
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Good morning everyone, welcome to the history museum of China University of Petroleum.I am Claire.It is really my pleasure to review the whole development proce of China University of Petroleum with you.Please follow me, I will show you the up-and-down history of our school.The pictures you are looking at on the both sides of the wall show the history and development proce of our university.From these pictures you can get a holistic view of our school’s infrastructure and our students’ campus life.In the practice of education we have formed our own school spirit which is “being practical and realistic, working hard and perseveringly” along with a study style of “diligent work, rigorous approach, realistic attitude and creative mind”.’

And this is our school’s motto: being science and true.Here is the main part of the history museum, which gives a brief introduction of the history of our school.China University of Petroleum is a national key university directly affiliated to the Ministry of Education and a member of the “211 Project” and “985 innovation platform for preponderant discipline” universities.Our school was founded on the basis of the Petroleum Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in the year of 1953, named as Beijing Petroleum Institute.But due to the unfortunate event, it was moved to Shandong Province and changed its name into East China Petroleum Institute.During this period of time, our school has two campuses in two places.China University of Petroleum is a higher education institution co-constructed by the Ministry of Education, four leading petroleum and petrochemical companies(CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC, and CHEMCHINA)and the People’s Government of Shandong Province.Through over six decades, China University of Petroleum has become an engineering-oriented university with characteristics of petroleum science and formed a system with various disciplines such as science, management, liberal arts, the science of law and economics.The pictures here show our university’s school gate during different times.This school developing graph shows us the foundation and development proce of our university.In the year 1953, with the Petroleum Engineering Department of Tsinghua University as its basis, as well as the petroleum-related faculties and facilities of other leading institutions, Beijing Petroleum Institute was established.In 1969, Beijing Petroleum Institute was moved to Shandong Provinceand renamed East China Petroleum Institute.And in the year of 1981 Beijing Graduate Institute was established on the original campus.In 1988, as being approved by the Ministry of Education, East China Petroleum Institute changed its name into University of Petroleum.By that time, the university has two campuses both in Beijing and Shandong province.In 2005, the university adopted its current name “China University of Petroleum”.This is the name list of the succeive directors of our university.Now let’s come to the very beginning of our school’s history.After the People’s Republic of China was founded, new China began to implement the first Five-Year plan with its national economy resurging.In order to satisfy the urgent needs of national construction for oil industry, the central government put forward the plan for training qualified oil scientists and technicians, which provided a good historic opportunity and external conditions for the founding of Beijing Petroleum Institute.This is the campus addre and these are the related documents.在1953年的10月1日举行开学典礼,至此新中国第一所石油高等学府正式诞生,10月1日被定为校庆日。

This is the commencementceremony on October 1th 1953 which marks the birth of China’s first petroleum institute of higher learning.建校后,广大师生积极参加建校劳动,这是他们亲自盖建建校大道、先锋球场时的情形。The teachers and students were having building the institute by their own hands.开学后,学院逐步修订教学计划,教学工作有序展开。虽然条件十分艰苦,但学院依然重视教学楼和实验室的筹建。

From the first beginning, the university attached great importance to education and got a lot of achievement in educationaccordingly during this period.Although the condition was very poor, we still pay lots attention to the construction of the teaching building and the laboratory.This picture shows us the scientific and research products achieved from 1953to 1966.这是我校第一学期教师构成以及建校初期的教授名单。This is the faculty and profeors name-list.图为1954年-1956年来我校工作的前苏联专家。

We also got great support from Soviet expertsat that time.This picture shows us that Soviet experts and the leading group of the institute were studying the development plan.以教学为中心,为石油系统输送更多更好的人才一直是学院的第一中心任务。这一指导思想在建校之初就非常明确,教学工作取得了显著的成就。

Teaching is our first priority and training high-level talents for petroleum and petrochemical industry is our main task which was very clear when we found our university.And accordingly we have achieved many achievements.截止到1965年的12年间,学院共培养的本科毕业生12000多名,研究生153名,为石油系统输送了一批优秀人才。

By the year 1965, our school had produced 12000 undergraduates and 153 postgraduates during the past 12 years, which contributed a lot to china’s petroleumsystem.学院在注重学生知识培养的同时,注重学生生产实践能力的培养。先后组织师生参加川东、辽松、大庆会战,并组织师生赴十三陵水库参加义务劳动。

Besides teaching and research, the institute also organized great battle for oil.The picture shows the teachers and students are working in factories and oilfield.同时我校还积极开展国际交流与合作。先后有来自苏联、英国皇家等代表队来我校进行访问。

