
2020-02-26 其他范文 下载本文



中文已经快不能表达我对热的愤怒了,我决定用上英文>It's hot in here.这里好热啊。It's like an oven in here.这里怎么热得像火炉一样。It's as hot as hell.热爆了。I'm sweltering.我快热晕了。I'm going to melt.我要熔化了。Turn on the air conditioner.快开空调。Is it hot enough for you? 热得够呛吧? It's not the heat, it's the humidity.不仅热,还湿热湿热的。

英语里年份怎么读?这绝不是个幼稚的问题,而是个高级问题,老外自己可能说着挺顺口,但要他们说出个所以然来也不容易,来看看靠谱老外是怎么说的~ 千年,读作X thousand: 1000=one thousand 2000=two thousand 百年,读作X hundred: 1900=nineteen hundred 600=six hundred 百位是零,读作X thousand and Y,可省略and: 2008=two thousand and eight 或two thousand eight 2013=two thousand thirteen 百位不是零,读作X hundred and Y,可省略hundred and: 1997=nineteen hundred and ninety-seven 或nineteen ninety-seven 1811=eighteen eleven 十位是零,零读作oh: 1908=nineteen hundred and eight 或nineteen oh eight baby-faced=娃娃脸的 round-faced=圆脸的 hatchet-faced=瘦瘦尖尖脸的 fresh-faced=面带稚气的 pasty-faced=脸色苍白的 red-faced=脸红的、尴尬的 poker-faced=面无表情的 stone-faced=冷漠的 bald-faced=无耻的 two-faced=两面派的说人年纪不小但看起来不老>agele=不老的 youthful=年轻的 looking young=看起来年轻 over 40 and looking fabulous=40而不老 have a forever face=拥有不会老的颜 find the fountain of youth=找到了不老泉 He hasn't changed much in twenty years.=他20年来都没怎么变样。冻龄人是这样炼成的>Botox=肉毒杆菌 facelift=面部拉提手术 filler=面部填充物 beauty sleep=美容觉 broad-spectrum sunscreen=广谱防晒霜 anti-ageing cream=抗衰老面霜 yoga=瑜伽 exercising=锻炼 well-balanced diet=均衡饮食 find the fountain of youth=找到了不老泉 He hasn't changed much in twenty years.=他20年来都没怎么变样。约人: Are you free Saturday night? 你周六晚上有空吗? Are you busy on the 25th? 你25号忙吗? What are you doing next weekend? 你下周末准备干吗? Would you like to go to dinner? 要不要去吃晚饭? I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie.我想问你想不想去看场电影。If you're not doing anything, would you like to go to a party with me? 如果你没什么事的话,要不要和我一起去个party?

答应别人可以这么说: Yes.好啊。Sure.当然了。Absolutely.非常。Id love to.我很乐意去。Great!太好了!Wonderful!太棒了!Perfect!最好了!

拒绝可以说得婉约一点: I have other plans.我有约了。My calendar is full.我抽不出时间。Something suddenly came up.临时有事去不了。Im not interested.我不想去。I have a headache.Please.拜托,我头痛。




英语好词好句导语: 好词,优美富有深层含义的词句。能引起读者共鸣的就是好词。好句就是指具有深刻内涵与教育意义,时任能都领悟到大道理的句子。以下小编整理了英语好词好句。......


anthropologist 人类, archeologist 考古, biochemist 生物化学, geologist 地质, linguist 语言, astronomer 天文, psychoanalyst 精神分析, philosopher 哲学家 1.counter......


1.Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine life and aqu......


良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。 一.开头用语:A.Just......

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