1/4 【Highlights】
>BJ to host Winter Olympics
冬奥会举办权花落京张 >People seldom speak dialects
离家后仅1/4人常讲方言 >CSA hires mother air hoste
空乘招聘首现'妈妈空姐' >E-visas for Chinese launched
印度对中国开放电子签 >Women top in life expectancy
日本人平均寿命创纪录 >Hobbit-themed wedding
英夫妇办'霍比特'婚礼(图)>Comments on TripAdvisor
世界名胜遭遇奇葩差评 >Tips: 'Break one's neck'
【Top News】
>BJ to host Winter Olympics
Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, won the bid to host the2022 Olympic Winter Games.Beijing, host of the 2008 SummerOlympics, won 44 nods against rival Almaty's 40 in theInternational Olympic Committee vote in Kuala Lumpur Fridayafternoon.It will be the first ever city to host both the summerand winter Olympics.Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a letter ofappreciation to IOC President Thomas Bach on Friday evening,expreing thanks to the IOC for its trust and support.北京携手张家口获得了2022年冬季奥林匹克运动会的举办权。7月31日下午,在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的国际奥委会投票现场,北京以44票对40票的优势击败阿拉木图。曾于2008年举办过夏季奥运会的北京,将成为历史上第一个既举办夏季奥运会,又举办冬季奥运会的城市。国家主席习近平7月31日晚致信国际奥委会主席巴赫,感谢国际奥委会的信任与支持。
Beijing and neighboring city Zhangjiakou in Hebei provinceannounced a joint bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in November2013, with Beijing to host events staged on ice, and Zhangjiakou,about 200 kilometers northwest of the capital, hosting snowevents.2013年11月,北京市和临近的河北省张家口市宣布联合申办2022年冬奥会,北京承办冰上项目的比赛,位于西北200千米的张家口,将承办雪上项目的比赛。
An intercity railway has been planned to connect the capitaland Zhangjiakou.It will only take about 50 minutes to travelbetween the two cities after the railway becomes operational.根据计划,北京和张家口间将修成一条城际铁路。投入运营之后,来往两个城市间将仅需要50分钟。
The capital's finance bureau has said it plans to invest closeto $50b in efforts to reduce fine particulate matter in the airahead of the games.2015-08-01
2/4 北京市财政局此前已经表示,在冬奥会之前,计划投资近人民币500亿元来减少空气中的颗粒物。
Fang Li, vice head of the Beijing Municipal EnvironmentalProtection Bureau, said that Beijing has adopted legally bindingregulations for reducing air pollution, and that the city will meetofficial standards for air quality by 2022.北京市环保局副局长方力表示,北京已经通过了大气污染条例,空气质量在2022年前可达标。
At the Sochi Winter Olympic Games in Ruia in 2014, Chinaclaimed three gold, four silver and two bronze, ranking 12th in themedal tally.在2014年的俄罗斯索契冬奥会上,中国收获了3金4银2铜,位列奖牌榜第12位。
The 2018 Winter Games are scheduled to be held in Pyeongchang,South Korea.2018年冬季奥运会计划在韩国平昌郡举办。
>People seldom speak dialects
According to an online survey of 2003 people by China YouthDaily, after leaving hometown, 23.6% respondents often speakdialect, 50.7% speak dialect occasionally, while 22.1% seldom speakdialect.In terms of dialect proficiency, 27.1% respondents believethey speak dialect perfectly, 58% respondents say they are not badat dialect.12.8% can understand their own dialect but cannot speakit, and 3.6% can barely speak or understand their localtongue.《中国青年报》对2003人进行的一项在线调查结果显示,离开家乡后,23.6%的受访者经常讲方言,50.7%的受访者只是偶尔讲,22.1%的受访者几乎不讲。关于个人的方言水平,21.7%的受访者认为自己的方言讲得非常地道;58%的受访者觉得比较地道;12.8%的受访者能听懂家乡方言,但不会说;3.6%的受访者听说家乡方言都很吃力。(中国青年报)
>CSA hires mother air hoste
空乘招聘首现'妈妈空姐' Mother air hostees have been recruited for the first time bya Chinese airline.China Southern Airlines(CSA)held its summerrecruiting events in Wuhan Thursday, with 122 young mothersattending it.CSA has tried a new model in the recruitment for thefirst time, lowering the recruitment standard for young women whoare married and have given birth.Experts said that, on one hand,with the further deepening of reform, the age restrictions for aircrews will be relaxed.On the other hand, mother air hoste iscommon in foreign countries;recruiting them is a trend to keep upwith the international standard.2015-08-01
