学生姓名: 指导老师:
摘 要:随着语言教学技术的进步,老师逐渐把教学的重点都转移到语言技能上。这是语言教学的一次锐变,正因为如此,各个技能的教学上都存在不足还有很大的提升空间。英语教学的四个技能分别是听、说、读、写。阅读理解是英语技能教学中的一个重要部分。因此,本文的主要内容就是如何提高阅读理解能力。在文中笔者将分析如何通过知识拓展来提高阅读能力。文章共有五个部分。第一部分中笔者将对文章进行简单介绍。笔者在第二部分重点分析了阅读理解能力的两个组成部分--非知识技能和知识性技能。第三部分中,笔者阐述了知识拓展的意义、方法、以及如何运用到具体教学中去。第四部分,笔者分析了在提高阅读理解能力的过程中可能会遇到的一些问题,以及相应的解决措施。最后一部分,笔者对文章进行了总结,并再次强调知识拓展对阅读能力提高的意义。
Improving Reading Comprehension Ability by
Expanding Knowledge
Undergraduate: Supervisor:
Abstract: With the advances in technology of language teaching, teachers’ teaching focus gradually has shifted to language skills.This is a sharp change in language teaching, because of this, there exist inadequacies and there is still much room for improvement of these skills.The four skills of English language teaching are respectively listening, speaking, reading and writing.Reading comprehension is an important part in them.Therefore, the main content of this paper is to improve reading comprehension skills.In this paper the author analyzes how to expand knowledge to improve reading ability.The article consists of five parts.In the first part, the author makes a brief introduction of this paper.The second part focuses on the analysis of the reading comprehension ability------non-knowledge skills and knowledge skills.In the third part, the author expounds the meaning of expanding knowledge, the methods of expanding knowledge, and how to apply to specific teaching.The fourth part, the author analyzes some problems that students may encounter in the proce of improving reading comprehension ability, as well as the corresponding solutions.In the last part, the author makes a summary of the article and re-emphasizes the meaning of expanding knowledge to improve reading ability.Key words: reading comprehension ability;expansion of knowledge;
1.Introduction................................................................................................................5 2.Brief introduction of reading comprehension ability.................................................5 2.1 Basic skills of reading..........................................................................................5 2.1.1 Skimming and scanning..............................................................................6 2.1.2 Extensive reading and intensive reading.....................................................6 2.1.3 Choosing a proper skill...............................................................................7 According to reading purpose...................................................................7 According to style of reading materials....................................................7 2.2 Knowledge skills of reading.................................................................................8 2.2.1 Vocabulary and basic knowledge of grammar.............................................8 2.2.2 Psychological feelings and cognitive psychological procees...................8 2.2.3 Cultural differences and background knowledge........................................9 3.Expending knowledge..............................................................................................10 3.1 Signification of broadening knowledge.............................................................10 3.2 Expending knowledge from the teachers’ part...................................................10 3.2.1 Choosing suitable materials for students...................................................10 Materials from magazines, newspapers and novels...............................10 Materials from Internet, radios and movies............................................11 3.2.2 Cultivating students’ awarene of expanding knowledge........................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by testing.........................................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by knowledge contests....................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by playing games............................13 3.2.3 Cultivating students’ good habits during expending knowledge...............13 The habit of making notes......................................................................13 The habit of asking and answering questions.........................................14 The habit of summarizing.......................................................................14 3.3 Expending knowledge from the students’ part...................................................15 3.3.1 Learning to find useful information..........................................................15 According to the style of reading materials............................................15 According to the current events..............................................................15 According to the history of English countries........................................15 3.3.2 Respecting the individual characteristics..................................................16 Choosing a suitable way.........................................................................16 Finding an interesting point....................................................................16 3.3.3 Cooperating with others............................................................................17 Sharing resource.....................................................................................17 Reciting the key points...........................................................................17 Checking the results by testing...............................................................18 4.Poible deficiencies and solutions during improving reading ability.....................18 4.1 Some poible problems.....................................................................................18 4.1.1 Lack of perseverance.................................................................................18 4.1.2 Lack of doing exercises.............................................................................19 4.1.3 Lack of knowledge in vocabulary and grammar.......................................19 4.2 Some proposals to solve these problems............................................................19 4.2.1 Helping students to learn...........................................................................19 4.2.2 Arranging practice tasks............................................................................20 4.2.3 Strengthening basic knowledge.................................................................20 5.Conclusion...............................................................................................................20 Bibliography................................................................................................................22 Acknowledgment.........................................................................................................23
