我们改变了常见的阅读课老师精讲知识点和语法现象,学生只管听课和做笔记的课堂教学模式。为了切实提高学生课堂的自主阅读能力,我们形成了一套高效课堂模式:课前话题交流—任务阅读—小组讨论—呈现。从Duty report起,学生上台报告自主阅读的内容或推介优美文章或与学习内容相关的背景资料介绍。阅读阶段由学生自主阅读然后相互讨论,提出小组讨论后还不能解决的问题,交全班讨论或老师解疑。然后,学生总结本堂课所学的阅读技能和呈现阅读后的收获。这种课堂模式能很好地提升学生的兴趣和综合能力。
课例:以模块三一单元为例,我们安排了如下学生活动,充分体现了学生自主学习的原则: Step1自学评价(阅读并填上适当的单词使文章完整)
Our senses are the way we find out about the world we live in.We learn with our senses.We see with our eyes, and sight tells us about things ___1 are outside of our bodies.Our eyes give us pictures, or images, of the way things look.You can see to read, to tell 2 you're going, to play games or to find your friends.Your eyes show you light, color, shape, and size.Your eyes can help you decide how far something is.Some people cannot see things as well as other people.Young people can usually see 3 than older people.When they have trouble seeing things that are close but can see things that are far away easily, they are called farsighted.When the opposite happens, and they can't see things that are far away 4 can see things that are near, they are called nearsighted.Wearing glaes helps correct seeing problems„.该活动选取了单元话题(The world of our senses),让学生先通过自主阅读,了解要学习的相关知识与词汇,同时为Free talk做准备。Step2课堂互动: Free talk: if neceary.1.Have you ever experienced a foggy day? 2.What sense(s)did you use more? 3.How did you feel? 4.Anything special happened? 这个活动以口头交流的形式,达到课外阅读辅助课堂有效学习的良好效果,课前老师都会布置学生对所要教学话题搜集有关知识与材料,学生们因此有话可说,从而培养了学生对话题的敏感性.Step 3 自主探究
Task 1 Elements of stories A plot(what): a woman lost in the fog was helped by an old man Main characters(who): a woman and an old man A certain time period(when): one afternoon A place(where): a foggy city A problem to be solved(how): how she could get home A climax or a surprise ending: the old man was blind Task 2:Read the story carefully & try to find the route(路线)that Polly took home.And how many places mentioned about the route? Task 3 Finish off C1 and C2 Step 4 Discuion 1.What is the personality(性格特点)of the old man? 2.What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man? Step 5 Presentation Each group choose a representative to present their opinions.这种模式创设有利于培养学生的自主学习能力与探究能力,有了明确的任务学生就能在Talk about your experience in a fog with the help of the following questions 课堂上有目的地阅读,教师给予方法上的点拨,学生在阅读的过程中不断的获取信息、分析信息、整合信息,形成阅读方法,提高阅读技能。在学生充分阅读文章之后,又设计了读后活动,目的就是学生再接受了一系列的语言输入后,进行语言输出的练习,联系实际学以致用,让学生有成就感,真正达到提高能力的目的。
在高三的阅读课堂教学中,我们精心研究每篇文章的特点,针对不同文体设计提高某种阅读技能的学案来提高学生的阅读能力。如:Module9 Unit1 Other countries, other cultures,这篇文章是介绍加拿大各大城市特点的文章,我们设计了阅读细节理解题Scan the text(P2-3)and choose the best answers according to the text: 1.In which city is the tallest tower in the world located? A.Montreal B.Toronto C.Vancouver D.Edmonton 2.Why does Montreal has a wonderful mix of Old World and New World? A.Because it’s the largest French-speaking city in the world.B.Because Quebec was once lost to the British.C.Because it’s a port and the second largest city in Canada.D.Because Quebec was originally colonized by France and its population is still over 70 per cent French.3.Which of the following facts about the Edmonton mall is wrong? A.It is in the city of Edmonton.B.It is said to be the largest pedestrian mall in the world.C.It has an area of more than 20 football pitches.D.It attracts over 55,000 customers every year.4.Which of the following city is best for skiing according to the text? A.Toronto.B.Edmonton.C.Montreal
