She was dancing. My crippled grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway absolutely stunned. I glanced at the kitchen table and sure enough-right under a small, framed drawing on the wall-was a freshly baked peach pie. 她在跳舞。我那身有残疾的祖母居然在跳舞。我站在客厅的门口,被彻底惊呆了。我扫了一眼厨房的餐桌,果不其然,在餐桌上——墙上那幅小小的镶框画像的正下方——有一块新鲜出炉的烤蜜桃派。
I heard her sing when I opened the door but did not want to interrupt the beautiful song by yelling I had arrived, so I just tiptoed to the living room. I looked at how her still-lean body bent beautifully, her arms greeting the sunlight that was pouring through the window. And her legs… Those legs that had stiffly walked, aided with a cane, insensible shoes as long as I could remember. Now she was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly. No limping. No stiffness. Just beautiful, fluid motion. She was the pet of the dancing world. And then she’d had her accident and it was all over. I had read that in an old newspaper clipping. 当我推门进屋的时候,我听到了她在唱歌,但我不想大喊自己回来了,不想打断那美妙的歌声,于是我踮着脚尖走到客厅。我看着她那依然消瘦的身体优雅地弯下,她的手臂迎向从窗口倾泻而入的阳光。而她的腿……自我能记事以来,她总是拄着拐杖,穿着便鞋,走起路来腿脚僵硬。可现在,她正穿着美丽的舞鞋,而她的双腿完全听从着她的支配。不再蹒跚,不再僵硬。只有优美、流畅的'动作。她曾是舞蹈界的宠儿。可是后来她遭遇了一场意外,舞蹈生涯因此而结束。我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。
She turned around in a slow pirouette and saw me standing in the doorway. Her song ended, and her beautiful movements with it, so abruptly that it felt like being shaken awake from a beautiful dream. The sudden silence rang in my ears. Grandma looked so much like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar that I couldn’t help myself, and a slightly nervous laughter escaped. Grandma sighed and turned towards the kitchen. I followed her, not believing my eyes. She was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes. We sat down by the table and cut ourselves big pieces of her delicious peach pie. 她缓缓地转身做了一个足尖旋转,见到我站在门口。她的歌声嘎然而止,还有她那优美的动作,一切停止得如此突然,感觉像是从一场美梦中被人摇醒了。突如其来的寂静冲击着我的耳朵。祖母看起来很像是一个伸手从饼干罐里偷吃却被抓了个正着的小孩,我不禁发出了一阵略带一丝紧张的大笑。祖母叹了口气,转身走向厨房。我跟在她身后,还是不敢相信自己的眼睛。她穿着那双美丽的舞鞋,行走自如。我们坐在了桌边,从她那美味的蜜桃派中切出了大大的几块,俩人一起吃。
“So…” I blurted, “How did your leg heal?” “那么……”我脱口而出道,“你的腿是怎么好了的?”
“To tell you the truth—my legs have been well all my life,” she said. “跟你说实话吧——我的腿一直都挺好的,”她说。
“But I don’t understand!” I said, “Your dancing career… I mean… You pretended all these years? “可是我不明白!”我说,“你的舞蹈事业……我是说……难道这些年来你一直在假装?”
“Very much so,” Grandmother closed her eyes and savored the peach pie, “And for a very good reason.” “的确如此,”祖母闭上眼睛,品尝着蜜桃派,“而且是因为一个非常好的理由。”
“What reason?” “什么理由?”
“Your grandfather.” “你的祖父。”
“You mean he told you not to dance?” “你是说,他让你不要再跳舞了?”
