Minister Chen’s Exclusive Interview by Xinhua News Agency on Sino-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation
February 17, 2011
Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming headed a Chinese government trade and economic delegation to visit Morocco, Equatorial Guinea and Ghana on invitation from February 12 to 18.At the close of his visit, Minister Chen accepted an exclusive interview by Xinhua News Agency reporter and answered his questions about the visit and Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation.记者:陈部长,您连续三年每年年初率中国政府经贸代表团访问非洲,这是出于什么考虑?
Reporter: Minister Chen, it is the third year that you head the Chinese government trade and economic delegation to visit Africa at the beginning of the year, what’s your consideration?
Chen Deming: The trade and economic cooperation is the important cornerstone of Sino-Africa friendship.Africa is China’s good friend and reliable trading partner while China is Africa’s first largest trading partner, important investment source and principal provider of aid.It is an important foothold for China’s foreign policies to consolidate and develop the friendly and pragmatic cooperation with African countries so that we will give priority to it in our development of foreign economic exchanges.记者:当前中非经贸合作面临什么新形势?此次出访非洲主要任务是什么?
Reporter: What’s the new situation that Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation faces with? And what are the major tasks of this visit?
Chen Deming: The year of 2011 is the first year of China’s “12th Five-Year-Plan” and the second decade since the establishment of FOCAC.In accordance with the eight new measures on enhancing the pragmatic cooperation with Africa proposed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in the 4th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC, China will continue enhancing its pragmatic cooperation with African countries, especially the cooperation in the projects that are beneficial for the improvement of local livelihood in agriculture, medical care and development of human resources.今年是我国大力推进对外援助新模式、新方式的第一年。根据去年召开的全国对外援助工作会议精神,我国将进一步增加对外援助资金,优化对外援助结构,创新对外援助方式,提高对外援助的质量和效益。我们在坚持把对外援助视为发展中国家之间相互帮助的同时,一方面要通过对外援助增强受援国自主发展能力,另一方面带动我国企业“走出去”,实现互利共赢。在援助资金的具体使用上要更加突出重点,无偿援助和无息贷款主要用于援建民事福利性项目、社会公共设施等项目,优惠贷款主要用于有经济效益的生产型项目、资源能源开发项目。
It is the first year for China to vigorously push forward new methods for foreign aid.China will, based on the spirits of National Foreign Aid Working Conference last year, further increase the capital for foreign aid, optimize the structure and innovate the way so as to improve the effectivene of foreign aid.While holding on foreign aid as the mutual help among developing countries, China will strengthen the capacity of independent development of aided countries and drive up domestic enterprises “going global” through foreign aid to realize the mutual benefit and win-win outcome.In addition, the specific use of aid capital should emphasis the highlights, free aid and interest-free loans for social welfare projects and social public facilities, conceional loans for production projects with economic effects and projects of resources and energy.今年也是中国加入世界贸易组织10周年。中国政府将进一步提高对外开放水平,并通过积极参与多哈回合谈判,努力维护广大发展中国家的利益。在扩大对非合作方面,我国确定了从2010年开始用三年左右时间减免非洲最不发达国家95%的关税、在国内设立非洲产品展销中心、与多个非洲国家启动中小企业发展专项贷款合作等一系列扩大开放的措施。我们还将进一步推进贸易自由化、便利化,出台更具针对性的扩大对非进口新举措。
This year is also the 10th anniversary of China’s acceion into the WTO.The Chinese government will open wider to the rest of the world and strive to maintain the interests of developing countries by its participation into Doha Round Negotiations.On expansion of the cooperation with Africa, China determined to grant zero-tariff measure on 95% products from the least developed countries in Africa in three years since 2010, set up exhibition center for African products in the Mainland and initiate the cooperation about special loan for small and medium-sized enterprise development with quite a number of African countries.Besides, China will further boost the liberalization and facilitation of trade and launch more targeted measures on expanding import from Africa.总体上看,当前中非经贸合作正处在互利共赢的新起点上,为实现对非经贸务实合作新跨越,中国政府推出了一系列新举措。我希望通过此次访问,向非洲政府和民众传达中国政府发展对非关系的真诚愿望和采取的新举措,了解非洲朋友的真实需求,探讨在新形势下如何深化双边务实合作,进一步推动中非经贸关系健康稳步发展。
To put it in a nutshell, it is a new start for Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation of mutual benefit and win-win outcome.For another leap and bound in the pragmatic cooperation in trade and economy with Africa, China launched a series of new measures.I hope to extend the Chinese government’s sincere wishes on the development of Sino-Africa relations and new measures to African countries and people, understand the real demands of our friends, discu how to deepen bilateral pragmatic cooperation under the new situation and further promote the sound and steady development of Sino-Africa trade and economic relations by this visit.记者:您这次访问非洲三国,取得了哪些具体成果?
