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Office of Zhejiang Provincial IPR Leading Group






2品药品监管系统重点打击制售假药、利用互联网等媒体发布虚假广告及通过寄递渠道销售假药等违法行为。全系统共出动执法人员53357人次,检查涉药单位16746家,立案784起,移送司法机关13起。会同公安机关查获了安吉“11.18”假药案、台州“波立维”假药案、宁波“潘立苏”假药案等一批侵犯药品知名品牌典型案件;会同省广电系统开展了“安全用药、关注农村”电影放映的公益活动。全省农业系统共出动农业执法人员2387人次,检查种子经营网点1436个次,立案58起,涉案金额9.2万元,为农民挽回经济损失15万余元。浙江检验检疫局、宁波检验检疫局严把出口资质审查关,加强对许可证、确认书、备案书的审查。杭州海关加强对重点地区、重点出口国的货物查验,查验率从2.5%提高到5%,重点出口国的查验率不低于10%。在专项行动期间共中止放行涉嫌侵权货物953批次,涉及货物366.5万件,价值人民币933.5万元。省监察厅主动参与、积极配合,充分发挥职能作用,切实加强对全省知识产权保护工作的监督检查,尤其是加强对行政执法机关移送涉嫌违法违纪案件的监督,有效防止了有案不送、有案不办和以罚代刑等情况的发生。截至12月底,全省共出动执法人员84663人次,检查市场主体55229家,捣毁制假售假窝点138个,查处制售假冒伪劣商品案件2700余起,涉案商品总值 4873.5万元,移送公安机关31起。


二、完善政策措施,知识产权政策环境进一步优化 2010年我省相关部门积极应对金融危机,推动经济转型升级,出台一系列政策措施,知识产权政策体系得到进一步健全和完善。省知识产权局会同省商务厅为加强对流通领域知识产权保护的有效指导,制定出台了《浙江省流通领域知识产权保护试点单位认定管理办法(试行)》,认定6家流通企业为首批流通领域知识产权保护试点单位,探索建立商品流通过程中知识产权保护的长效机制。下发了《做好专利纠纷案件调解处理工作的指导意见(试行)》,加强对专利执法工作的规范指导。省工商局下发了在本省商品交易市场加强世博商标保护的通告,加强对世博会知识产权的保护。省广电局贯彻落实国家广电总局关于《广播影视知识产权战略纲要》,积极指导全省广播电视播出机构依法实施《广播电台电视台播放录音制品支付报酬暂行办法》。杭州海关积极推进中国义乌小商品市场综合监管改革,出台了《义乌市场采购小商品出口知识产权保护工作规范》。宁波海关制定发布了《侵权货物管理操作规程》、《关于货运渠道小额侵权嫌疑案件的处理意见》、《知识产权调查操作规程》、《近似商标和定牌加工问题处理意见》等规范性文件,确保进出口货物知识产权保护工作有章可循、规范办理。省高院制定了《关于加强知识产权民事审判司法建议工作的意见(试行)》、《关于审理网吧侵犯信息网络传播权纠纷案件若干问题的指导





10继续居全国第四。核准登记出版境外图书合同154件,办理涉外音像制品、电子出版物、图书和计算机软件合同登记530件;办理著作权合同备案34件。全省共查处版权侵权案件140起,其中行政处罚49件,罚没款46.8万元,3人被移送司法机关。省广电局加强互联网视听节目监管,办理网络视听服务持证单位购片合同或协议备案44家。省文化厅加强网吧著作权保护宣传和管理,对网吧擅自设立影视服务器提供影视节目的行为进行了专项检查,促进网吧行业健康有序发展。积极部署落实全国“扫黄办”和文化部重点督办案件,以打击网络游戏、网络音乐、网络动漫、电子游戏及卡拉 OK歌曲等侵权盗版行为为重点内容,以歌舞娱乐、游艺娱乐、网络文化为重点领域,以社会反响较为强烈的典型案件为重点抓手,加大市场监管力度,净化市场环境。











The Status of Intellectual Property development and Protection in Zhejiang Province in 2010

In 2010, Zhejiang Province further implemented the national strategy in intellectual property, seriously carried out the World Expo special actions of intellectual property protection and special actions to combat IPR infringement, production and sales of counterfeiting and inferior products.The province continuously improved the policy, market, and culture environments of intellectual property, energetically enhanced indigenous innovation capability, and actively carried out exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries.New progre in intellectual property has been achieved.I.Carrying out special actions to firmly promote IPR protection 1.World Expo special action of IPR protection succefully implemented.In February, the State Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Public Security and other six relevant departments iued the special IPR protection action plan for World Expo.Zhejiang Province conscientiously implemented the eence of intellectual property protection in World Expo.The province studied and formulated the main points and work plan of provincial special actions for intellectual property protection during the World Expo.Concerned departments of the province contributed a fruitful work to special action.The system of Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office conducted unified law enforcement at provincial, municipal and county levels, deployed more than 900 law enforcement officers, checked supermarkets and specialized markets more than 170 times, examined nearly 60,000 items of commodities, investigated and punished 30 cases of patent violations.The system of provincial public security established a liaison regulation, further improved the emergency

