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About language power of expreion in primary school composition analysis and modify the ability both in English

and Chinese translation


Composition teaching is an important task in primary school Chinese teaching, composition ability is the elementary student language ability is an important part.This article mainly from two aspects of language skills and the ability to modify to elementary school students writing ability.对于小学生而言,作文水平是衡量学生语文学习质量的重要方面。对于教师而言,作文教学比阅读和口语交际教学更难,付出努力却收效甚微,目前我国小学生的写作能力并不理想。我国学者曾做过一些调查研究,结果发现:小学生写作中的观察和理解能力、分析和概括能力、思维能力和表达能力等都存在不足。因此,了解小学生作文能力的构成因素以及影响作文能力提高的原因,并采取有效的教学改革就显得尤为必要和紧迫。

For elementary school students, the composition level is the important aspect of quality to measure students' Chinese learning.For teachers, the thesis teaching is much more difficult than reading and oral communication teaching, paying efforts to little effect, at present, the elementary student's writing ability is not ideal.Chinese scholars have done some investigation and study, the results found that elementary school students writing in the observation and understanding ability, analysis and generalization ability, thinking ability and expreion ability is insufficient.Ability, therefore, investigate the composition and the composition of the factors of composition ability raise, and to adopt effective teaching reform is particularly neceary and urgent.一、语言表达能力的培养

First, language expreion ability


Marx pointed out: “language is the direct reality of thought”.Article is the language for the tool to reflect the social life, expreing the author's thoughts and feelings, it cannot leave the language, so, language is the primary factor in the writing.Mr Lao she once said: the language is the basic work is engaged in writing, no ability of using language, which is impoible to expre thoughts and feelings, even if the elaborate article, also won't have much convincing.So, language is the expreion of the article.Of the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign famous writers have attaches great importance to the cultivation of language, generally experienced Chinese teachers in composition teaching, also emphasizes the language training, which expre the importance of composition language.小学作文中语言表达方面存在的问题:第一,不能用准确的语言把自己想说的话表达出来。第二,词汇贫乏,语言不够生动形象,通篇都是“口水话”,没有“文”的色彩。第三,错别字较多,病句较多。第四,空话、套话多。影响语言表达能力的因素有:第一,不知道怎样锤炼语言;第二,思维不严密,条理不清晰,影响表达;第三,不能准确理解词语的意思,影响表达;第四,现代汉语语法学的不好,常有语病。

Language problems in primary school composition: first, not to say to expre themselves in accurate language.Second, poor vocabulary, language is not enough vivid, throughout is “water”, no “color”.Third, wrong character is more, more pragmatically.Fourth, words and rhetoric.Factors that affect the language expreion ability are: first, don't know how to exercise the language;Second, thinking rigorous, lack of clear, expreion of impact;Third, can not accurately understand the meaning of words, expreion of impact;Fourth, the modern Chinese grammar is not good, often have boo-boos.我们如何培养小学生的语言表达能力呢?

We how to cultivate elementary student's language competence?


1.Learning a language, language accumulation, cultivate language sense


First of all, to cultivate interest in learning a language.Cao Yuceng said: “to cultivate their interest in language” and “have a strong interest in, can better understand the language of scenic spots, to grope for the subtle language”, “the progre of the language and the water went down such which, on the contrary, only exercise language desire without interest, the progre of the language is as

difficult as urgent water up the hill”.So, interest is to learn the language of a “great tips.Also said: ”one day we poeed for language, it is through the gate, later is likely to become more proficient, engaged in the creation of the language.The interest in learning language, use the language to be satisfied, make it art, it is into a big step, takes more time.“


Second, under the bitter time learning a language.Have to learn, to have accumulated.Learning language, there are two ways: one is to the people to learn a language, the people's language is the most can reflect the life of the language, it is rich and colorful, vivid and lively, strong expreive force, is inexhaustible, inexhaustible source.So, MAO zedong called on people to the maes of the people learning language.2 it is to read the name, ”reading break rolls, such as writing“.Guo moruo thinks, read write, know the language of the brawn organization and subtle way, arouse the sensitive feeling, familiar with renowned excellent fine pen, rich vocabulary, in this way, his articles to write, beautiful style will slowly.第三,多积累语言——词汇。斯大林曾说“词汇反映语言的状况::词汇越丰富,语言也就越丰富、越发达。”掌握大量的词汇,就能将事物间细微精妙之处恰如其分地表现出来。

Third, more accumulation of language, vocabulary.Stalin once said, ”reflects the status of language: vocabulary is rich, the language is more rich, more developed.“ To master a large vocabulary and can appropriately between things subtle is ingenious.2.培养学生的描写能力

2.Develop the students' ability of description


First, tell me what is the description and function.Stroke is portrayed, writing is traced.In terms of writing, is to use vivid language and the people, things, scenes, the environment, events and form or characteristics described or characterized, make the person stays like see its smell its sound, form, through which the sense of things.Second, clearly describing species.About the kinds of different Angle have different points.From the point of elementary school a composition

requirements, major should master the language description, action description, image description, etc.Attention should be paid no matter what, all want to do have a clear purpose, or for the performance figures services, or serve on the plot, or to reveal the theme service and so on;In addition, to seize the characteristics of the object, do a few pen, shape and god, if ever, vivid.第三,讲清描写的方法。关于描写的方法,一般说来,离不开生动形象的词汇、浓烈鲜明的色彩、各种各样的修辞手法等等。人们的写作风格不同,其各自强调的重点不同。老舍强调比喻,他说:“在描写时,不能不设喻。”而鲁迅则强调白描,这种方法没有浓烈的色彩,少有形容词,少有修饰,即鲁迅所说的“有真意,去粉饰,少做作,勿卖弄”。

