Once again, outside in the open air, I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I'd prepared in advance for inter views with the patients of the atomic ward.Among them was the question: Do you really think that Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan? I never asked it.But I could read the answer in every eye.从医院出来,我又一次地撕碎了一个小笔记本,那上面记着我预先想好准备在采访原子病区的病人时提问的一些问题,其中有一个问题就是:你是否真的认为广岛是日本最充满活力的城市?我一直没问这问题,但我已能从每个人的眼神中体会出这个问题的答案。
Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endle summer of freedom and adventure.In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obseed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.在大多数美国人的心 目中,马克?吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克?费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆?索亚在 漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。的确,这位美国最受人喜爱的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫 气质及幽默笔调都达到了登峰造极的程度。但我发现还有另一个不同的马克?吐温——一个由于深受人生悲 剧的打击而变得愤世嫉俗、尖酸刻薄的马克?吐温,一个为人类品质上的弱点而忧心忡忡、明显地看到前途 是一片黑暗的人
Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved ones: his father, dying of pneumonia when Sam was 12;his brother Henry, killed by a steamboat explosion;the death of his son, Langdon, at 19 months.His eldest daughter, Susy, died of spinal meningitis , Mrs.Clemens succumbed to a heart attack in Florence, and youngest daughter., Jean, an epileptic, drowned in an upstairs bathtub.马克?吐温的一生都笼罩在悲剧的阴影之中,自己的亲人一个接一个地去世:他的父亲在他十二岁那年死于肺炎,他的兄弟亨利在一次汽船爆炸事故中遇难;他的儿子朗顿才满十九个月即离开人世。他的大女儿苏茜死于脊膜炎;克莱门斯夫人在佛罗伦萨死于心脏病;而他的小女儿也因癫痫病的发作淹死在楼上的浴盆里。
Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end of our planet, in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean.After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner – only three and a half feet thick – and a nuclear submarine hovered in the water below.After it crashed through the ice, took on its new paengers, and resubmerged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickne of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a re-suit of global warming.I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U.S.Navy to secure the re-lease of previously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap.Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowcape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or “preure ridges ” of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide.But here too, CD, levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature will rise with them – indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidly in the polar regions than in the rest of the world.As the polar air warms, the ice her e will thin;and since the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world's weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrous.两年半以后,在地球的另一端,在寒冷至极的北冰洋上漂浮的一块十二英尺厚的冰板上搭起的小帐篷里我又体验到了在午的阳光下睡觉的滋味。饱吃了一顿早餐后,我和同伴们一起乘雪防滑汽车北行数英里,到了约定会合地点,那儿的冰层较薄--有三英尺半厚--水下有一艘核潜艇在那儿徘徊着。潜艇破冰上来,载上新的乘客后又潜了下去。我也就开始同那些正设法以高的精确度测量极地冰帽厚度的科学家们进行交谈。许多人认北极冰层由于地球气候的转暖而正在变薄。此前我刚刚通过谈使美国海军方面与研究北极冰层的科学家达成协议,向他们提由水下声纳系统探测得到的本来属于最高机密的有关资料,这资料有助于他们了解北极冰层所发生的情况。现在我想实地考一下北极极点。我们登上潜艇约八个小时后,潜艇冲破冰层浮上面。于是,我便置身于一片神奇瑰丽的冰雪世界中。雪原上寒风劲扫,银光闪耀,其边缘则是一道由连绵起伏的小冰丘或由冰席相撞、相互挤压而形成小型山脉的冰层“压脊”勾勒出的地平线。但即使在这儿,空气中二氧化碳的含量也在不断上升,最后气温也必然会随之上升--事实上,地球气候变暖会使南北极地区在气温上升的速度上远高于世界的其他地区。随着极地气温的升高,这里的冰层会融化变薄。由于南北极的冰帽对全球的气候有着至关重要的调节作用,它们的融化将会带来灾难性的后果。