718inspection in government organizations, and promoted the software legalization at all levels of government agencies and backbone enterprises of key industries.The system of provincial copyright also carried out special “Sword Net Action” to combat Internet infringement and piracy, filed 138 cases, amerced RMB 336,000, closed 51 illegal websites, and transferred 2 cases to the public security organs.The system of provincial quality supervision determined auto parts, small electric appliances, artificial wood board products as priorities, carried out on-site joint inspection in conjunction with public security and commodity inspection authorities, focused on investigating unlicensed production, counterfeiting and other illegal activities.A number of cases such as faking up the name and site of Panasonic(Shanghai)Corporation and “SIEMENS”-brand plugs were uncovered.The system of provincial cultural administration focused on the inspection and supervision of online games and online music website, dispatched 25,000 person/times of law enforcement officers, checked busine units 36,000 times, filed 34 cases, closed 26 cases, transferred 5 cases to judicial organs, destroyed 12 dens of illegal busine, confiscated 115,000 illegal items(book, CDROM)involving RMB245,000.The system of provincial food and drug administration focused on combating illegal behaviors such as production and sales of fake drugs, false online advertising or mailing of fake medicines.The whole system dispatched 53,357 person/times of law enforcement officers, checked 16,746 drug-involved units, filed 784 cases, and transferred 13 cases to judicial organs.In conjunction with public security organs, the system cracked a number of cases of counterfeiting famous drug brands such as “11.18” fake medicine case in Anji County, “Plavix” fake medicine case in Taizhou City and “pantoprazole” fake medicine case in Ningbo City, and carried out commonweal activities of “safe drug use, taking attention to countryside” film shows in conjunction with the provincial radio and television systems.The system of provincial agricultural administration dispatched 2387 person/times of agriculture law enforcement officers, checked seed busine outlets 1436 times, filed 58 cases with value of RMB92,000, saved economic lo of RMB15 million for farmers.Zhejiang and Ningbo Commodity Inspection & Quarantine Authorities carried out strict qualification examination to export goods, and strengthened the review of license, confirmation and memorandum.Hangzhou Customs strengthened inspection of goods exported to key areas and countries, increased random check rate from 2.5% to 5%, particularly the random check rate to key countries being no le than 10%.During the special actions, Hangzhou Customs suspended green light of a total of 953 batches of suspected infringing goods, involving 3.665 million pieces of goods worth RMB 9.335 million.Zhejiang Provincial Supervision Department actively participated in and cooperated with relevant law enforcement departments, fully performed its functions, effectively strengthened the supervision and inspection of IPR protection in the whole province.It particularly strengthened the supervision of laws on transferring cases by enforcement organs to judicial organs so as to effectively prevent cases from being improperly handled or just punished with fine instead.As at the end of December, all systems in the whole province dispatched 84,663 law enforcement officers, checked 55,229 market entities, destroyed 138 dens of production and sales of counterfeit and inferior goods, investigated and prosecuted more than 2,700 cases with case value of RMB48.735 million, transferred 31 cases to public security organs.In-depth implementation of above-mentioned two special actions purified market environment for investment, ensured the succe of World Expo and further promoted indigenous innovation in our province.II.Improving the policies and measures and further optimizing the environment of intellectual property policy

In 2010, relevant departments of the province actively dealt with the financial crisis, promoted economic restructuring and upgrading, released a series of policy and measures, and further improved the system of intellectual property policies.Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office in conjunction with Department

122technical standards, organized the province's enterprises to formulate 4 international standards, 307 national standards and 263 industrial standards, among which Zhejiang’s enterprises were as the first draft units in 4 standards, 129 standards and 128 standards respectively.Zhejiang has accumulatively participated in formulating 39 international standards, 1962 national standards and 1589 industry standards respectively.Zhejiang has further improved famous brand cultivating policies with the emphasis inclined to high-tech and indigenous innovative products.In the whole year, Zhejiang added 175 Zhejiang famouos brands of industrial products and 14 regional famous brands.In the newly added famous brands of industrial products, there are 33.3% products gained award for science and technology progre at or above provincial level or national new products..IV.Gradually Popularizing Intellectual Property Culture by Strengthening Promoting and Training

