
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Sixteenth Birthday Letter A moving letter from my Mom that I received on my 16 th birthday.Dear Daughter, Sixteen years ago you came into my life and changed it so totally that I cannot image it without you.You fill my days with every emotion from plrasure and pride to anger and impatience.But most of all, you fill each day with your presence, when you are away, you are in my brain and heart.It is so hard to watch you grow up, but I feel you are doing a very good job of it.Each year I have seen you change and you are showing all the characteristics and character of a fine young woman.People always tell me how charming and funny you are, how wonderful you look and how interesting you are to talk to – I am glad to hear these compliments – but I can see them for myself.There are many minutes, hours, days, when you are a very diffcult teenager to live with – but that is to be expected.Your emotions are always “up front”, both the good and the bad.They always will be.That is who you are.You have a wonderful quality of independence that I value and respect.I cannot image myself at 16 ever going to Dominica alone – yet I can’t imagine you not going.You are an astounding and confusing mix of willingne to try new things and fear of failing at the every day parts of life.That will change with maturity as you see yourself suucceed and learn to trust yourself.You will make mistakes, fail at things, hurt yourself in a multitude of ways, everyone does, but the power to achieve is in every fiber of you and the will to get what you want will push you pa the fear of rejection and failure.I have never been a risk taker and it has limited me in ways you probably cannot see.You must be willing to take risks – the pain of failing paes quicker than the regret of not trying.Every year you get stronger emotionally as well as physically – who else can power a home run like you can – and I hope you see a little bit more of the wonderful qualities that those of us who love you have seen since you were a baby.When you were in kindergarten you “adopted” a little boy who didn’t quite fit in.His name was Jeffrey and he was slower than the rest of the children who had awkward ways about him.You were his friend in cla;you stopped to help him and to talk to him and made his life happier because he could count on you to never ridicule him.Your teacher, Mrs.Betty, who adored you, told me about this and said that she saw that you would always be a person with a good heart, a quality she valued above all.Eventually we all learn to read and write and drive and cook and hold a job, but we cannot “learn” a good heart.When I was growing up 16, I had a special birthday – “Sweet Sixteen”.Here in Rochester, it is the time when everyone goes to get a driver’s permit.I suppose that driving is a mark of growing up in the suburbs in 1999(it is your first real ticket to independence), just as a “Sweet 16” corsage with 16 sugar cubes(how tacky now that think of it)was the mark of paage towards adulthood in my time since the subway provided independence long before 16 and few of us drove until later in life.Why is 16 more special then 15 or 17 – I don’t know.Perhaps it is the best time to stop and ae – look back to where you are – before plunging forward into adlthood, with all of its challenges and responsibilities.It is a time when parents can still try to protect the child in you since you are still permitted to act like a Child, but you can safely aert your independ ence – parents still love their most obnoxious teenagers.So today is special, and you are special.Not just because you are my daughter, but because you are a unique individual and one that I respect and enjoy being with.It gives me great pleasure to know that you love music and photography.And you have a very “good eye” not just in softball, but also in the visual arts that like so much.And you have taste, lots of it.And you are tenacious when you want something and you use words so well.And lately I see your writing as having a very strong quality of emotion and feeling.And as a young person you have figured out how to talk to perple – almost instinctive in your “people skills”.All these qualitis are sometimes coverd over by anger and shouting and frustration and impulse, but as you mature you will get more control and channel those intense emotions more productively.This is a natural proce too, just like thinking your parents are godlike, then morons, then boring, then wise.So take this day and reflect and the go forward.Make this a better place for yourself and those who love you.And we always will.Love,Mom






你一年年长大,身体越来越强壮,思想也越来越成熟——想想看,除了你,可没有人可以这样控制一个家庭的运转——从婴儿开始,我们已经看着你具备越来越多的优点,不过我还是希望你能够具备更多的优点。记得你上幼稚园那会儿, 你 “收养”了一个小男孩,他一还不太适应幼稚园的环境。他名叫杰佛里,动作比较慢,因此其他孩子都欺负他。在班上,你是他的好朋友,你会去帮助他,和他说话。有了你,他的生活充满了阳光,因为他能依靠你,你永远都不会嘲笑他。你的老师贝蒂非常喜欢你,是她告诉我这些事情的;她还说,你一直都是一个好心肠的人,她最欣赏你的这种品质了。人们最终都将学会读书写字开车做饭,都将找到一份工作,但是“一副好的心肠“却是学不来的。













儿子 十六岁 生日


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