“No, this was my choice. I am sure I would have lost him if I had continued dancing. I weighed fame and love against each other and love won.” “不,这是我自己的选择。我确信如果我再继续跳舞的话,我就会失去他了。我权衡名利和爱情孰轻孰重之后,选择了爱情。”
She thought for a while and then continued. “We were talking about engagement when your grandfather had to go to war. It was the most horrible day of my life when he left. I was so afraid of losing him, the only way I could stay sane was to dance. I put all my energy and time into practicing—and I became very good. Critics praised me, the public loved me, but all I could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. Then I went home and read and re-read his letters until I fell asleep. He always ended his letters with ‘You are my Joy. I love you with my life’ and after that he wrote his name. And then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences: ‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’” 她想了一下,然后接着说道:“当你祖父不得不去从军参战的时候,我们已经到了谈婚论嫁的阶段了。他离开的那段日子是我一生中度过的最可怕的时期。我很害怕会失去他,能让我不至于疯掉的唯一方法就是跳舞。我把我所有的精力和时间都投入到了练习之中,于是我成为了很棒的舞者。评论家对我好评连连,公众对我钟情有嘉,可我唯一能感觉到的却是我心中的痛,因为不知道我一生的挚爱是否能平安归来。然后我回到家里,一遍又一遍地读着他的来信,直到睡去。他总是在信的结尾写着:‘你才是我的幸福。爱你一生。’然后才是他的签名。但有一天我又收到了他的来信。信中只有三句话:‘我失去了一条腿。我不再是一个完整的人了,所以现在我将自由归还给你。你最好还是把我忘掉吧。’”
“I made my decision there and then. I took my leave, and traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought myself a cane and wrapped my leg tightly with bandages. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. My dancing days were over. No one suspected the story—I had learned to limp convincingly before I returned home. And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. Then I traveled to the hospital. They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. There was a cane on the ground by his wheelchair. I took a deep breath, leaned on my cane and limped to him. ” “于是我立刻做出了决定。我向众人告别,离开了这个城市。当我再度归来的时候,我为自己买了一副拐杖,并用绷带把我的腿包得紧紧的。我告诉每一个人,说我遭遇了一场车祸,我的腿再也不可能完全复原了。我的舞蹈生涯就此结束了。没有人怀疑这个故事——我在回家之前已经学会如何惟妙惟肖地跛行。我确保第一个听说我出车祸的是一位我熟知的记者。接着我来到了你祖父所在的医院。他们用轮椅把他推了出来。在他轮椅旁边的地上有一副拐杖。我深深吸了一口气,靠在我的拐杖上,一瘸一拐地向他走去。”
By now I had forgotten about the pie and listened to grandma, mesmerized. “What happened then?” I hurried her when she took her time eating some pie. 此刻,我已经忘记了那块蜜桃派,入迷地听着祖母说话。“然后发生了什么事情呢?”当她停下来吃了几口派时,我追问道。
“I told him he was not the only one who had lost a leg, even if mine was still attached to me. I showed him newspaper clippings of my accident. ‘So if you think I’m going to let you feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life, think again. There is a whole life waiting for us out there! I don’t intend to be sorry for myself. But I have enough on my plate as it is, so you’d better snap out of it too. And I am not going to carry you-you are going to walk yourself.’” Grandma giggled, a surprisingly girlish sound coming from an old lady with white hair. “我告诉他,他并不是唯一失去了一条腿的人,尽管我的腿没给截掉。我给他看了关于我发生车祸的剪报。‘所以,如果你觉得我会让你在余生自怨自艾,想都别想。在外面还有全新的生活在等待着我们!我不打算为此而顾影自怜。而眼下我要做的事情已经够多的了,所以你最好也赶紧给我振作起来。而且你可别想我会背你——你要自己向前走。’”祖母咯咯地笑着,这位满头银发的老妇人令人吃惊地发出了少女般的笑声。
“I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I’d taken out of my pocket. ‘Now show me you are still a man,’ I said, ‘I won’t ask again.’ He bent to take his cane from the ground and struggled out of that wheelchair. I could see he had not done it before, because he almost fell on his face, having only one leg. But I was not going to help. And so he managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.” “我一瘸一拐地走开了几步,然后让他看我从口袋里掏出的一样东西。‘现在让我看看,你还是个男子汉。我可不会说第二次。’他弯下腰从地上拿起他的拐杖,挣扎着从那副轮椅中站出来。可以看得出他之前从未这样做过,现在只有一条腿的他差点扑倒在地。但我没打算帮他。接着他设法自己站稳了,向我走来,而且在他的后半生里再也没有坐回到轮椅上。”
“What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and grinned. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.” “你给他看了什么东西呢?”我一定要知道。祖母看着我咧嘴而笑,说道:“当然是一对订婚戒指了。在他从军参战的第二天我就买了这对戒指,我可不想把戒指浪费在任何其他男人身上。”
I looked at the drawing on the kitchen wall, sketched by my grandfather’s hand so many years before. The picture became distorted as tears filled my eyes. “You are my Joy. I love you with my life.” I murmured quietly. The young woman in the drawing sat on her park bench and with twinkling eyes smiled broadly at me, an engagement ring carefully drawn on her finger. 我看着厨房墙壁上的那幅画像,那是多年前我祖父亲手绘就的。我眼中满含泪水,眼前的画像变得模糊起来。“你才是我的幸福。爱你一生。”我轻声低语道。画像中的年轻女人坐在公园长椅上,眼神清亮,笑容可掬地看着我,她的手指上被精心地画有一枚订婚戒指。