Reporter: What achievements do you make after your visit to the three countries?
Chen Deming: The three countries have featured regional advantages and their trade and economic cooperation with China is ever closer.Morocco, as an Arab country in North Africa, has a steady economy with constant development.It is also the important channel between Africa and Europe and Middle East.Equatorial Guinea, whose economy developed rapidly and steadily in recent years, is the member of Economic Community of Central African States and Central African Customs and Economic Union.And Ghana is an important member of Economic Community of West African States and its development momentum is sound.访问期间,我拜会了三国领导人,与三国政府相关部门分别举行了对口会谈,重点探讨了如何推动一些新领域的合作,并考察了一些在建项目和当地市场。虽然此次访问日程紧凑,但内容丰富,成效明显,达到了预期目的。
During the visit, I called upon leaders of the three countries, held matching talks on how to boost the cooperation in new fields with relevant departments of the three governments respectively and made inspection in some ongoing projects and local market.Despite the compact schedule, the visit is abundant, effective and succeful.Here are the main fruits:
Firstly, we had expansive exchanges with leaders, government departments and busine communities of the three countries and made quite a number of new consensuses in the discuion on new methods of enhancing bilateral trade and economic cooperation under the new situation.In Morocco, the two sides achieved the intention of cooperation in the iues of expanding the import of phosphate fertilizer and sponsoring symposium for senior officials of developing zones;in Equatorial Guinea, the two sides reached consensus on the development of human resources and cooperation in agriculture and fishery;in Ghana, the two sides agreed to take new methods in cooperation
construction, telecommunication and financing.In addition, more iues were discued with the three countries, like enhancing multi-level cooperation in agriculture, regional planning and design of projects.二是更深入地了解了中方务实合作各项举措的实施情况,推动了中非合作论坛第四次部长级会议新举措的落实。访问期间中国政府相关机构和企业与三国分别签署了多个经贸合作协议,推进了一批双方关注的重点项目。
Secondly, we got more deeply information about the fulfillment of Chinese measures on pragmatic cooperation and promote the implementation of new measures proposed in the 4th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC.During the visit, relevant institutions of the Chinese government and enterprises signed quite a number of trade and economic cooperation agreements with the three countries and pushed forward a batch of key projects of common concern.三是围绕新形势下如何进一步开展双边务实合作进行了深入调研,通过实地考察在建的重大项目、走访不同档次的当地市场以及与中资企业交流,获得了许多切合实际的意见和建议。
Thirdly, we made in-depth investigation into how to further develop bilateral pragmatic cooperation under the new situation and acquired many pragmatic suggestions by field inspections in ongoing projects and local markets and talks with Chinese-funded enterprises in Africa.四是通过正式会谈会见、接受记者采访、召开媒体座谈会等方式,耐心细致介绍我对非经贸政策和对有关热点问题的立场,增进了非洲国家和国际社会对中国对非政策的理解和支持。
Fourthly, we carefully and patiently introduced China’s measures on trade and economy with Africa and standpoints on some hot iues by means of official meetings, interviews and media symposium, which further enhanced the understanding and support of African countries and international society in China’s relevant measures.记者:中国和非洲国家同属发展中国家,当前双方共同利益和相互需求明显增多,您对进一步巩固和深化与非洲国家之间的经贸合作关系有何设想?
Reporter: China and the three African countries are developing countries.At present, their common interests and mutual demands are on the increase.How, do you think, to further consolidate and deepen the trade and economic cooperation with African countries?
