jacket and I thought that it looked really cool. I had always secretly wanted a leather jacket and because the sales were on and it was reduced by 50% I just bought it. My girlfriend was really shocked when she saw what I had bought.
I like it because it’s different – it;’s just not like any other clothes I have in my wardrobe.
最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a kind of foreign food you have had
You should say:
When you had it
Where you ate it
What it was
and how did you feel about it
Ok then, I'm going to describe a foreign food I'd like to try, and when I was preparing what to say just now, the first dish that popped into my head was Indian curry, so that's what I've decided to talk about.
As for where you can get this dish, well, apart from obviously going to India to eat it, there are, as far as I know, a number of Indian restaurants dotted around my hometown which serve curry, although for some reason, I haven't got around to going to any yet; maybe it's because there are so many decent restaurants here in Hangzhou!
Anyway, moving on to how I know about this dish, well to be honest with you, I'm not all that sure how I got to know about Indian curry, but I guess it's kind of been a mixture of hearing about it from people, and reading about it in various books and magazines. In fact, I remember reading, only a few weeks ago, a review in the local paper about a recently-opened Indian curry house which apparently does really authentic Indian curry, so I can't wait to check it out sometime!
And finally, if there's still time, with regards to why I would like to try this dish, well thinking about it, I would say that one of the main reasons would be that I haven't actually tried it before, which I admit is a little surprising, seeing as most people my age have probably tried it at some stage or other. And as for other reasons, well I suppose I should also mention the fact that I'm a huge fan of spicy stuff, and if Thai curry is anything to go by, I reckon I would really like the taste of Indian curry, as I'm sure they're not that different.
So yeah, I guess that's pretty much everything there is to say, so thanks very much for listening.
9月,新工作开始有条不紊的步入正轨,第一个让我觉得有意思的工作就是准备科研条件建设项目的验收文档。对于这个工作,我是比较陌生的,特别是看到技术成果离验收的要求还有一段距离。针对这种情况来准备验收文档,对于一个没有经验的人来讲,似乎有点小难度。不过,谁让我要做这份工作呢,将来应付这种情况,都会是我的主要工作,非常庆幸,这也是一个管理者应该具备的基本素质。既来之则安之,相信有了这份工作经验,将来回到了原来的行业系统也会如虎添翼,潇洒自如。 科技类项目的文档书写确实是有技巧的,对人员的素质要求也是比较高的。具体来说,一个好的.“写本子”的人,应该具备清晰的思维、漂亮的文笔、当然更不能少了学习能力。具体说来: 首先,应该能够很快理解技术的内容,这就需要人员具备一定的学习能力,科技类项目一般都是针对国内外前沿技术的研究和推广应用,技术门槛较高,这就要求撰写者要有深入浅出的能力,熟悉技术框架、了解技术应用,在文档撰写过程中,要注意避免过于专业复杂的文字,能将深奥、前沿的技术写成科普性质的文章。 接着,有了深入浅出的能力,还是不够的,例如,撰写者不能把云计算技术写成就是一堆配置不高的服务器集群,要有漂亮的文笔,同样的话,在保证读者明白的前提下,要尽量使文笔大气、顺畅、给人一气呵成的感觉。 最重要的是,在文档撰写过程中,要注意思路。思路是一个文章的骨骼,科技类前沿技术,往往具有多种特点和功能,如何能够发掘对项目申报有用的功能,做到将前沿技术与项目需求完美的结合起来,使人读后,不仅觉得思路清晰,而且觉得项目具有很好的可操作性和实用性,是一个值得做的好项目。 无论是项目申报还是项目验收,都对人员素质有着很高的要求,优秀的项目成果是项目验收的基本前提,专家和用户大多是通过文档了解产品的,项目验收的文档,就是一个很好的表达项目成果的平台,任何一个项目管理者应该具备的最基本的素质就是将项目文档写好,把项目成果最好的一面展示给用户,这也是对项目团队工作成果的一种肯定和鼓励。篇10:校园科技类活动策划书
(1). “我的飞机我做主”纸飞机制作比赛
时间:5月11日 12:20
(2). “让鸡蛋飞”创意设计制作比赛
一等奖 教超购物券 40元
二等奖 20元等值礼品
三等奖 10元等值礼品
参与奖 小礼品
张莞晴 --- 总策划
章紫薇 孙逊 马士权 徐洋 --- 策划
杨旖瑶 --- 材料(鸡蛋、海报纸、粉笔、米尺、电子秤、纸、小刀、剪刀)
章紫薇 --- 借电子秤
张莞晴 章紫薇 杨旖瑶 --- 打扫工具
全体大一成员 --- 布置场地
郑静 张慧慧 --- 现场秩序维持
李帅 刘鹏 孙逊 马士权 --- 测量距离
荀坤 王维 --- 测量时间
