
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文



(一)1、X.O.炒萝卜糕:Turnip Cake with XO Sauce2、八宝饭:Eight Treasure Rice3、白粥:Plain Rice Porridge(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)

4、XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Aorted Seafood in XO Sauce5、鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面:Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone6、鲍汁海鲜烩饭:Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce7、鲍汁海鲜面:Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce8、北京(北京翻译公司)炒肝:Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style9、北京(北京翻译公司)鸡汤馄饨:Wonton in Chicken Soup10、北京(北京翻译公司)炸酱面:Noodles with Bean Paste(翻译公司)

11、碧绿鲜虾肠粉:Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables12、冰糖银耳炖雪梨:Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus13、菜脯叉烧肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables14、菜盒子:Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable15、菜肉大馄饨:Pork and Vegetable Wonton16、菜肉饺子:Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable17、参吧素菜卷:Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits18、草菇牛肉肠粉:Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef19、叉烧包:Barbecued Pork Bun 20、叉烧焗餐包:Barbecued Pork Dumpling21、叉烧酥:Cake with Barbecued Pork22、炒河粉:Sautéed Rice Noodles23、炒面:Sautéed Noodles with Vegetables24、陈皮红豆沙:Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel25、豉油蒸肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce26、豉汁蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce27、豉汁蒸排骨:Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce28、春菇烧麦:Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom 30、葱油拌面:Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce31、葱油饼:Fried Chive Cake32、葱油煎饼:Pancake with Scallions(翻译公司)

33、脆皮春卷:Crispy Spring Roll34、脆炸芋头糕:Taro Cake with Preserved Pork35、担担面:Sichuan Flavor Noodle36、蛋煎韭菜盒:Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings37、冬菜牛肉肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables38、冻马蹄糕:Water Chestnut Jelly Cake39、豆浆:Soybean Milk 40、豆沙包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste41、豆沙锅饼:Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake42、豆沙粽子:Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves43、翡翠培根炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables44、翡翠烧麦:Steamed Vegetable Dumplings(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)

45、翡翠水饺:Spinach and Meat Dumpling46、蜂巢炸芋头:Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings47、蜂蜜龟苓糕:Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey48、凤城煎鱼脯:Fried Fish and Egg49、干炒牛河:Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef 50、高汤鸡丝面:Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup51、豉汁牛仔骨:Steamed Beef Ribs with Black Bean Sauce52、广东点心:Cantonese Dim Sum53、广式叉烧包:Cantonese Barbecued Pork Bun(翻译公司)

54、桂花酒酿圆子:Glutinous Rice Dumpling in Sweet Rice Wine55、锅贴:Fried Meat Dumplings56、过桥肥牛汤米线:Vermicelli in Soup with Beef57、海皇炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Seafood58、海南鸡饭:Hainanese Chicken Rice59、海天虾饺皇:Steamed Shrimp Dumplings with Fungus 60、海虾云吞面:Noodles with Fresh Shrimp Wonton 61、海鲜炒饭:Fried Rice and Seafood 62、海鲜春卷:Deep-Fried Seafood Spring Rolls 63、海鲜锅饼:Pan-fried Seafood Dumpling 64、海鲜乌冬汤面:Japanese Noodles Soup with Seafood 65、海鲜虾仁/什锦汤面:Seafood/Mixed Meat With Vegetables Noodle Soup 66、蚝皇鲜竹卷:Steamed Pork with Shrimp Bean Curd Roll 67、蚝油叉烧包:SteamedBarbequed Pork Bunwith Oyster Sauce 68、黑椒香蒜牛柳粒炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Diced Beef and Minced Garlic 69、黑椒猪肉饭:Stir-fried Rice with Sliced Pork 70、黑米小窝头:Steamed Black Rice Bun 71、红肠炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg and Pork Sausage 72、红豆糕:Red Bean Pudding(翻译公司)

