来源:纽约时报日期:2010-02-09阅读 201 次作者:评论0条划词进入论坛爱思英语编者按:学英语会有一个定势,那就是背很偏很难的单词。但是了解那些“高级”单词固然必要,可任何一门语言中应用最广泛的还是那些简单的基础词汇。我们自己看中文的时候会很痛恨拐弯抹角不说人话的作者,英文也一样。老外自己不喜欢看故作艰深的东西,所以我们在写作的时候就放心大胆地使用简单词汇吧,只要意思表达清楚、有条理、语法通畅就是好文章。
What is good writing?
It depends on what country you’re from.We all know what’s considered “good writing” in our own country.We grow up immersed in the cadences and sentence structure of the language we were born into, so we think, “That’s probably what every country considers good writing;they just use different words.” If only!I once asked a student from Cairo, “What kind of language is Arabic?” She said, “It’s all adjectives.”
Well, of course it's not all adjectives, but I knew what she meant: it’s decorative, it's ornate, it's intentionally pleasing.But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journalist trying to write good English.No proverbs, please.当然,不可能都是形容词,我知道她的意思:阿拉伯语是一种注重雕饰和阅读快感的语言。但是太多形容词和太多雕饰都不利于英文的新闻写作。千万别使用那么多谚语。更多信息请访问:http:///
Spanish also comes with a heavy load of beautiful baggage that will smother any journalist writing in English.西班牙语也一样,有太多不利于英文写作的修饰语。
English is not as musical as Spanish, or Italian, or French, or as ornamental as Arabic, or as vibrant as some of your native languages.But I’m hopelely in love with English because it’s plain and it’s strong.It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning;there’s no subject, however technical or complex, that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right.Unfortunately, there are many ways of using it wrong.Those are the damaging habits I want to warn you about today.英语不像西班牙语、意大利语或者法语那样富有音律美,也不像阿拉伯语那样华丽,可能也不像你们的母语那样生动鲜活,但我就是无可救药地热爱英语,因为它平实有力,拥有海量意义鲜明的词汇。描述一样事物,不管多高科技多复杂,在标准英语中读者都看懂——如果描述准确。不幸的是很多人都不能正确使用英语。以下就是我希望大家避免的一些错误习惯。First, a little history.The English language is derived from two main sources.One is Latin, the other is Anglo-Saxon.The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write.The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.首先,了解英语的历史。英语来源于拉丁语和安格鲁-撒克逊语。来自拉丁语的单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。安格鲁-撒克逊语才能解开你的束缚。
How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompous nouns that end in-ion—like implementation and maximization and communication(five syllables
long!)—or that end in-ent—like development and fulfillment.Those nouns expre a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture.Here’s a typical sentence: “Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement.” That means “Before we fixed our money problems.”
拉丁词语是怎么束缚你的文体的呢?一般来说都是些长并华而不实的单词,以ion结尾,像implementation、maximization、communication(五个音节那么长!)或者以ent结尾,像development和fulfillment。这些词语描述的都是一个模糊或抽象的概念,不是我们能够明确说明的行动。一个典型句子就是:财政强化计划实施之前。其实就是说:解决钱的问题之前。Believe it or not, this is the language that people in authority in America routinely use.They think those long Latin words make them sound important.It no longer rains in America;your TV weatherman will tell that you we’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation.不管你信不信,这些就是美国的高层人士常用语。他们认为这些长长的拉丁单词能突显自己的身份。美国已经没有下雨这一说了,天气预报员只会提到降水概率这个词。
I’m sure all of you, newly arrived in America, have already been driven crazy trying to figure out the instructions for ordering a cell phone or connecting your computer, or applying for a bank loan or a health insurance policy, and you aume that those of us who were born here can understand this stuff.I aure you that we don’t understand it either.我相信你们所有人刚来美国的时候,都曾为订购手机、上网、申请银行贷款、购买健康保险的流程说明而抓狂,并认为我们美国人读得懂这些东西。其实我们一样看不懂。
Those long Latin usages have so infected everyday language in America that you might well think, “If that’s how people write who are running the country, that’s how I’m supposed to write.” It’s not.Let me read you two typical letters I recently received in the mail.(I keep letters like this and save them in a folder that I call “Bullshit File.”)
