蜈支洲岛英文介绍Wuzhizhou Island
Due to its abundant and unique tropic island tourist resources, Wuzhizhou Island has been the most favored scenic spot for those medium and high-end tourists paying a visit to Hainan.Gorgeous natural landscapes, various and characteristic supporting facilities such as villas, cabins, bars, tennis courts and seafood restaurants, and the well-developed thirty-odd maritime and beach entertaining events including diving sightseeing, semi-diving sighting, offshore fishing, water-skiing, yachting, windsurfing, motorboat, banana boat, canoe, dragging parachute, frisking boat, beach motorcycle, sea parachute jumping, beach volleyball and beach soccer, all of which may bring sight-seers and tourists with all experiences in the sense of primitively, peace, romantics and dynamic vogue.The Island is in irregular shape like a butterfly covering a land area of 1.48 square kilometers.Its length along the west-east orientation is 1500 meters and its width along the north-south direction is 1100 meters.Total coastline length of Wuzhizhou Island is 5.7 Km and the southern peak has an altitude of 79.9 meters.85 families or 2700 species aboriginal plants pervade over hills and dales in the east, west and south of the Island.Local vegetations include tall and lofty arbors and flourishing and low shrubs, both of which you may encounter anywhere.And you may even take a chance to meet with some exotic flowers and trees for instance alsophila spinulosa, one of the dominant foods for those dinosaurs in ancient times, and dracaena Draco, the oldest plant remained so far around the world and thus titled as “ the king of longevity under the sun” and also botanic landscapes created by some types of parasitical plants and strangling plants prevailing in tropic zone.Sanya Wuzhizhou Island Holiday Center is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hainan Seascape Garden International Co., Ltd.Ever since its initial incorporation in 1998, the Holiday Center has received 3.2 million tourists both from home and abroad and achieved extensive recognition around the world due to its advantaged holiday environment and specialized managerial service.此文载自:玩三亚网
2014年蜈支洲岛一日游一日游门市价格:195元人预订优惠价:175元/人(节假日除外) 淡季可做现付! 线路特色:纯玩无购物 费用包含:1、景点: 景区大门票,船费;2、用车:含酒店-景点-酒店往......