任青 周蒙 --- 称重
徐洋 林斌 ---检查鸡蛋摔坏与否与装置是否符合要求
张莞晴 杨旖瑶 章紫薇 ---输机并计算成绩
谷庆 --- 摄影
1. 充分发挥宣传部的作用,利用海报为主要宣传形式,在整个学院展开宣传工作,同时制作传发关于科技节的传单;
2. 地贴;
海报(大幅电子一张+手绘一张) 60元
宣传单(100张)+地贴 30元
场地布置 50元
比赛道具 50元奖品 200元
计算公式: 重量得分= m最小/m总×50
3. 落地得分:
着陆区内环直径为1米,外环直径依次递增1米,共5环,从内至外依次得50分,40分、30分、20分,10分区外计5分 。
篇11:大学生社会实践报告 科技类
篇12:大学生社会实践报告 科技类
[大学生社会实践报告 科技类]
How Does Technology Impact Your Daily Life?
Over the last two decades, our lives have been slowly taken over by technology. Take a moment to look around you. How many screens do you see? Did you include the one you’re reading this on?
Our Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets have changed the way we work, play, and even raise our children. Today’s offices would be unrecognizable to workers of the past thanks to the proliferation of emails, video conferencing, tablets, laptop computers, and other relatively recent innovations. Meanwhile, more and more of our personal time is influenced by our gadgets (OK, smart phones) with each passing day.
The novelty of constant online connections and instant communication may have begun to wear thin for older generations, but the next wave of Americans have no such qualms. Their tech-dependent lifestyles are already causing huge changes in both the professional and private spheres. The change may be inevitable…unless theWi-Fi cuts out, of course.
Our Digitized Professional Lives
As many as 79% of employees now “work on virtual teams,” be it by email, online collaboration, messaging, video conferences, or some combination of any of the above. A Pew Research study found “94% of jobholders are Internet users.” This includes full-time, part-time, and freelance workers in technology companies, big corporations, and small businesses, who work in cities, the suburbs, rural America, and everywhere in between.
For most of the last century, communicating professionally meant writing letters, sending faxes, or spending hours on the phone. Not anymore. Email is now theprimary means of communication in the modern workplace. We are communicating more, faster, and better than ever before. And employers have been reaping the benefits. A major report cited by British newspaper The Telegraph found that the incorporation of technology into the workplace has led to an “84% increase in productivity per hour for office workers since the 1970s.” The major influencers? Email, business software, and yes, even cell phones.
Technology Gets Personal
We don’t leave technology at the workplace. In fact, our private lives might beeven more tech-enabled than our professional lives. In the 1980s and 1990s, our televisions were often the height of our home technology. Some people had clunky personal computers, a Nintendo for the kids, and maybe even a telephone in their car(remember those?).
Information from the Census Bureau tells us that 15% of homes had a personal computer in 1989; by that number climbed to 75%. Now we have desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, Apple watches, GPS-enabled cars, and more coming every day. Forget unplugging after the 5 or-6 o’clock whistle blows—we plug in instead.
In fact, going without tech might trigger an existential crisis for some (that sound you hear is Albert Camus rolling over in his grave). Our technology helps us learn,date, eat, socialize, and so much more.