1.Introduction Language is a neceary tool of human communication.There are about 200 languages.English is an official language in 52 countries as well as many small colonies and territories.It has become the most useful language to learn for international travel and is now the language of diplomacy.English is also the dominant language in electronic communication.English is neceary for us.The best way to improve English is to improve English skills---listening, speaking, reading, and writing.In this paper, the author will analyze the improvement of reading comprehension ability.Reading is a very important part among them and reading is very difficult for students.Firstly, this part is very important and difficult in testing.Meanwhile, the cloze also has close links with reading.When people are learning to read, many teachers or students will focus on vocabulary and grammars, ignoring the relationship among reading and knowledge.Therefore, in this paper, the author will analyze the improvement of reading comprehension ability and the expansion of knowledge.Reading comprehension ability can be divided into two parts.One is the basic reading skills.The other is knowledge skills.The knowledge is indispensable to reading.The expansion of knowledge is neceary.Sometimes, some people have enough vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, but they can not read smoothly and finish their exercises correctly.The reason is the lack of knowledge.The expansion of knowledge and English learning can not be separated.What’s more, when people are broadening their knowledge, they will think English learning is interesting, and they won’t feel bored.The point of the paper is how to expand knowledge to improve the reading comprehension ability.The author intends to expand knowledge from two aspects.The first one is on the teachers’ part.Teachers should help students to choose materials, and train the students reading interests, and let them develop good reading habits.The second part is on the students’ part.Students should learn to select reading materials, and to find a suitable way, and to cooperate with clamates.Then the author will analyze the poible problems during expanding knowledge.At last, the author will make a conclusion.2.Brief introduction of reading comprehension ability 2.1 Basic skills of reading Reading is to extract the required information from a written text as efficiently as poible(Zou Shen,Yang Rensheng 2005).There are different styles of reading according to different situations.The technique you choose will depend on the purpose for reading.For example, you might read for enjoyment, information, or completion for a task.If you are exploring or reviewing, you might skim a document.If you’re searching for information, you might scan for a particular word.You need to adjust your reading speed and technique depending on your purposes.In the following we will introduce four ways of reading and how to choose a reading way according to the reading purposes and the style of reading materials.2.1.1 Skimming and scanning Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text.When you read newspapers, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, and you will scan the text.Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading.People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time.Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest in your research.There are many strategies that can be used when skimming.Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen.You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations.Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph.This technique is useful when you’re seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension.Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places.It might be used to review graphs, tables, and charts.Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary.You search for key words or ideas.In most cases, you know what you’re looking for, so you’re concentrating on finding a particular answer.Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases.Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions.Once you’ve scanned the document, you might go back and skim it.When scanning, look for the author’s use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next.Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color.Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.2.1.2 Extensive reading and intensive reading
Extensive reading is a kind of reading skill which emphasizes the speed of reading and is in order to understand the main idea of the paper.Extensive reading is used for reading a long piece of paper, or for leisure reading.This approach does not require a thorough understanding of the material, only emphasizes browsing effect, and pays attention to reading fluency.For example, when people read detective novels, they are usually employed in this way of reading.Compared with extensive reading, intensive reading, which is slow, careful reading of a small amount of difficult text – it is one focusing on the language rather than the text.Intensive reading is used for reading more esoteric material.It is not the pursuit of fluency speed, but the understanding of details or comprehension accuracy.For example, when people read the argumentative, they learn to use precise manner in order to understand the point of view, arguments and conclusions;When people comment on the style of literary works, people also need to read the works by precision, in order to accurately understand the eence of works.2.1.3 Choosing a proper skill According to reading purpose Reading is regarded to be important because it can be entertaining and educational, can open up new worlds and enrich people’s life, and can improve hand-eye co-ordination and enhance social skills.People read for different purposes.Skimming and Scanning help students pick out specific information quickly, training them to tailor their reading rate depending on their purpose.