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联合国2012年度回顾时间:2012-12-28 13:56来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2895次 United Nations Year in Review: Looking back at major events of 2012





2012 – Climate Change made headlines – Countries struggled between turmoil and transition – putting the United Nations to the test – to negotiate peace and define “A Future we Want” for all.2012年气候变化占据新闻头条。各国在动荡和过渡中挣扎。联合国经受考验,协商和平,并为所有人构建一个我们期望的未来。

In SYRIA, violence spiralled out of control.Fighting and human rights abuses by government and opposition groups left, according to some estimates, over 40,000 people dead and forced hundreds of thousands to flee.在叙利亚,暴力失去了控制。据估计,政府和反对派组织之间的战斗以及违反人权行为已经导致了4万多人死亡,数十万人被迫逃离家园。

UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon: “We must stop the violence and the flow of arms to both sides and set in motion a Syrian led transition as soon as poible.”


The UN Security Council could not agree on action to stop the bloodshed.安理会无法就采取行动停止流血达成一致。

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton: “The international community should say with one voice – without hesitation or caveat – that the killing of innocent Syrians must stop and a political transition must begin.”

美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿: “国际社会必须用同一声音,毫不犹豫或迟疑地表示,必须停止杀害无辜的叙利亚人,必须启动政治过渡。”

But some argued for caution:


Ruian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: “There is no doubt whatsoever that the Syrian authorities bear a huge share of the responsibility for the situation, but one shouldn’t ignore the fact that for a long time now they’ve been fighting not unarmed men but combat units such as the Syrian Free Army and extremist groups including AlQaeda.”


Syria's UN ambaador Bashar alJa'afari accused some council members of actually fuelling the flames:


“The same countries are undermining my country's sovereignty by encouraging terrorism and by supplying and providing all types of logistical and political support to armed groups in Syria.”


The Joint Special Envoys of UN and Arab League, Kofi Annan and later Lakhdar Brahimi, presented plans to end the violence and start dialogue, but the various Syrian parties failed to reach an agreement to end the conflict.联合国和阿盟联合特使科菲•安南以及接替他的联合特别代表卜拉希米提出了旨在结束暴力、开启对话的计划,但叙利亚各方未能就停止冲突达成协议。

The Security Council sent 300 unarmed observers to investigate alleged maacres and other human rights violations and monitor a ceasefire that never really took hold.安理会派出了300名非武装观察员,对据称的屠杀和其它侵犯人权行为进行调查,并对一项从未真正得到落实的停火进行监督。

While the violence continues, the humanitarian needs are escalating in Syria and beyond.The World Food Program is scaling up to feed 1.5 million people in the country.随着冲突的持续,叙利亚及周边地区的人道主义需求也在不断增长。世界粮食计划署正在加大援助力度,为该国境内150万人提供口粮。

In GAZA, a new cycle of violence erupted after months of standstill in negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel.Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon headed to the region to personally appeal for a ceasefire.在巴以之间的谈判停滞几个月后,加沙地带爆发了新一轮冲突。秘书长潘基文亲自前往中东地区,呼吁双方达成停火。

In late November a great majority of countries approved a UN General Aembly resolution to elevate Palestine to a non-member observer state at the UN.11月下旬,在绝大多数成员国的支持下,联大通过决议,将巴勒斯坦在联合国的地位提升为观察员国。

LIBYA saw its first free and transparent elections in half a century.The UN Development Program aisted in setting up voting booths and ballot boxes, while the UN Mine Action Program removed 180 thousand explosives all over the country to help create stability and prevent arms smuggling acro the region.利比亚见证了该国半个世纪以来第一次自由和公正的选举。联合国开发计划署帮助设立了投票站和选票箱。联合国地雷行动方案在利比亚全境销毁了18万枚爆炸物,协助该国实现稳定,防止该地区日益猖獗的武器走私活动。

Instability and turmoil in nearby MALI.After a military coup toppled the government, Islamic Jihadists used the power vacuum to occupy the country’s north.Refugees have flooded the Sahel region, which is suffering from drought and pervasive poverty.马里局势持续不稳并陷入动荡。在一场军事政变推翻了马里政府后,伊斯兰圣战主义者占据了该国北部的权力真空地带。难民如潮水般涌入本已备受干旱和贫穷困扰的萨赫勒地区。

The African Union urged the UN Security Council to endorse military intervention to free Northern Mali from the extremists.非洲联盟敦促联合国安理会授权军事干预,将马里北部从极端分子的控制下解放出来。

African Union’s Permanent Observer to the UN, Antonio Tete:“Mali is at a croroads.Time is of eence.We need to act fast and to send a clear and strong meage(on the resolve of international community and its support to the African-led efforts.)”


