
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Good morning, everyone.Since we have learned leon 4, most of us were moved by the generation friendship.But for me, who attach great importance to eating, was very interested in the delicious food in this text.Such as.So today my topic is something about eating.I’ll show you several fantastic theme restaurants around the world.First is Edelstein, located in Tokyo Japan.As we all know, Japan is famous for animation and comic.I mean, cartoons.So, it’s very popular in Japan to do role playing game in the restaurant.Customers and waiters dreed like comic characters.In this picture, the two waiters dreed as students and teachers in “boarding school”.And this restaurant only accepts female guests.This called Giant Airbus in TAIWAN.The waitre dreed as airline hoste to provide services for customers.This is “bathroom” restaurant..The man is holding a small toilet with ice cream inside.This is an army theme fast food shop, located in Lebanon.Chefs dre in military equipment, the customer sitting in the back wall of sandbags.Their introduction to foods can be very interesting.For example, the introduction to sandwich is “a sandwich can kill you”.IN the Heart Attack Grill in the US., Customers are referred to as “patients,” orders as “prescriptions,” and the sexy waitrees as “nurses” at this hospital-themed bar and grill.IT promotes that fries are deep-fried food.And people weigh over 350 pounds can be allowed to eat for free.Baseball theme restaurant, also in Japan.Waiters and customers dreed like baseball players.Watching baseball games while eating.Hospital theme.This R is in Singerpore, as an alternative to hospital theme restaurant, from the lighting, seats to the dishes can be found in hospital equipment.By eating in a pitch-black room—you’ll be led to your table by the blind waiters.Your sense of taste, touch, smell, and hearing will be improved since you can see nothing.The Safe House also in the US, You’ll need to whisper the secret code into the ear of the doorman to enter International Exports Ltd.,(means 国际出口有限公司)the fake front of this spy-themed restaurant that has been open since 1966.Casa Bonita饭店(丹佛,科罗拉多州)Casa Bonitia is a sort of Mexican restaurant croed with Disneyland, and is so well known in Colorado that it was featured in an episode of South Park.The 52,000-square-foot restaurant that can seat more than a thousand people.Mars 2112, New York, N.Y.This restaurant and bar IS in New York's Times Square.Dining rooms are modeled after spaceships and the red, rocky surface of Mars.To get inside you must “ride” to the multi-level restaurant in their private spaceship-aka elevator, and when the doors open you are greeted by a crew of resident aliens.AS my perspective, R is a place where people can relax and enjoy themselves.After facing various preures in daily life, you can calm down and think back of yourself in the R.AS for the FTR, I hope everyone can have a chance to go there only if you have enough money in the future.Thank you for your listening.


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