(Edward B.Fry 1989)In this part, the author will introduce three purposes of reading and how to choose a suitable skill according to these purposes.1.Reading for survival.The type of reading is to satisfy a certain demand.For example, read the product price list, in order to make purchase decisions;read the road signs, in order to find the nearest metro station.In this kind of reading people need to find out some useful information, so we can scan.2.Reading for pleasure---reading relaxation in one’s spare time.For example, reading a novel on weekends.This kind of reading is just for fun or to pa the time.Therefore, people can skim or use intensive reading skill and extensive reading skill.3.Reading for learning.This type of reading is aimed at obtaining information and knowledge, broadening one’s vision, and enlarging one’s knowledge scales.This type of reading material can be profeional or ma style.The purpose of reading is recent or long-term.Such reading is also included in order to master a foreign language.So this kind of reading needs intensive reading. According to style of reading materials There are three kinds of reading materials and they are expository, narrative, argumentative.Now the author will introduce how to choose a skill to analyze them.Firstly, Narration refers to the way that a story is told, and so belongs to the level of discourse.Different kinds of narration are categorized by each one’s primary grammatical stance.People should find out the narrator is in the story or not.What’s more, the narrative is the article which is used to describe things.Time, characters, locations, causes, through, the result is six elements of narrative.Therefore, people should scan when they are reading narratives.Secondly, the function of an argumentative eay is to show that one’s aertion(opinion, theory, and hypothesis)about some phenomenon or phenomena is correct or more truthful than others’.Argumentative writing is the act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discuion.It clearly explains the proce of one’s reasoning from the known or aumed to the unknown.Therefore, people can use intensive reading skill to read them.Thirdly, the expository eay is a genre of eay that requires people to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.It needs a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that appears at the beginning of the eay.Expository writing aims to tell the reader something.The reader should scan to find detailed information.2.2 Knowledge skills of reading 2.2.1 Vocabulary and the basic knowledge of grammar If the sentences, paragraphs, articles are buildings, vocabulary is the building bricks.Therefore, vocabulary plays an important role in the construction of the language system.For a foreign language learner, the lack of vocabulary will not only affect the communication with others, but also restricts the further improvement of reading ability.From the long-term teaching, small vocabulary is one of the main obstacles to students’ English learning in China.In general, the vocabulary size of students is in proportion to reading speed.If the vocabulary size of students is larger, their reading speed will be faster.Solid knowledge of language is the basis of the various language skills.Therefore, it is also important to improve reading ability.Although grammars have been taught by teachers in the claroom, but the mastery of them often varies from person to person.Especially, we can find these phenomena in reading.When some students encounter some long, difficult sentences or sentences with complex insert ingredients, they can not analyze them correctly, resulting in misunderstanding, which affects the correct rate of the reading comprehension.Conversely, if they can master the sentences, syntactic structure during reading, even meet some new words, but they can also achieve a good understanding of the materials.Therefore, to lay a good language knowledge basis is to improve reading ability.Reading practice has proved that the language factor is the fundamental obstacles in reading, and only a solid knowledge of the language can improve the reading ability.2.2.2 Psychological feelings and cognitive psychological procees Psychological emotional differences will have an important impact on reading.There are many psychological emotional factors, such as learners’ motivation, interest, self-confidence and sense of anxiety, etc.Interest is the best motivation of learners.Psychologists believe that interest can make people’s psychological activities active, so that people’s thinking is more active.Therefore, interesting reading will have the best results.In the selection of reading material, you should strive for a selection of fun, novelty and diversity.Teachers by introducing knowledge in actual teaching can arouse students’ curiosity and interest in reading, and improve their reading comprehension ability.In short, a variety of content, a variety of genres and interesting reading exercises help to avoid the generation of the weary, to maintain and enhance students’ learning enthusiasm.Reading is a proce of information proceing, namely the acceptance, storage, conversion, extraction and use of information proce.There are many different cognitive styles, leading to differences in cognitive strategies.“Bottom-up model” strategy has always been the traditional teaching of reading in China.The focus of its teaching is the smallest of the discourse composition.“Top-down mode is used in the United States.The pattern focuses on using known information to infer unknown information.Emphasis is placed on the interaction of language and thought, and the selection of the representative linguistic cues, such as the title and the main idea of the article.With the progreively understanding, these hypothesized be confirmed, denied or corrected, and finally readers understand the main idea.Practice has proved that the common defect performance of these two models of information transmiion is unidirectional rather than bidirectional.Therefore, combination of these two modes can correctly understand the cognitive and is beneficial to improve the efficiency of reading.2.2.3 Cultural difference and background knowledge Language is living, is the carrier of culture.Every language has its development of soil.Reading comprehension should not only know the language itself, but also understand the development and change in the language transfer information and the implication of its deep meaning.Cultural differences between English and Chinese words mainly refer to the corresponding sense of cultural differences.The first one is the surface meaning of cultural differences;the second one is the deep meaning and background knowledge.These differences are due to cultural and historical influences.Therefore, if people want to improve the reading efficiency, they need to know the knowledge of English national history, society, culture and science.In addition, the East-West cultural psychological differences also exist.The two languages are different, so the psychological strategy taken by in reading proce may be different.Chinese readers in the reading proce prefer to use a decomposition strategy, while the English readers prefer to use centralized strategy.So foreign language reading teaching not only teaches a kind of knowledge and skills of communication, but also teaches a kind of deep cro-cultural language thinking training.Background knowledge and text production are related to socio-cultural and situational factors.Separated from background knowledge, foreign language teaching of reading has become a river without water.Of course, the impact of background knowledge on reading comprehension is multifaceted and multi-layered.It may affect individual expreions of understanding and may also affect on the overall understanding.Being not familiar with the background knowledge often leads to difficulties in understanding the main argument or central idea of the whole article or the whole book.3.Expending knowledge