The only time we don’t use technology is when we are exercising flying sleeping, well, dead. For now…
A New Generation of Digital Natives
Anyone born before the advent of technology in their daily lives is considered a“digital immigrant.” Older generations invented our tech-enabled society, but thegenerations born in this millennium are the first true “digital natives.”
While the “digital rehab” programs older generations have begun using to push back against the all-consuming digital saturation are gaining traction, these programs may make as much sense to younger generations as getting up from the couch to change the channel on the TV. The genie is out of the bottle, and technology is said to have even changed the way younger generations perceive reality.
We’re assuming they perceive reality as that thing happening just beyond the horizon of their laptop, tablet, or smartphone screen (as long as someone is tweeting about it). Although it’s easy to make fun of the next generation’s digital obsession, it will soon be impossible to ignore it. The digital natives are on pace to outnumber the digital immigrants before long.
The Bottom Line
Technology is now so integrated with our lives that going without it can causesevere anxiety for some. It’s not hard to see why. Technology has taken over.
Both our professional and personal lives are now technology dependent. While older generations are fighting back with unplugged retreats, the next wave of Americans can’t picture their lives without tech. They might not have anything to worry about. The future favors these digital natives.
Reorganize: Resources
Resources of time, money, and facilities must be restructured. The school day should allow for more in-depth project work beyond the 45-minute period, including block scheduling of classes two hours or longer. Schools should not close for a three-month summer vacation, but should remain open for student activities, teacher development, and community use. Through the practice of looping, elementary school teachers stay with a class for two or more years,deepening their relationships with students. More money in school districtsshould be directed to the classroom rather than the bureaucracy.
New school construction and renovation should emphasize school design that supports students and teachers collaborating in teams, with pervasive access to technology. Schools can be redesigned to also serve as community centers that provide health and social services for families, as well as counseling and parenting classes.
Reality Check: The school year at the Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center, in Fort Worth, Texas, consists of four blocks of about nine weeks each. Intersession workshops allow its K-5 students time for hands-on arts, science, and computer projects or sports in addition to language arts and math enrichment.
deepening their relationships with students : 加深跟学生的关系
be directed to :转向到
construction and renovation:建设和修缮
A strong ability to be cooperative and work with others is more valuable than a strong ability to lead others.
We should require our young children (5-10) to learn music and art in addition to math, science history and language.
These are several viewpoints on the implications of technological change and advancement and such schools of thought which considerably vary have their respective validity. Technological change has its advantages and disadvantages. For one, it is true that it partly solves problems and makes life better. At the same time, technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging quality of life. In the developing economies, for instance, technological advantages has both its merits and demerits. The introduction and seeming acceptability and usefulness of computers have somehow helped increase the efficiency of several firms. It is not only in the industrial sector that technological change proven to be very effective. In the agricultural sector, for example, the introduction of new technologies in increasing production has been very effective in expanding agricultural produce. These are just a fewexamples to illustrate the advantages of technological advancement.
On the other hand, countries should be more careful on their choice of technology since it must be noted that while certain types of technology are adaptable to developed economies the same type of technology may not fit the environment of developing countries due to differing economic,social, cultural, and political factors. For example, infrastructure improvements such as a construction of irrigation dam in the mountains of the Philippines where several natives reside may likely be resisted by the population due to cultural factors. They may prefer not to have such improvements in view of traditional values. Another example is the pollution impact of some technological improvements particularly in the industrial sectors.
The choice and adaptability of new technology should therefore be carefully studied. The short, medium, and long term impact of such technology is very important particularly for developing economies. The benefits should always be greater than the costs.
I am inclined to support both positions because both views have their own validity. However, I am more convinced that technological advancement is beneficial to countries so long as they are aware of the disadvantages of such technology.
Nowadays,we are in an age of technological revolutions. Many conveniences have been brought to us by technology and science. I agree with the statement that technology has made the world abetter place to live. The reasons and examples are chiefly as follows:
The developments of compudters and internet have improved our life styles dramatically. Computers have changed our traditional ways of reading and writing, which bring us great convenience. The combanation of computers and internet has made our living quite different from before. Elecotronic mail is a useful example: computer users can communicate with one another across the globe. Electronic mail is particularly beneficial for language students. Learners can enjoy language exchange with native speakers through electronic mail.
