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Going for Broke

Matea Gold and David Ferrell 1 Rex Coile's life is a narrow box, so dark and confining he wonders how he got trapped inside, whether he'll ever get out.孤注一掷

马泰娅·戈尔德 戴维·费雷尔

雷克斯·科勒好像生活在一个狭窄的箱子里,伸手不见五指,空间又狭小,他不知道自己是怎么陷进去的,也不知道自己还能不能走出来。He never goes to the movies, never sees concerts, never lies on a sunny beach, never travels on vacation, never spends Christmas with his family.Instead, Rex shares floor space in cheap motels with other compulsive gamblers, comforting himself with delusional dreams of jackpots that will magically wipe away three decades of wreckage.He has lost his marriage, his home, his Cadillac, his clothes, his diamond ring.Not least of all, in the card clubs of Southern California, he has lost his pride.他从不看电影,从不听音乐会,从不躺在沙滩上晒太阳,从不在假日去旅游,从不和家人一起过圣诞节。相反,雷克斯在廉价汽车旅馆和别的嗜赌成癖的赌徒一起住,幻想着赢大钱,好魔术般地把30年的晦气厄运一扫而光。他失去了婚姻,失去了家,失去了卡迪拉克牌轿车,失去了衣物和钻戒。尤其是,在南加州的纸牌俱乐部,他还失去了自尊心。Rex no longer feels sorry for himself, not after a 29-year losing streak that has left him scrounging for table scraps to feed his habit.Still, he agonizes over what he has become at 54 and what he might have been.雷克斯不再为自己哀叹,他都输了29年了,输到了在赌桌上偷零钱以满足自己嗜好的地步。尽管如此,他还是对自己54岁时的境况深感痛苦,对自己未能成就可能会成就的事业而深感痛苦。Articulate, intellectual, he talks about existential philosophy, the writings of Camus and Sartre.He was once aneditor at Random House.His mind is so jam packed with tidbits about movies, television, baseball and history that card room regulars call him “ Rex Trivia,” a name he cherishes for the remnant of self-respect it gives him.“There's a lot of Rexes around these card rooms,” he says in a whisper of resignation and sadne.他能说会道,善于思考,喜谈存在主义哲学,谈加缪和萨特的作品。他曾是兰登出版社的编辑。他脑子里装满有关电影、电视、棒球和历史的趣闻,因此那些纸牌室的常客都叫他“趣闻大王雷克斯”,他珍惜这个带给自己些许自尊的名字。“这些纸牌室里有不少雷克斯,”他无奈而又悲伤地低声说道。And their numbers are soaring as gambling explodes acro America, from the mega-resorts of Las Vegas to the gaming parlors of Indian reservations, from the riverboats along the Miiippi to the corner mini-marts selling lottery tickets.With nearly every state in the union now sanctioning some form of legalized gambling to raise revenues, evidence is mounting that society is paying a steep price, one that some researchers say must be confronted, if not reversed.美国各地赌博盛行,从拉斯维加斯的特大型度假胜地,到印第安人居留地的小赌场,从密西西比河上的内河船,到街角处出售彩票的便利店,赌博随处可见,因此赌徒人数正在剧增。由于全国几乎每个州都批准某种合法化的赌博形式以增加税收,越来越多的事实表明,整个社会正在付出巨大的代价,不少研究者指出,对此现象如果不能彻底改变,那就必须严肃面对。Never before have bettors blown so much money — a whopping $50.9 billion last year — five