3.1 Signification of broadening knowledge Language is tool which is used to communicate and each kind of language has his survival environment.For example, when a teacher teaches his/her students to learn some sentences, he/she must put these sentences in a particular situation.We call this situational teaching method.However, some people can’t make good use of this method.There are many complex words which have kinds of meanings.Such as, “compound”.Vocabulary and grammars and other important eentials of language can not leave its survival environment.The knowledge is the survival environment of language.Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which includes information, facts, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education.If a gentle man meets a beautiful lady, and he wants to get married with her.He must be familiar with her, and then he can marry her.If people want to learn English well, he must have a good knowledge of English and English countries.We can know from above that when someone’s knowledge is extended, at the same time his reading ability will be improved.3.2 Expending knowledge from the teachers’ part 3.2.1 Choosing suitable materials for students Nowadays, it is easy to find something to read but teachers should choose suitable reading materials for students.These materials can be English and Chinese, but they should have relationship with English and English countries.The school is a good place for language learning.At school, students have acce to more useful learning materials, and have a better learning atmosphere.What’s more, the teacher can ask several students to buy a kind of magazine, so some students can reduce the economic preure, and this approach can enrich the reading material.Proper extracurricular reading not only increases students’ knowledge, but also strengthens the students’ learning interest.It creates a good atmosphere for language learning.Now, the author will introduce six kinds of materials.All of them have different effects on students. Materials from magazines, newspapers and novels The three kinds of materials are made of papers and are easy to find them.However, each of them has different characteristics.Magazine: academic or profeional publications that are not peer-reviewed are generally profeional magazines.It generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles.Its sales models are various.Magazines are more interesting.They are easier to be accepted by students.Each iue of magazine has different themes.Their contents are useful.There are many useful magazines, such as Crazy English, New Oriental English and so on.A newspaper is a scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising.A wide variety of materials have been published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, persuasion, entertainment features.The newspaper’s effectivene is very strong.Most of its contents are about life.They can strengthen students’ knowledge of society, and expand the horizons of students.21st century and China Daily are good newspapers.A novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose.The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella.The background of the novel has strong historical characteristics.People can understand the cultural differences between English-speaking countries and China through the novel.They can enhance the students’ cultural awarene and promote their transposition thinking. Materials from Internet, radios and movies With the development of communication technology, the network has gradually become part of people’s lives.But the network is a double-edged sword.Therefore, the teacher will play his due role, to provide students with the information site, to help students to avoid the adverse effects of bad information.The information on the internet has three benefits.First, the network information updates at a fast speed, so that students can know English national events quickly and adapt to the changes.Second, the content of network information is rich, which can broaden students’ understanding of English speaking countries.Third, the network information is easy to store.Radio is also one way for us to get information, for example, listening to air English, English night, listening to English songs.Listening to the radio has many advantages.First, students can alleviate visual fatigue and develop a variety of learning styles.Then, students can get relaxed and enjoy their learning, increasing students’ interest in learning.Thirdly, these English columns combine English learning with life, making learning closer to life Good movies are also useful to the students.Each film has a distinct theme, no matter it is the desire for freedom, or the courage to struggle, different people will have different views and harvests.Students can know more about life from movies.English films have taken their country as the background, students can learn from these films about the state of knowledge.Many movies have been made through the claic story which can increase students’ cultural accomplishment and improve the students’ ability of appreciation.The movies combine learning with amusement which is easier for students to accept.3.2.2 Cultivating students’ awarene of expending knowledge There is an old saying in China: Teachers open the door while students study by themselves.Education is not only teacher’s teaching responsibility, but also students’ learning objective.Students should be active to read.Interest is the starting point of knowledge, is thoughts and the ability to improve the inherent power.Teachers should stimulate students’ interest of expanding knowledge, and then they will actively expand their knowledge.Therefore the teacher should train them awarene of expanding knowledge. Cultivating this kind of awarene by testing The first method which can be used by the teachers is testing.Testing is the basic method for teachers or the schools to test students’ learning outcomes in the learning proce.Teachers can find the problems of students in the learning proce, and then teachers can change their methods in order to improve student’s ability.What’s more, students will try their best to get a better evaluation making a good atmosphere for study.The exam is also conducive for the students themselves to stimulate motivation to learn.The teacher may arrange the content of the examination according to needs.Teachers based on students’ level arrange difficult levels.First of all, teachers can arrange some questions about the English common sense.For example, “Shakespeare is a playwright or not?”
“Empire the sun never sets means the United States or United Kingdom?” “Big Ben is in London or Paris?”
Secondly, Teachers select a number of famous sentences and let students judge where the sentences come from.Such as, “To be or not to be, that’s a question?”
