商业周刊:苹果CEO迷局 库克执掌只是时间问题

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商业周刊:苹果CEO迷局 库克执掌只是时间问题(共9篇)由网友“Vivsion”投稿提供,下面小编为大家整理后的商业周刊:苹果CEO迷局 库克执掌只是时间问题,希望能帮助大家!

篇1:商业周刊:苹果CEO迷局 库克执掌只是时间问题





在过去半年,库克将公司管理得井井有条,引发了对其是否或将多久后接任乔布斯CEO职位的讨论。讨论的焦点在于,为什么不任命库克担任CEO,而让乔布斯担任董事长,或者再兼任类似首席创新官(CIO,Chief Innovation Officer)等职位?



在乔布斯病休的这几个月间,苹果与IBM就聘请后者原高管马克·派普马斯特(Mark Papermaster)负责其iPhone和iPod技术团队违反同业竞止诉讼案达成和解,并推出了新版iPod Shuffle,发布了专业级和个人用台式机的升级产品,其iTunes商店也在推出仅9个月即达到了10亿次应用下载的记录。




咨询公司Creative Strategies总裁提姆·本杰林(Tim Bajarin)认为,这不应该被看作要踢开库克,他表示:“在苹果内部,CEO和COO的定义相当模糊。在过去三年,苹果已经形成了由高管团队负责运营的模式,乔布斯只是被看作全面负责的高管。”

苹果的高管团队包括乔布斯、库克、CFO彼得·奥本海默(Peter Oppenheimer)和全球产品营销高级副总裁菲尔·席勒(Phil Schiller)。席勒计划在6月8日的开发者大会上发表高端演讲。高管团队的每个人都与乔布斯紧密合作至少,并适应了乔布斯的苛刻和敏感的性格。本杰林指出:“这些高管都知道如何向乔布斯说‘不’,但总体而言,他们配合得极为默契,除非大家意见一致,否则不会随意采取行动。”

除苹果外,也有许多公司在管理团队的率领下运营良好,这些管理团队通常包括一名远离日常运营但却富有远见的CEO,日常管理则由强有力的二号高管或管理团队负责。Comcast COO斯蒂芬·伯克(Stephen Burke)通常被视为该公司的日常运营管理者,而CEO布莱恩·罗伯茨(Brian Roberts)则重点关注战略问题。西南航空公司创始人兼CEO赫伯·凯勒赫(Herb Kelleher)在披露正与前列腺癌抗争后,仍作为该公司代言人并担任CEO达两年之久。实际上,目前担任该公司CEO的加里·凯利(Gary Kelly)和公司原总裁科琳·巴莱特(Colleen Barrett)等多名高管才是西南航空真正的运营管理团队。



有许多分析师认为,如果苹果近期内任命CEO,库克将是最可能的人选。Needham & Co分析师查尔斯·沃尔夫(Charles Wolf)称:“我认为库克将被任命为CEO,而乔布斯将担任董事长及其他的职位,例如首席创新官等。这应该是一种明智的做法。”

其他可能接替乔布斯职位的继任者还包括负责苹果零售业务的高级副总裁罗恩·约翰逊(Ron Johnson),沃尔夫认为:“如果库克成为CEO,约翰逊可能会离职。”另外,负责iPhone软件部门的高级副总裁斯科特·福斯托尔(Scott Forstall)正在苹果的多项活动中扮演越来越多的公众角色,苹果资深高管、iPhone和iPod营销副总裁格雷格·乔斯维亚克(Greg Joswiak)的演讲颇得乔布斯神韵,这两名高管也是苹果CEO的可能人选。



Hello, MIT!


Thank you. Congratulations class of ’17. I especially want to thank Chairman Millard, President Reif, distinguished faculty, trustees, and the members of the class of 1967. It is a privilege to be here today with your families and your friends on such on amazing and important day.