73、红豆沙元子:Boiled Dumplings Stuffed with Red Bean Paste 74、红豆沙圆子羹:Sweet Red Bean Paste Filling Glutinous Rice Ball Soup 75、红豆椰汁糕:Red Bean and Coconut Cake 76、红烧牛腩饭:Braised Beef Rice 77、红烧牛腩米粉:Boiled Vermicelli Noodles with Beef 78、红烧牛腩面:Noodles with Goulash 79、红烧牛腩汤面:Noodle Soup with Beef 80、红烧牛肉饭:Stewed Beef Rice 81、红烧排骨汤面:Noodle Soup with Spare Ribs 82、红薯金饼:Deep-Fried Sweet Potato Cake 83、红油抄手:Meat Dumpling in Spicy Sauce 84、鸿运蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet 85、花生糕:Peanut Cake 86、黄金大排饭:Pork Ribs Rice(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)87、黄金大排面:Pork Ribs Noodles 88、黄油马拉糕:Steamed Bread with Sugar 89、馄饨汤面:Wonton Noodle Soup 90、火腿炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Ham 91、火腿鸡丝乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Chicken and Ham 92、火鸭三宝扎:Steamed Three Treasures and Duck in Rolls 93、鸡蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg 94、鸡蛋韭菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Leek and Egg 95、鸡丝炒面:Stir-fried Noodles with Shredded Chicken 96、鸡丝炒乌东:Stir-fried Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken 97、鸡汤云吞:Wonton in Chicken Soup(翻译公司)98、极品粥:Porridge with Aorted Seafood 99、家乡韭菜果:Leek and Pork Bun 100、煎包:Fried Dumplings 101、煎蛋卷:Omelet 102、煎饺:Fried Pork Dumplings 103、煎酿鲜茄子:Fried Eggplant Stuffed with Pork and Shrimps 104、煎什菜粉果:Fried Vegetable Dumplings 105、酱鸡腿拉面:Noodles with Chicken in Soy Sauce 106、酱油肉丝炒饭:Stir-fried Rice and Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce 107、椒盐花卷:Steamed Bun Roll with Salt and Pepper 108、金银迷你馒头:Steamed and Deep-Fried Mini Bun 109、金玉水饺:Dumpling Stuffed with Corn and Meat

110、锦绣糯米鸡:Steamed Chicken with Rice 111、靖江鸡包仔:Steamed Ginger and Chicken Bun 112、京菜上素包:Steamed Vegetable Bun 113、京都排骨饭:Rice with Pork Ribs 114、晶莹虾饺皇:Dumpling Stuffed with Shrimp(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)115、韭菜果:Pan-fried Leek Dumpling 116、韭菜晶饼:Steamed Mashed Chive Pancake 117、韭黄虾肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Chives and Shrimp 118、韭王鸡丝春卷:Deep-Fried Chicken Spring Rolls 119、酒酿元子:Boiled Dumplings in Fermented Glutinous Rice 120、咖喱蒸牛肚:Steamed Ox Tripe with Curry 121、咖哩牛肉酥盒:Curry Beef Puff 122、口蘑菜胆:Stir-fried Vegetable and Mushrooms 123、口蘑煎蛋卷:Mushroom Omelet 124、拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles(翻译公司)125、腊肉炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Preserved Ham 126、腊肉西芹卤汁面:Noodles with Preserved Ham and Celery 127、辣酱蒸鲜鱿:Steamed Squid with Chili Sauce 128、醪糟汤圆:Glutinous Rice Balls in Rice Wine Soup 129、醪糟鸡蛋:Poached Egg in Rice Wine Soup 130、莲子红豆沙:Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds Soup 131、榴莲酥:Crispy Durian Cake 132、萝卜丝酥饼:Pan Fried Turnip Cake 133、麻酱花卷:Steamed Bun Rolls with Sesame Paste 134、麻团:Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame 135、马蹄西米花生糊:Cream of Peanut with Water-chestnut 136、马蹄鲜虾肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Shrimps and Water Chestnut 137、梅干菜包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Preserved Vegetable 138、梅樱海鲜香炒面:Fried Noodle with Seafood 139、美味排骨面:Noodles with Pork Ribs 140、米饭:Steamed Rice 141、蜜糖龟苓膏:Herbal Jelly Served with Honey 142、蜜汁叉烧包:Steamed Barbecued Pork Bun 143、蜜汁叉烧酥:Barbecued Pork Puff 144、明火白粥:Rice Porridge(翻译公司)