A Hamlet;B Uncle Tom’s Cabin;“Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”
A Edison;B Bacon Thirdly, teachers choose some English-speaking countries’ reading and ask students to finish them, so that students can expand their knowledge and improve their reading skills together. Cultivating this kind of awarene by knowledge contest In the proce of teacher training students to expand knowledge awarene, English knowledge contest is a good way.Knowledge competition mainly refers to the activity whose main content is knowledge competition.Knowledge competition can make students more active in learning and increase their interest of expanding knowledge.In the teaching of reading preparation activities teachers can arrange several English knowledge contests, so that students can know their shortcomings.Therefore, in the proce of learning, students will have the awarene to make up for this.In the following the author will introduce an example.If teachers want to talk about Charles Dickens and his work Oliver Twist, so they can carry out a contest about the author and his works.Firstly, students were divided into two groups, and then they can start to answer the questions.The teacher can arrange appropriate reward and punishment.The teacher can make the following questions: 1, Charles Dickens’ works? 2, What are the characteristics of Charles Dickens’ works? 3 What is the theme of Oliver Twist? Then the teacher expands the reading cla based on the answers of these questions, and students will have a better understanding of the content.The students will have the awarene to expand their understanding of these writers and their works. Cultivating this kind of awarene by playing games Interest is the best teacher, and games activities are good ways to promote and stimulate the interest.By playing games, teachers can train students’ consciousne of broadening knowledge.What’s more, the games can stimulate students’ interest in learning.The teacher can arrange games according to the elements of reading.Here the author will introduce several games.The word Solitaire: each student say a word and the behind word’ first letter should be the last letter of the front word.The game can let the students learn more words.This game has some difficulty, so there may be some students who can not answer the word.Some students may fail in the game, but they will not lose their interest in learning, instead it will stimulate their competitivene.They will study harder.Storytelling: each clamate tells a custom in western countries, for example, in the western countries, the brides will wear white, because it is a symbol of purity.Gue!Gue!Gue!: One student makes gesture and another person guees the word.Thus, students can be more familiar with the words.3.2.3 Cultivating students’ good habits during expending knowledge In proce of knowledge expansion, teachers provide students with a lot of useful materials for students to read.In fact, some students do as teachers’ require, but there is little succe, and the reading speed of students is not accelerating, and their comprehensive ability has not been improved.So we can know that there is a problem in reading habits.Only to develop good reading habits can ultimately improve the reading speed and quality(Chen Shenghua.Cultivate good reading habits to improve reading efficiency 2007). The habit of making notes During the proce of broadening knowledge, taking notes is eential, and taking notes is to explore new knowledge.There are a lot of benefits to take notes.(1)Taking notes can help make up for the lack of memory and effectively improve the reading efficiency.(2)Making notes can exercise the ability to think.When someone is reading a book, he/she should make notes which can exercise rational thinking, logic and analysis capacity.(3)Taking note can accumulate useful materials and broaden their horizons, and improve the language expreion ability.(4)The notes will make people generate new thinking to study new problems.(5)Taking notes helps to expand knowledge.The proce of taking notes is also an active proce of thinking, which can mobilize the eye, brain, hand, promoting the understanding of the expanding content.(6)Taking notes helps review and memories the expanding knowledge.If you do not take notes, you will quickly forget the knowledge that you have learned.If students take notes in their own words, they can understand the knowledge better. The habit of asking and answering questions When people read an article, they will ask themselves some questions about this article.This is the purpose of reading.Increasing the purpose of reading, you will know what you want to find in the article.You will not read just for read.You will be more clearly structured.Extended knowledge also needs the direction and purpose.With a clear goal, we will not get lost.When we are broadening knowledge, asking question is the best way to help us sort out our thinking.What’s more, these problems are the important points.In the proce of expanding knowledge, first of all, we have to ask ourselves some questions, “What is the main content of this knowledge?”