感谢大家。祝贺20xx届毕业生。我要特别感谢麻省理工学院董事长罗伯特•米兰德(Robert Millard)、校长拉尔夫•赖夫(L. Rafael Reif)、杰出的全体教员、学院董事以及1967届校友们。今天,在这个极不平凡和重要的日子里,能够和你们的家人和好友共同在这里庆祝,我感到十分荣幸。

MIT and Apple share so much. We both love hard problems. We love the search for new ideas, and we especially love finding those ideas, the really big ones, the ones that can change the world. I know MIT has a proud tradition of pranks or as you would call them, hacks. And you have pulled off some pretty great ones over the years. I’ll never figure out how MIT students sent that Mars rover to the Kresge Oval, or put a propeller beanie on the great dome, or how you’ve obviously taken over the president’s Twitter account. I can tell college students are behind because most of the Tweets happen at 3:00 a.m.


I’m really happy to be here. Today is about celebration. And you have so much to be proud of. As you leave here to start the next leg of your journey in life, there will be days where you ask yourself, ‘Where is this all going?’ ‘What is the purpose?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ I will be honest, I asked myself that same question and it took nearly 15 years to answer it. Maybe by talking about my journey today, I can save you some time.


The struggle for me started early on. In high school, I thought I discovered my life’s purpose when I could answer that age-old question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ Nope. In college I thought I’d discover it when I could answer, ‘What’s your major?’ Not quite. I thought that maybe I’d discovered it when I found a good job. Then I thought I just needed to get a few promotions. That didn’t work either.


I kept convincing myself that it was just over the horizon, around the next corner. Nothing worked. And it was really tearing me apart. Part of me kept pushing ahead to the next achievement. And the other part kept asking, ‘Is this all there is?’


I went to grad school at Duke looking for the answer. I tried meditation. I sought guidance in religion. I read great philosophers and authors. And in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I might even have experimented with a Windows PC, and obviously that didn’t work.

于是,我到杜克大学深造、我尝试冥想、我在宗教和灵修方面尝试,我阅读许多伟大哲学家和作家的经典。在年少无知的岁月里,我甚至尝试使用Windows PC,显然它没有给我我想要的答案。

After countless twists and turns, at last, 20 years ago, my search brought me to Apple. At the time, the company was struggling to survive. Steve Jobs had just returned to Apple, and had launched the ‘Think Different’ campaign. He wanted to empower the crazy ones—the misfits, the rebels and the troublemakers, the round pegs, and the square holes—to do the best work. If we could just do that, Steve knew we could really change the world.

经过无数的曲折,时间来到了前,苹果公司当时成为了我的“下一个尝试”。当时,苹果公司正在勉强生存。史蒂夫·乔布斯刚刚回到了苹果,并提出了知名的“Think Diffrent”口号。他想要让疯狂的人,非主流的人,反叛分子,麻烦制造者来到这家公司工作。乔布斯知道,如果苹果能够做到这一点,那么他们就可以改变世界。

Before that moment, I had never met a leader with such passion or encountered a company with such a clear and compelling purpose: to serve humanity. It was just that simple. Serve humanity. And it was in that moment, after 15 years of searching, something clicked. I finally felt aligned; aligned with a company that brought together challenging, cutting-edge work with a higher purpose; aligned with a leader who believed that technology which didn’t exist yet could reinvent tomorrow’s world; aligned with myself and my own deep need to serve something greater.


Of course, at that moment I don’t know all of that. I was just grateful to have psychological burden lifted. But with the help of hindsight, my breakthrough makes a lot more sense. I was never going to find my purpose working some place without a clear sense of purpose of its own. Steve and Apple freed me to throw my whole self into my work, to embrace their mission and make it my own. How can I serve humanity? This is life’s biggest and most important question. When you work towards something greater than yourself, you find meaning, you find purpose. So the question I hope you will carry forward from here is how will you serve humanity?


The good news is since you are here today you are on a great track. At MIT you have learned how much power that science and technology have to change the world for the better. Thanks to discoveries made right here, billions of people are leading healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives. And if we’re ever going to solve some of the hardest problems facing the world today, everything from cancer to climate change to educational inequality, then technology will help us to do it.But technology alone isn’t the solution. And sometimes it’s even part of the problem.


Last year I had the chance to meet with Pope Francis. It was the most incredible meeting of my life. This is a man who has spent more time comforting the inflicted in slums than with heads of state. This may surprise you, but he knew an unbelievable amount about technology. It was obvious to me that he had thought deeply about it. Its opportunity. Its risks. Its morality. What he said to me at that meeting, what he preached, really, was on a topic that we care a lot about at Apple. But he expressed a shared concern in a powerful new way: Never has humanity had such power over itself, yet nothing ensures it will be used wisely,he has said.


