
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


C: 趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot 蠢得像猪as stupid as a goose D: 大海捞针to look for a needle in hay stack 胆小如鼠as timid as a hare 丢脸to lose face 对牛弹琴to cast pearls before swine F: 肤浅Skin-deep G: 挂羊头卖狗肉cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂钟wall clock H: 寒衣Warm clothes 好心kind-hearted 红茶Black tea 红糖Brown sugar 红眼Green-eyed

花钱如流水to spend money like water 混水摸鱼to fish in trouble waters 祸不单行Misfortunes never come singly J: 犟得像牛as stubborn as a mule 教练车training vehicle 九五折5 percent discount 九五折A five percent discount L: 老手an old hand 聋得像石头as deaf as a post 露面to show up M: 满腹文章have a mind crammed with knowledge 免费入场entrance free

面如土色as white as a sheet 母细胞parent cell

P: 碰壁 run one’s head against a wall S: 守口如瓶dumb as an oyster 双杠parallel bars 睡得死沉sleep like a log T: 太平门emergency exit 田径项目track and field events W: 瓮中之鳖like a rat in a hole 无风不起浪no smoke without fire X: 像落汤鸡as wet as a drowned 像没头苍蝇as blind as a bat 笑柄a laughing stock

Y: 一箭之遥at a stone’s throw 一模一样as like as two peas 一丘之貉birds of a feather 一只耳朵听,一只耳朵冒to go in at one ear and out at the other 缘木求鱼to seek a hare in a hen’s nest Z: 掌上明珠the apple of one’s eye 子细胞daughter cell 自学Self-taught 座钟standing clock

A: 安理会决定The Security Council decided to send a peace-keeping force to prevent the escalation of conflicts in that area.B: 别三心二意Don’t shilly-shally.Go right ahead.不等她说完The entrepreneur had flown into a rage before he heard her out.不晓得季节don’t know what relation exists between the season and marriage, but the number of marriages is much greater from early winter to spring than in other seasons.Maybe this is the season of marriage people usually call.C: 才有了一点进步with some progre, he become cocky 此乃千载难逢You must seize this opportunity.It is a chance of lifetime.此人说话不知轻重That chap doesn’t know the proper way to talk.此事无足轻重It’s a matter of no consequence.从前有个俊俏once there lived a handsome young man named Wang Xiao who, though a favorite with everyone ,was unhappy because he had a sharp-tongued, nagging step mother.D: 大夫The doctor wrote out a prescription for him to fortify his constitution and regain his strength.当南极考察The Antarctic explorers shouted with joy when they came is sight of land.地质勘探After innumerable hardships, the prospecting team discovered a lot of new ores.第一个肌肤the first was somewhat plump and of medium height.her cheeks were the texture of newly ripened lichees,her nose as sleek as goose fat.G: 该国政府The government urged the world community to provide humanitarian relief aid to the refugees who fled to its country.国际奥委会The International Olympic Committee has selected this city as the site for the coming Olympic Games.H: 黑暗中有了一个she was half dead with fright when she spotted a black figure in the dark.后太子犯法later on when the son of Prince Xiao offended against the law his teacher was punished so that no one dared to violate the law.J: 精卫是炎帝之the bird was said to be Emperor Yandi’s youngest daughter,Nvwa.君子成人之美a gentleman is always ready to help others attain their aims.N: 那辆面的After knocking the little girl down, the driver of the taxi fled away from the spot.那是她正值She was at that time at her sweet seventeen.你不该对此事You should not have said anything about the matter.你不要兔死狗烹嘛You ought not to kill the hounds once all the hares are bagged.你真不识好歹You simply couldn’t tell what’s good or bad for you.你最好打个电话You’d better fix an appointment with him over the phone to meet for a talk.鸟鸣和着溪水the bird-song and the babbling of the streams danced lightly on the spring breeze.农民们敲锣打鼓The farmers beat drums and strike gongs to celebrate the Spring Festival.O: 欧共体正在A ministerial conference was called among EEC members to discu how to deal with the technical barriers to trade in the WTO.S: 少年是一去不复返youth will soon be gone never to return.and it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.声速随温度the speed of sound increase slightly with a rise in temperature and falls slightly with a decrease in temperature.it is not affected by the preure of the air.睡觉前,我洗澡Before going to bed, I take my bath ,fix my bed ,dry my hair, brush my teeth, get my things ready for tomorrow.That is it.四周没有火no lamps shone around.the clan temple was also asleep.T: 他把工作分成He regards different jobs as indication of rank and grade.他拜倒在了he worshipped her on his knees 他的话把我打入what he told me threw me into bewilderment 他对客队的he lavished praised on the head coach of the guest team 他解开了大衣He unfastened the jacket, gripped its lower hem and swung it back and forth a few times to fan himself.Then he stood up and started for home.他们讲索取they preach taking from others, whereas we advocate giving to others.他们认为她They regard her as the right candidate for a deputy to the National People’s Congre.他们在美国大使They held a rally before the US embay against US imposing double taxation on their exports.她隔窗望去looking through the window ,she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank..in it there was a boatman fast asleep.她三句话不离She talks shop all the while.她追求的是真理what she seeks is truth, and what he hankers after is but high position and great wealth.他弄得家里鸡犬不宁he stirred his whole family into a tempest.T: 天色渐渐it had grown dark.my table lamp suddenly lit up and I roused myself from my dream.W: 万一她有个好歹What if something should happen to her ? 我发现了一朵I found a beautiful purple morning-glory blooming with silvery dew on the petals.The morning-glory reminded me of its exact English name.我们的政策 we are pursuing a policy of “one country with two systems”.More specifically ,this means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its one.one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while HK and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system.我梦见我在I dreamed that I was in a forest.In the forest, there were a lot of animals.屋里院外静悄悄all was quiet in the house except for some people snoring, the horses chewing mash, and the geese cackling at intervals.X: 现在,本庭Now, the court is to adjourn.The next seion will commence at 15:00.一代人与一代人A conflict between the generations ,between youth and age, seems the most stupid ,for it is one between oneself as one is and oneself as one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is.Y: 有只猫头鹰an owl was hooting on the old tree standing on the top of the ridge.圆月正挂在他对面The full moon hung directly in front of him.It’s silvery beams, like cool water bathed his head refreshingly.Z: 这是后话We’re getting ahead of the story.只听有人用半哑someone grunted: “I have nothing to say.”

众皆大笑all the other guests were roaring with laughter, except Ziyu,who was so embarraed that he wished the earth would swallow him up.祝你百尺竿头Wish you still greater progre.紫鹃答应着Zijuan was answering and hurried out to change a spittoon and put the spittoon in her hand on the table and opened the door of inner room to go out, still closed it, let down the flowered portiere and went to wake Xueyan.

简明英语教材 课后题 汉译英 112单元

1、 联 合 国 的 创 建 为 世 界 和平带 来 了 希 望 Thetechn iqueou tli nedabo vearetheone s tha t Ifi ndpra ctica l.6、语 言 学习应 该 是 一 种 主 动 的 学......




考试三级汉译英试题1、目前世界上使用的语言估计有几千种.It is estimated that there are several thousand languages and dialects spoken in the world today.2、另外一......




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