我看着厨房墙壁上的那幅画像,那是多年前我祖父亲手绘就的。我眼中满含泪水,眼前的画像变得模糊起来。“你才是我的幸福。爱你一生。”我轻声低语道。画像中的年轻女人坐在公园长椅上,眼神清亮,笑容可掬地看着我,她的手指上被精心地画有一枚订婚戒指。 She was dancing. My crippled grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway absolutely stunned. I glanced at the kitchen table and sure enough-right under a small, framed drawing on the wall-was a freshly baked peach pie. I heard her sing when I opened the door but did not want to interrupt the beautiful song by yelling I had arrived, so I just tiptoed to the living room. I looked at how her still-lean body bent beautifully, her arms greeting the sunlight that was pouring through the window. And her legs... Those legs that had stiffly walked, aided with a cane, insensible shoes as long as I could remember. Now she was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly. No limping. No stiffness. Just beautiful, fluid motion. She was the pet of the dancing world. And then she’d had her accident and it was all over. I had read that in an old newspaper clipping. She turned around in a slow pirouette and saw me standing in the doorway. Her song ended, and her beautiful movements with it, so abruptly that it felt like being shaken awake from a beautiful dream. The sudden silence rang in my ears. Grandma looked so much like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar that I couldn’t help myself, and a slightly nervous laughter escaped. Grandma sighed and turned towards the kitchen. I followed her, not believing my eyes. She was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes. We sat down by the table and cut ourselves big pieces of her delicious peach pie. “So...” I blurted, “How did your leg heal?” “To tell you the truth―my legs have been well all my life,” she said. “But I don’t understand!” I said, “Your dancing career... I mean... You pretended all these years? “Very much so,” Grandmother closed her eyes and savored the peach pie, “And for a very good reason.” “What reason?” “Your grandfather.” “You mean he told you not to dance?” “No, this was my choice. I am sure I would have lost him if I had continued dancing. I weighed fame and love against each other and love won.” She thought for a while and then continued. “We were talking about engagement when your grandfather had to go to war. It was the most horrible day of my life when he left. I was so afraid of losing him, the only way I could stay sane was to dance. I put all my energy and time into practicing―and I became very good. Critics praised me, the public loved me, but all I could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. Then I went home and read and re-read his letters until I fell asleep. He always ended his letters with ‘You are my Joy. I love you with my life’ and after that he wrote his name. And then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences: ‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’” “I made my decision there and then. I took my leave, and traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought myself a cane and wrapped my leg tightly with bandages. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. My dancing days were over. No one suspected the story―I had learned to limp convincingly before I returned home. And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. Then I traveled to the hospital. They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. There was a cane on the ground by his wheelchair. I took a deep breath, leaned on my cane and limped to him. ” By now I had forgotten about the pie and listened to grandma, mesmerized. “What happened then?” I hurried her when she took her time eating some pie. “I told him he was not the only one who had lost a leg, even if mine was still attached to me. I showed him newspaper clippings of my accident. ‘So if you think I’m going to let you feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life, think again. There is a whole life waiting for us out there! I don’t intend to be sorry for myself. But I have enough on my plate as it is, so you’d better snap out of it too. And I am not going to carry you-you are going to walk yourself.’” Grandma giggled, a surprisingly girlish sound coming from an old lady with white hair. “I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I’d taken out of my pocket. ‘Now show me you are still a man,’ I said, ‘I won’t ask again.’ He bent to take his cane from the ground and struggled out of that wheelchair. I could see he had not done it before, because he almost fell on his face, having only one leg. But I was not going to help. And so he managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.” “What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and grinned. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.” I looked at the drawing on the kitchen wall, sketched by my grandfather’s hand so many years before. The picture became distorted as tears filled my eyes. “You are my Joy. I love you with my life.” I murmured quietly. The young woman in the drawing sat on her park bench and with twinkling eyes smiled broadly at me, an engagement ring carefully drawn on her finger.