145、蘑菇鸡肉酥盒:Chicken Fricaee Vol-au-vent 146、蘑菇面:Noodles with Mushroom 147、蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派:Beef and Mushroom Quiche 148、奶皇糯米糍:Glutinous Rice and Cream Dumplings 149、奶皇炸蚕茧:Deep Fried Milk Custard Dumplings 150、奶黄包:Steamed Bread with Milk and Egg 151、奶香粟米片片饼:Golden Corn Pancake 152、南瓜酥:Pumpkin Puff 153、南瓜团子:Pumpkin Dumplings 154、南瓜粥:Pumpkin Porridge 155、牛肉/高汤榨菜肉丝面:Noodles in Soup with Beef and Vegetables 156、牛肉炒河粉:Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Beef 157、牛肉大葱水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Beef and Scallion 158、牛肉盖饭:Rice with Beef 159、牛肉锅贴:Fried Dumpling Stuffed with Beef 160、牛肉拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles with Beef 161、牛肉烧麦:Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Beef 162、糯米卷:Glutinous Rice Rolls(翻译公司)163、排骨拉面:Hand-pulled Noodles with Spare Ribs 164、泡菜炒饭:Fried Rice and Pickled Vegetables 165、蓬莱鲜虾饺:Utopia Prawn Dumplings 166、皮蛋瘦肉粥:Preserved Egg with Minced Pork Congee 167、蒲烧鳗鱼饭:Rice with Grilled Eel 168、巧克力松饼:Chocolate Muffin 169、茄丁肉酱手擀面:Noodles with Minced Pork and Diced Eggplant 170、茄汁泥肠饭:Fried Sausage with Tomato Sauce Rice 171、茄子肉丁打卤面:Noodles with Eggplant and Diced Pork 172、青椒牛肉蛋炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Egg, Beef and Green Pepper 173、清汤牛肉河粉:Stewed Rice Noodles with Beef in Broth 174、清香黄金糕:Fried Sponge Cake 175、清心斋肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls with Vegetables 176、肉末冬菜包:Steamed Bun with Pork and Preserved Vegetables 177、肉末烧饼:Minced Meat with Sesame Cake 178、肉丝乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Shredded Pork 179、肉丝炸春卷:Spring Rolls with Shredded Pork 180、肉松松饼:Shredded Pork Waffle(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)181、三丝春卷:Deep-Fried Spring Rolls 182、三鲜焦炒面:Stir-Fried Noodles with Three Fresh Delicacies 183、三鲜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies 184、三鲜小笼包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies 185、砂锅富豪焖饭:Steamed Rice with Diced Abalone and Scallops 186、山笋香菇包:Steamed Shrimps and Black Mushrooms Bun 187、山竹牛肉球:Steamed Beef Balls 188、上海菜煨面:Stewed Noodles with Vegetable 189、上海泡饭:Boiled Tender Rice with Shredded Vegetable in Soup 190、上汤乌冬面:Japanese Noodle in Soup 191、上汤云吞:Wonton in Soup(翻译公司)192、烧麦:Steamed Pork Dumplings 193、生菜牛肉炒饭:Stir-fried Rice and Diced Beef and Shredded Lettuce