Third, clear description of methods.About method, generally, leave the vivid words, strong vibrant colors, a variety of rhetorical devices, etc.People's writing style is different, their respective emphasis is different.Lao she emphasized metaphors, he said: ”in the description, not a yu.“ LuXunZe emphasizes the lyrics, this method not strong colour, adjectives, rare rare modifiers, which lu xun said, ”has the meaning, to whitewash, little affectations, don't show off“.二、修改能力的培养

And the ability to modify


The thesis, it is indispensable an important part in the writing proce.People accepted: the article is change, rather than written.The ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign writers attaches great importance to the revisions of ability.Liang Zhang moment, said: ”hundred workers smelting device will convert several times, and then out.My generation is, also cut its.“ Our country contemporary famous writer Ken peng du when talking about ”defending yanan“ writing after once said: ”after work, year after year, millions of word of reportage, instead into more than 60 words 170000 words, and turn 170000 words to 170000 words, and turn 400000 words to 400000 words......in the long years, more than four years nine drafts before, several times repeated more than add lops.“ Contemporary American novelist Caldwell also said, my ”work is not written, but change“.小学生修改文章方面存在的问题有:第一,眼高手低,即识别能力差,因而修改能力差。第二,修改意识不强。根据我们的调查和观察,当前的小学生作文,几乎都是一稿“定音”,不修改,应试作文也没有时间修改,这从某个角度上是明智的,但无论如何也是一种无奈。第三,对自己的作文,有先入为主的偏见。对已写好的作文有一种思维定式,学生往往突破不了这种定式,对作文不能做实质性的改动。

Pupil change article problems are: first, nowadays, the recognition ability is poor, so modify the ability is poor.Second, modify the consciousne is not strong.According to our investigation and observation, the current composition of primary school students, are almost a draft ”tuning“, do not modify, test the composition also have no time to change, it is wise from a certain Angle, but no matter how to also is a kind of helple.The composition of the third, to oneself, have a preconceived prejudices.To write a good composition is a mind-set, students tend to break through the stereotypes, can't to make substantial changes to the thesis.1.读改结合,以读促改

1.Read to combine, in read and promote change


Reading teaching is the highlight of a Chinese language teaching, it is one of the most effective way to train the ability of composition change.Teaching material in the article, is the author and conception, carefully.Through reading teaching, make students understand the author's overall planning and sent word to make a sentence in the method, lets the student to apply these methods to modify the composition, improve the ability of modifying composition.2.处理好批与改的关系,以批促改

2.Handle the relationship between the batch and change, in order to promote change


Batch is the foundation of change, to change, change is the purpose of batch.As long as in the actual teaching make full use of this relationship, can effectively improve students' ability to modify the composition.(1)教师批,学生改。“教师批”是指教师在阅读学生作文的过程中,在需要修改之处做上各种符号或加以眉批,发现妙词佳句加以鼓励。“学生改”是指学生细心体会教师所画的符号、眉批,根据教师做的批注认真地加以修改。

(1)group of teachers, the students change.”Teachers group“ refers to the teacher in the proce of reading students composition, on the need to modify the place to do all kinds of symbols or in-line comments, find good word lovers to encourage them.”Students change" refers to the student carefully read teacher painted symbols, comments, remarks carefully modified according to the teacher.(2)互批互改。组成批改小组,选择一个学生的作文互相讨论,共同修改。学生积极评议,同学之


(2)each group of each change.Grade groups, select a student's composition to discu each other, mutual modification.Students' positive evaluation, influence each other between clamates, and promote changes composition ability enhancement.(3)面批面改。面批是作文教学中最典型的因材施教的方式,是学生最愿意接受的一种批改方法,它沟通直接,突出反馈的作用,能帮助学生辨析习作中的正误,为自己修改作文提供依据。对学生作文中存在的个别性问题宜采用面批的方法。通过与学生亲切交谈引导学生自己修改。

(3)the surface batch of surface changes.Surface batch of is the most typical in the thesis teaching students according to their aptitude, is the most willing to accept the student a method of correcting it communication directly, outstanding feedback effect, can help students differentiate right and wrong in the project, provide the basis for modifying their composition.Composition to the student individual problems should adopt the method of surface group.With cordial talks with students guide the student to modify themselves.本文从语言表达能力和修改能力方面论述了小学生作文能力的培养。小学生作文能力是一种综合性能力,为了使其从根本上得以提高,我们应细致地把作文能力进行解剖,把多种能力一一提高,在实践教学中,多种能力应相互为用,协调发展。这样,小学生的写作能力必然会迈上一个更高的台阶。

This paper from the aspects of language skills and the ability to modify the pupil composition ability.Pupil composition ability is a kind of comprehensive ability, in order to make its fundamentally to improve, we should carefully diect the composition ability, increase the variety of ability one by one, in the practice teaching, a variety of ability should be with each other, coordinated development.In this way, elementary student's writing ability will inevitably reach a higher level.






浅谈农村小学作文语言表达能力的培养杨地镇中心学校 彭莉娜 邮编 726408 内容摘要 作文教学是语文教学的重要内容,小学作文学生的语言表达能力很关键,抓好作文教学中的语言表......





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