
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



An Arizona mother said she hopes cruel birthday cupcakes given to her teenage daughter will become a “teachable moment” about the Holocaust.一位来自亚利桑那州的母亲称,女儿生日的纸杯蛋糕可作为大屠杀的“教材”。

Deborah Muller, of Paradise Valley, said her daughter’s 14th birthday party this month included cupcakes that guests were allowed to frost.Two girls, who Muller said are friends of her daughter, decorated cupcakes with chocolate swastikas, even though the birthday girl is Jewish.来自天堂谷的Deborah Muller称,在女儿14岁生日宴会上有一些纸杯蛋糕,客人可以在上面撒糖装饰。女儿的两个朋友用巧克力在蛋糕上撒了纳粹的万字标志,全然不顾女儿是犹太人。

Muller said in a now-deleted Facebook post that the girls told her they did it to “be funny.” She said the teens all recently learned about the Holocaust in school, and were aware of the symbol’s meaning.Muller在脸书上发文称女孩们只是觉得这样很好玩,不过这条推文已经删除。她还说孩子们在学校都学过犹太人大屠杀,他们都知道这个符号的寓意。

The girls uploaded photos of the swastika cupcake to Snapchat, according to Phoenix New Times.据凤凰新时代报道,女孩们还把带有万字符号的照片发到快拍上。“It’s not a hate crime,” Muller said.She added she was neverthele “pied off.”

Muller称:“这不是仇恨性的犯罪。”并且自己也“不生气”。The Huffington Post was unable to reach Muller.赫芬顿邮报未能与Muller取得联系。

Phoenix New Times reports Muller contacted parents of the teens responsible for the tastele frosting, then shared a photo of the cupcakes on Facebook with this comment: 据凤凰新时报报道,Muller曾与两位女孩的父母联系,之后在脸书上发布了蛋糕的照片,并评论到:

I thought long and hard about writing this, but you know, it’s better to lose some aquaintences than remain silent.This is not a political post, but i believe this has EVERYTHING to do with the political environment we’re now living in.I think everyone who knows me knows i don’t “have an agenda”.I’m not part of the mainstream media and I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that our prez elect can bring this cracked country together.经过深思熟虑,我决定写这篇推文。在这件事上,失去朋友好过保持沉默。这并不是一篇政治推文,但是我认为它与我们目前所处的政治环境有很大关系。我知道每个懂我的人都很清楚我并无恶意。我也不在任何一家主流媒体工作,我打心底里希望我们的新任总统可以将这个支离破碎的国家团结起来。

Incidences of awful racist, misogynistic, anti-semetic, etc.behavior are skyrocketing — you see it in posts that have been forwarded or news stories, but it always happens “somewhere else” or “not in my backyard”.Well how about it happening right in YOUR OWN HOUSE? By your 14 year old daughter’s “friends”.At her own birthday party last night? At what should’ve been a really happy occaion, there were charades, name that tune games, a viewing of the Prince Bride, pizza, gift opening and cupcake decorating.I was upstairs hiding with the dogs b/c I believe 14 year olds don’t need to be babysat while putting sprinkles on cupcakes.种族主义、性别歧视、反教义等行为接二连三出现,不论在推文还是社交媒体上都有报道。不过经常有人认为这些都发生在别人身上,和自己没多大关系。可是,如果这些事是发生在你自己身上呢?如果是一个14岁的女孩的朋友们造成的呢?如果发生在她自己的生日宴会上呢?昨晚本该是一个快乐的夜晚,猜字谜、猜歌名、新娘盛宴、披萨、拆礼物和装点蛋糕。我当时在楼上和狗狗玩捉迷藏,因为我认为14岁的孩子们装点蛋糕不需要大人看管。Well, this apparently happened(I only found out about it this morning).Let me tell you that I am Jewish, my daughter is Jewish, there was another Jewish girl at the party as well as many other girls of different religions who don’t have a negative bone in their bodies.But then there were the two girls who created this.Why? Is this funny? Is this right? Is this nice to do at another person’s party in another person’s house? Are the lids to human kindne and decency ripped off so permanently that this can happen to YOUR kid in YOUR house? Just something to think about and maybe have a discuion with your children about certain actions.可是,发生了这件事(我也是今天早上才发现的)。我要告诉你,我是犹太人,我女儿也是犹太人,并且在生日会上还有另一个女孩也是犹太人,还有许多各种宗教的女孩们,她们都没有恶意。然后那两个女孩就做出了这件事,这是为什么?这好玩吗?她们做的对吗?在别人的生日会上,在别人家里这么做真的有礼貌吗?人性的善良和高尚就这样在自己的家里,在自己孩子身上被如此赤裸裸的揭露了吗?你们好好想想吧,和孩子探讨一下这种行为。The girls apologized for their tastele joke, Muller said in another Facebook post since made private.Muller在另一篇脸书私人推文上表示两名女孩已为她们无聊的玩笑道歉。

Using hate symbols in attempts at jokes sends a bad meage, according to anti-defamation advocates.反诽谤支持者称,用恶意符号开玩笑会传达恶性信息。

“When you joke with symbols like the swastika, you begin to normalize them and make it very casual within our society,” Carlos Galindo-Elvira, director of the Arizona Anti-Defamation League, told KPNX.“当你用诸如万字之类的符号开玩笑时,这些符号会普遍化,人们也会逐渐对它们习以为常,” 亚利桑那州反诽谤联盟负责人Carlos Galindo-Elvira说到。

Sightings of swastikas and other symbols of hate have surged since Donald Trump’s election victory.On Nov.12, someone drew a swastika on four dormitory doors at New York City’s New School.Six days later, a Brooklyn park named in honor of Beastie Boy Adam Yauch was desecrated with swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti.自特朗普上任以来,诸如万字等多种恶性符号有增无减。11月12号,有人在纽约新校4个宿舍门上画了万字符号。六天后在布鲁克林,为纪念野兽男孩Adam Yauch而建的公园布满了各种万字符号和支持特朗普的涂鸦。

The day after the election, two swastikas were spray-painted on a building in Philadelphia.大选后一天,费城的一座建筑被喷上了2个万字符号。











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