Technology today is integral to almost all aspects of our lives and most of the time it’s a force for good. And yet the potential adverse consequences are spreading faster and cutting deeper. The threats to security, threats to privacy, fake news, and social media that becomes antisocial. Sometimes the very technology that is meant to connect us divides us. Technology is capable of doing great things. But it doesn’t want to do great things. It doesn’t want anything. That part takes all of us. It takes our values and our commitment to our families and our neighbors and our communities, our love of beauty and belief that all of our faiths are interconnected, our decency, our kindness.


I’m not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans. I’m more concerned about people thinking like computers without values or compassion, without concern for consequences. That is what we need you to help us guard against. Because if science is a search in the darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we’ve been and the danger that lies ahead.


As Steve once said, technology alone is not enough. It is technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that make our hearts sing.When you keep people at the center of what you do, it can have an enormous impact. It means an iPhone that allows the blind person to run a marathon. It means an Apple Watch that catches a heart condition before it becomes a heart attack. It means an iPad that helps a child with autism connect with his or her world. In short, it means technology infused with your values, making progress possible for everyone.


Whatever you do in your life, and whatever we do at Apple, we must infuse it with the humanity that each of us is born with. That responsibility is immense, but so is the opportunity. I’m optimistic because I believe in your generation, your passion, your journey to serve humanity. We are all counting on you.


There is so much out there conspiring to make you cynical. The internet has enabled so much and empowered so many, but it can also be a place where basic rules of decency are suspended and pettiness and negativity thrive. Don’t let that noise knock you off course. Don’t get caught up in the trivial aspects of life. Don’t listen to trolls and for God’s sake don’t become one. Measure your impact in humanity not in the likes, but the lives you touch; not in popularity, but in the people you serve. I found that my life got bigger when I stopped carrying about what other people thought about me. You will find yours will too. Stay focused on what really matters.


There will be times when your resolve to serve humanity will be tested. Be prepared. People will try to convince you that you should keep your empathy out of your career. Don’t accept this false premise.


At a shareholders meeting a few years back, someone questioned Apple’s investment and focus on the environment. He asked me to pledge that Apple would only invest in green initiatives that could be justified with a return on investment. I tried to be diplomatic. I pointed out that Apple does many things, like accessibility features for those with disabilities that don’t rely on an ROI. We do the things because they are the right thing to do, and protecting the environment is a critical example. He wouldn’t let it go and I got my blood up. So I told him, “If you can’t accept our position, you shouldn’t own Apple stock.”


When you are convinced that your cause is right, have the courage to take a stand. If you see a problem or an injustice, recognize that no one will fix it but you. As you go forward today, use your minds and hands and your hearts to build something bigger than yourselves. Always remember there is no idea bigger than this.


As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “All life is interrelated. We are all bound together into a single garment of destiny.” If you keep that idea at the forefront of all that you do, if you choose to live your lives at that intersection between technology and the people it serves, if you strive to create the best, give the best, do the best for everyone, not just for some, then today all of humanity has good cause for hope.


Thank you very much and congratulations class of 20xx!




Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of . Yes.

Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending today's ceremony. You made it. It's a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I think thank you enough for making me an honorary Colonial.

Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. You’ve heard this before. About silencing your phones. Those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode. If you don't have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle. Apple has a world‑class recycling program.

You know, this is really an amazing place. And for a lot of you, I’m sure that being here in Washington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing which school to go to. This place has a powerful pull. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King challenged Americans to make real the promises of democracy, to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

And it was here that President Ronald Reagan called on us to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. I'd like to start this morning by telling you about my first visit here. In the summer of 1977 ‑‑ yes, I’m a little old ‑‑ I was 16 years old and living in Robertsdale, the small town in southern Alabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high school I’d won an essay contest sponsored by the National Rural Electric Association. I can't remember what the essay was about, what I do remember very clearly is writing it by hand, draft after draft after draft. Typewriters were very expensive and my family could not afford one.