“What features do they have?” “What do I want to know?” Then we will solve these problems one by one.We need compare the final answer with our original idea, and then we will harvest more.In the following authors will introduce an example.Students read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, they can ask these questions: What do the pride and arrogance referring for? Does the hero finally find happine? The questions they raised will help them to find the important points. The habit of summarizing To summarize is to put in your own words a shortened version of written or spoken material, stating the main points and leaving out everything that is not eential.Summarizing is more than retelling;it involves analyzing information, distinguishing important elements from the unimportant and translating large chunks of information into a few short cohesive sentences.Fiction and nonfiction texts, media, conversations, meetings, and events can all be summarized.For example, to summarize the movie Memento, you might state: The movie Memento is a backward chronology of a man who tries to find his wife’s killer, but has short-term memory lo.He keeps track of facts by taking pictures of events and tattooing facts onto himself.Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way.Teaching students to summarize improves their memory for what is read.Summarization strategies can be used in almost every area.Why do students need to summarize? It helps students learn to determine eential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.It enables students to focus on key words and phrases of an aigned text that are worth noting and remembering.It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduces it to the main points for more concise understanding.3.3 Expending knowledge from the students’ part 3.3.1 Learning to find useful information According to the style of reading materials In daily life, our reading material can be divided into several kinds, such as newspapers, magazines, public notices, novels, and so on.However, they can be divided into three categories in accordance with the literary style.They are expository, narrative, argumentative.What’s more, the three claifications and the reading material of examination have a close contact.So it is useful for students to collect materials according to their literary styles.The narrative is the article which is used to describe things.Time, characters, locations, causes, procees and the result is six elements of narrative.The function of an argumentative eay is to show that one’s aertion.Each argumentative eay has an argument.And the author should find some numbers, some theory, some tables… to support his/her argument.If people want to analyze an expository, they should know what the author says.Expository writing aims to tell the reader something.The authors convey the knowledge by explanation, which is the central idea of expository writing.According to the literary styles, most of the materials belong to the three categories.When a reader is familiar with the structure of the text, he/she can analyze it efficiently. According to the current events Current events refer to some important things which happened in our lives recently.With the development of communication technology, every area becomes more closely linked, and to understand current events help students be familiar with Western society.To understand current events can broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge.And current events are closely linked with reading.First of all, the reading materials of examination are related to these current problems.If students learn more about current affairs, they will improve the reading speed and increase the effectivene of the answers.Secondly, in reading materials, the author may be combined with social practice to talk about his/her feelings.In fact, when students know the events, they has digested these materials.In the exam, we may encounter reading about the following event.Whitney Houston is one of the world’s most famous singers.Her death is the lo of the world.Although her halo shining, but her drug using experience is bad, so the author can expand the article on this point, to expre their ideas.If the reader is familiar with Whitney Houston, he can easily complete the reading. According to the history of English countries The history of a country is a nation’s growing experience.To understand a person, you have to know the person about his past.To learn a foreign language you need to understand the history of this country.A country’s history not only deeply impacts the development of a country, but also impacts people psychological emotion of this country.When the students are learning English, they must understand the history of Western countries.First of all, the historical stories are very interesting, so they can increase students’ learning motivation.For example, The World’s Greatest Swordsman, The Old Cat, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse.Secondly, history creates the current culture.A country’s language and culture are based on the history of the country.Some proverbs come from the history.Such as, Like father, like son;New wine in old bottles;A fox may grow grey, but never good.Last but not the least, reading material also has a great relationship with history.The United States President Lincoln often appears in the historical theme.The Emancipation Proclamation iued by Lincoln changed the position of slaves.Reading materials often appear on this event.3.3.2 Respecting the individual characteristics Choosing a suitable way In the learning proce, we should pay attention to individuality.Good learning method can improve the efficiency of learning.It not only can deepen the understanding of knowledge, but also improve the test scores.What’s more, our study method also established the self-confidence of learning.This shows the importance of the learning method.The way which suits the characteristics of the student is a good method of learning!Group teaching method has neglected the students’ personality.Everyone’s learning relies on memory to complete.Each person has a different type of memory.Only according to its own characteristics to expand knowledge can achieve a multiplier effect.Memory types are divided into three kinds, auditory type, intermediate type and visual type.The advantage of the first type is that they can remember the things which they hear well than what they see.Therefore, this kind of person can broaden knowledge by listening to the radio, listening to stories.Intermediate type is between the auditory and visual type.This type can use many methods to expand knowledge.Such as, reading books, watching TV, listening to the radio etc.The third person can remember the things what they see well than what they hear.This kind of person will need to learn by seeing, for example, watching movies, reading books. Finding an interesting point Interest in learning is the most realistic and most active ingredients to learning.It is an internal power which