In the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, renewed fighting between government forces and rebel troops left 2 million people displaced and a million vulnerable children at even greater risk.As rebel soldiers advanced on the city of Goma in late November, the UN peacekeeping miion deployed attack helicopters to help the national army protect civilians amid the violence.在刚果民主共和国东部,政府军和反叛武装之间战火重燃,导致200万人流离失所,100万脆弱儿童面临更大的风险。11月下旬,在反叛武装向戈马进发的同时,联合国维和特派团派出了攻击式直升机,协助政府军在暴力冲突中保护平民。

A first Birthday for SOUTH SUDAN – as diplomatic efforts by the UN Security Council help to ease tensions with neighbour Sudan over unresolved iues such as its borders and oil production.南苏丹度过了第一个生日。该国与邻国苏丹因边界划分和石油等悬而未决问题导致关系紧张,安理会通过外交努力帮助缓和两国关系。

US Ambaador Susan Rice: ”The agreements that were signed last week in Addis on security, oil, finances, nationality and trade iues were very important and potentially historic.”


Nuclear worries about IRAN –

as world leaders continue to question the country’s uranium enrichment programme:


Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu: “A red line should be drawn right here, before Iran completes a second stage of nuclear enrichment neceary to make a bomb.”


Iran insisted on the peacefulne of its nuclear program – and President Ahmadinejad accused the General Aembly of applying double standards: “The United Nationshave in practice been engulfed by discrimination, preparing a supportive ground for the domination of a few powerful countries.伊朗坚持其核方案的和平性质,艾哈迈迪内贾德总统指责联大实施双重标准:“创建联合国的目的是扩展正义,恢复普遍人权,但联合国实际上却受到歧视的羁绊,从而为少数强国攫取支配地位创造有利条件。”

MYANMAR’s Nobel laureate and prodemocracy activist Aung Sun Suu Kyi received a hero’s welcome at the UN in Geneva and New York.Elected to parliament after years of house arrest, she invited international aid to build a better future for her country:


“If we all want to achieve genuine democracy for Burma, we have to learn to work together.”


2012 – Storms and severe weather left countries ravaged acro the globe – a stark reminder that the threat of Climate Change is real.2012年,风暴和恶劣天气使全球许多国家遭到蹂躏,严酷地提醒人们气候变化的威胁是实实在在的。

Action on Climate Change was a major topic at the UN’s Rio+20 summit in Brazil, where 40 thousand people gathered to discu developmental strategies for the 21st Century.就气候变化采取行动是联合国在巴西举行的“里约+20峰会”的一个主要议题,四万名与会者汇聚在一起,讨论21世纪的发展战略。

Ban Ki-moon: “We are on a dangerous road.We cannot continue to burn and consume our way to prosperity at the expense of the world’s poor and the global environment.(cutaway)My meage to world leaders is clear: Sustainable Development is an idea whose time has come.”


At the summit 191 countries agreed on an outcome document, called “A Future we Want”.在峰会上,191个国家同意达成一份成果文件:《我们期望的未来》。

A Future that has already started in Indonesia, where the UN inspired project “Teens go Green” motivates students from all over the country to make environmental protection a priority.这个“未来”在印度尼西亚已经开始。由联合国倡导的“青少年绿化”项目激励来自全国各地的学生把环境保护作为一个优先事项。

“We have to work on changing our mindset.If teenagers get to know the iues then we can keep the commitment to the environment going in the future.”


Young people everywhere are contributing to the changes.But no one more so than the year’s youngest – and poibly greatest – hero, Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year old girl from Pakistan, who survived an aaination attempt by Taliban gunmen, who accused her of promoting education for girls.世界各地的年轻人都正在为改变贡献力量。但是没有人比马拉拉、今年最年轻或许也是最伟大的英雄做得更多。这名15岁的巴基斯坦少女在塔利班武装人员的枪击中幸存了下来。她因为倡导巴基斯坦女童接受教育权利而遭到迫害。

Ban Ki-moon:“The terrorists showed what frightens them most: A girl with a book.”


2012 will be remembered as complex and challenging year for the United Nations.Conflict, poverty, natural disasters, terrorism, climate change and human rights violations continue to plague humankind.The United Nations remains the global forum for discuing and solving some of the world’s most difficult problems.Carrying the torch for all these iues, Ban Ki-moon, at the Olympics in London, implored the world to keep the fire burning, for tolerance, peace and harmony.For “The Future we Want”.对联合国而言,2012年是复杂和充满挑战的一年。冲突、贫穷、自然灾害、恐怖主义、气候变化和侵犯人权的行为继续困扰着人类。联合国仍然是讨论和解决世界上最艰难议题的全球性论坛。高举应对所有这些问题的火炬,潘基文在伦敦奥运会上恳请世界让宽容、和平与和谐的熊熊之火持久燃烧。为了我们期望的未来。



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