“Are you happy?” I asked my brother, Ian, one day.
“Yes. No. It depends on what you mean,” he said.
“Then tell me,” I said, “when was the last time you think you were happy?”
“April 1967,” he said.
It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Ian's answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, apinnacleofsheerdelight. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
For a child, happiness has a magical quality. I remember making hide-outs in newly cuthay, playingcopsand robbers in the woods, getting a speaking part in the school play. Of course, kids also experience lows, but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike isunreserved.
In the teenage years, the concept of happiness changes. Suddenly it's conditional on such things as excitement, love, popularity and whether that zit will clear up before apromnight. I can still feel the agony of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to. But I also recall the ecstasy of being plucked from obscurity at another event to dance with a John Travolta look-alike.
Inadulthoodthe things that bringprofoundjoy - birth, love, marriage - also bring responsibility and the risk of loss. Love may not last, loved ones die. For adults, happiness is complicated.
成年时,能带来深深欢乐的事情(如出生、爱情和婚姻),同时也带来了责任和失去的危险。爱情也许难以持 久;心爱的人也许会离开人世。对于成年人来说,幸福是复杂的。
My dictionary defines happy as “lucky” or “fortunate”, but I think a better definition of happiness is “the capacity for enjoyment”. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are. It's easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, even good health.
我的字典把幸福定义为“幸运”或“好运”。但是我想幸福更好的定义是“享受的能力”。我们越 能享受所拥有的一切,我们就越幸福。从爱与被爱、友情、随心所欲择地而居、甚至到拥有的健康,其中获得的快乐很容易被我们忽视了。
I added up my little moments of pleasure yesterday. First there was sheer bliss when I shut the last lunchbox and had the house to myself. Then I spent anuninterruptedmorning writing, which I love. When the kids came home, I enjoyed their noise after the quiet of the day.
You never know where happiness will turn up next. When I asked friends what makes them happy, some mentionedseeminglyinsignificantmoments. “I hate shopping,” one friend said. “But there's this clerk who always chats and really cheers me up.”
Another friend loves the telephone. “Every time it rings, I know someone is thinking about me.”
We all experience moments like these. Too few of us register them as happiness.
While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it's about how we perceive what happens to us. It's theknackof finding a positive for every negative, and viewing aset-backas a challenge. It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess.
The pleasant family 幸福的家庭
When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home, I strolled idly to my club. I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse. They seemed devoted to one another. They had little private jokes of their own which, unintelligible to the outsider, amused them enormously.
Perhaps Charles Strickland was dull judged by a standard that demanded above all things verbal scintillation; but his intelligence was adequate to his surroundings, and that is a passport, not only to reasonable success, but still more to happiness. Mrs. Strickland was a charming woman, and she loved him.
I pictured their lives, troubled by no untoward adventure, honest, decent, and, by reason of those two upstanding, pleasant children, so obviously destined to carry on the normal traditions of their race and station, not without significance. They would grow old insensibly; they would see their son and daughter come to years of reason, marry in due course —— the one a pretty girl, future mother of healthy children;
the other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier; and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, not unuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave.
——Excerpt from the Moon and Sixpennce by W. Somerset Maugham
Life is full of confusing and disordering particular time in a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind “ Next happiness, when will come?”
人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板, 永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。 于是,也只有在心里默默地问: 下一班幸福,几点开?
When our family relationship, friendship, love and personal relationship became four cups different thick and Subtle tea, At push a cup to change, always have absentminded hesitation: Which on earth cup that is supposed to be first degusted in the best taste time ,which final cup ? Then the different person always have a different choice. Big customs under of the small customs is always not allowed, stick to a final twist, always wish to obtain an additional happiness.
当我们的亲情、友情、爱情和私情变成了四杯浓淡不一的茶, 在推杯换盏间,总有恍惚的迟疑: 究竟哪一杯该在味道最好的时候先品,哪一杯该排到最后呢? 然后不同的人总有不同的选择。 大世俗下的小世俗总是不被允许, 坚持到最后,总会获得一份额外的幸福。
Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up. Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in the endless dark night and Countless loneliness.
暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。 你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。 怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜.数不尽的孤单。
Always insisting. Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky's wasteland and glebe's old. Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.