Another good example is the invention of automobiles. Actually automobiles have been an integral part of every industrial economy. Many people use an automobile to get to work, many others - trademan, salesman, taxi drivers, police men - use automobiles as part of their work. On a larger scale, car production is possibly the most important element of national industrial performance. All in all, it is incrediable to imagine a mordern world will be like without anutomobiles.
Likewise, international jet transport has had some revolutioanry effects on our lifestyles. Beacause the high speed and relatively low costs of this type of travel, it has changed the way people look at the world. Today the world is much smaller than it was in the past.
Adimittedly, technological advances also caused so unpleasant effects such as pollution of automobile exhaust fumes, and noise of transport vechiels. But as people have realized those problems and are trying to find ways to solve them, on the whole, I believe thatn thechnology has made the world a better place to live.
Standing at the turn of the new century, we observe the twentieth century as a great advance in technology. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways, life is worse, but mostly, it is better. So personaly speaking, I am, and probably will always be, one of those who agree with the idea that technology has made the world a better place to live. First of all, technology has brought with it a more comfortable life. Not only do we use aircondition and heating system during the summer and winter, but also do we take many changes in food preparation methods to make so delicious food. Due to the development of architecture and so on, living conditions are greatly improved nowadays.
Besides, the world is now more convenient to live. We can travel around by aeroplane and railway network. We can talk to each other faraway by telephone. Several score years ago, it was even daydreaming that we could today obtain information as well as commodities via Internet. The last but not the least, through the process of technology improvement, people begin to realize the fact that only reconciling with the nature can we keep a continuous development. That is why we today pay so much attention to environmental protection. Many factories have achieved economic growth without pollution under certain new technology. These cities are beginning to be very beautiful places to live in.
Instances of the same sort can be multiplied indefinitely. When taking into account all these merits we may safely arrive at the conclusion that advantages of technology outweigh any disadvantage it may bring to our lives. Though I must admit that people sometimes invent some things that threaten the lives of themselves, no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by technology, and just with such experience the human being forge ahead swiftly to the future.
With the development of technology, there have been a lot of changes to our life. Admittedly, some of these changes are bad, causing many environmental and social problems. However, most of these changes contribute to making our life more convenient, more comfortable and more wonderful.
First of all, due to the improvement of technology, people can enjoy more convenience than ever. For example, it only takes travelers or businessmen several hours to go to other countries by jet plane, which makes the world seem to be much smaller. With the help of Internet, people at different corners of the world can communicate with significantly high speed and low cost. It is technology that has cleared away the barriers that once prevented people from leading a convenient life.
Secondly, technology has made our life as comfortable as we can imagine. Sitting in air- conditioned rooms, people do not have to suffer the extremely cold or hot weather any more. Whatever vegetable or fruit we want to eat, we can always find it in a supermarket without worrying about the season. We can also go to work in a place far away from our homes by using automobiles or public transportation tools.
In addition, technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time. Listening to music by using an MD, MP3 or walkman, surfing the internet or watching digital movies, all of these entertainments make our life wonderful. In conclusion, although technology has brought about some problems, such as air pollution caused by increasing automobiles, ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings, the benefits of technology far outweigh its bad influences. So it is safe to say that technology has made the world a better place to live.
Whether technology has made the world a better place to live is a prevalent topic undergoing serioius debate. After pondering it from several aspects, I totally agree it is true that technology has made the world a better place to live. This I support with the following reasons As we know, firstly technology can help people to live a longer life. A small example can give some light to this point. At the stone age, our ancestors’ average age is about 25. Due to the development of medical technology, now people’s average age is two or three times of that time. Another reason why I prefer to this choice lies in the fact that technology ameliorate the environment in which people living in. for example, thousand of yeas ago people lived in caves, which are cold in winter and hot in summer. With using Architectural technology, people build up houses, skyscrapers. Living in them, people enjoy the comfortable lives without worrying about the whether it is hot,cold or rainy outside.