directly promotes active learning.It is the love of learning, resulting in a strong curiosity.Only when students have a strong interest in learning, they will feel excited in learning and be inspired to pursue knowledge, to explore the mysteries of science.Therefore, students who want to undertake effective learning must enhance the interest in learning.Students who find a topic of interest can be more effective to expand knowledge.This point is the starting point where students start their way to expand knowledge.Knowledge is relevant.As long as students have a correct starting point and insisting on this point for a long-term, they will be able to expand it into a surface.For example, when a student likes the lovely Cupid, then he would go back and find some of the myths, and then he would find a charm Athena in these stories, and then he might be fascinated by Greek mythology.When he knows these stories, he will find different points between the myths of the East and West.Through comparing, he would get his own opinions.He may also change the points of interest, and like food of West.But the first point opens the door for him to expand their knowledge.3.3.3 Cooperating with others Sharing resource The 21st century is the era of information explosion and people can easily find types of information, but it requires a lot of time to sort these data.Therefore, we need to learn to share information..Resource sharing is that somebody shares his/her information which he/she collects through a number of ways with others.Resource sharing allows students to learn more things and it is more convenient and efficient to acce knowledge.For students, information sharing has 3 major benefits.First of all, it can enable students to save time.Students only have a few extra-curricular times, except for college students.Resource sharing is conducive to student to arrange time, and to have enough time to relax.Secondly, the sharing of resources is conducive to the diversification of resources.Students have different interests, hobbies, so they will expand their knowledge from different angles.Even though some students have the same hobby, they may look for different information.Therefore, resource sharing is helpful to enrich materials.Thirdly, the sharing of resources can help students to save money.Students are simply the consumer cla, so resource sharing can reduce waste and strengthen cooperation between the students. Reciting the key points Recitation is an effective method of learning English and is an effective way of knowledge input.It not only helps students to master some English basic knowledge, but also can cultivate students’ sense of language.In the learning proce, students must master the scientific methods to improve the efficiency of English text.Reciting by cooperation is an effective method.This method has five advantages.First of all, reciting can help students to increase the sense of language and to expand the knowledge and can indirectly improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension ability.Secondly, reciting with other students avoid rote recitation.We can share the recitation of tips which make the recitation more interesting.Thirdly, students can find errors by themselves.Each people recites in accordance with his own ideas, therefore, he will ignore some mistakes.Fourth, reciting the focus of knowledge is helpful for students to master the syntactic structure and to improve the students’ reading ability and is helpful for students to deepen understanding of the article.Fifth, the students’ cooperation is conducive to the diversification of the reciting. Checking the results by testing Strengthening cooperation between students is conducive to expanding knowledge, but they also need an effective way to test their learning achievements.On above, the author introduces the teacher to test their learning outcomes and find students’ inadequacies by testing.Now the author will introduce the student test methods as well as the benefits of them.First of all, the author will introduce three methods of testing.(1)Students recite the expanded knowledge with each other;(2)To do a simple speech about this knowledge;(3)To make a summary about the expanded knowledge.Then, the author will introduce the benefits of these testing.First of all, the teachers usually take testing by doing exercise;however students have many methods to test their learning outcomes.These ways change tests and make the test more interesting.Secondly, these tests are not only the recognition of knowledge, also the representation of knowledge.The students can have a better understanding of knowledge and these ways are conducive to the further expansion of knowledge.Last but not the least, these tests have le preure which creates a relaxed learning atmosphere for students.4.Poible deficiencies and solutions during improving read-ing ability
4.1 Some poible problems
4.1.1 Lack of perseverance There is an old saying in China: “learning needs persistence”.In the proce of learning English, students need to continue to adhere.The expanding of Knowledge also requires long-term adherence to achieve a certain effect.However, many students lack the perseverance.Through summarizing, the author finds the following questions.First of all, there are many ways to broaden knowledge, such as, watching films, listening to music.However, in the proce of learning, students will meet many problems which they can not solve, and then the students will lose confidence, and patience.Secondly, the proce of learning is very hard.A lot of students don’t have enough perseverance to study.They often spend three days fishing nets, while two days drying.Last but not the least, the students’ schoolwork burden is very heavy, so they spend little time on English, or spend no time on English learning.4.1.2 Lack of doing exercise Learning is a long and complicated proce.Broadening knowledge is good for improving reading ability, but there are still some problems.When some students do as teachers require, but their reading comprehension ability doesn’t get improved.In the author’s opinion, these students are lack of doing exercises.Edison said, genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.There are two reasons why students lack doing exercise.First of all, the consciousne of students to practice is not enough.The junior middle school and the high school students are not adult, they needs teacher’s supervision.Secondly, unified teaching materials are not suitable for all regions of the students.Students can find suitable materials for doing exercise.These books are not too difficult or too simple for students.4.1.3 Lack of the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar The lack of basic knowledge is a significant problem in proce of expanding knowledge.And this iue makes a great deal of influence on the expanding of knowledge.When students are expanding their knowledge, they often encounter unfamiliar words or unfamiliar sentence structures, and many students will become frustrated after repeatedly blocked and then lose their interest in the expansion of knowledge.A lot of students are lack of the basic knowledge from the beginning, so they are lack of interest in expanding knowledge.They do not expand their knowledge.What’s worse, they will stay in a place for a long time, and their reading comprehension ability will not get improve, and finally they have to give up learning English.There are three reasons for these phenomena.First, students don’t start to learn English with a serious attitude, so learning loses balance.Secondly, the students do not spend enough time on the study of basic knowledge.They ignore the importance of fundamentals.Thirdly, they do not have a scientific way to learn the words and grammars.For example, they do not know how to put the words and grammar structures into a language environment.4.2 Some proposals to solve these problems