Meanwhile we actively hold internationalcommunication and cooperation.Delegations from soviet and the U.K came to visit our school.And those pictures show us the international exchange and cooperation during that time.这一时期的文体活动广泛开展。And after cla, there are various activities for our students to take part in.1960年,我校跻身全国重点大学,办学仅7年时间就成为全国重点大学,足以见得我校的办学业绩和发展水平。

With the utmost solicitude of the party and government and under the lead ship of the higher authorities, the university was forging ahead and brought about changes day after day.In 1960, only seven years after the foundation of the institute, we were ratified as a key institution by the State Council, which implies that our school developed in a very fast and steady way.This is the photocopy of the decision of the central committee of the Communist Party of China.1966年,“文化大革命”爆发,高等院校是“*”重灾区,北京石油学院深受其害。1969年,石油部军管会下达了北京石油学院迁校山东东营的命令。

But unfortunately, bad luck befell this institute that was rapidly developing.School work had to be stopped.Considered the condition, the institute had to be moved.So where we went.We went to Dongying city, Shandongprovince.we all know that China is such a large country, why we choose here.Because there located China’s second largest oilfield----Shengli oilfield.这是当时迁校动员大会的现场。

This is the mobilization meeting for relocating the institute.这就是当时东营的校址,可谓是“人无歇凉地,鸟无筑巢树”,十分的荒凉。

People who took part in the move said it was just overnight, everything changed.You can see this is the bleak and barren Dongying in 1969.Seeing the present beautiful campus, you can imagine how great our teachers and students are.But during that time, people really suffered a lot.This picture shows us that the teachers and students were working at the construction site.These are the houses with rammed-earth walls built by teachers and students.【华东石油学院】


The 7 years from 1970 to 1976 are the hardest year for our institute.But even under this extremely hard condition no one gave up.Everyone was expecting a new historical turning point.1977年到1988年是我校恢复与发展的时期。从1979年起,华东石油学院各项工作逐步进入正轨,主要精力逐步集中到教学和科研中心工作上来,实现了工作中心转移。

The year from 1977 to 1988 can be called a reviving time for our school.From the year 1979 the school works was back on track.We refocused on teaching and research.1981年,华东石油学院北京研究生部成立,研究生部设在原北京石油学校的校址。北京研究生部的成立和发展,使学校逐步形成两地办学的格局。

In 1981 Beijing Graduate Department was established on the original campus.This is the document of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry and the Ministry of Education about approving the institute for founding Beijing Graduate Department.By now the university has two campuses both in Beijing and Shandong province.从1979年开始,学院进行大规模的校园基本建设。这是当时学校的全貌。

During this time the conditions became better and better.This picture shows us the whole campus.这一时期学院的国际交流依然十分活跃,图为18个国家的大使来我校考察时的情形。This is about the international exchanger and cooperation.The ambaadors from 18 countries came to visit our school.The foreign teacher was having cla.【石油大学】


In 1988, as being approved by the Ministry of Education, East China Petroleum Institute changed its name into University of Petroleum.And this is about the unveiling ceremony.这是我校“211工程”建设的基本情况,我校的“211工程”在1993年的3月申请,在次年的9月17日顺利通过部门预审,在1997年,国家计委批准石油大学作为“211工程”项目进行建设。我校成为首批进行“211工程”建设的32所高校之一。

With the help and support from China National Petroleum Corporation, the University of Petroleum has been approved to start the construction of programs for “211 Project” which means we will build about 100 universities in the 21st century, which will compete with the advanced universities not only in China but also all over the world.What I want to mention here is our school was one of the first 32 universities that had been officiallyadmitted intothe“211Project”.这是相关文件。

These are the related documents.学校的本科教育扎实而规范。

Because of the “211Project” our university gets great financial support from our country.With this support our school made impreive progre.As you can see these pictures shows us the undergraduate education conditions.我校十分重视英语的教学。实现英语教学四年不断线,学生的英语水平普遍偏高。Here I want to mention the CET-4 and CET-6’s pa rate which is 10% higher than the average of the state key universities.除书本知识外,我校还十分重视学生的课余活动。丰富多彩的课余活动可以有效增强学生的综合素质。

Besides studying the knowledge from books the students also take active part in various kinds of activities in their spare time, which improve their comprehensive abilities.以下是学校研究生教育的开展情况。

This is about the postgraduate education.From 1997, we began to cooperate with Chinese Academy of Engineering.这是截止到2004年,我校博士生导师的名单。迄今为止,我校的博士生导师已超过百名。

And this is the doctoral supervisors’ name list.Now our school owned 161 outstanding doctoral supervisors leading by our school president Shan Honghong who is a very elegant clever and competent woman.这是我校现代远程教育的开展情况。80多个校外学习中心覆盖了全国主要油田和大部分大型石化企业。

