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This Contract is hereby concluded between the parties concerned through friendly negotiation as to the construction matters of this project on the principle of equality, voluntarine, fairne and good faith according to the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative laws and regulations.一、工程概况:
I.Project Profile:
Project content: Three floors with reinforced concrete structure;construction area: 606M2
Ma construction project shall be attached with a schedule of the contracting projects of the contractor(Annex 1)
Project approval No.: HJJJZ [2006] No.60
Capital source: Foreign capital
II.Contracting Scope
Contracting scope: Civil engineering, decoration, water and power installation and other projects
VI.Documents Forming Part of the Contract
Documents forming part of the Contract include1、本合同协议书
1.The Contract Agreement2、中标通知书
2.Bid-winning Notice3、投标书及其附件
3.Tender Document and Its Appendix4、本合同专用条款
4.Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract5、本合同通用条款
5.General Terms and Conditions of this Contract6、标准、规范及有关技术文件
6.Standard, Specifications and Relevant Technical Documents7、图纸
8.Bill of Quantities9、工程报价或预算书
9.Engineering Bid or Budget Statement
The negotiations, changes and other written agreements or documents between the parties regarding this project are deemed as an integral part of this Contract.七、本协议书中有关词语含义与本合同第二部份《通用条款》中分别赋予它们的定义相同。
VII.The words in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as are aigned to them in Part II of this Contract – General Terms and Conditions.八、承包人向发包人承诺按照合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任。VIII.The contractor promises the employer to construct and complete this project according to the
stipulations of this Contract and aume this project’s quality-guarantee responsibilities within the quality warranty period.九、发包人向承包人承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。
IX.The employer promises the contractor to pay the contract price and other accounts payable according to the term and mode agreed in this Contract.十、合同生效
X.Execution of Contract
The parties in this Contract agree: This Contract shall take effect upon the signatures of legal
representatives or entrusted agents.合同工期总日历天数90天
Total calendar days in the Contract Period: 90 days