Finally I want to mention that technology has bring our lives more and more convenience. For instance, many people like music, classic music or pop music. At the beginning, people must go to the theater whenever he wanted to hear a song..Today, by using great technologies, walkman and discman are supplied for the music fans. Then they can enjoy their favorite songs anywhere andanytime.
From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that technology has made the world a better place to live.
托福写作词汇分类汇总 科技类常用词整理一览
非常先进的 adj. state-of-the-art
尖端的 adj. cutting-edge
彻底变革 vt. revolutionize
自动化的 adj. automated
机械化的 adj. mechanized
电脑生成的 adj. computer-generated
组装线 assembly line
大规模生产 mass-production
省钱的 adj. cost-effective/ economical
深刻改变 vt. transform
突破 n. breakthrough
打破(传统的)界限 break boundaries
无限的可能 endless possibilities
发展 v.&n. advance
信息过剩 information overload
信息爆炸 information explosion
自给自足 n. self-sufficiency
虚拟世界 the virtual world
脱离现实 be detached from reality
(电脑的)摄像头 n. webcam
不可想象的 adj. inconceivable
远程通讯 n. telecommunications
高生产率的 adj. productive
自动化 n. automation
可利用的 adj. available
新颖的 adj. novel
耐用的 adj. durable
对用户友好的,方便使用的 adj. user-friendly
常规的 adj. conventional
增进,提高 vt. enhance = boost
加速 speed up/ accelerate
生产,制造 vt. manufacture
标准化的 adj. standardized
印刷机 printing press
电报 n. telegraph
外科手术 n. surgery
采用 vt. adopt
在家远程上班 n. telecommuting
网络银行(业务) online banking
提高效率 augment/ enhance/ boost efficiency
提高生产效率 augment/ enhance/ boost productivity
减少人力的机器 labor-saving machinery
取代人力的机器 labor-replacing machinery
自动化 n. automation
生物技术 n. biotechnology
克隆 v. clone
远程通讯 n. telecommunications
太空探索 space exploration/ space probe
人的基因构成 one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming
创新 n. innovations
有独创性的,精巧的 adj. ingenious
以惊人的速度 at a staggering rate
超轻的 adj. ultra-lightweight
超薄的 adj. ultra-thin
便携的 adj. portable
天线 n. antenna
器官移植 organ transplant
心脏起搏器 n. pacemaker
交易 n. transactions
载人登月 manned landing on the Moon
载人航天器 manned spacecraft
通讯卫星 telecommunications satellite
气象卫星 weather satellite/ meteorological satellite
发射台 launch pad
哈勃太空望远镜 the Hubble Space Telescope
防弹背心 bulletproof vest
尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology
信息爆炸 information explosion ( or over-load)
信息时代 the information age ( or era)
互联网的广泛应用 the proliferation of the Internet/ the extensive use of the Internet/ the widespread use of the Internet
科技创新及发展 technological innovations/ inventions/ advances/ progressions
Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.
Many schools are planning to postpone the first class in the morning for less lateness and better educating quality. However, the schedule of late classes will cultivate students’ indolence, and pose many other negative effects. As a result, starting class late would not effectively reduce the rate of lateness and cannot secure the educating efficacy.
Firstly, early classes in the morning will force the students to keep a disciplined life style. In order to attend the first class, students have to get up early in the morning. This habit brings many benefits. For example, young people will live a much healthier life. Keeping the schedule in mind, they would no longer dally at night before sleep, and save their time in the morning. Then, they can have a good rest in the evening and keep themselves energetic at daytime. Besides, they could also shape many of their excellent characteristics, like self-discipline or persistence. Leaving the cozy bed requires a powerful willpower when we start a new day, and doing this every day asks for a strong self-control. Both of these virtues are keys to success. And one of the well-known, Kobe Bryant, is a beneficiary of starting his day early in the morning. He once gave his secret to become the MVP in the basketball playground. It was his getting up early in the 4 AM that contributes him. In conclusion, both physical and psychological benefits can be gained by the disciplined life style led by the early classes.