4.2.1 Helping students to learn In order to let the students to expand their knowledge, the authors propose some solutions for the problems above.In the English learning proce, you will feel dull and lack confidence.At that time, you shouldn’t force yourself to learn, because your mood begin to conflict with the English learning.Then the students can relax to see some very familiar knowledge, which can train self-confidence for them.On the other hand, they can choose one thing you like to do.When you meet some problem, do not give up easily.Because you can learn from others’ experience, and through their succeful experience, you can support and encourage yourself.Keep a good state of mind.Learn to learn in a proper way.Nowadays, the students’ burden is very heavy, if they want to learn each branch well, they need to arrange a reasonable learning plan for themselves.Please pay attention to cro learning, and do not put too much time on a subject.Allow the brain to relax.Learn to think and you will have a deep understanding of knowledge.4.2.2 Arranging practice tasks According to the problems, the author suggests that, teachers should give students suitable preure to make progre.Therefore, the authors hope that teachers aign the students learning task.The task can be divided into two types.The first is the cla task.The second is extracurricular task.Cla task is concentrated, which is helpful for teachers to know the students’ overall situation.The teacher can be targeted for teaching, so that it can effectively improve the students’ ability of fast reading.Extracurricular task can let the students be more familiar with reading skills.Extracurricular task is not very difficult, but it is helpful for students to practice reading skills.The students also need some books to do exercises.The book which is not suitable for students’ level is an outstanding problem.Teachers should pay more attention on the problem.4.2.3 Strengthening basic knowledge If people want to build a skyscraper, he must get enough bricks and good construction techniques.If people want to have a good harvest in language learning, he must know the basic knowledge language.Basic knowledge is the foundation of language learning.However, there is a problem about the basic knowledge.Therefore, The authors identified a number of ways to solve these problems.First, learn to infer the meanings of words through context.Learn to understand the meaning of the word without a dictionary.Learn to reduce the difficult, and sometimes you can choose to read Chinese materials, and then read English materials.Second, learn to recite the basic knowledge and lay a good foundation for future learning.Third, look for some scientific approaches to learn, for example, Situational teaching method, cooperative learning, and so on.5.Conclusion With the rapid development of economy, foreign language learning is becoming more and more important.In the foreign language learning,Reading is an important part.Reading has a very important role in many exams, such as, TOEFL, IELTS, CET4, MET4, MET8 and other profeional testing.Nowadays, in the examinations, reading eay number is increasing.This is a higher demand for English teaching.However, all levels of students have similar problems that reading speed is too slow, and unable to adapt to these examinations.Meanwhile, the cloze also has close links with reading.Therefore, in this paper, the author chooses reading comprehension ability to analyze.So far, there are many studies about reading, such as the speed of reading, reading methods and so on.However, people pay little attention to the improvement of reading ability and the expending of knowledge.So the author chooses this topic.From this paper, we can know the importance of expanding knowledge and the close relationship between the reading ability and the broadening of knowledge.In the paper, the author makes a little research about the improvement of reading comprehension ability by expanding knowledge.The author analyzes the theme from three parts.First of all, the author makes a brief introduce about the reading comprehension ability.Only when a person knows his enemies very well, he can defeat them.Only when a person knows reading ability very well, he can improve his reading ability.The reading ability is demanded by non-knowledge skills and knowledge skills.Secondly, the significations of expanding knowledge are shown.Reading and the expending of knowledge are inseparable.Knowledge skills have a close relationship with the knowledge which the students have mastered about English countries.When the students are more familiar with the knowledge, they can use le time to finish their reading efficiently.What’s more, the most important part of the paper is how to expand knowledge to improve the reading ability.The author analyzes the point from two parts--the teachers’ part and the students’ part.The students’ part is the key point.Third, the author proposes some poible problems and methods to solve them.Reading is not only important to students, but also important to teachers.The purpose of this article is to inspire people’s interest of learning through expending knowledge, and finally improve people’s English.Through the paper, the author hopes teachers should pay more attention to the expanding of knowledge and student’s reading ability can get improved.Bibliography
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At the point of finishing this paper, I’d like to expre my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper.First of all, I’d like to take this opportunity to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor,...who has given me so much useful advices on my writing, and has tried her best to improve my paper.Secondly, I’d like to expre my gratitude to my friends who offered me references and information on time.Last but not the least, I’d like to thank those who help me.Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.论文工作时间:2011年07月至2012年04月
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【英语教学法】Evaluation.Cambridge:Cambridge University Pre,1995 Brown,H.D.Princioles of Language Learning and Teaching.(3rd ed.)New Jersey:Prentice Hall,1994 E......
