
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



(作者:王嵎生 中国国际问题研究基金会战略研究中心执行主任 编辑:王妮娜)

The Lingering Charm of BRICs


The second summit of “BRICs” ,short for Brazail,Ruia,India and China,will be held in Brazil on April 16th as scheduled.The inaugural summit convened on June 16th last year in Moscow, the leaders of these four countries iued a broad 16-point Joint Declaration which aroused people’s widespread concern and heated discuion.Now, almost one year has gone, what's the situation now? Is the influence of BRICs has disappointed us or still revealed its charm?


Obviously, I think the answer is a resounding yes.四国领导人第一次峰会讨论了全球经济形势和发展领域的紧迫问题,以及进一步加强“金砖四国”合作的前景。会后发表的联合声明,有些是战略性的诉求,如强调应在国际法治、平等合作、互相尊重和集体决策的基础上,建立一个更加民主和公正的多极世界,承诺推动国际金融机构改革,使其体现世界经济形势的变化等,需要有一个渐进过程,但正在为越来越多的国家认同;有些是现实和具体的,主要有以下几个方面,显然已取得可喜的成果。

The leaders of these four countries had discued the global economic trends, urgent iues in the development and prospect of further cooperation within the “BRICs“ in the inaugural summit.The joint declarations that iued after the meeting are strategic in some respects.For instance, they are committing to establishing a more democratic and fair multi-pole world on the principle of international law, equal cooperation, mutual respect and collective decision-making, accelerating the reform of international finance institutions so as to reflect the changes of global economic trends.Fortunately, more and more countries have reached the agreement that the realization of these goals is a step-by-step proce.But some goals are pragmatic and concrete, and we have made significant progre in the following aspects:


IThe joint declaration confirms the achievements at the very beginning.Specifically, the G20 Finance Summit in London plays a key role in dealing with the financial crisis and contributes to enhance the cooperation, policy coordination and political dialogue among countries on international economy and finance;it calls upon all states and relevant international bodies to act vigorously to implement the decisions adopted at the G20 Summit;the BRICs will cooperate closely among themselves and with other partners to ensure further progre of collective action at the next G20 Summit to be held in Pittsburgh.As it now seems that all these goals have been achieved.严格说来,20国集团并没有真正取代8国集团,而是“8+5”平台的延伸。不同的是,“8+5”是发达国家绝对主导,5个发展中国家只是“被加上去的”;20国集团基本上是发达国家与发展中国家对话的平台,发展中国家的代表性和影响力大为增加,虽然前者仍然在起某种主导作用,但已不能完全掌控,关系也相对平等了。“金砖四国”在会前和会议进行过程中协调立场,加强合作,提出自己的主张,在维护发展中国家整体利益方面发挥了引人注目的作用。可以预见,“金砖四国”这次峰会将对今年6月20国集团第四次峰会产生更大的影响。

Strictly speaking, G20 has not truly replaced G8 rather than the extension of platform ”8+5“.The platform ”8+5“ is dominated by developed countries and the five developing countries are ”imposed“.G20 is eentially a platform of conversation between developed and developing countries.And, it has presented a larger voice for developing countries and greatly enhanced its influence in the platform.Although the developed countries are still leading the platform in some respects, the situation is changing and the relationship among members is relatively equal.The BRICs attracted more and more attention and consideration in defending the overall interests of developing countries, coordinating their positions, strengthening cooperation and putting forwards their own proposals.It is predicted that BRIC summit will have a greater impact on the fourth G20 Summit to be held in June.二、联合声明宣示,四国将协调立场,加强团结,共同应对金融危机,争取率先实现经济复苏。去年全世界经济萎缩,发达国家普遍呈现负增长,而中国和印度都有比较好的增长,俄罗斯和巴西虽然仍为负增长,但恢复也比较快,预计今年都将实现正增长。卢拉总统最近说,近些年来,“金砖四国”因经济强有力的增长而引人注目。自2003年以来,我们四国之间的贸易增加500%,这可解释为何现在我们四国经济占世界增长的65%,使得我们成为从全球经济衰退中迅速恢复的主要希望。这是难能可贵的。