I was one of two kids from Baldwin County that was chosen to go to Washington along with hundreds of other kids across the country. Before we left, the Alabama delegation took a trip to our state capitol in Montgomery for a meeting with the governor. The governor's name was George C. Wallace. The same George Wallace who in 1963 stood in the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama to block African Americans from enrolling. Wallace embraced the evils of segregation. He pitted whites against blacks, the South against the North, the working class against the so‑called elites. Meeting my governor was not an honor for me.

My heroes in life were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought against the very things that Wallace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grew up in a place where King and Kennedy were not exactly held in high esteem. When I was a kid, the South was still coming to grips with its history. My textbooks even said the Civil War was about states’ rights. They barely mentioned slavery.

So I had to figure out for myself what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. It drew on the moral sense that I’d learned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart, and led me on my own journey of discovery. I found books in the public library that they probably didn't know they had. They all pointed to the fact that Wallace was wrong. That injustices like segregation had no place in our world. That equality is a right.

As I said, I was only 16 when I met Governor Wallace, so I shook his hand as we were expected to do. But shaking his hand felt like a betrayal of my own beliefs. It felt wrong. Like I was selling a piece of my soul.

篇4:苹果宣布CEO乔布斯辞职 COO库克接任







就我的继任者而言,我强烈建议公司按照我们的继任计划进行,并任命蒂姆・库克(Tim Cook)为苹果新任首席执行官。






腾讯科技讯(小贝)北京时间10月14日消息,据国外媒体报道,苹果新任首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)将为苹果员工提供额外的带薪休假,这是对苹果公司全年优异表现的一种奖励,


蒂姆·库克在致员工的邮件中表示:“到目前为止,我们今年的表现是创纪录的,我们正在凭借有史以来最强有力的产品组合进入到这个假期。用户非常喜欢iPad 2,令人着迷的新款iPhone 4S也创造了有史以来最优异的iPhone销售局面,


如果这些报道属实,那么库克在苹果5万多名员工的心目中一定会更加受欢迎。库克今年8月份才接替史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)担任苹果CEO。接下来一周,库克将面临极大的考验,因为苹果将发布今年第四季度财报,投资者急于看到库克的表现。


在苹果不久前举行的iPhone 4S发布会上,库克并没有前任乔布斯那样炫目的表演,他显得略为保守,但仍被看作是能够带领苹果继续前进的人。




腾讯科技讯(中涛)北京时间9月9日消息,据专门关注苹果发展动向的科技博客网站9to5mac报道,前不久刚刚上任的苹果新CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)周四在发给苹果员工的一封内部邮件中表示,苹果将启动一项员工慈善捐款补贴项目,每位员工每年所获补贴额上限为1万美元,

苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)上月宣布辞去苹果CEO,并“钦点”此前担任苹果首席运营官(COO)的库克接任CEO职位。库克周四的这封内部邮件被外界曝光后,苹果一位发言人向另一家科技博客网站MacRumors证实,该内部邮件真实可信。






























.10.16 来源:商业周刊

从产品开发角度而言,苹果CEO史蒂夫・乔布斯(Steve Jobs)常有惊人之举,但在企业运营方面,乔布斯却显得保守谨慎。10月14日,乔布斯发布新一代MacBook笔记本电脑就是一个明显例证。尽管有传言称,如果乔布斯推出800美元以下笔记本电脑,可以帮助提升苹果市场份额并弥补利润方面的损失,但苹果还是将定价维持在正常范围之内。

苹果将入门级MacBook价格下调了100美元,至999美元。该公司还推出了新的中端MacBook,该产品包括了起价1300美元的 MacBook Pro中的许多功能,另外,还推出了更吸引眼球的新款MacBook Pro,售价与旧款产品相同,均为美元。



许多华尔街分析师认为,苹果将利用新品大幅抢占市场份额。毕竟,在过去4年中,部分受益于苹果广告的成功以及微软Vista操作系统需求的疲软,该公司的增长速度几乎是PC市场的2-3倍。苹果甚至表示,将在包括年底购物旺季的当前财季放弃部分利润。尽管苹果将重点放在高端产品用户并取得了成功,但BMO Capital Markets分析师凯斯・巴赫曼(Keith Bachman)指出,如果苹果笔记本电脑的定价降至800美元,将可获得更多市场份额。