D.Vancouver.5.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the paage? A.Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to China.B.Toronto is the largest city in Canada.C.Maple syrup is Canada’s most famous food.D.Canada was named the best country in the world to live in by the UN in 1996.又如:对于Module10 Unit1 Building the future Give a man a fish(我们设置了以下的简答题:
Read the paage and answer the following questions:
1.What was the concert held by Bob Geldof in 1985 for?(no more than10 words)2.Why is food aid alone not enough to help poor countries?(no more than 12 words)3.What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty?(no more than 4 words)4.Why is it better to teach a man than to fish to give him a fish?(no more than 16 words)通过这些阅读教学活动的开展,学生的各种阅读技能就会一步步提升,同时也与高考对学生的阅读能力考查题相接轨。
二.外修以致乐读。外修即学生的课外自主阅读。我们的课题开始时注重通过各种课外阅读活动培养学生的阅读兴趣。我们通过校园广播站播放英文名篇和金曲,各班组建英语阅读角,每年级的阅览室增添适合学生阅读的英文报刊杂志,让学生随时有新鲜读物可读。我们编写了两本《Enjoy Reading》。上册旨在培养学生阅读兴趣,不设阅读题。下册旨在配合阅读技能指导课,是阅读技能提升练习。这些文章全部从英语网站下载改编,贴近学生生活,并对学生的心理成长有指导意义,很受学生欢迎。我们在各年级成立英语社。然后英语社成员在老师指导下在各班成立了英语兴趣读书小组,教室里不断更新学生作品,如手抄报、研究性成果展、漫画词汇一览等,既增添了文化气息,又激发了学生读书摘抄的积极性。我们还以年级为单位,开展“英语活动月活动”,组织“英语阅读比赛”、“英语风采大赛”、“英语故事比赛”、“课本剧比赛”、“英语手抄报比赛”、“读书笔记展”等自主阅读分享活动。而且,我们利用课堂对传统的“值日生报告”进行改进,要求值日生利用值日机会复述阅读的内容。并且每两周开设一节阅读分享课,由学习小组轮流主持,让学生在课堂上展示他们自主阅读的成果如故事﹑新闻短剧﹑诗歌等。通过这些活动,学生自主阅读兴趣浓积极性高。下面是在阅读分享课上吴昱瑶同学给班上分享的一本好书:All for happine and happine for all(向幸福伸出你的手)的课件内容,这些资料全部由她自己整理并和大家分享:
Slide 1:《向幸福伸出你的手》高中版美文精选摘自《学生双语报》,经外籍专家审阅,从优秀的英文佳作中筛选出数百篇美文,悉心校订编撰而成。《向幸福伸出你的手》将生活的点滴放大,让你感悟幸福人生的真谛。
Slide 2: 本书中的文章短小精悍、清新自然、蕴意十足,按生活、情感、旅游、哲理、幽默、文化分类,每卷文章前都设有卷首语。感人至深的情感美文、热情洋溢的旅游篇章和发人深省的生活故事,将会带你进入一个美轮美奂的世界,让你的生活散发异彩,让你在聆听心与心的触碰中净化自我、感悟生命的美、提升自我的人生价值。Slide 3: Part 1 How big the world is depends on how broad your heart is.You can fly as long as you have dreams.心有多大,世界就有多大。只要有梦想,就有飞翔的翅膀。Slide 4: Part 2 No one can predict what will happen tomorrow;No one can know if it’s the last time.So what we can do is to do it today and to grasp every chance.谁都无法预料明天会发生什么;谁都不能确定这一次是不是最后一次。所以,我们能做的就是把握今天,把握每一次机会。Slide 5: Part 3 The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何使用这些日子。Slide 6: Part 4 We can’t be stopped by something of unimportance in our way of life.We should do the most important things first.在人生中不要让琐碎的事情成为我们的绊脚石,要把重要的事情放在前面去做。Slide 7: Think of your life in another way If you wake up this morning with more health than illne, you are luckier than the million people who will not wake up this week.If you have food in the fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you have more than 75% of the people in this world.If you have money in the bank and in your wallet, you are one of the top 8% of the richest people.If your parents still alive and still married, you are very fortunate.So: Work like you do not need the money; Love like you have never been hurt.Dance like nobody is watching;Sing like nobody is listening.Live like it is heaven on Earth.到了高三,我们给学生的课外自主阅读的内容当然不可避免的要与高考备考紧密相连。但是高三时间紧各科学习任务重,我们英语老师普遍觉得英语科给学生布置作业是最不好操控的,怎么办呢?我们通过大家的探讨和尝试,摸索出学生自主阅读小老师的方法,很受学生欢迎:每天要求学生阅读两篇文章(大多是五高三模中的各地高考阅读文章,这些文章设题科学规范),然后组织10到20个学生小老师(也可以是每天的值日生)。这些小老师在老师的指导下备好课后,利用早自习或英语课前几分钟给同学们讲解。这样,通过两个多月的阅读小老师尝试,同学们的每天的两篇阅读真正落实到位了,阅读解题能力和词汇量大大提高。
Thank you for your listening!
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