
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


主题:珍惜时间,学好英语 人物:A B C D E



E:旁白 开场白

E As everyone knows, with the rapid development of society, English has already become an important subject.It is a very useful for many people to learn English well.However, in our university, there are many students addicted to playing all day long, ignore the English learning, learning can not be optimistic about the situation.please see the next act(众所周知,随着社会的快速发展,英语已经成为了一门重要的学科,学好英语对于许多人来说都是非常有用的。但是,在我们的大学中,却有许多学生终日沉迷于玩耍中,忽视了英语学习,学习状况不容乐观,请看下一幕)场景一:

(BCD三人玩三国杀,A作整理书包状)B Slash!(杀)C Mied!(闪)B Pa!(过)C It’s so beautiful.Archery Attack(好牌啊,万箭齐发)B Mied!(闪)D Mied!(闪)

(A向外走,顺势回头)A Hi,Guys.What are you doing?(嗨,伙计们,你们在干嘛?

D This is ‘War within three kingdoms’.Would you like to come along?(这是三国杀,要不要过来一起玩?)BC(齐声)Come here,baby!A Sorry,it’s time to study.I must go away,My English homework hasn't been finished yet.(很抱歉,学习时间到了,我必须走了,我的英语作业还没写完呢)

D The English homework?oh,no…Don’t be joking(英语作业?哦,不,别开玩笑了)A Why?boys,Don’t you think the English is very important?(为什么,伙计们,你们不认为学习英语很重要麽?)

B No, not to mention the English, I don't like English at all.(不,不要跟我提英语,我一点也不喜欢英语)

C The same to me.I was born in China, lived in China,maybe die in China.I don’t think I need the English(我也一样,我生在中国,活在中国,死在中国,不学英语,照样生活)

A I don’t think so.English is widely used throughout the world.We can find a good job in the furture if our English is well.(我不这么认为,英语在世界上被广泛应用,如果我们的英语足够好的话,将来我们可以找到一个好的工作)

B But you know, I saw the dull words and grammar to feel have a headache(但是你知道的,我一看到那些枯燥的单词和语法就感到头痛)A So we should…

D(打断A的话)Please stop!(对BD说)Let us continue to, leave him alone.(请停下,让我们继续,不要管他)(BC配合D作相应表情)

A(作无奈状)Ok,OK..have a good time!E As time went by,the A’s English level is higher an higher,but the BCD still keep away from study and their friend A.(随着时间的推移,A的英语水平越来越高,而BCD在远离学习的同时也疏远了他们的朋友A)

场景二:(A作学习状,BCD聚一旁议论)B Recently there has been a large release of Hollywood,Let’s go to the Movie theatre(最近有一部新的好莱坞大片上映了,让我们一块去电影院吧)C How about calling the A?(要不要叫上A?)

D Oh,no..Don't disturb the diligent child.(不,不要打扰勤奋的孩子..讽刺)

E This situation continued until the English Band Four Test results released(这种情形一直持续到英语四级考试结果公布)


(BCD聚一起,A候场)D(手指着成绩单的最后几排)you you me.(你 你 我)B Oh my god,we don’t pa the exam(天呐,我们没有通过这个考试)D I begin to feel regertful.(我开始感动后悔了)

B Yes,mabye..mabye,A is right.(也许,也许..A是对的)

C But we have already wasted a lot of time,no one can save us(但是我们已经浪费了大量的时间,没有人可以拯救我们)

(BCD抱团叹惜,A从背后缓缓上前,拍着CD的肩膀)A Guys, don't be discouraged.We have enough time.(伙计们,不要泄气,我们还有足够的时间)BCD is this true?(这是真的吗?)A Yes,learn English from now on for our friendship.Anyone wants to join?(是的,从现在开始好好学习英语,有人要加入吗)(A伸出手)B Me.C Me.A(望向D)And you? D(半开玩笑)OK,ok ,you know ,I have no choices.(好吧好吧,你知道我没有选择的)(ABC三人笑,D将手搭上,E上前)

E If your English is not good, do not be discouraged, this is not the end of the world.You still have lots to do, but the first point, cherish the time(如果你的英语不好,不要灰心,这不是世界末日。你仍然有许多可以做,但是第一点,珍惜时间)(四人从两边上前,五人鞠躬,剧终)


CAST OF CHARCTERS The play can be done with two actors (see below) or 3w and 2m Actor 1 Bula Bisteryoung female reporter who hangs out behind the boys locker......


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师徒四人行导演:卓清 编剧:田进、卓清 师傅:王茂立 大师兄:陈友航 二师兄:张伟 三师弟:刘强 (西游记片头曲)师徒四人下午14:30扛着测量仪器一路往前走(大热天,他们一边擦汗一边走,二师......