But one doesn't have to travel around the world to witne humankind's aault(1.攻击, 猛袭, 突袭)(1.袭击, 殴打;强暴)on the earth.Images that signal the distre of our global environment are now commonly seen almost anywhere.On some nights, in high northern latitudes, the sky itself offers another ghostly image that signals the lo of ecological balance now in progre.If the sky is clear after sunset--and it you are watching from a place where pollution hasn't blotted out the night sky altogether--you can sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky.This “noctilucent cloud” occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkne;shimmering above us with a translucent whitene, these clouds seem quite unnatural.And they should: noctilucent clouds have begun to appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere.(Also called natural gas, methane is released from landfills , from coal mines and rice paddies, from billions of termite(1.白蚁)s that swarm through the freshly cut forestland, from the burning of bioma and from a variety of other human activities.)Even though noctilucent clouds were sometimes seen in the past., all this extra methane carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere, where it condense s at much higher altitudes to form more clouds that the sun's rays still strike long after sunset has brought the beginning of night to the surface far beneath them.人们也不一定非要周游世界才能目睹人类对地球的破坏。今天的世界上,预示着地球生态危机的景象已是随处可见。在北方高纬度地区,夜晚的天空有时也会呈现出另一种预示地球上日趋严重的生态失衡的阴森景象。假如日落后天空明朗无云--而且你又置身于一个空气污染还没有严重到足以完全遮蔽夜空的地方进行观察的话--你会看见天空高处有时会出现一种奇异的云团。这种“夜光云团”偶尔出现于夜幕开始笼罩大地的时候,它呈半透明的白色,在高空中闪烁发光,看起来颇不像自然之物。其实,这种云团也确非自然之物:近年来由于大气中甲烷含量的大幅度增高,夜光云团的出现频率也随着上升了。(甲烷又称天然气,它产生于填土、煤矿、糠壳、新砍伐的林地里群聚的白蚁、燃烧生物以及人类许多其他的活动过程中。)虽说过去天空偶尔也出现过夜光云团,但大气层中所含的那些过量的甲烷会将更多的水蒸气带到高层大气中;水蒸气在更高处凝结,会形成更厚的云层,夜幕降临以后很久,这些位于高空的云层下方还在受着太阳光的照射。
Besides, I do not want to become involved in discuion.I observe with amusement how totally the concerns of the world, which once absorbed me to the exclusion of all else except an occasional relaxation with poetry or music, have lost interest for me eve to the extent of a bored distaste.Doubtle some instinct impels me gluttonously to cram these the last weeks of my life with the gentler things I never had time for, releasing some suppreed inclination which in fact was always latent.Or maybe Laura's unwitting influence has called it out.况且,我也不想陷入讨论的旋涡。我有趣地发觉,自己过去除偶尔借诗歌或音乐消遣放松一下外,一心专注的世界大事现在不仅是索然无味,而且简直是令人厌烦了。这无疑是自己受某种本能的驱使,要贪婪地用一些过去无暇享受的赏心乐事来填补自己生命中的最后几周,释放那些在过去虽受到压抑但一直潜伏在自己心中的欲望。也许是劳拉的无意的影响唤起了我心中的欲望。