times the amount lost in 1980.That's more than the public spent on movies, theme parks, recorded music and sporting events combined.A substantial share of those gambling loes — an estimated 30% to 40% — pours from the pockets and purses of chronic losers hooked on the adrenaline rush of risking their money, intoxicated by the fast action of gambling's incandescent world.赌徒以前从来不曾花费如此多的赌金—— 去年的赌输金额高达509亿美元,是1980年赌输金额的5倍,高出公众在电影、主题公园、唱片音乐以及运动项目等方面的消费总额。输掉的赌金中有相当一部分—— 约占30%-40%—— 是从那些常输的赌徒的钱包里掏出来的,赌博带来的兴奋令他们入迷,瞬息万变的赌博世界令他们如痴如醉。Studies place the total number of compulsive gamblers at about 4.4 million, about equal to the nation's ranks of hard-core drug addicts.Another 11 million, known as problem gamblers, teeter on the verge.Since 1990, the number of Gamblers Anonymous groups nationwide has doubled from about 600 to more than 1,200.据研究,嗜赌成瘾者的总数约有440万,与美国毒瘾大的瘾君子的人数大致相同。另有1100万所谓有问题的赌徒,已濒临深渊摇摇欲坠。自1990年以来,全国戒赌组织的总数翻了一番,从600个上升到1200多个。Compulsive gambling has been linked to child abuse, domestic violence, embezzlement, bogus insurance claims, bankruptcies, welfare fraud and a host of other social and criminal ills.The advent of Internet gambling could lure new legions into wagering beyond their means.嗜赌成瘾总是与虐待儿童、家庭暴力、盗用钱款、伪造保险索赔、破产、福利救济欺骗,以及其他许多社会问题与犯罪行为联系在一起。网上赌博的出现会诱使更多的人无节制地狂赌。Every once in a while, a case is so egregious it makes headlines: A 10-day-old baby girl in South Carolina dies after being left for nearly seven hours in a hot car while her mother plays video poker.A suburban Chicago woman is so desperate for a bankroll to gamble that she allegedly suffocates her 7-week-old daughter 11 days after obtaining a $200,000 life-insurance policy on the baby.每过一段时间,总有一则令人震惊的案子成为头条社会新闻:南卡罗来纳州一名出生10天的女婴被放在闷热的汽车里几乎达7个小时后死去,其间女婴的母亲在电脑上打扑克。芝加哥郊区一名妇女急于觅得赌资,据说,她在为她出生仅7周的女婴购买了20万美元的人寿保险后11天将其窒息致死。Science has begun to uncover clues to compulsive gambling — genetic predispositions that involve chemical receptors in the brain, the same pleasure pathways implicated in drug and alcohol addiction.But no amount of knowledge, no amount of enlightenment, makes the illne any le confounding, any le destructive.What the gamblers cannot understand about themselves is also well beyond the comprehension of family members, who struggle for normality in a world of deceit and madne.科学研究开始揭示形成嗜赌成癖恶习的线索—— 与大脑中的化学感受器有关的,即与嗜毒、嗜酒同一个快感途径有关的遗传特性。但无论对这一顽症有多少了解有多少认识,人们对它的困惑一点也没有减少,它的破坏性也一点也没有减少。赌徒不明白自己的地方也正是家人所难以理解的地方,他们在一个充满欺骗与疯狂的世界中苦苦追求正常生活。Money starts vanishing: $500 here, $200 there, $800 a couple of weeks later.Where is it? The answers come back vague, nonsensical.It's in the desk at work.A friend borrowed it.It got spent on family dinners, car repairs, loans to in-laws.Exasperated spouses play the sleuth,combing through pockets, wallets, purses, searching the car.Sometimes the incriminating evidence turns up — a racing form, lottery scratchers, a map to an Indian casino.Once the secret is uncovered, spouses usually fight the problem alone, bleeding inside, because the stories are too humiliating to share.钱突然就不知去向:这里用了500美元,那儿花了200美元,两三个星期之后又少了800美元。钱哪去了?回答很含糊,不知所云。在单位的办公桌抽屉里。朋友借去了。家人聚餐花了,修车用了,借给姻亲了。怒不可遏的配偶充当起侦探,把衣袋、皮夹子、钱包翻了个遍,还搜了汽车。有时犯罪证据会暴露—— 赛马小报、刮刮乐、去一家印第安赌场的地图。秘密一旦被揭穿,配偶通常都单独面对问题,独自承受心头巨痛,因为这种事太丢人,没法跟别人说。“Anybody who is living with a compulsive gambler is totally overwhelmed,” says Tom Tucker, president of the California Council on Problem Gambling.“They're steeped in anger, resentment, depreion, confusion.None of their personal efforts will ever stop a person from their addiction.And they don't really see any hope because compulsive gambling in general is such an under-recognized illne.”