3/4 中国南方航空公司30日在武汉举行首届暑期招乘,其中包括122名年轻的“妈妈”,这是中国航空公司招聘史上首次出现“妈妈空姐”。本次招聘,南航首次尝试新模式,对已婚已育的年轻“妈妈”放宽年龄限制。专家指出,一方面,随着改革的深入,招乘年龄条件必定比以往有所放宽;另一方面,“妈妈空姐”在国外比较普遍,国内招收“妈妈空姐”有与国际接轨的趋势。(中新网)
>E-visas for Chinese launched
India has officially started providing E-Travel Visas toChinese nationals.An e-visa is actually an online visa applyingservice, allowing travelers to avoid the interview at the ConsularOffice.The e-visa can offer convenience for Chinese people willingto travel, visit or doing busine in India.This year features acampaign called “Visit India Year” in China.Indian Prime MinisterNarendra Modi announced that India would provide E-Travel Visas toChinese nationals to celebrate the campaign during his visit toChina in May.Tourism officials from the two countries are hopingthat the number of China-India mutual visits will exceed 1m in2016.印度正式开始对中国公民发放电子旅游签证。电子签证实际上是一项在线申请签证的服务,旅游者可以不用去领事办公室面试。电子签证的实施将使中国公民赴印度休闲旅游、探亲访友以及商务出差等活动变得更加便利。今年是中国的“印度旅游年”,印度总理莫迪今年5月访问中国时宣布,印度将向中国公民开放电子旅游签证以庆祝这一活动。中印两国旅游当局均希望2016年中印双向旅游交流人数能突破100万人次。(中国国际广播电台)
>Women top in life expectancy
Japanese women took the top spot in average life expectancyworldwide for the third consecutive year in 2014 at 86.83 years,while Japanese men climbed a notch to tie for third place at 80.50years, both figures marking record highs, Japanese welfare ministrydata showed Thursday.For women, Hong Kong was second at 86.75years and Spain third at 85.60 years.Hong Kong men ranked top at81.17 years, followed by men in Iceland at 80.8 years.Japanese menshared third place with men in Singapore and Switzerland, accordingto the latest data made available covering 49 countries andregions.日本厚生劳动省30日发布的数据显示,2014年日本人的平均寿命刷新历史纪录,其中女性的平均寿命为86.83岁,连续第三年居世界首位;男性为80.50岁,比2013年上升1位,居世界第三(并列)。根据公开可查的涉及49个国家和地区的相关数据,女性平均寿命方面,香港(86.75)和西班牙(85.60)分列二、三;男性方面,香港(81.17)和冰岛(80.8)分列第一和第二位,日本男性和新加坡以及瑞士男性并列第三。(共同社)
>Comments on TripAdvisor
They're some of the world's most beautiful sites, but thatdoesn't mean they're immune to criticism from TripAdvisor users.“If bricks are your thing you may or may not enjoy this(I didn't),if bricks and walls are not your thing best to avoid, if you can,too big,” one talked about Great Wall of China.Another complained“there's no elevator” at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.There isalso a
4/4 netizen said “A pigeon ate my corn here” at the DuomoCathedral in Milan.它们是一些世界上最美的景点,但这并不意味着它们能够逃过猫途鹰(旅游点评网站)用户的批评。一位网友在谈论中国长城时说:“要是你对砖块感兴趣的话,你可能会喜欢这里,当然也可能不喜欢(反正我是不感兴趣),要是你对砖块和墙壁没兴趣的话,最好不要来这里,真的是太大了。”另一位抱怨巴黎圣母院“没有电梯”。还有人吐槽,在米兰大教堂,“一只鸽子在这里吃了我的爆米花。”(英语点津网)
>Hobbit-themed wedding
英夫妇办'霍比特'婚礼(图)Will Grant, a 28-year-old Briton who is a big fan of the JohnTolkien fantasy novel, convinced his wife-to-be, Amy Gander, 33, toturn their garden in Woolacombe, North Devon, into Middle Earth fortheir big day and celebrate it with a “Lord of the Rings”-themedwedding packed with hobbits, elves and wizards.The couple wasdreed as Frodo and Galadriel, a man dreed as Gandalf took theirvows and an eagle delivered the rings.28岁的英国人威尔·格兰特非常喜欢托尔金的奇幻小说。于是,他说服了自己33岁的未婚妻艾米·冈德,决定用《指环王》主题举办婚礼,二人将自家位于北德文郡伍拉科姆的花园变成中土世界,还有霍比特人、精灵和巫师到场祝贺。这对夫妇分别装扮成佛罗多和凯兰崔尔,扮成甘道夫的男子见证了他们的誓言,而一只鹰则为他们奉上戒指。(每日邮报)
【Language Tips】 'Break one's neck': Break在这儿意思是“折断”。Break one'sneck是夸张的说法,出处可能是成年累月地埋头苦干,几乎累“断了脖子”,相当于中文说的“累断了腰”。总之都是指竭尽全力地苦干。
I broke my neck trying to raise you kids and look at the wayyou pay me back!One son in jail, the other too lazy to work and mydaughter ran away with her hairdreer.为了把你们抚养成人我累断了腰,看看你们是怎么报答我的?一个儿子坐牢,另一个太懒不出去工作,女儿也跟理发师私奔了。
【本期难词汇编】 dialect: 方言(n.)
mutual: 相互的,彼此的(adj.)life expectancy: 预期寿命
notch: 等,级(n.)elf: 精灵(n.)
wizard: 巫师(n.)immune: 免于……的(adj.)
pigeon: 鸽子(n.)
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