403.3 ban: to prohibit write acce if you try to upload or modification does not allow write acce to the files in the directory, it will cause this problem.If the problem still exists,请与 Web服务器的管理员联系。
Please contact your Web server administrator.403.6 禁止:拒绝 IP 地址如果服务器含有不允许访问此站点的 IP地址列表,并且您正使用的 IP地址在此列表中,就
403.6: to prohibit IP addre if the server does not allow acce to this site contains a list of IP addrees,http:/// and you are using the IP addre in the list, it
This problem can be caused.403.9 禁止访问:所连接的用户太多如果 Web太忙并且由于流量过大而无法处理您的请求时就会导致此问题。请稍后再
403.9 prohibit acce: too many users are connected if Web is too busy and due to high traffic will be unable to proce your request to this problem.Please try again later
次连接。如果问题依然存在,请与 Web 服务器的管理员联系。
Connection.If the problem persists,http:/// please contact your Web server administrator.403.12 禁止访问:映射程序拒绝访问拒绝用户证书试图访问此 Web 站点。请与站点管理员联系以建立用户证书权限。
403.12 prohibit acce: acce denied to the user certificate mapping program tries to acce this Web site.Please contact the site administrator to establish users certificate authority.如果必要,也可以更改用户证书并重试。
If neceary, you can also change the user certificate and try again.IE提示 HTTP 403forbidden acce your site without default page general virtual host the default home page
IE提示 HTTP 403-内部服务器错误 表示您的asp程序有问题,请检查您的程序!
IE HTTP 403-internal server error http:/// indicates that your ASP program has a problem, please check your program!
Note: when you use the spatial size reaches limit,http:/// also because of unable to write data to generate the 403 error!
实 验 报 告实验项目名称: CSS页面布局及样式设计(所属课程: web系统与技术 )学 院:计算机学院 专业班级:11级计科信息 姓 名: 学 号: 实验日期: 实验地点:A06-404 合作者: 指导教师:李......
A list of error meages and poible solutionsand poible solutions不收敛错误 Errors in solvent calculationsERROR MESSAGES IN OUTPUT FILES- Syntax and similar error......