
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Unit 1 许多科学家相信,已有证据表明外星人的确存在,而且他们正穿越茫茫太空将手伸向地球。这是友谊之手还是邪恶之手?我们还不得而知。



Many scientists believe that evidence tells them that extraterrestrial life exists and that an alien hand is reaching out to us acro the void of space.Whether that hand is reaching out to us in friendship or for some sinister reasons, we cannot yet tell.If aliens are here, we must at least show them we know what is going on.The covert nature of aliens’ activities seems to be their main defense.Blow that wide open and perhaps we can force a dialogue which might be mutually advantageous.It is for this reason that government should take the iue seriously, investigate witnees and announce the conclusions.Besides, government should draw up contingency plans, rules of engagement, as they do for every terrestrial warfare.Otherwise, if one day a UFO were to land on the White House lawn, people may find that there is no specific system which would be kicked into operation to deal with it.Unit 2 像任何一种野生动物一样,灰熊总能引起人们复杂的情感。人们既害怕它们,又敬畏它们。作者在文中淋漓尽致的表达了这种情感。灰熊是可怕的野兽。它具有庞大的躯体和惊人的速度,其速度是跑得最快的人的一倍半。灰熊似乎是有智慧和判断能力的。闻到人的气味,它可能会立刻停止活动,而且不失尊严地离开而不是选择进攻。但是如果你开枪射击,但又没能击中或使其受伤又不能够致命灰熊将加倍报复。开枪却仅仅使灰熊受伤比不开枪更糟糕。在作者看来,那些全副武装进入荒地,试图围捕灰熊的人愚蠢地低估了灰熊的能力,结果他们自己可能遭到灰熊的围捕而丧命。

As much as any wild creature, the grizzly evokes complicated feelings.People fear and revere the grizzly.The author exprees the feelings of this kind thoroughly and vividly in the article.The grizzly is a formidable beast.He has an immense body and a surprising running speed which is half again as high as the fastest human being.The grizzly seems to have intelligence and judging ability.One touch of man scent would make the bear stop his activities in an instant and leave at a not undignified pace rather than attack.But if you shot and mied or the wound were not fatal, the grizzly would take a revenge several times more serious.To shoot and merely wound is worse than not to shoot at all.In the author’s eyes, those who enter the wilderne, fully armed with weapons in an attempt to stalk the grizzly, foolishly underestimate the power of the grizzly.The result may be that they are stalked and killed by the grizzly 在某种意义上,迷信已经成为了文化的一部分。譬如,圣诞节在房间里挂一枝榭寄生,是迷信还是文化传统呢?似乎很难确定。有些人宣称他们不迷信,但是迷信还是他们生活的一部分。在整个16世纪和17世纪,迷信十分盛行,现在仍不乏迷信之人。无火不生烟,是什么使得迷信久盛不衰呢?是恐惧!四个世纪以前,世界对于人们来说深奥莫测而又富有不可理解的规则。生活是多灾多难的。无法控制的大火、流行的瘟疫、庒稼歉收及恶劣的生活环境无情的吞噬着人的生命。人类面对灾难无能为力。于是他们相信,某种超自然的力量在支配着人类的生死。这种信念就成了宗教和迷信滋生的土壤。

Unit 3

In a sense, superstition is a part of culture.It seems hard to tell, for example, whether hanging a sprig of mistletoe in the house at Christmas is a superstition or a cultural tradition.Some people claim not to be superstitious, but superstition is still a part of their lives.Superstition prevailed throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, and there are still superstitious people around.There is no smoke without fire.What is it that gives life to superstition? Fear!Four hundred years ago, the world was impenetrable and filled with incomprehensible rules to people.Life was hazardous.Uncontrollable fire, epidemic plague, bad harvest and bad living conditions killed people’s lives relentlely.People were helple in the face of disasters, so they believed that some supernatural power was holding sway over their life and death.This belief became the soil in which religion and superstition grew.Unit 4 特温格博士做了一项研究,这一研究主要基于两项分析,一是对170项研究的数据分析,涉及40192名美国大学生;一是就特质性焦虑对99个样本的分析来自1952至1993年间对12056名美国儿童的跟踪研究。特质性焦虑指普遍性的焦虑,而不是指对某一状况产生的暂时性的情感反应。特温格博士强调,社会问题和社会隔离的增加会产生真实的或预感的威胁,威胁身心健康,从而导致焦虑的增加。焦虑也警示社会必须要解决其他的健康和社会问题,比如物质浪费和酗酒可能伴随抑郁和焦虑而来。

Dr.Twenge made a research which is based on two major analyses of 170 studies involving 40,192 college students in the United States and 99 samples of 12,056 U.S.children undertaken between 1952 and 1993 that tracked trait anxiety.Trait anxiety refers to being generally anxious, rather than having a temporary emotional reaction to a situation.Dr.Twenge strees that the increase of social problems and isolation can produce real or anticipated threats of physical and mental harm that contribute to this increase in anxiety.Anxiety also signals that society will have to cope with other health and social problems, such as substance and alcohol abuse which tend to follow depreion and anxiety.Unit 5 在人类有限的生命中,要面对各种各样疾病的侵扰,特别是在今天,由于饱受生活现实的紧张和压力,许多人已深深陷入疲惫之中,忘记了如何笑对人生。他们将生活视为一种负担。那么我们要怎样享受人生?什么样的人最会享受人生?那些深思今日的福报,而非往昔的不幸的人将战胜不悦。那些意识到危险,但更承认机会的人将维护尊严。那些懂得生命短暂的人不会害怕生命的终止或者某天会离世而去。正如一句名言所说:生活比你所想的要简单得多,接受不可能的,将就不可缺少的,忍耐不可忍受的,这就是所有生活的必要守则。

In a person’s limited life, he is faced with numerous diseases.Particularly nowadays, weighed down with tension and preure from the realities of life, a large number of people have plunged themselves into exhaustion and forgot how to smile.They regard life as a burden.How shall we enjoy life? Who can best enjoy life? Those who reflect on their present bleings, not on their past misfortunes, will prevail over unhappine;those who are aware of the danger, but recognize the opportunity will preserve their dignity.Those who know life is brief will not fear that life shall come to an end or they will pa away someday.As an old saying goes, life is easier to take than you think;all that is neceary is to accept the impoible, do without the indispensable and bear the intolerable.


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