Chen Deming: Currently, the global political and economic pattern has adjusted profoundly.The common interests and mutual demands between China and Africa are on the increase.Most of African countries, whose urbanization and industrialization are at an early stage, hope to not only develop foreign trade but also gain more outside support and help in technical transfer, poverty alleviation, agriculture, and infrastructure construction.No matter what changes may take place in the world, the Chinese government will continue deepening China-Africa trade and economic cooperation and striving to realize new leap at the new start point with the principles of fairne, effectivene, mutual benefit and common development.第一,扩大贸易规模,促进平衡发展。积极推进贸易自由化和便利化,为双方企业提供更为便利的贸易环境。中国将鼓励有实力的企业到非洲建设物流中心,拓宽中国对非出口的主渠道,促进名优商品的对非出口。中方还将继续扩大从非洲进口高附加值商品,积极支持非洲提高产品加工和出口能力,促进中非贸易平衡发展。此外,将探索新途径新方式,推动中非服务贸易发展。
Firstly, expand trade and promote the balanced development.China will actively push forward the liberalization and facilitation of trade so as to provide more convenient trade environment for enterprises of the two sides.Besides, China will encourage domestic powerful enterprises to set up logistics center in Africa, open its export wider to Africa and increase its export of great commodities to Africa.China will continue importing more commodities with high added-value from Africa, positively support African improvement of product proceing and export, and promote the balanced development of bilateral trade.In addition, China will discover new methods to promote the development of China-Africa service trade.第二,丰富合作方式,提升合作水平。鼓励和支持中国企业扩大对非投资,并引导投资向农业、制造业、金融、商贸、环保等领域拓展。加快在非各经贸合作区建设步伐,继续在条件成熟的非洲国家建设工业园区,充分利用中非发展基金、非洲中小企业发展专项贷款等融资平台,支持非洲经济多元化发展。加大对非洲国家重大建设项目融资力度,帮助非洲制定区域电力、交通、通讯等项目的规划,不断改善基础设施条件,支持非洲区域一体化进程的努力。鼓励企业进行技术转移,提高当地民众就业比例。
Secondly, diversify cooperation methods and improve the cooperation.China will encourage and support domestic enterprises to expand their investment in Africa, guide them to expand their fields to Agriculture, manufacturing, finance, trade and environmental protection, accelerate its progre of the construction of trade and economic cooperation zones in Africa, continue building industrial parks in African countries with mature conditions, and make full use of financing platforms of China-Africa Development Fund and Special Loans for African Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to help the diversified development of African economy.Moreover, China will increase its investment in major construction projects of African countries, help them design their plans on electronics, transportation and telecommunication, improve their infrastructure and boost the regional integration.China will also encourage domestic enterprises to transfer technologies as to improve the local employment.第三,突出民生项目,提高发展能力。中非双方应以落实中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议举措为契机,全面提升经贸合作的水平和层次。中国对非援助将进一步向农业、教育、医疗、卫生、减贫等民生领域倾斜,帮助非洲国家掌握实用技术,改善人民生活。加强人力资源开发合作,为非洲培训各类人才,与非洲国家分享发展经验,提高其自主发展能力。
Thirdly, highlight projects involving people’s livelihood and improve the development.Both China and Africa should take the opportunity of the implementation of the new measures proposed in the 4th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC and comprehensively improve the trade and economic cooperation.China’s aid to Africa will further focus on the livelihood fields like agriculture, education, medical care, health, and poverty alleviation.Meanwhile, China will help African countries to manage practical technologies to improve the life of local people.Furthermore, China will enhance the cooperation of the HR development, train talents of all kinds for Africa, share its development experiences with African countries and improve their independent development.第四,完善公共服务,营造良好环境。企业是经贸合作的主体,中非双方应积极采取措施,推动商签和落实投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定,为企业创造更加公平、透明、可预见的商业环境。通过中非企业家大会等机制以及进一步发挥中非双方商会的作用,提供各种经贸促进服务,为中非企业交流与合作搭建更多优质平台。
Fourthly, perfect public services and create great environment.Enterprise is the subject of trade and economic cooperation.China and Africa should positively take measures to promote the signing and implementation of investment protection agreement and agreement on avoidance of double taxation so as to create a more fair, transparent and predicable environment for busine.Besides, China will further give play to chambers of commerce of the two sides like China-Africa Busine Conference to provide various services for trade and economic promotion and establish more effective platforms for exchanges and cooperation of Chinese and African enterprises.原文链接:http://www.daodoc.com/
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