In addition, early start in the morning also leaves more extracurricular time for students. Earlier starting class generally results in earlier off-class. More spare time after class enables students to conduct other activities, such as further exploring in study, deepening their interests or doing some other activities. Those activities would help students to improve themselves. In spare time, students can do some practical experiments to apply knowledge into practice, which allow them to have in-depth understanding in knowledge learnt in class. Students would be also capable of learning instrument, painting or doing sports with abundant of time after class. Those extracurricular activities help students to achieve complete development. Obviously, earlier start in the morning means a longer day, providing more spare time for students to enrich their life and promote themselves in learning.
Late classes, to a degree, may lower the absence rate at the beginning. This is because that students do not need to be hurry in the morning, especially for those who cannot get up early. In the long run, however, the original purpose cannot be realized effectively. The allowance of starting class later would indulge the bad habits of procrastination. Some students will tend to put off all tasks late at night, if they do not need to get up early. Staying up later would in turn make students get up later. This is a vicious circle. As a result, students’ biological clock will be re-adjusted, making it harder for them to get up on time. Therefore, the absence rate would be decreased again.
In summary, compared to making classes late in the morning, starting the day early would bring many benefits in learning. Students would be able to maintain a healthy life physically and mentally, and to explore in study, all of which contribute to a higher quality of learning.
In the contemporary society, the length of study time on the part of students has become one of the most hottly debated issue among the general public. When it comes to whether students should be required to arrive school at the early time in the morning, people’s notions may vary from one to another. In my eyes, starting school day at a late time is a better choice for the following reasons.
To begin with, arriving school at the late time will ensure students have a good rest and thus contributes to the improvement of their study efficiency. As is common sense, the increasingly heavy study burden on the shoulder of students has squeezed their leisure time so much that their sleeping time cannot be guaranteed. As a result, with the implementation of starting school day in a late time, the quality of their rest will be improved, with the consequence that their attention will be more concentrated in class. On the contrary, shortening their rest time by requesting students begin class early will definitely produce a negative effect on their study. To be specific, it will be common to observe that students feel so sleepy as to have a short nap during the class.
In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Tom’s recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.
Taking what has been discussed into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that it is wise to require student to arrive school at a late time in the morining, in order to ensure the quality of their rest and develop a light heart.
Have you experienced struggling with your pillow every morning? Have you ever choked with the traffic jams in the rush hour? Have you ever felt sleepy in the first class? No matter what scientific evidence shows us the advantages of having class early, there is a new research from Mark Fischettiof Scientific America convince us that students' efficiency can be improved by going to school later. I totally agree with the statement for it’s beneficial for both of students and teachers.
First, students' efficiency can be elevated. Under the excessive burden, students always stay up late and that’s why their sleep time has been shrunk. If they are forced to get up early, their whole day will be windy. Thus, students would waste the most substantial content of study, nevertheless, students would be more fresh and have concentrations on the class. According to Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. She made a research in Minnesota February that tracked 9000 students in eight public high schools in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. After one semester, when school began at 8:35 a.m. or later, grades earned in math, English, science and social studies typically rose a quarter step—for example, up halfway from B to B+. This conclusion perfectly convinces everyone that students should get up later.
Second, we should follow students' biological system. Adolescents' physiology has greatly altered from their childhood because of melatonin. The later the delay, the greater the payoff.Following their biological change can make them healthy and wealthy. Take me as an example, as a teacher, most of my students would like to finish their homework and chat with friend until the mid night. They can't control their biological clock, which makes they fell very sleepy in the first class. Moreover the rate of being on duty is lower compared with other time periods.