In 2010, all localities and departments carried out a series of IPR promoting and training activities.Office of Zhejiang Provincial IP Leading Group organized the “4.26” IPR Promotion Week activity, and attended “the Second Pre Conference of Yangtze River Delta Region on IPR Development and Protection” in Nanjing in conjunction with the Offices of Shanghai Municipal and Jiangsu Provincial IP Coordination Organs.Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office and the IPR Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Lawyers Aociation organized circuit lectures of IPR protection in all 11 cities in the province, held 27 lectures with more than 1,600 companies attended.Zhejiang Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bureau launched an activity of “five-year construction achievement tour and award” on the theme of Brand Zhejiang, showing the brand construction achievements of Zhejiang in five years, publishing the report of Zhejiang trademark and brand development, presenting top-ten exemplary towns implementing trademark brand strategy, top-ten brand exemplary bases, top-ten brand exemplary organizations making peasant rich, top-ten brand service exemplary and guidance stations and top-ten exemplary businees with registered trademark outside China.Zhejiang Provincial Copyright Bureau launched a campaign on the theme of “protecting genuine version, combating piracy version” by presenting ads on bus body and airport waiting hall.Hangzhou carried out copyright promotion with the platform of the Sixth International Animation Festival, registered copyright of animation work on the exhibition and collectively exhibited them.Hangzhou Customs carried out promotion activity on the “4.26--World Intellectual Property Day”, “8.8--Customs Legal System Promotion Day” and “12.4--National Legal System Promotion Day”, putting emphasis on the customs protection of intellectual property.Ningbo Customs carried out the promotion of “Ordinance of Customs IPR Protection”, paing the customs new policies of IPR protection to the hands of busine.In the pre conference of IPR Protection in Ningbo City, Ningbo Customs informed its work of IPR Protection to the media.Zhejiang Provincial High Court continuously enhanced judicial promotion efforts through various channels and upgraded social influence of IPR judicial protection.The High Court invited representatives of foreign government agencies in China and 40 internal and external media to attend “the meeting on 2010 IPR trial work of Zhejiang Courts”.In a pre conference of intellectual property, The High Court announced the province's 2010 Top-Ten typical IPR cases.The High Court published 2473 documents of effective adjudication to IPR adjudication document network.Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jiaxing and Shaoxing cities also carried out IPR promotional activities in various forms.Carrying out IPR training in depth.Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office carried out intellectual property training with unremitting efforts.In 2010, the provincial office held 14 training courses of patent administrative law enforcement.The provincial science and technology(intellectual property)system put into total funds of RMB6.544 million for training, held 726 training courses and trained 63,000 persons together.According to statistics, in the “Eleventh

526Delta Region customs to promote the coordination and interaction of law enforcement.Ningbo Customs held talks with the delegation of U.S.Customs to China, introduced the customs work of IPR protection, and discued the iues of goods disposal, risk analysis and law enforcement cooperation.According to the cooperation framework of intellectual property protection between China-EU customs, Ningbo Customs informed three cases of infringement to the EU, and conducted verification and feedback of 11 cases according to the clues provided by the EU.Zhejiang Provincial High People's Court undertook to hold ”the Forum of Seven Provinces and One city on Judicial Protection of Copyright “ consigned by Supreme Court, mutually dispatched personnel for holding temporary posts and exchanging experience with the Patent Reexamination Board of State Intellectual Property Office of China, and invited representatives of bar aociations and patent agencies and academic leaders of IPR profeion in universities to hold a forum on judicial protection of intellectual property rights.VI.Obtaining New Achievements in IPR Protection(1)Patent Protection

In 2010, there were 120,742 patent applications, among which, 114,643 patents are granted in the province, increasing 11.2% and 43.4% compared with last year respectively.Among these, 18,027 applications were invention patents and 6410 were granted, increasing 15.2% and 33 % respectively.In the end of ”Eleventh Five-Year“ period, the amount of patent applications and granted patent increased by 179.35% and 501.61% compared with at the end of ”Tenth Five-year“ respectively.The indicators such as annual applications and granted patents as well as the amount of patents owned by every ten thousand people are at top rank in China.176 patent applications to foreign countries received central government funding with RMB10.63 million.A design patent won Gold Prize in the 12th China Design Award and 6 patents won Excellence Prize of China Patent Award.The province handled 4532 patent license contracts, accounting for 47.1% of the total amount registered to the national government, with the registered amount of RMB 134 million.The province had a total of 43 patent agencies and 26 offices employing more than 800 people including 267 patent attorneys.The province registered 123 cases of patent disputes and violations and closed 106 cases, among which, included 32 cases of counterfeit patents, increasing 92.4% and 89.3% compared with 2009 respectively.The claim settlement rate was 86.1%..Patent Reexamination Board of SIPO investigated 34 cases at circuit courts in the province by oral hearing.(2)Protection of Trademark and Trade Name

