V09124S3 V09126S1 V09126S3 V09128S4 V09129S2 V09130S1 V09133S1 V09133S3 V09133S4 V09134S1 V09134S2 V09134S4 V09135S3 V09136S3 V09136S4 V09137S2 V09137S4 V09138S1 V09138S3 V09139S2 V09139S3 V09140S2 V09140S3 V09140S4 V09141S2 V09141S4 V09142S2 V09142S3 V09143S1 V09143S3 V09144S1 V09144S2 V09145S1 V09145S3 V09146S1 V09146S3 V09147S1 V09147S2 V09148S3 V09011S2 V09011S3 V09011S4 V09120S4 V09103S1 V09103S4 V09104S1 V09104S2 V09105S1 V09105S2 V09106S2
V100220S2 V100220S3 V100227S2 V100227S4 V100306S2 V100306S3 V100410S2 V100410S4 V100415S1 V100415S2 V100415S4 V100814S2 V100814S3 V100814S4 V110122S4 V110212S1 V110430S2 V110709S1 V110709S3 V110716S1
V08116S1 V08116S2 V08116S3 V081108S1 V081108S4 V08114S1 V08114S3 V081120S3 V081120S4 V08101S1 V08101S2 V08101S3 V081023S3 V080202S4 V08120S2 V08120S4 V080110S2 V08118S1 V08118S3 V08122S2 V08122S3 V08231S3 V08231S4
www.daodoc.complicated numbers? What special meanings do different numbers have in China? What kind of food do you love? Do you love cooking? explain why.5.News/phones/ TV programs/ books/computers Which way do you normally get news, on TV, in newspaper or some ways?
What kind of news do you want to read? Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most?
What kind of TV programs do you love watching? Do you love watching foreign TV programs? why?
Do kids in China love reading? explain why.what is the importance of computers?
6.music / gathering / Natural sound / films &museum / collections Do you love watching films/listening to music? What kind of films/music do you love?
Which way do you love to hang out, alone or with friends? Where do you love to watch films, at home or in the cinema? Which what kind of natural sound do you love to listen to?
How do you feel about noise? do you love to go to museums? why.Do you have any collections? What is the importance of collecting? Do you love painting?
7.Shopping/Travelling / relaxation / holidays Do you love shopping?
Do you love shopping in big shopping malls? explain why.How do you feel about fashion? Do you love traveling? What is the real meaning of traveling?
Do you think relaxation is very important? why.Which public holiday do you most like?
8.Sports/Transportations / time / pets / language What kind of sports do you love? Do you love swimming? Do you love sea? why.Do you want to live by sea?
Do you love to travel by air?
How often do you usually travel by air? Do you love pets? explain why.Do people in China love pets?
When is the time you love most during the whole day? What is importance of time? How to arrange time efficiently? What is the importance of language? How many languages do you speak?
A People /Animals A wild animal, A person you helped,A person you want to travel with;an adventurous person you know=A friend of you who tends to be leader=A person you know who speaks a foreign language=an oldest family member=A good friend, A host, A foreign celebrity=A teacher you want to meet in the future;A family but not yours, A great cook, A fairytale character B Objects A kind of western food;A vehicle you want to have;A piece of(broken)equipment=A photo, A gift you received from others=A thing you bought with little practical value=A thing you bought with great value;a piece of clothing someone bought you A card=A letter
Events A project you did with others=One favorite meal=A happy event=An celebration for something=A festival A thing your friend did that made you admire=*An important conversation over the phone=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got=A positive change in your life;
A public event=A science course you took=A thing you did which was good to the environment A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity;a skill you learned from computer A naughty thing you did when you were little;An occasion you were late for
places A succeful(small)company A school you used to go to A hotel you love=A place you love to have lunch=your ideal house=A modern building=one of your hometown changes A polluted city=A noisy place=an environmental problem A park=A season you love=A city you have been to=A historical place=a peaceful place=A place that features water
Media A new law in China;Your ideal job
A piece of interesting news;A well-known story A TV program=An educational TV program A well-known quiz show A film you love An advertisement 阅读
Task 1 A类小作文 流程图 线图 表格 地图题
G类小作文 抱怨信 感谢信 求职信
Task 2
1.Students at schools learn far more from leons with teachers than from other sources(such as the Internet).To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2.There are social and medical problems aociated with the use of mobile phones.What are these problems? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits brought by mobile phones?
3.A job for life is no longer accepted by young people.In contrast, they are looking for new job opportunities at any given time.What's your opinion?
4.The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books so they should not waste their limited resources on providing hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
5.National sports teams and individual athletes who represent their country should be financially supported by the government.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6.It is more important for a building to serve certain purposes than just to look good.Do you agree or disagree?
7.Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than by private companies.To what extent do you agree or disagree with their opinion?
8.The government should stop investing in space research.Instead, the money should be spent on solving the problems on Earth.What is your opinion?
9.Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspaper and tv has bad influences, so this kind of information should be restricted on the media, to what extent do you agree or disagree?
10.More measures to improve security in urban areas have been introduced because of the increasing crime rate.Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks?
V110108S2 V110115S2 S4 V110127S1V110212S1V110217S2 S3V110226S2V110310S1 V110430S2V110507S1 V110528S2 V110604S3V110611S3V110709S3V110825S1V110903S3V110924S2......
考完了,心里觉得空荡荡,记得以前每天早上都会8点起床,然后坐在书桌前,开始复习,从 14号开始,真的把雅思放下了,有一种说不出的感觉,失落?毕竟他陪着我走过了整整一个月 完全封闭的学......
犯罪类:1.Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to s......
雅思英语考试题型预测一级预测:政府决策类入选理由: 作为最常考的两大类话题之一,自从今年8月16号之后,连续4次考试都没考到该类话题,经过这段时间的.盘整之后,政府类topic可望......