一英语外研版必修3 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 知识点预习学案_高中英语外研版必修三

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一英语外研版必修3 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 知识点预习学案由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“高中英语外研版必修三”。











1.翻译下列句子, 体会pick up的用法.①接听,收听 ② 好转,改善

③ 开车去接 ④ 捡起,拾起 ⑤ 收拾,整理 ⑥ 中途搭载 ⑦ 无意中学会 ⑧ 染上(坏习惯等)


(3)(7)The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.__________

(8)He has picked up some bad habits at that club._________

2.分析put down 的意义 ① 写下,记下② 镇压③放下

1)put down a rebellion_____________2)Put down you name and addre.__________

3)Put those heavy bags down for a minute.___________

【拓展】put up _______________________put on ____________________ put off ____________ put out _____________________ put up with ________________ put forward _________________

3.分析take off的意义①脱掉②起飞③打折④去掉

① Parents are advised to take preure off a child and give him some encouragement before an exam._____ ② They are taking 50% off all goods in that shop._____

③ The plane took off very smoothly though there was a terrible storm.___________

④ When in Japan, you have to take your shoes off before you enter people’s houses.__________leave + 宾语 + 名词/ 形容词/ 介词短语/ 现在分词/ 过去分词/ as-clause / where-clause


① His parents both died last year, leaving him an orphan.② Terror left her speechle.③ Leave things as they are.④ Always leave things where you can find them again.【练一练】

1)I’m sorry I’ve __________________________________(没锁门)

2)Don’t leave her _________________________________(在雨中等)

3)His illne has __________________________________(使他很虚弱)

4)You’d better _______________________________________.(把画室的门开着)

5.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.【搭配】on(the / an)average平均起来;一般来说above(the)average 在平均水准以上

below(the)average 在平均水准以下up to(the)average达到平均水平

6.end up以…告终/结束

+with(finish by doing or having)方式

1)The Long March _______________________ victory.2)If you go on doing that kind of thing, you’ll ____________________prison.3)Each time she argued with her husband she __________________crying her eyes out.4)We ________ the dinner __________________ fruit and coffee.【拓展】at the end of … 在…末尾/尽头/结束时by the end of …在…结束之前

come to an end 结束in the end 最终,终于

1)You’re going on holiday _______________________ this month, aren’t you?

2)The work should be completed _____________________the year.3)There is a hospital _____________________________ this road.◇词汇辨析◇

1.strike, hit, beat

strike ①打动,给…印象②(钟)敲响③打,击 ④袭击 ⑤突然想到 ⑥ 划(火柴)⑦ 撞击

1)Charles Coghlan died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck._____________

2)A stone struck me on the head._________3)The boat struck(on)a rock.___________

4)The visitors are struck by the beauty of the Country.___________

5)A good idea struck the manager.____________6)strike the match _______________

7)I was about to go out when the clock struck 12.______________

beat beat beaten ① 接连地打/敲(某物)②(比赛, 竞赛, 战斗中)打败;战胜 ③(心脏、脉搏)跳动

1)Someone is beating a drum outside.___________

2)We beat the enemy at last after the eight-year-long war._____________

3)His heart beat fast when the teacher called his name.______________

hit hit hit ①打,击(仅只一次的)②袭击 ③ 打中

1)He hit __________

2)He hit the bird with the first shot.____________

3)The district was hit by a violent earthquake on November 30th.___________

2.occur,happen,take place

occur v.发生(occurred / occurring)正式用语, , 在以具体事物、事件作主

语时, 可与happen互换sth.occurs to sbIt occurs to sb that … 想起

happen “偶然或未能预见地发生” sth.happen to sb.sb.happen to do sth.take place“事先计划或预想到的事发生”

【练一练】 1)The meeting ______________at 8:00 as planned.2)The accident __________at five o’clock3)A brilliant idea ______________ me.4)It suddenly _____________her that Tom was afraid of being alone.5)Someone in the street __________________ know her.3.damage, destroy, ruin

damage n.v.价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复

destroy 彻底毁坏,使之不复存在或无法修复

ruin n.v.彻底破坏,表示毁坏某种好的或有用的东西,使其失去有用的价值。

【练一练】The heavy rain _______________d many houses.The fire ________________ the books in the library.That town was ______________ in a big fire.◇巩固练习◇

1.He stopped the car, ______ the injured old man and sent him to the hospital.A.took upB.got upC.picked upD.put up

2.You should make it a rule to leave things ___ you can find them again.A.whenB.whereC.thenD.which

3.The car ran so fast that it ____ on the wall at the corner.A.was drivenB.strikesC.beatD.hit

4.While working in the countryside, the students _____ a great deal of knowledge on plant life.A.looked upB.picked upC.put upD.called up

5.The clock has just _____ five.All the students should get up and do morning exercises.A.hitB.beatenC.struckD.knocked

6.John ___ the thief ___ the nose before he could draw out his knife.A.hit;inB.beat;onC.hit;onD.stricken;on

7.Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to ____ and will soon recover.A.pick upB.wake upC.grow up D.show up

8.The precious picture was hopelely _______ by long exposure in the cold, damp air.A.damagedB.destroyedC.harmedD.ruined

9.Four hundred people a year die of this disease ____ average.A.aboveB.onC.aboutD.below

10.At first they hated each other, but they ended up _____.A.got marriedB.getting marriedC.gotten marriedD.being married

11.At the dinner, we started with soup and ended up _____ fruit.A.withB.inC.forD.at

12.While you are at home alone,please don’t leave the door ____.A.openedB.openC.openingD.to open


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一英语外研版必修3 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 知识点预习学案
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