“与嗜赌成瘾者一起生活的人都会陷入绝望,”加利福尼亚问题赌博委员会主任汤姆·塔克说。“他们沉浸在愤怒、怨恨、沮丧、困惑之中。他们怎么苦心规劝也无法使浪子回头。他们真的看不到丝毫希望,因为人们通常并不真正懂得嗜赌成瘾的严重性。”One Los Angeles woman, whose husband's gambling was tearing at her sanity, says she slept with her fists so tightly clenched that her nails sliced into her palms.She had fantasies of death — first her own, thinking he'd feel sorry for her and stop gambling.Later, she harbored thoughts of turning her rage on her husband.She imagined getting a gun, hiding in the closet and blasting him out of her life.一个洛杉矶妇女,由于丈夫嗜赌成瘾,自己几乎神经崩溃。她说自己晚上睡觉时双手紧紧握成拳头,指甲把手掌都掐破了。她常常想到死—— 起初是想自己去死,觉得他会为自己伤心,会戒赌。后来,她又想到把怒气转到丈夫身上。她设想自己弄到一支枪,藏在壁橱里,一枪把他从自己的生活中扫出去。“The hurt was so bad I think I would have pulled the trigger,” she says.“There were times the pain was so much I thought being in jail, or being in the electric chair, would be le than this.”

“那种伤害太痛苦了,我想自己真的会扣动扳机,”她说。“有时真的痛苦不堪,觉得哪怕坐牢、上电椅,也不至于那么痛苦。”With drug or alcohol abusers, there is the hope of sobering up, an accomplishment in itself, no matter what problems may have accompanied their addictions.Compulsive gamblers often see no way to purge their urges when suffocating debts suggest only one answer: a hot streak(suicide?).David Phillips, a UC San Diego sociology profeor, studied death records from 1982 to 1988 — before legalized gambling exploded acro America — and found that people in Vegas, Atlantic City and other gambling meccas showed significantly higher suicide rates than people in non-gambling cities.吸毒者或酗酒者尚有清醒起来的希望,不管他们的毒瘾、酒瘾造成了什么麻烦,会清醒起来本身就是一项成就。嗜赌成癖的赌徒高筑的债台意味着只有一条出路:赢大奖(或自杀?)。这时,他们往往无法戒除赌瘾。加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校社会学教授戴维·菲利普斯研究了1982-1988年间—— 合法赌博在美国蔓延之前—— 的死亡档案,发现拉斯维加斯、大西洋城和其他赌城的居民的自杀率明显高于没有赌场的城市的居民。Rex Trivia is not about to kill himself, but like most compulsive gamblers, he occasionally thinks