194、生菜丝咸鱼鸡粒炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Diced Chicken and Salted Fish 195、生滚海鲜粥:Congee with Seafood 196、生煎包:Pan-fried Bun Stuffed with Pork 197、生煎锅贴:Pan-fried Dumpling Stuffed with Pork 198、生煎馒头:Pan-fried Steamed Bun 199、狮子头饭:Meatball Rice 200、狮子头面:Meatball Noodle

201、什果杏仁豆腐:Bean Curd with Chilled Almond and Fresh Fruit 202、什锦扒牛肉:Mixed Grilled Beef Tenderloin 203、什锦炒饭:Mixed Fried Rice 204、什锦炒面:Stir-Fried Noodles with Vegetable and Meat 205、什锦冬瓜粒泡饭:Rice with Winter Melon & Aorted Meat in Soup 206、什锦水果松饼:Mixed Fruit Waffle 207、蔬菜炒饭:Stir-Fried Rice with Vegetable 208、蔬菜春卷:Spring Rolls Stuffed with Vegetable 209、蔬菜面:Noodle with Vegetables(翻译公司)

210、双丸汤面:Noodle Soup with Aorted Dumplings211、水煎鲜肉锅贴:Pan-Fried Fresh Pork Dumplings212、水饺:Dumplings213、松子叉烧酥:Baked Barbecued Pork Pastry with Pine Nuts214、酥点:Crispy Dim Sum215、素菜包:Steamed Bun with Vegetables216、素菜汤面:Noodles in Vegetable Soup217、素馅饼:Pancake Stuffed with Vegetable218、酸菜龙抄手:Wonton Soup with Preserved Vegetable219、酸辣粉:Hot and Sour Rice Noodles 220、酸甜炸春卷:Deep-Fried Spring Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce 221、蒜香炸虾卷:Shrimp Rolls with Garlic 222、蒜汁煎灌肠:Pan-Fried Sausage with Garlic 223、笋尖鲜虾饺:Steamed Dumplings with Shrimp and Bamboo Shoots 224、滷肉饭:Steamed Rice with Marinated Pork(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)225、泰汁银雪鱼饭:Codfish with Tai Sauce and Rice 226、汤圆:Sweet Glutinous Dumplings 227、豌豆黄:Pea Flour Cake 228、鲔鱼松饼:Tuna Muffin 229、五香茶叶蛋:Flavored Eggs 230、虾排乌冬面:Japanese Noodles with Prawns 231、虾球清汤面:Noodle Soup with Shrimp 232、虾仁炒饭:Stir-fried Rice with Shrimp(翻译公司)233、虾仁汤面:Noodles in Chicken Soup with Shrimp 234、虾圆玉子豆腐:Steamed Bean Curd and Shrimp 235、鲜蘑猪柳配米饭:Steamed Rice with Pork Loin and Mushroom 236、鲜肉云吞面:Noodles with Wonton Stuffed with Fresh Pork 237、鲜虾饺:Steamed Fresh Shrimp Dumplings 238、鲜虾烧麦仔:Steamed bun Stuffed with Shrimp 239、鲜虾生肉包:Steamed bun Stuffed with Shrimp and Pork 240、咸点:Salted Kinds of Chinese Pastry 241、香肠卷:Sausage Rolls 242、香菇鸡肉包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Chicken and Mushroom 243、香菇鸡丝面:Noodles with Chicken and Mushrooms 244、香菇油菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom and Cabbage 245、香滑芋茸包:Steamed Bun with Taro 246、香煎菜肉锅贴:Pan-fried Dumplings with Vegetable and Pork 247、香煎腐皮卷:Pan-fried Bean Curd Rolls with Shrimp 248、香煎黄金糕:Pan-fried Golden Glutinous Cake 249、香煎韭菜饺:Pan-fried Leek Dumplings 250、香煎萝卜糕:Pan-fried Turnip Patties with Bacon 251、香茜带子饺:Scallop and Prawn Dumplings with Coriander 252、香酥韭菜盒:Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek 253、香酥麻饼:Sesame Pan Cake(翻译公司)254、香炸芝麻团:Deep-Fried Sesame Balls 255、小茏葱油花卷:Steamed Bun Rolls with Chive 256、小笼汤包:Steamed Bun Stuffed with Pork 257、小米粥:Millet Porridge 258、蟹籽小笼包:Steamed Pork Dumplings with Crab Roe 259、新西兰土豆饼:Potato Cake 260、星州炒米粉:Singapore Stir-fried Rice Noodles 261、杏片炸鱼条:Deep-Fried Fish Fillet with Almonds 262、雪菜包:Steamed Bun with Preserved Vegetable 263、雪菜肉丝汤面:Noodles with Preserved Vegetable and Shredded Pork in Soup 264、雪菜肉松拉面:Hand-Pulled Noodle with Preserved Vegetable and Minced Pork 265、鸭丝火腿汤面:Noodles in Soup with Shredded Duck and Ham 266、鸭丝上汤米粉:Boiled Rice Noodles with Roasted Duck 267、羊肉泡馍:Mutton and Bread Pieces in Soup(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)268、阳春面:Plain Noodles in Superior Soup 269、瑶柱灌汤饺:Dumplings in Soup with Dried Scallops 270、椰汁冰花炖碎燕:Double Boiled Superior Bird's Nest Soup with Coconut Juice 271、一品什锦汤面:Noodles in Soup with Aorted Vegetables 272、银丝卷:Steamed Vermicelli Rolls 273、银芽干炒牛河:Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Sliced Beef and Bean Sprouts 274、银芽肉丝面:Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork & Bean Sprouts 275、油条:Deep-Fried Twisted Dough Sticks(翻译公司)276、果皇糕:Baked Fruit Cake 277、芋丝炸春卷:Deep-Fried Taro Spring Rolls 278、芋头蒸排骨:Steamed Pork Ribs with Taro 279、原汁牛肉拉面:Braised Beef Noodle in Soup 280、芸豆卷:French Bean Rolls 281、炸馒头:Deep-Fried Steamed Bun 282、炸羊肉串:Deep-Fried Mutton Skewer 283、榨菜肉丝汤面:Noodles in Soup with Preserved Vegetable and Sliced Pork 284、招牌羔蟹肉炒饭:Stir-Fried Rice with Crab Meat 285、蒸肠粉:Steamed Rice Rolls 286、蒸凤爪:Steamed Chicken Feet with Soy Sauce 287、蒸饺:Steamed Dumplings 288、芝麻叉烧酥:Roast Pork with Sesame Pastry 289、芝麻大饼:Pan-fried Sesame Cake 290、芝麻凉卷:Sesame Rolls 291、芝士南瓜面:Noodles with Cheese Pumpkin 292、中式牛肉汤面:Chinese Beef Noodles(翻译公司)

