
2020-02-28 其他范文 下载本文











5.对于写景状物类的文章,要注意写出被描写事物的形和神,做到形神兼俱,更重要的是一定要写出作者的思想感情,表达出作者的人生态度和追求等。这类文章我们可以采用“借景抒情”“托物言志”的写作方法。6.写作时要注意时态和人称。一般用第一人称写本人的经历和耳闻目睹的事情,用第三人称写他人经历的事情,记叙文所记的一般是过去发生的事情,所以原则上通常用过去时态来写。(from www.daodoc.com)


My Father

My father is a tall man with a pair of glaes.Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man.He often helps our neighbors and some strangers whom he doesn’t know at all.He has really done a lot for others.I don’t like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time.When I discourage him, he always says with a smile, “The world needs warm hearts.”

My father loves our family, and loves his work even better.In the company, he is called “workaholic”.He spends most of his time working, and he often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result, he doesn’t enjoy good health.My father likes reading in his spare time.He told me reading was very interesting.I became interested in reading little by little.I like books, because they help me in many ways.My father has a bad habit — he likes smoking very much.I hate it.Look, the house is full of smoke.I know it’s bad for his health as well as mine and my mother’s.I advise him to give up smoking.I’m sure he will follow my advice some day.Such is my father.I love him very much.I am proud of having so good a father.【评析】本文是很好地运用了首括句的方法,使我们对作者父亲的特点一目了然。一位严格自律,工作认真,乐于助人,热爱家庭的慈父跃然纸上。同时,我们从文中也感受到浓浓的父女深情。(from www.daodoc.com)

A Visit to Qinhuang Island

Last summer the weather was hotter than usual.Everything was done, but people couldn’t make themselves comfortable.The summer holidays came, and my family decided to go to Qinhuang Island to spend a few days there.On the first day of our trip, we climbed up the hill called Xifeng, which is near the coast.You can’t imagine how wonderful the view is from the top of Xifeng.Here was an overall picture of the small town.We saw lots of white buildings with red roofs among big green trees.There is the vast sea with many little green islands on it.The next day we got up early and went excitedly to the beach near the hotel to watch the sun rising.We looked to the east.The clouds were reddish and then turned bright red.Soon the sun slowly showed half of her face.The sky around the sun was very bright and suddenly the sun had a leap from the sea and her full face appeared with golden rays setting out.The sea looked as if it was covered with red silk.The sight was so beautiful that we would never forget it.Not only is the scenery beautiful there, but the people there are very friendly.We also bought many things there, such as necklaces, shells and a lot of sea-food.To our disappointment, we had to leave the island.But we’ll always remember this trip and the people there.【评析】本文以游记的形式介绍了“秦皇岛”这座海港城市,重点记述了看日出的过程,描写生动,感染力颇强。不仅写了景、物,还写了人,构成一幅生情并茂的图画。

An Unforgettable Night

At 10 o’clock last Saturday night I came out of the cinema.It was cold and the road was covered with snow.Suddenly I saw a woman fall off her bike.She couldn’t get up.I ran to her at once and tried to help her to sit up.She said that her right leg was broken.I was worrying about when a young policeman came over.He called a taxi.I took her to a hospital and telephoned her family about the matter.As I saw the woman was well looked after, I said goodbye to her.I felt happy I could help the woman and I also hope she will be soon getting well.【评析】本文是一篇典型的三段文章,第一段介绍人物、时间及故事的背景;第二段写事件过程;第三段写感受。全文结构紧凑,情节完整。(











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