The young moon lies on her back tonight as is her habit in the tropics, and as, I think, is suitable if not seemly for a virgin.Not a star but might not shoot down and accept the invitation to become her lover.When all my fellow-paengers have finally dispersed to bed, I creep up again to the deserted deck and slip into the swimming pool and float, no longer what people believe me to be, a middle-aged journalist taking a holiday on an ocean-going liner, but a liberated being, bathed in()mythological water s, an Endymion young and strong, with a god for his father and a vision of the world inspired from Olympus.今夜的一弯新月仰面斜躺在天空,这是月亮在热带地区常见的姿势。在我看来,这种姿势对一个少女来说虽说有些不雅,但却还是适宜的。没有哪一颗星星不愿飞射下来接受邀请做她的情人。当船上的其他乘客最后一个个都回舱就寝之后,我一个人又悄悄爬上空荡荡的甲板,滑入游泳池,在水面上浮游着。这时我已不再是人们所熟悉的那位在远洋海轮上度假的中年记者了,而是一个无拘无束的沐浴着天池神水的自由快乐的人,就像神话中那位有天神作父亲并有一双奥林匹斯山诸神所赐的观察人世的慧眼的年轻健壮的恩底弥翁。
In an odd way the two leaders diminished each other They were both Number One Men.But that was impoible.who, then, was Number One? Roosevelt stood a full head taller ,but he was pathetically braced on lifele leg frames, clinging to his son's arm, his full trousers drooped and flapping.Churchill, a bent Pickwick in blue uniform, looked up at him with majestic good humor, much older, more dignified, more aured.Yet there was a trace of deference about the Prime Minister.By a shade of a shade, Roosevelt looked like Number One.Maybe that was what Hopkins had meant by "the changing of the guard.这两位领导人以一种奇特的方式贬抑对方。他们两位都是头号人物,但这又是不可能的,两个人不可能同时都是第一。那么,究竟谁是第一呢?罗斯福站着比丘吉尔高出一个头,然而他却是可怜地由两根没有生命的假腿支撑着,紧依在儿子的胳膊上,长裤空荡荡地迎风飘动着。丘吉尔呢,看起来像一个穿着蓝制服的驼背的匹克威克,他抬头看着罗斯福,神态庄重而又亲切。比起罗斯福来,他老成一些,神态更威严,也更自信。不过,从这位首相身上还是可以看出一些钦佩罗斯福的神色来。罗斯福看起来有那么一丁点儿更像第一号人物。或许这就是霍普金斯所说的“换岗”的意思吧。
The staffs got right to busine and conferred all day.Victor Henry worked with the planners, on the level below the chiefs of staff and their deputies where Burne-Wilke operated, and of course far below the summit of the President, the Prime Minister, and their advisers.Familiar problems came up at once: exceive and contradictory requests from the British services, unreal plans, unfilled contacts, jumbled priorities, fouled communications.参谋人员立即开始工作,全天开会。维克多·亨利与作战计划人员一起开会,勃纳?沃克就参加这一层的会议,级别上低于参谋282长们及其副手们,当然比总统、首相及其顾问.的最高级会议低得多。一开始就碰到了熟悉的老问题:来自英国军方的要求太过分,又互相矛盾,计划不现实,合同没兑现,须优先照顾的顺序一团糟,通讯联络混乱不清。
The military men were talking together, except for Admiral King, who stood woodenly apart.Pug walked up to him, saluted, and in the fewest poible words recount-ed his talk with Burne-Wilke.The lines along King's lean Jaws deepened.He nodded twice and strolled away, without a word.He did not go anywhere.It was just a gesture of dismial, and a convincing one.军官们都聚在一堆交谈,只有海军上将金神情木然地独立站在一旁。帕格走上前去,敬了个礼,然后尽量简明扼要地汇报了他同勃纳.沃克的谈话情况。金的瘦削的下巴上的皱纹加深了。他点了两下头,一言不发地走开了。他并不是要走到哪里去,他的那种动作只是为了示意让亨利离开,而且是一种坚决有力的表不。
Never Give In, Never, Never, NeverAlmost a year has paed since I came down here at your Head Master's kind invitation in order to cheer myself and cheer the he......
高级英语一课文翻译高级英语是高等教育自学考试英语专业高级阶段(本科)的精读课,属于必考课程。下面小编收集了高级英语课文翻译,供大家阅读。我为什么写作Lesson 12: Why I Writ......
第六课 马克•吐温——美国的一面镜子在大多数美国人的心目中,马克•吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克•费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆•索亚在漫长的夏日里自......