一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。
Hope is always more expect, engrave a bone is a fat lot looked Clear can touch, just don t know where end is. Can not find to come to the road of hour, just because of eying foot too very carefully.
希望总是多过盼望,刻骨而又络络可见, 清晰可触,只是不知道终结在哪儿。 找不到来时的路,只是因为太小心翼翼的注视脚下。
Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river Listen to whistle play tightly ring slowly, Water rises a ship to go medium long things of the past. Wait for a ship's person Wait for one and other, But hesitate always should ascend which ship Missed Had to consign the hope to next time, Finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go, Sunset west .
再孤魂野鹤的伫立记忆河头, 听着哨子的紧奏慢响, 水涨船行中的悠悠往事。 等船的人儿, 等了一班又一班, 却始终犹豫着该登哪一只。 错过的, 只好把希望寄托到了下一回, 终究等到的是没有船只的过往, 日落西头 。
Six words really talk to solve each round to return to bitterness. Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks. Constantly, only one pond water. Ripple but have no language, guarded happiness of this pond. This is from cradle to the grave one a life time.
六字真言解每一个轮回苦。 心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。 不变的,只有那一池水。 荡漾而无语,守住了这一池的幸福。 这就是一生一世。
Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a match a hand can grasp; Happiness is also very difficult, before your heel, A thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away because of Doing not turn a head.
幸福好简单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住; 幸福又好难,就在你脚跟前, 千山万水却因没有转头而错失。
Never do believe that the next will be better. Blunder away, never repair return of regret. Even met the god of shining in a dream, Never ask: “Next happiness, when will come?”
千万不要相信,下一个会更好, 错失了,就是补不回的遗憾。 即使在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明, 也永远不要问:“下一班幸福,几点开 ?”
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Cam set assembly凸轮总成
Camshaft sensor凸轮轴位置感知器
Camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时炼轮
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Charcoal canister活性碳罐
Check valve止回阀
Clearence volume余隙容积
Clutch disc (disk)离合器片
Clutch fork离合器拨叉
Clutch input shaft离合器输入轴
Clutch pedal离合器踏板
Clutch pedal free travel离合器踏板自由间隙
Clutch pressure plate离合器压板
Clutch shaft离合器轴
Coil spring圈状弹簧
Coil wire主高压线
Cold-start valve冷车起动阀
Combustion chamber燃烧室
Combustion pressure燃烧压力
Combustion process燃烧过程
Combustion-ignition engine压缩点火引擎
Combustion ratio压缩比
Combustion ring压缩环
Combustion stroke压缩行程
Compound planetaty复合行星齿轮
Connecting rod连杆
Connecting-rod bearing连杆轴承
Connecting-rod bolt连杆轴承螺丝
Connecting-rod cap连杆轴承盖
Constant velocity joint等速万向接头
Contact-point ignition system白金式点火系统
Contact-point set白金组
Control arm控制臂
Control pulse控制脉冲
Coolant control engine vacuum switch温控真空开关
Coolant gallery冷却水道
Coolant temperature indicator水温指示表
Coolant temperature sensor水温感知器
Cooling system冷却系统
Coupling point 耦合点
Crankshaft main bearing曲轴主轴承
Crankshaft sensor 曲轴位置感知器
Crankshaft sprocket 曲轴正时炼轮
Crankshaft timing gear曲轴正时齿轮
Cross flow 横流式
Cylinder 汽缸
Cylinder head 汽缸盖
Cylinder head bolt hole汽缸盖螺丝孔
Cylinder head screw 汽缸盖螺丝
Cylinder liner汽缸套
Cylinder wall 汽缸壁
Detonation control system爆震控制系统
Dial gauge or indicator千分表
Diesel Engine柴油引擎
Differential case差速器壳
Differential pinion差速器小齿轮
Differential side gear差速器边齿轮
Direct drive直接驱动
Disk brake碟式煞车
Distributor drive gear分电盘驱动齿轮
Distributor housing分电盘外壳
Distributorless ignition system(DLI)无分电盘的点火系统
Distributor shaft分电盘轴
Diverter valve紧急控制阀
Diverter valve vacuum supply hose紧急控制阀的真空管
Drive line驱动系
Drive pinion驱动小齿轮
Drive shaft驱动轴
Drop center type落心式
Drum brake鼓式煞车
Dry cylinder liner干式汽缸套
Dump valve释放阀
Dust seal尘封
Dust shield防尘罩
Dynamic balance动平衡
Everybody Knows:
You can’t be all things to all people.
