
2020-02-27 其他范文 下载本文


Brief Introduction

Charlie Simms is a student at a private preparatory school, though is one of few students there from a modest background, attending on scholarship.To pay for his flight home to Gresham, Oregon for Christmas, Charlie takes a job over Thanksgiving looking after a cantankerous, irascible retired U.S.Army Lt.Colonel named Frank Slade, who is now blind and prone to alcoholism.But on night, Charlie, along with a friend George Willis, Jr.was witne to a notorious act of vandalism at the school, and is being preured by the school's headmaster Trask to divulge the names of the perpetrators, which they both know.When Charlie refuses to talk, Trask offers a bribe: a letter of recommendation that would virtually guarantee his acceptance to Harvard.But, Charlie still says nothing.During the Thanksgiving Day, colonel took Charlie to New York City.Colonel has a room reserved at the Waldorf-Astoria.During dinner at the Oak Room, he reveals the purpose for the trip: to eat at an expensive restaurant, stay at a luxury hotel, visit his big brother, make love to a beautiful woman, and then

Then , they travel to the Colonel's older brother's home for Thanksgiving dinner.Charlie tells colonel about his complications at school.Later, Charlie and colonel encounter a beautiful young woman.The blind Colonel takes her for a tango on the restaurant's dancing floor.The next morning, Charlie carried colonel to have a ride by Ferrari.When they return, Charlie found colonel preparing to shoot himself.Charlie’s words make him give up.On the auditorium stage, colonel finishes with a speech on the nature of integrity, defending Charlie's choice to be silent.The commit was moved by colonel’s speech.They decided that Charlie be excused from any further response to the matter.In the end of this film, Colonel was playful with his niece's children.Colonel finds the beauty of life finally.Appreciation

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers

Lt.Colonel Frank Slade was a hero;Lt.Colonel Frank Slade was an excellent soldier;Lt.Colonel Frank Slade even once was an aide of president;Lt Colonel Frank Slade received a lot of honors, Whereas, he is an embittered, lonely, blind veteran now.His world in dark now, all of those glorious things have gone.The world has kied his soul with its pain, so he return in angry.Colonel became a cynical person, curse other and hurt himself.Charlie’s coming was unexpected but didn’t change colonel’s plan---kill himself after their touring.Two men encountered and it changed both of their lives.Man barricades against himself when he was in pain, so does Colonel.He decided to lavish his rest life, he plans to have a little tour of pleasures: stay in a first-cla hotel, eat an agreeable meal, drink a nice gla of wine, see his big brother, make love to a terrific woman., and then “blow his brains out.” let the life be beautiful like summer flowers.Death like autumn leaves.If you shed tears when you mi the sun, you also mi the stars.That’s what the Tagore said in Stray Birds.Colonel loses his paion, so he decided to suicide.But at the same time, he also loses the opportunity of finding the beauty of life.He has made his weapons his gods, when his weapons win he is defeated himself.When colonel went to visit his bother, the Closest Family member in the world, what he got is the dislike from his nephew—ruddy.What he did in the past is fight against everyone, even include his family.People couldn’t understand hate him..Living for him, is a kind of torture.But death, is a way of moksa(佛教、印度教、耆那教中的)解脱,从轮回中得到解脱).The sadne of his soul is her bride’s veil.It waits to be lifted in the night.When colonel back to hotel from his bother’s home, he feels lonely in his deep heart.We can see the sorrow in his face.The strongest soldier has the softest heart.The tough surface couldn’t hide the soft heart.When the night comes, everything was revealed in the dark: Solitude, sorrow, pains, fears……Death like autumn leaves.We live in this world when we love it.When colonel tried to shot himself, Charlie gives him a piece of hope.He said:” I’ll give you two reasons.You can dance the tango and drive the Ferrari better than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

Tango---one of the most paionate dances in the world.Ferrari---one of the most fabulous sports cars in the world.Both of them can represent a love for life.Colonel shouldn’t to suicide.He still has the love for life.“If by life you were deceived, don’t be dismal, don't be wild!In the day of grief, be mild, merry days will come, believe.” It is Charlie who let colonel realized his strength in his character sees the meaning of living and regains his self-confident.Charlie’s compaion, courage, integrity have saved colonel’s life.We love, we live.The actor---Al Pacino’s performance was fabulous, astonishing and amazing.Look at the history of film, it was so difficult to find such a complicated role than this: Violent, conceited, depreion, lust, honest and compaionate.But Pacino act naturally.I have been doubt whether he was really blind.He looks like a real blind man in this film.The way he watch, the way he walk, the way he says, all of these features made people was touched by his perform.When you saw the tango part, the blind man was so immersed in dancing , as if you were brought to this rounded dancing floor, and you were the person he danced with.Pacino is the colonel.Because of him, this film became a claical movie.


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