The first one is from the president of a private club in New York.It says, “Dear member: The board of governors has spent the past year considering proactive efforts that will continue to profeionalize the club and to introduce efficiencies that we will be implementing throughout 2009.” That means they’re going to try to make the club run better
A letter from my investment counsel says:
“As we previously communicated, we completed a systems conversion in late September.Data conversions involve extra proceing and reconciliation steps.“正如我们之前所商谈过的,我们于九月底完成了系统转换。数据转换还牵涉了额外步骤和调节措施。
[translation: it took longer than we thought it would to make our office operate better]
We apologize if you were inconvenienced as we completed the verification proce.如果在核准系统期间您感到不方便,我们对此致以歉意。
[we hope we’ve got it right now]
Further enhancements will be introduced in the next calendar quarter.下一季度我们将继续改进。
[we’re still working on it].”
Notice those horrible long Latin words:
mmunicated, conversion, reconciliation, enhancements, verification.商谈,转换,调节,改进,核准。
So if those are the bad nouns, what are the good nouns? The good nouns are the thousands of short, simple, infinitely old Anglo-Saxon nouns that expre the fundamentals of everyday life: house, home, child, chair, bread, milk, sea, sky, earth, field, gra, road … words that are in our bones, words that resonate with the oldest truths.Don’t try to find a noun that you think sounds more impreive or “literary.” Short Anglo-Saxon nouns are your second-best tools as a journalist writing in English.如果这些都是不合适的词语,那么哪些才是合适的词呢?就是能够表达基本日常生活的几千个简短而古老的安格鲁-撒克逊名词:房子,家庭,孩子,椅子,面包,牛奶,大海,天空,大地,田野,小草,马路„„这些我们铭记于心、回响着古老真理的词。不要试图找一个你觉得更让人印象深刻或更“文学”的词。短小的安格鲁-撒克逊词是你在进行新闻写作时第二位的好帮手。
What are your best tools? Your best tools are short, plain Anglo-Saxon verbs.I mean active verbs, not paive verbs.If you could write an article using only active verbs, your article would automatically have clarity and warmth and vigor.你最好的帮手又是什么呢?简短平易的安格鲁-撒克逊动词。我说的是主动态动词,不是被动态。如果你能写一篇全用主动态的文章,那肯定是一篇清晰、亲切又有力的好文章。One of my favorite writers is Henry David Thoreau.Thoreau’s writing moves with simple strength because he uses one active verb after another to push his meaning along.Here’s a famous sentence from him:
Henry David Thoreau是我最喜欢的作家之一。Thoreau的文笔简洁而遒劲,因为他总是使用主动态来传情达意。下面是他写的一个很有名的句子:
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the eential facts of nature, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.我去森林是因为我希望在思考中生活,只面对最真实的自然本质。我想看我是不是能学到自然教与我的东西,不希望在我临死时发现自己从未真正活过。
Now let me turn that sentence into the paive:
A decision was made to go to the woods because of a desire for a deliberate existence and for exposure to only the eential facts of life, and for poible instruction in its educational elements, and because of a concern that at the time of my death the absence of a meaningful prior experience would be apprehended.由一个于思考中生活并面对真实的自然本质的想法催生出前往森林的决定,能够受教其中也是原因之一,此外还出于对临死时懊悔没有真正活过的担忧之情。更多信息请访问:http:///
All the life has been taken out of the sentence.But what’s the biggest thing I’ve taken out of that sentence? I’ve taken Thoreau out of that sentence.He’s nowhere to be seen.这个句子立马变得没有生机。但是我从中剥离的最大元素是什么?是Thoreau。整句中完全不见说话人的身影。
So fall in love with active verbs.They are your best friends.总之,建立起你与主动态动词的关系,它们才是你最好的朋友。
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