但NPD Group分析师史蒂芬・贝克(Stephen Baker)表示,降价对苹果的长期健康发展具有风险,

在过去几年中,有许多PC厂商因为过度降价导致企业亏损,例如Packard Bell和eMachines等。毛利率的降低并非只是因为低价产品,由于价格敏感用户常常缺乏技术经验,从而需要更多的技术支持,这导致许多最初销售带来的利润,因为客户服务成本上升而消于无形。

苹果无需大幅调低产品价格即可继续痛击竞争对手。苹果COO提姆・库克(Tim Cook)在10月14日的发布上透露,目前,苹果在美国整体PC零售市场中的销量占据18%,销售收入占据31%。他还强调指出,苹果在过去3个季度售出的Mac数量,与去年全年的销售数量相当。



当然,在经济衰退环境下,降价幅度太小会流失部分希望购买更便宜产品的用户。由于市场担心苹果将受到消费者支出大幅下滑影响,苹果股价在新品发布当天下跌5.6%。Endpoint Technologies Associates分析师罗杰・凯(Roger Kay)表示:“人们认为,苹果的幸运之处在于产品对象多为高端用户,但这些高端用户去年大多数是通过信用卡维持开支,其中部分人可能没有足够的现金来购买新的Mac,转而寻找更为便宜的产品。”

但贝克表示,迄今为止,还没有任何证据表明,美国消费者在购买消费类电子产品方面变得节俭。美国销售最好的三种电子产品是数码单反相机、液晶显示器和笔记本电脑,这些产品都是消费类电子产品中的“高价产品”。贝 调指出,今年这三种产品的销量仍在继续增长。乔布斯也希望这种可以持续到新年。



Hello GW. Thank you very much, President Knapp, for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of 2015. Yes.

Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending today's ceremony.You made it. It's a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I thinkthank you enough for making me an honorary Colonial.

Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. You've heard thisbefore. About silencing your phones. Those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode.If you don't have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle. Apple has a world‑class recyclingprogram.

You know, this is really an amazing place. And for a lot of you, I'm sure that being here inWashington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing whichschool to go to. This place has a powerful pull. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther Kingchallenged Americans to make real the promises of democracy, to make justice a reality for allof God's children. And it was here that President Ronald Reagan called on us to believe inourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. I'd like to start this morningby telling you about my first visit here. In the summer of 1977 – yes, I'm a little old – I was 16years old and living in Robertsdale, the small town in southern Alabama that I grew up in. Atthe end of my junior year of high school I'd won essay contest sponsored by the National RuralElectric Association. I can't remember what the essay was about, what I do remember veryclearly is writing it by hand, draft after draft after draft. Typewriters were very expensive andmy family could not afford one.

I was one of two kids from Baldwin County that was chosen to go to Washington along withhundreds of other kids across the country. Before we left, the Alabama delegation took a trip toour state capitol in Montgomery for a meeting with the governor. The governor's name wasGeorge C. Wallace. The same George Wallace who in 1963 stood in the schoolhouse door at theUniversity of Alabama to block African Americans from enrolling. Wallace embraced the evils ofsegregation. He pitted whites against blacks, the South against the North, the working classagainst the so‑called elites. Meeting my governor was not an honor for me.

My heroes in life were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought againstthe very things that Wallace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grewup in a place that where King and Kennedy were not exactly held in high esteem. When I was akid, the South was still coming to grips with its history. My textbooks even said the Civil Warwas about states' rights. They barely mentioned slavery.

So I had to figure out for myself what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. Itdrew on the moral sense that I'd learned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart,and led me on my own journey of discovery.

I found books in the public library that they probably didn't know they had. They all pointed tothe fact that Wallace was wrong. That injustices like segregation had no place in our world. Thatequality is a right.

As I said, I was only 16 when I met Governor Wallace, so I shook his hand as we were expectedto do. But shaking his hand felt like a betrayal of my own beliefs. It felt wrong. Like I wasselling a piece of my soul. From Montgomery we flew to Washington.

It was the first time I had ever been on an airplane. In fact it was the first time that I traveledout of the South. On June 15, 1977, I was one of 900 high schoolers greeted by the newpresident, President Jimmy Carter on the south lawn of the White House, right there on theother side of the ellipse.






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商业周刊:苹果CEO迷局 库克执掌只是时间问题