In 2010, the province increased 6299 new trademarks registered outside China.The total trademarks registered outside China reached 44,600, including 28,800 international trademark registrations of the Madrid system, and continuously keeps first in the rank of the country.The province increased 108,000 new registered trademarks that accumulated to a total of 518,000 registered trademarks.46 new well-known trademarks are added that accumulated to a total of 334.303 new famous trademarks are added that accumulated to a total of 2564.15,000 new agricultural product trademarks are registered that accumulated to a total of 65,000.1 05 well-known trade names newly evaluated that accumulated to a total of 887.11 new brand bases are added that accumulated to a total of 78.The province investigated and punished 8382 cases of trademark infringement and transferred 85 cases concerning 89 persons to judicial organs.(3)Copyright protection and Management of Cultural Market

Zhejiang Provincial Copyright Bureau registered 11051 copyright for all kinds of works, growing 62.16% compared with 2009, ranking the second in the whole country.6398 computer software are newly registered, continuously ranking the fourth in the whole country.The provincial authority approved the registration of 154 contracts of overseas book, 530 contract registration of foreign audio-visual products, electronic publications, books and computer software, and 34 contract registration of copyright.140 cases of copyright infringement were investigated, among which, 49 cases were punished with administrative penalties of

930a year-on-year basis.The infringing goods involved many international brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Philips, Gucci, Christian Dior, BMW, Mercedes, Longines, Omega, and several domestic well-known trademarks such as tiger head and three-ring.In 2010, Ningbo Customs suspended the release of 801 batches of goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights, increasing 75% on a year-on-year basis;involving 1476 intellectual property rights, increasing 61% on a year-on-year basis.Total value is worth about RMB113.77 million, increasing 135% on a year-on-year basis.Ningbo Customs checked and detained approximately 56,590,000 pieces of infringing goods, increasing 34% on a year-on-year basis.The goods mainly were Nike and Adidas clothing and shoes, Gucci and ”RAY.BAN“ sunglaes and so on.The Customs iued 228 risk pre-control instructions, seized 154 batches of infringing goods with an infringement capture rate of 68%.(8)Cracking down IPR Crimes by the Public Security Organs In 2010, the public security organs of the province performed by law the functions of criminal protection of intellectual property rights, and firmly pushed forward IPR criminal protection surrounding ”World Expo“ and ”Showing Sword“ special action, with the cut-in points of detecting case, fighting crime and propagating crime prevention.Over the past year, the province's public security organs investigated 309 cases of suspected criminal IPR infringement, cracked down 224 cases and arrested 403 suspects.The public security organs continuously strengthened coordination and cooperation with administrative law enforcement departments and improved effective engagement between the criminal justice and administrative law enforcement.Throughout the year they accepted the transfer of 297 cases of suspected infringement from administrative law enforcement departments, registered and investigated 146 cases.The province's public security organs strengthened the cooperation of IPR criminal protection in Yangtze River Delta region.They promoted case management and succefully cracked a batch of cases, such as illicit manufacture, printing, storage and sale of counterfeit World Expo products and World Expo tickets, illicit production and sale of counterfeit anti-cancer medicine by Chinese American, and illicit production and sale of fake well-known ”Eral" clothing.(9)Cracking down IPR Crimes by Procuratorial organs

In 2010, the procuratorial organs in the whole province accepted the submiions of 82 IPR criminal cases involving 117 suspects, and approved 75 cases and arresting 106 persons.The procuratorial organs prosecuted 129 cases involving 255 persons, including 47 cases involving 93 persons of counterfeiting trademarks, 20 cases involving 38 persons of production and the sale of counterfeit trademark products, 31 cases involving 58 persons of illegal manufacture and sale of registered trademark marks, 2 cases involving 6 persons of copyright infringement, 7 cases involving 12 persons of violating trade secrets, and 22 cases involving 48 persons of violating intellectual property rights contained in other crimes.In handling cases, the procuratorial organs at all levels strengthened the power of handling IPR criminal cases in accordance with requirements, fulfilled the arrest and prosecution efficiently by law, and carried out legal supervision on the investigation and trial in time.(10)Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

In 2010, the province's courts accepted 4,939 cases of IPR civil disputes, increasing 74.03% on a year-on-year basis.Among them, 2,729 cases are of copyright dispute, increasing 141.93%.,979 cases of trademark disputes, increasing 49.01%., 1020 cases of patent disputes, increasing 23.04%, 83 cases of technology contracts, decreasing 16 cases, 471 cases of unfair competition, decreasing 11 cases, and 81 cases of other intellectual property, increasing 14 cases.The province's courts further strengthened the power of crackdown to IPR crime, In 2010, 109 IPR criminal cases and 240 criminals were sentenced in first instance, increasing 13.7% compared with 2009.The province's courts supervised and supported IPR administrative organs' work by law, newly accepted and



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