影视美联英语 白金汉宫翻修将耗资1.5亿英镑,英女王要搬家喽_影视美联英语疑问名

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影视美联英语 白金汉宫翻修将耗资1.5亿英镑,英女王要搬家喽由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“影视美联英语疑问名”。

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美联英语提供:影视英语 白金汉宫翻修将耗资1.5亿英镑,英女王要搬家喽

It has been her London home for nearly 90 years, but the Queen may have to move out of Buckingham Palace for a year under plans to carry out £150million-worth of urgent repairs.女王在伦敦的白金汉宫已经住了近90年,但为了配合为期一年、耗资1.5亿英镑的紧急翻新工程,女王可能将被迫搬家。

If she leaves, it will be the first time a monarch has been forced out since Queen Victoria designated it as an official residence in 1837.如果女王迁出白金汉宫,她将成为从1837年维多利亚女王指定这为官方住所后,第一位被迫搬出的君主。

Surveyors called in to ae the royal residence say it needs a major top-to-toe overhaul after years of neglect.被召集来的测量员进行评估后认为,这所王室住宅年久失修,需要全面翻修。They have suggested that the cheapest option would be to move out the sovereign and all her 426 staff in one go to so all the work can be done at once.他们建言,最经济的方式就是让女王及其426位职员一次性全部迁出王宫,那么他们就能一次性完工。

Royal sources on June 22 confirmed that moving the Queen and Prince Philip out of the palace is one choice being considered.They would live at Windsor Castle, their weekend home, although it is unclear how long this would be for.英国王室6月22日证实,他们正在考虑让女王和菲利普王子迁出王宫。他们会移居到周末度假屋温莎堡。但尚未确定他们会在那儿住多久。

The Queen currently spends around three days a week working at Buckingham Palace, spending an increasing amount of time at Windsor Castle where she conducts royal engagements with greater frequency.目前,女王每周会在白金汉宫工作三天,在温莎堡逗留的时间越来越长,在那里举行王室活动的次数也越来越多。

Although parts of the palace suffered damage during the Second World War, even the Blitz did not force the Royal Family to move out.尽管在二战期间白金汉宫遭到部分毁坏,即便发生闪电战,王室成员也未迁出。Details of the plan emerged on June 22 following the publication of the Queen's annual report into her work as head of state and accounts.搬迁计划的细节于6月22日公布。此前,女王公开了年度工作报告和财产报告。Last year she received £37.9million from taxpayers through the Sovereign Grant but because of a jump in profits from the Crown Estate from which it is taken, she will see her income rise by 6.7 per cent in 2016/17 to almost £43million.去年,通过主权拨款,女王从纳税人手中得到了3790万英镑。皇家财产局的部分利益


Aides maintain that the monarchy still offers 'excellent' value for money, costing the country 56p per person each year.女王助理始终认为,尽管国民每人每年为王室花费56英镑,王室的存在仍然“物超所值”。

They have long complained, however, that government underfunding over more than 20 years has forced them to 'make do and mend', leading to a huge backlog of urgent repairs at royal residences, particularly Buckingham Palace.尽管如此,他们一直抱怨,20多年来,政府对王室的拨款不足,他们迫不得已“小修小补将就一下”,导致多所王室居所的急修工作一直积压着,尤其是白金汉宫。

Members of staff have been known to catch rain in buckets to stop pricele works of art and antiques from being destroyed by its leaky roofs.据说,白金汉宫屋顶漏雨,王室职员要在雨天放桶接水,以防贵重艺术品和古董被损坏。

Most of the state rooms have not been decorated since the Queen came to the throne 60 years ago, while large parts of the building are in such a state of disrepair that Prince Anne was almost hit by falling masonry a few years ago.伊丽莎白女王掌权60年来,大部分的房间都未经装修。而宫殿大部分地方都失修已久,前几年安妮公主还差点被掉下来的砖瓦砸伤。

And the palace's ancient electrics and plumbing systems both need a top-to-toe overhaul.宫殿里古老的电力系统和水管也需要全面整修。

Officials are now seriously exploring the poibility that the Queen and her staff will be forced to move out, either all at once, or in stages with the work being done around them.官员们现在非常认真地考虑女王及其职员将被迫迁出的事情,有可能一次性全部迁出,有可能在翻修工程进行时还继续住在这里。

As well as having to hold garden parties in a different location, any major closure of the palace could force its closure to the public for at least one summer season, meaning a huge lo of income for the Royal Collection.同时还要换个地点举办露天招待会,一旦遇到重大施工封锁,宫殿将至少一个夏季不对公众开放,这意味着英国皇家典藏会损失一大笔收入。

Independent aeors say that 40 per cent of the royal estate – which includes Windsor Castle, St James's Palace and other residences – is in a sub-standard condition.独立评估者称,40%的王室居所——包括温莎堡,圣詹姆斯宫等其他居所——都有待修整。

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影视美联英语 白金汉宫翻修将耗资1.5亿英镑,英女王要搬家喽
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