Adult higher education also plays a very important part in the development of the university.This picture is about the modern distanceeducation.We have more than 80 off-campus education centers reaching every main oilfields and largepetrochemicalenterprises.同时,在科研方面我校也取得了诸多成果。

During this time we get more scientific products, which are showed by these pictures.We can see it clearly that after long years of probing China University of Petroleum has found a unique way of integrating production, teaching and scientific researches.50周年校庆之际,教育部与四大石油石化企业集团签署共建石油大学的协议。On the 50thanniversary the Education Ministry and China’s four leading oilandpetrochemicalenterprises signed an agreement to co-construct University of Petroleum.学校坚持开放办学,不断扩大国际交流与合作,现在已经与美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等10个国家和地区的60多个学术机构和高等院校建立了密切的学术联系。

We insist on the opening-education policy and continuously expanding the international communication and cooperation.By now we have established closely academic relationship with more than 60 universities in America, U.K., Canada, Australia, as well as many other countries.这是山红红校长为诺贝尔奖得主盖达塞克教授授予名誉教授聘书时的情形。Our president Shan Honghong is confering Honorary Profeor on ProfeorGajdusek.【中国石油大学】


In 2005, the university adopted its current name “China University of Petroleum”.先后与山东省和东营市签署共建协议。

We signed co-constructed agreement with Shandong province and Dongying city.“十一五”期间,学校加快青岛校区建设发展。2002年举行奠基仪式,2004年开始入驻。截止到2011年秋季新学期,全部学生入驻青岛校区,学校发展翻开新的一页。

During our country’s “11th Five Year Plan”, the construction of Qingdao campus accelerated.And by the year 2011 we finished our campus moving work.And a new chapter of development began.迁校后,继续加强师资队伍的建设。

After we moved here, we continuously strengthen our faculty team.本科教育一直是学校的办学特色。学校现有5个国家重点学科,10个博士后流动站,11个博士学位授权一级学科,石油主干学科总水平处于国内领先地位。

The undergraduate education is an eye-catching characteristic of our school.Now we have 5 State Key

Disciplines,post-doctoralresearchstations,doctorateauthorizationFirst-LevelDiscipline centers.Main disciplines of petroleum are all in the domestic leading position.这是我校学科排名及国家重点学科情况。

And this is our university’s discipline ranking list in china.这是我校学生工作中的6个特色节日。

And this picture is about our students’ working achievements.【领导关怀图】


In the past 60 years, the Party and State leaders and government officials attached great importance to the growth and development of China University of Petroleum.Here are some representative pictures, which show us this point: 1956年,党和国家领导人毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、宋庆龄等在首都机场和北京石油学院的学生在一起。

Chairman MaoZedong and other Party and State leaders are receiving students of Beijing Petroleum Institute at Beijing International Airport in 1956.1977年,江泽民、李鹏借鉴我校教师时铭显院士。

Jiang zemin, general secretary of CPC central committee and president of PRC and Lipeng, chairman of the standing committee of the NPC are receiving our university profeior.1987年,邓小平接见院士王德民校友。

Deng Xiaopping is receiving Wang Demin, an alumnus of our university.2011年,胡锦涛接见现任校长山红红,山红红是“211”高校中唯一的女校长。And this picture is about Chairman Hu Jintao receiving our school president Shan Honghong who is the only female president of the “211 project” universities.1959年5月,毛泽东的老师徐特立先生来北京石油学院向应届毕业生报告。

Chairman Mao’s teacher Mr.Xu Teli is giving reports to the graduates of Beijing Petroleum Institute in 1959.这是成长为党和国家领导人的吴怡校友。

This is alumna Wu Yi who is Chinese former vice premier.这是来自省部级领导的关怀。

The following pictures show us the concern from some provincial leaders: the Governor of Shandong province Zhang Gaoli visiting our school in 2002.These are the dedications from some Party and State and provincial leaders, which bring us great encouragement.【远景】


China University of Petroleum was born because of oil, thrive because of oil, and strong because of oil.Over more than 60 years, generation after generation, the torch of learning is paed on from teachers to students.People change, university’s name changes, students come and go, the only thing that never changed is the close tie between our China University of Petroleum and the petroleum industry.站在新的历史起点,学校坚持以服务国家重大战略需求为使命,科学谋划人才培养、科学研究、社会服务与文化传承创新的新蓝图,努力发展为国内著名、石油学科国际一流的高水平研究型大学。

In the new century, we will be more dedicated and strive for the goal of “a nationally renowned, high-level, research-oriented university with its petroleum disciplines reaching the world's first-cla level.”

各位来宾,中国石油大学校史陈列馆的讲解到此结束,感谢大家的参观。Thank you for you attention!


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