about it.Looking at him, it's hard to imagine he once had a promising future as a smart young New York book editor.His pale eyes are expreionle, his hair yellowish and brittle.In his fifties, his health is failing: emphysema, three lung collapses, a bad aorta, rotting teeth.趣闻大王雷克斯尚未打算自杀,但和众多嗜赌成瘾的赌徒一样,偶尔他会闪过这个念头。望着他,难以相信他曾经是一位前途无量、年轻聪颖的纽约书籍编辑。他那灰色的双眸呆滞无神,淡黄的头发显得枯萎。才50多岁,健康状况已经每况愈下:肺气肿、3次肺萎陷、主动脉有问题,牙齿也损坏了。His plunge has been so dizzying that at one point he agreed to aid another desperate gambler in a run of bank robberies — nine in all, throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties.When the FBI busted him in 1980, he had $50,000 in cash in a dreer drawer and $100,000 in traveler's checks in his refrigerator's vegetable crisper.Rex, who ended up doing a short stint in prison, hasn't seen that kind of money since.他一直狂赌,结果走投无路,竟然答应协助另一个因绝望而不顾一切的赌徒实施银行抢劫—— 在洛杉矶和桔县共抢了9家银行。1980年联邦调查局逮捕他时,他五斗橱抽屉里有50,000美元现金,还有100,000美元的旅行支票藏在冰箱的蔬菜保鲜格内。结果雷克斯在监狱服了一段时间刑,从此再也没见到过那么多的钱了。At 11 P.M.on a Tuesday night, with a bankroll of $55 — all he has — he is at a poker table in Gardena.With quick, nervous hands he stacks and unstacks his $1 chips.The stack dwindles.Down $30, he talks about leaving, getting some sleep.Midnight comes and goes.Rex starts winning.Three aces.Four threes.Chips pile up — $60, $70.“A shame to go when the cards are falling my way.” He checks the time: “I'll go at 2.Win, lose or draw.”

一个星期二晚上11点,他揣着55美元——这是他的全部家产—— 坐在了加德纳的一张牌桌前。他两手紧张地把那些1美元的筹码迅速地堆起又弄散。筹码渐渐少了。到剩下30美元时,他说要走了,去睡一会儿。午夜稍纵即逝。雷克斯开始赢了。三张A牌,四张3点。筹码多起来了—— 60美元,70美元。“我牌运那么好,怎么能走。”他看了看时间:“到2点就走,不管是输是赢还是平。”Fate, kismet, luck — the cards keep falling.At 2 A.M., Rex is up $97.He stands, leaves his chips on the table and goes out for a smoke.In the darkne at the edge of the parking lot, he loiters with other regulars, debating with himself whether to grab a bus and quit.命运,天命加牌运—— 一 路顺势。到了凌晨2点,雷克斯赢了97美元。他站起身,把筹码留在桌上,出去抽烟。他在停车场边上黑暗的地方与别的常客闲站着,心里盘算着要不要坐公共汽车回去算了。“I should go back in there and cash in and get out of here,” he says.“That's what I should do.”

“我该进去把筹码兑换成现金就离开这儿,”他说。“我该这么做。”A long pause.Crushing out his cigarette, Rex turns and heads back inside.He has made his decision.一阵长长的沉默。雷克斯摁灭烟蒂,转身走了进去。他作出了决定。

“A few more hands.”

“再玩几副。” 1.addiction n.痴;入迷;嗜好

e.g.I have an addiction to mystery stories 5.go for broke

(infml)risk everything in one determined attempt at sth.孤注一掷

e.g.The cyclist went for broke at the end of the race 7.compulsive a.(of people)forced to do sth.by an obseion 强迫性的,上了瘾的e.g.Compulsive gambling is on the increase.gamble away 赌下去

The men have been gambling away all night.那些人赌了整整一夜。赌博输掉钱

He has gambled away half his fortune.他赌博输掉了他一半的财产。8.gambler n.person who gambles 赌博者

e.g.A compulsive gambler is someone who cannot stop risking and usually losing their money in the hope of winning a lot more money.9.wager D.J.[ˈweɪdʒə] K.K.[ˈwedʒɚ] n.赌注,用钱打赌

venture a small wager 下了一小笔赌注

A wager is a fool’s argument.傻瓜一争论就打赌。

vt.& vi.在(某物)上赌钱,打赌

I am ready to wager a package of cigarettes that he will come.我敢打赌一盒香烟,他一定来。vt.保证,担保 hazardous [ˈhæzədəs]

adj.危险的,冒险的,凭运气的 a hazardous invest-ment 一项冒险的投资 handbookinger n.赌马


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