Third, traffic problems can be released. One should know that big cities have the traffic jams all the time, which makes students choked with the road and can’t get rid of it. Moreover, students who live far away from the school are hurry to get catch up with the early classes. If schools postpone their time to be later, it will help them stagger the rush time of traffic. Nevertheless, students would start their study restlessly, which influences their mood not mention to the study efficiency. A study in from California public schools shows that students can avoid transportation problems by changing their class time. What’ more, their literature and math scores are higher on the average.
To conclude, getting up early and attend class are good for both of students and teachers. I suggest that school should postpone their class time and improve students’ efficiency.
素材补充(选自:果壳网):(Mark Fischetti/文,IvyP/译)我们都有过早上起来与被窝作斗争,最后不得不睡眼惺忪地去上学的经历。这种现象可不是中国特有的——大洋对岸的美国家长、学生还有老师们也时常争论,中学的上课时间是不是太早了。而在过去的3年间有越来越多的研究表明,推迟上课时间有助提高学习的效果,并且上课时间越晚越好。
托福写作词汇分类汇总 科技类常用词整理一览
非常先进的 adj. state-of-the-art
尖端的 adj. cutting-edge
彻底变革 vt. revolutionize
自动化的 adj. automated
机械化的 adj. mechanized
电脑生成的 adj. computer-generated
组装线 assembly line
大规模生产 mass-production
省钱的 adj. cost-effective/ economical
深刻改变 vt. transform
突破 n. breakthrough
打破(传统的)界限 break boundaries
无限的可能 endless possibilities
发展 v.&n. advance
信息过剩 information overload
信息爆炸 information explosion
自给自足 n. self-sufficiency
虚拟世界 the virtual world
脱离现实 be detached from reality
(电脑的)摄像头 n. webcam
不可想象的 adj. inconceivable
远程通讯 n. telecommunications
高生产率的 adj. productive
自动化 n. automation
可利用的 adj. available
新颖的 adj. novel
耐用的 adj. durable
对用户友好的,方便使用的 adj. user-friendly
常规的 adj. conventional
增进,提高 vt. enhance = boost
加速 speed up/ accelerate
生产,制造 vt. manufacture
标准化的 adj. standardized
印刷机 printing press
电报 n. telegraph
外科手术 n. surgery
采用 vt. adopt
在家远程上班 n. telecommuting
网络银行(业务) online banking
提高效率 augment/ enhance/ boost efficiency
提高生产效率 augment/ enhance/ boost productivity
减少人力的机器 labor-saving machinery
取代人力的机器 labor-replacing machinery
自动化 n. automation
生物技术 n. biotechnology
克隆 v. clone
远程通讯 n. telecommunications
太空探索 space exploration/ space probe
人的基因构成 one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming
创新 n. innovations
有独创性的,精巧的 adj. ingenious
以惊人的速度 at a staggering rate
超轻的 adj. ultra-lightweight
超薄的 adj. ultra-thin
便携的 adj. portable
天线 n. antenna
器官移植 organ transplant
心脏起搏器 n. pacemaker
交易 n. transactions
载人登月 manned landing on the Moon
载人航天器 manned spacecraft
通讯卫星 telecommunications satellite
气象卫星 weather satellite/ meteorological satellite
发射台 launch pad
哈勃太空望远镜 the Hubble Space Telescope
防弹背心 bulletproof vest
尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology
信息爆炸 information explosion ( or over-load)
信息时代 the information age ( or era)
互联网的广泛应用 the proliferation of the Internet/ the extensive use of the Internet/ the widespread use of the Internet
科技创新及发展 technological innovations/ inventions/ advances/ progressions
托福写作通常是一个五段三点式的写作,通常我们也叫鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。这样的结构就是最为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。千万不要小看这样的结构,以为这样的结构过于简单,过于八股。其实,新托福写作考查的也就是考生是否会熟练运用这样的结构去表达自己对一个观点的看法。美国的高中生会专门用一年的时间来学习这样的结构。所以在准备托福写作的时候,应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。
托福写作赏析:Food has become easier to prepare
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.
The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.
Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster, people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to let children be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well. If they don't want to cook a lot of different dishes, it's common now to eat out at restaurants several times a week.
Healthful eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn't imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender!
Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.
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