IIThe Joint Declaration declares that the four countries will coordinate their positions, strengthen unity and jointly work together to addre the financial crisis, as well as aim to be the first in the world to have made economy turnaround.In the waning global economic of last year, many developed countries are showing negative growth, but China and India maintain its good growth momentum.Even Ruia and India experience negative growth, they are recovering rapidly and expected to achieve positive growth this year.Brazil's president Mr.Lula recently says that BRICs attract huge attention for its robust economic growth in the past few years.Since 2003, the amount of trade among four countries has increase 500%, which has proved that the BRICs’ economies comprise 65% of global economic growth.And BRICs is the main hope by the world

to help pull the global economy out of receion quickly.This aspect is extremely valuable.三、“金砖四国”正在向“机制化”方向运作和发展。今年巴西峰会是第二次,而且时隔不到一年。估计明后两年,将在印度和中国举行新的峰会。与此同时,四国的财政部长和银行行长频繁会晤,在20国峰会以及世界银行和国际货币基金组织年会前协调立场,乃至提出共同主张。四国的农业部长最近也举行会议,签订了加强农业方面合作的协议。这些都表明,“金砖四国”机制化正在逐步发展,合作领域也在拓宽。

IIIThe ”BRICs“ are moving towards the institutionalized operation and development.The summit in Brazil is the second summit, and the interval is le than one year.It is supposed that the next summit will be held in India and China in the following two years.Meanwhile, the Financial Ministers and Bank Presidents of these four countries will hold frequent meeting, and commit to coordinating their position before G20 Summit and the annual summit of World Bank and International Monetary Fund, and even put forward the common proposal.A recently meeting was held between the Agricultural Ministers of BRICs and signed an agreement in strengthening the cooperation on agriculture.All theses suggest that the institutionalization of BRICs is developing gradually and enhancing cooperation in widening fields.四、“金砖四国”的代表性可能扩大。人们一般都认为,“金砖四国”是新时期发展中国家大面积兴起具有代表性的反映。但不够理想的是,缺少了非洲的代表。所幸的是,在哥本哈根气候大会上出现了“基础四国”(巴西、南非、印度和中国)。客观地说,“金砖四国”是没有南非的新兴大国组合,而“基础四国”是没有迅速兴起的俄罗斯的发展中国家组合。这两个兴起的大国组合如能以某种形式合作,其代表性和影响力势将更有生命力。这次“金砖四国”峰会前一天,巴西将举办印度、巴西和南非三国“准联盟”峰会。据说,巴西总统卢拉15日晚举行的欢迎“金砖四国”领导人国宴将有南非参加。这似乎有点微妙,但不失为探讨或体现更大合作的一种“巧安排”。

IVThe influence of the BRICs may be expanded.It is generally believed that the BRICs is the vivid reflection of the wide rising of developing countries.But, the member of Africa has not shown up yet.Fortunately, the concept of ”BASIC“(Brazil, South Africa, India and China)four countries was generated in Copenhagen Climate Conference.Objectively speaking, the ”BRICs“ has not included the rising large power like South Africa, while the “BASIC” is not consisted of rapidly rising developing countries like Ruia.These two combinations will do have a greater representative and influence if they are integrated in certain way.Brazil will hold a “quasi-alliance” summit with India, Brazil and South Africa before this BRICs summit.Moreover, it is said that South Africa has invited to attend the state banquet of welcoming BRICs' leaders hosted by Brazil's president Mr.Lula.This arrangement is a bit subtle, but yet regarded as an “artful arrangement” for exploring or embodying greater cooperation.当然,“金砖四国”的魅力和前景是同我们时代的变迁和国际力量对比的变化紧密相连的,前途仍然任重道远,而且存在一定的变数。当前,它们一是要特别警惕发达国家中的敌对势力利用意识形态和历史遗留的问题挑拨离间;二是要协调立场,共同反对贸易保护主义;三是要努力做好广大发展中国家的工作,加强团结,共同维护发展中国家的整体利益。只要四


Of course, the charms and prospects of the BRICs are closely interwoven with the changes of times and the balance of major international power.And, it has a long way to go and accompany with certain variables.Currently, the BRICs should take high alert of making mischief in the iue of ideology and problems inherited from history by hostile fore of developed countries;second, they should coordinate their positions and jointly resist trade protectionism;third, the four countries should make their best efforts to strengthen unity among developing countries and safeguard their overall interests.As long as these four countries stay vigilant, adhere to the principle of the overall situation, continue to “ promote dialogue and cooperation among our countries in an incremental, proactive, pragmatic, open and transparent way ”.The BRICs will gain more and more attraction and global influence, and meanwhile make historical contribution to the establishment of a “ more democratic and fair multi-pole world”.






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