You can’t do all things at once.
You can’t do all things equally well.
You can’t do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s.
You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of “being you”。
You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due.
And you’ll be a most vital mortal.
Dare To Believe:
That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it’s more than a right, it’s your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And you’ll be able to stay one up on what used .to get you down.
Have you ever failed?
If you haven't, I suggest you try some.
I have failed, many times.
And some of these failures were even painful.
But I cherish them more than I cherish my success.
Success sometimes makes you numb .
But failures make you awake. Failures are cleansing.
Failing is not necessarily losing. Neither does a failure make you a loser.
Failing is just the name we give to the state you stay in until you succeed.
A failure is a precious opportunity to learn new things.
And trust me. You always rememeber what you learn in failures better than those you learn in success.
Failing doesn't mean you lost something forever. It only means that you didn't get it yet and you have to find another way to get it.
And isn't that a treature? A new direction to think.
Don't pray for easy success. That' a curse.
Pray for hard failure.
As long as it doesn't kill you, it will definitely make you stronger.
足球运动:football(在美国指橄榄球运动); soccer; association football;socker; footy
世界杯足球锦标赛:World Cup (Soccer Tournament);FIFA World Cup Competition
世界女子足球锦标赛:Women’s World Cup
世界杯决赛:World Cup Finals
朱尔斯•雷米特杯:Jules Rimet Cup
足球暴力:soccer violence;riot;hooliganism
足球运动员:football[soccer]player; footballer; booter
足球队:football[soccer] team; eleven
队员(除守门员外):field player
后卫线:back line
后卫:(full)back;rear defender
左后卫:left back
右后卫:right back
前卫线:link line
边前卫:wing [outside] half
左前卫:left half
右前卫:right half
中前卫:center half
双中前卫:twin center halves
自由中卫:free back [man]; spare man; libero
拖后前卫:deep-lying halfback; policeman
锋线:forward line
前锋:forward; spearhead; lineman
双前锋:twin forwards
靠前的前锋:spearhead forward
边锋:winger; wing (forward);outside (forward)
左边锋;左翼:left wing[winger; flank];outside left
右边锋;右翼:right wing [winger; flank]; outside right
内锋:inside(forward); inner
左内锋:inside left
右内锋:inside right
拖后内锋:withdrawn striker
中锋:center forward
双中锋:double center forwards; double spearheads
拖后中锋:withdrawn [deep-lying] center forward
中场队员:midfielder; midfield player; link(man)
前腰:attacking midfielder
双前腰:double attacking midfielders
后腰:defending midfielder
双后腰:double defending midfielders
核心队员:key player; point man
最佳球员(一场比赛后选出):Man of Match
积极拼抢的防守队员:ball hawk
观望队员(不积极主动):ball watcher
裁判员:referee; ref; man in the middle
Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again … And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France.
When will we also teach them what they are?
We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move.
You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel?
You must work — we must all work — to make the world worth of its children.
---Pablo Casals
bus 公共汽车
low-floor bus 低地板式公共汽车(一种地板高度比常规低很多的公共汽车)
trolley bus 无轨电车(由外界输电线供电,无轨道的电动公共车辆)
articulated trolley bus 通道式无轨电车、铰接式无轨电车
minibus 小公共汽车(外形尺寸小,乘坐人数一般为8-15人的公共汽车)
long-distance bus 长途公共汽车
touring bus 旅游车
single bus 单车,单机车(只有一节车厢的公共电、汽车)
articulated bus 通道式公共汽车、铰接式公共汽车(二节或三节车厢以活络方式连接的公共汽车)
double-deck bus 双层公共汽车
dual-powered trolley bus 双动源无轨电车(在脱离外界输电线的路段上,由蓄电池供电或内燃机驱动的无轨电车)
tram 有轨电车
standing capacity 站位数(车厢内规定的乘客站立人数)
rated passenger capacity 客定载客量、客位数、定员
light rail rapid transit car 快速有轨电车
seating capacity 座位数
maximum passenger capacity 最大载客量
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She was dancing.My crippled grandmother was dancing.I stood in the living room doorway absolutely stunned.I glanced at the kitchen table and sure enough-right u......