293、周公三鲜浓汤面:Noodles in Soup with Fish Maw Abalone and Sea Cucumber 294、猪肉白菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Chinese Cabbage 295、猪肉大葱水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Scallion 296、猪肉茴香水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Fennel 297、猪肉芹菜水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Celery 298、猪肉西葫芦水饺:Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Vegetable Marrow 299、疙瘩汤:Dough Drop Soup 300、牛肉粥:Minced Beef Porridge 301、素春卷:Vegetarian Spring Roll 302、上海春卷:Shanghai Spring Roll 303、上海素春卷:Vegetable Shanghai Spring Roll 304、葱油饼:Scallion Pancake 305、牛肉串:Deep-Fried Beef Skewer 306、炸云吞:Fried Wonton 307、炸蟹角:Crab Rangoon 308、凉面:Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce 309、金手指:Fried Chicken Fingers310、虾吐司:Shrimp Toast311、炸大虾:Fried jumbo Shrimp(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)

312、水饺或锅贴:Steamed or Fried Meat Dumplings313、无骨排:B.B.Q.Spare Ribs314、宝宝盘:Pu Pu Platter315、鲜虾小馄饨:Shrimp Wonton Soup316、菜肉馄饨:Shanghai Pork & Vegetable Wonton Soup317、菜肉馄饨面:Pork and Vegetable Wonton with Noodles in Broth318、上海辣酱面:Shanghai Style Spicy Noodles in Broth319、牛腩面:Sirloin & Noodles in Broth(翻译公司)320、排骨面:Pork Chop & Noodles in Broth321、海鲜汤面:Seafood & Noodles(or Me Feng)in Broth322、各式炒年糕:Rice Cakes(Vegetable, Pork, Beef, Shrimp or Chicken)

323、本楼炒年糕:House Special Rice Cakes324、各式两面黄:Pan-Fried Noodles(Vegetable, Pork, Beef, Shrimp or Chicken)

325、海鲜两面黄:Seafood Pan-fried Noodles326、地瓜粥:Traditional Congee with Sweet Potato327、担仔面:Hanker’s Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style328、海鲜噜面:Noodle Soup with Seafood329、素菜汤面:Noodle Soup with Vegetable 330、猪脚面线:Fried Rice Noodles with Pork Trotters 331、蚵仔大肠面线:Fried Rice Noodles with Savory Stripes and Muels 332、肉酱炒米粉:Fried Rice Vermicelli with Minced Meat 333、金瓜鲔鱼炒米粉:Fried Rice Vermicelli with Minced Fish and Cushaw 334、青叶炒饭:Fried Rice with Diced Pork and Vegetable 335、活虾炒饭:Fried Rice with Live Shrimps(北京(北京翻译公司)翻译公司)336、沙茶牛松饭:Fried Rice with Minced Beef and BBQ Sauce 337、咸鱼茄粒炒饭:Fried Rice with Salty Fish and Diced Eggplant 338、扁食汤:Dumpling in Soup 339、鲜奶馒头:Steamed Milk Bun 340、芋头饼:Deep Fried Taro Dumplings 341、莲蓉酥:Lotus Seed Paste Cake 342、水果酥:Fresh Fruit Pudding(翻译公司)343、咖喱角:Curry Cake 344、鲜虾春卷:Spring Roll Stuffed with Shrimps 345、麻薯:Deep Fried Glutinous Rice Dumplings 346、杏仁豆腐:Almond Curd with Mixed Fruit 347、爱玉冰:Aiyu Jelly 348、龟灵膏:Tortoise-Plastron Cream 349、水果盘:Fresh Fruit Platter 350、芝麻芋条:Deep Fried Taro Fillet with Sesame 351、甜烧饼:Sweet Sesame Seed Flatbread 352、咸烧饼:Spiced Sesame Seed Flatbread 353、萝包:Pan-fried Turnip Cakes 354、萝酥饼:Turnip Puffs 355、虾饺:Shrimp Dumplings 356、韭菜水饼:Steamed Chives Pockets 357、粢饭糕:Fried Rice Patties 358、粢饭团:Stuffed Sticky Rice Ball


各种菜谱的英文翻译冰红茶Ice black tea 茉香绿茶Jasmine green tea 奶茶Milk tea 胡萝卜汁Carrot juice 西瓜原汁Water melon juice (original juice) 苹果汁Apple juice......


便餐 けいしょく 叉烧 チャーシュー 炒蛋 いりたまご 炒面 やきそば 春卷 はるまき 葱油饼 ねぎいれパン 大豆 だいず 蛋塔 タルト 豆沙包 あんパン 炖牛肉 ビーフ シチュー......




中国名酒英文翻译茅台酒 {Mao-Tai chiew};四特酒 {Si Te} liquor花雕酒 {Hua Tiao Jiu}; 1.high-grade Shaoxing wine五粮液酒 {Wu Liang Ye} liquor董酒 {Dong Jiu}汾酒 {F......


A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/......

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